Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2004:
Arturo René Muñoz

The Ceramic Sequence of Piedras Negras, Guatemala: Type and Varieties

Santa Rosa: Interior-Exterior. Yaxche Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.   Santa Rosa: Negra. Yaxche Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.   Palmar: Resist-Reserve. Yaxche Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.
(Click on images to enlarge.)

The Yaxche Ceramic Phase (A.D. 620–A.D. 750)

Yaxche ceramics have been found in large quantities in all areas of the site, including the peripheral residential groups, in sealed contexts, below inarguably later (Chacalhaaz) materials, and in association with dated monuments. Large lots of unmixed Yaxche phase material were found in several locations across the site including a residential group located just below the Acropolis (Arredondo 1998), a residential group located in the southern end of the site (Romero 1999), and a residential group located west of the Acropolis (Op. 46, Golden 2002).

Though many forms in use at Piedras Negras during this time are similar to forms utilized in the Central Petén, surface decoration is becoming increasingly differentiated from decorative modes found elsewhere in the Maya area. At other Maya sites, positive painting is the primary polychrome decorative mode. At Piedras Negras, however, resist decoration almost completely replaces positive painting as the primary polychrome mode. Santa Rosa Cream Polychrome is the most common resist type at this period, though it is only one of several resist types known from the site. Other resist decorated types include Mataculebra Polychrome, Suktan Cream Polychrome, Lemba Polychrome, and Yokib Incised-Resist.

Positive painted polychromes occur in Yaxche, but are generally a minority type. Common positive painted polychrome types include Saxche and Palmar Orange Polychromes, Coabano Red-on-Orange and Guadua Orange Polychrome. The most common decorative motif consists of bands of pseudoglyphs framed by red and black lines. Other diagnostic positive painted polychrome designs include geometric designs including the use of Tlaloc or year signs motifs on the interiors of shallow plates.

Finally, it is important to note the examples of Chablekal Fine Gray pottery are occasionally found in Yaxche contexts, though much more frequent in later, Chacalhaaz contexts. Chablekal Fine Gray appears in the Palenque region no earlier than about A.D. 730.  Given this, it seems reasonable to conclude Chablekal ceramics did not enter Piedras Negras prior to about A.D. 750.  After this time, the use of resist decoration becomes less common. This shift in decorative technique, along with changes in decorative motif, marks the end of the Yaxche ceramic phase.

Yaxche Ceramic Phase (A.D. 620–A.D. 750)
Ware Group Type Variety Figure
Portal Portal Unslipped Portal  
Texcoco Texcoco Unslipped Filo  
Encanto Petate Striated Petate  
Bos Bos Black Bos  
Tepocate Bichrome Tepocate  
Undesig. Black Fine Line Inc. VU Yaxche Black Fine Line Incised
Kanche Kanche Brown Kanche  
Chencheha Incised Chencheha Chencheja Incised
Undesig. Brown Carved VU Yaxche Brown Carved
Uvalas Uvalas Red-Orange Uvalas  
Tinaja Anaite Red Anaite  
Pachyra Pachyra
Pachyra, Exterior
Tinaja Red Matte  
Tinaja Red Tractor  
Saraguate Saraguate Orange Búho  
Coabano Red-on-Orange Coabano Coabano Pot
Undesig. Monochrome Inc. VU  
Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Cream Poly. Horqueta Santa Rosa: Horqueta
Santa Rosa: Horqueta
Negra Santa Rosa: Negra
Interior-Exterior Santa Rosa: Interior-Exterior
Yokib Incised Resist Yokib Yokib Incised
Suktan Cream Polychrome Suktan Suktan: Suktan
Suktan Plates
VU Suktan: VU
Palmar Saxche Orange Polychrome Saxche Saxche: Saxche
VU Saxche: VU
Guadua Orange Polychrome Guadua Guadua Orange Polychrome
Palmar Orange Polychrome Palmar Palmar: Palmar
Resist-Reserve Palmar: Resist-Reserve
Alas Palmar Polychrome: Alas
Ahk Ahk Incised Ahk  
Pacal Incised Pacal Pacal Incised
Nacimiento Incised Nacimiento Nacimiento Incised
Nacimiento Incised
Undesig. Red and Black on Cream VU Undesig. Red and Black on Cream
Undesignated Fine Line Incised VU  

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