Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2004:
Arturo René Muñoz

The Ceramic Sequence of Piedras Negras, Guatemala: Type and Varieties

Bolonchac: Interior Slipped. Chacalhaaz Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.   Frog Head. Chacalhaaz Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.   Miseria: Spiked. Chacalhaaz Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.
(Click on images to enlarge.)

The Chacalhaaz Ceramic Phase (A.D. 750–A.D. 850)

The Chacalhaaz ceramic phase lasts from approximately A.D. 750 to A.D. 850.  Chacalhaaz ceramics are found in great quantities in all areas of the site, including every peripheral residential group excavated (Amy Kovak, personal communication 2002). Chacalhaaz is defined by major reduction in the frequency of resist decorated ceramics and an increase in the frequency of positive painting. The most common decorative motif consists of vertical red bars on the exteriors of shallow plates with and without tripod supports. A few examples of vessels decorated in this way have painted designs on their interiors. One particularly well-preserved example is decorated with a leaping fish. It seems likely that many more examples of this type, Bolonchac Orange Polychrome, were decorated with interior designs. However, these are often eroded beyond recognition through use or post-depositional processes.

Another diagnostic motif is the use of a monkey, typically seated, with an arm outstretched and palm upturned on the exteriors of large serving vessels. The origin of this motif is unknown, but it may be related to the decoration found incised on the exteriors of some Chablekal Fine Gray vessels. The frequency of appearance of this and related fine paste types serves as the third major diagnostic for the Chacalhaaz ceramic phase.

Between Yaxche and Chacalhaaz, there is a clear increase in vessels size. During Chacalhaaz serving, storage, and cooking vessels increase dramatically in size and are more heavily built than functionally equivalent forms in the preceding phase. This change in vessel size is accompanied by other important changes in vessel form. These include the appearance of incurving basin with bolstered rims, straight-sided basins with triangular rims, bowls with out-curving walls, and shallow, unslipped plates resembling comales.

Tres Naciones Fine Gray and Fine Orange appear at Seibal no later than about A.D. 830.  At Piedras Negras, the appearance of these types marks the end of the Chacalhaaz ceramic phase and the beginning of the Terminal Classic Kumche phase. Given Piedras Negras peripheral location, it is likely that Tres Naciones and Altar group fine pastes arrived no earlier than about A.D. 850.  Their appearance at the site marks the end of Piedras Negras as a regional power.

Chacalhaaz Ceramic Phase (A.D. 750–A.D. 850)
Ware Group Type Variety Figure
Portal Unslipped Portal Chacalhaaz Alis. Basins
Chichic Portal: Chichic
Miseria Applique Spiked Miseria: Spiked
Hollow Handle  
Granizo Unslipped Granizo  
Metzaboc Unslipped Metzaboc  
Pantano Impressed Pantano Pantano Impressed
Sargento Red-on-Unslipped Sargento Sargento Red-on-Unslipped
Undesig. Mold./Modeled VU Frog Head
Encanto Encanto Striated Encanto Chacalhaaz Striated Basin
Tinaja Tinaja Red Tinaja  
Tractor Tinaja Striated, Exterior
Tinaja Striated, Interior
Siguan Tinaja: Siguan
Chub Perlas Red-Orange Perlas  
Chub Orange Chub  
Subida Orange Subida Subida Cache
Streaky Red-on-Orange VU  
Isleta Fluted Isleta  
Modeled Rim  
Chancala Modeled Chancala Chancala Modeled
Diamante Red-on-Orange Diamante Diamante
Undesig. Mono Orange Inc. VU Orange Mono Incised
Cañon Modeled-Carved Cañon  
Undesig. Chac. Glyph Inc. VU Glyph Incised
Pai Pai Black Pai  
Chilar Fluted Chilar  
Keh Fluted Keh  
Cantil Incised Cantil Cantil
Jato Black-on-Gray Jato Jato Black-on-Gray
El Bosque Simple Incised Bosque El Bosque
Undesig. Black Molded VU  
Buul Buul Brown Buul Buul
Striated Buul: Striated, Exterior
Mal Amigo Zoned Fluted Mal Amigo  
Hormiga Grooved Hormiga  
Raudel Fluted Raudel  
Modeled Rim  
Budsilha Punctate-Incised Budsilha Budsilha
Libertad Incised Libertad Libertad
Pachanga Incised Pachanga  
Chinche Bolonchac Orange Poly. Bolonchac Bolonchac
Interior Slipped Interior Slipped
Guapaque Guapaque
Smudged Interior Smudged
Hutzijan Polychrome Hutzijan Hutzijan
Hutzijan, Interior
Chacalha Orange Polychrome Chacalha Chacalha Polychrome
Chinche Orange Polychrome Chinche  
Buhtil Orange Polychrome Buhtil Buhtil Polychrome
Pirueta Orange Polychrome Pirueta Pirueta Polychrome
Palmar Palmar Orange Polychrome Palmar Palmar: Palmar
Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Cream Poly. Horqueta  
Negra Negra
Interior-Exterior Interior-Exterior
Lemba Cream Polychrome Lemba Lemba: Lemba
Suktan Cream Polychrome Suktan Suktan Plates
Zacatel Chinos Black-on-Cream VU Chinos: VU
Zacatel Cream Polychrome VU Zacatel
Tres Champas Red-on-Cream Tres Champas Tres Champas
Undesig. Cream Polychrome VU  
Chablekal 4  Chablekal Fine Gray Chablekal  
Telchac Composite Telchac Telchac Composite
Chicxulub Incised Chicxulub Chicxulub
Cholul Fluted Cholul Cholul Fluted


  1. This represents an incomplete listing of the Chablekal type and varieties. A more complete listing will be presented in Rands’ forthcoming volume on the Palenque region fine pastes.

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