Las Bocas, Puebla, Archaeological Project
Translation of the Spanish by Alex Lomónaco
Vea este informe en Español.

Research Year: 2000
Culture: Olmec
Chronology: Pre-Classic
Location: Puebla, México
Site: Las Bocas-Caballo Pintado
Table of Contents
Problems Faced
Location and Setting
Research Backgrounds
Second Field Season, 1998
Research Proposal for the Third Field Season, 2000
Third Field Season, 2000
Excavations at Unit 1
Archaeological Materials
Lithic Objects
Soil and Charcoal Samples
Burial 2
List of Figures
Sources Cited
The Third Field Season, 2000, of the Las Bocas, Puebla, Archaeological Project was completed thanks to the financial support provided by the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc., (FAMSI), through Grant No. 99041 of December 28, 1999, and the approval of INAHs Archaeology Council, written communication number C.A. 401-36/0128 of February 9, 2000.
The archaeological fieldwork explorations were carried out from May 4 to June 17, 2000, with the authorization by the Direction of the DICPA-INAH, commission document number 401-7-1/228 issued on April 27, 2000, coordinated by archaeologist María de la Cruz Paillés H. and with the support of the following archaeology students from the Universidad de Las Américas: Verónica Velasquez Sánchez-Hidalgo and Andrée Bojalil Daou.
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Submitted 01/25/2001 by: