Imagen - Vasija de Cacao - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2006:
Justine M. Shaw

Informe Final de la Temporada de Campo 2000 en Yo’okop: Mapeo y Recolecciones de Superficie
Justine M. Shaw, Dave Johnstone, y Ruth Krochock
Traducido del Inglés por Alex Lomónaco
View this report in English.

Año de Investigación:  2000
Cultura:  Maya
Cronología:  Clásico Tardío
Ubicación:  Quintana Roo, Yucatán, México
Sitio:  Okop o La Aguada

Tabla de Contenidos

Introducción al Sitio
Caracterización Fisiográfica
Investigaciones Anteriores en Yo’okop
Hipótesis Iniciales
Trazado General del Sitio
Grupo A
Grupo B
Grupo C
Grupo D
Bloque con el glifo "Kalomte" (Piedra C)
Análisis de la Cerámica
Análisis Preliminar de Datos Epigráficos e Iconográficos
Planes para una Futura Documentación de los Monumentos de Piedra Labrada
Discusiones y Conclusiones
Lista de Figuras
Referencias Citadas


The 2000 Yo’okop field season was made possible by grants from the H. John Heinz III Fund of the Heinz Family Foundation (reference number H1305) and the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI project number 99016). Without these funds, our research would not have been possible.

Additionally, the members of Proyecto Arqueológico Yo’okop would like to thank Hugh and Dianne Johnstone and Tom and Mary Lou Shaw for years of unflagging support as we worked toward our goal of running our own research project. Our family and friends have been incredibly patient and supportive. We also would like to thank the following colleagues: David Freidel for giving us the opportunity to first work in the Northern Lowlands, Bill Rathje for his continued encouragement, Vernon Scarborough for reading through drafts of early proposals, Jennifer Mathews for providing us with excellent advice and connections to get started in Quintana Roo, Miguel Astor Aguilera for keeping us sane in the field, Nancy Forand for giving us in-depth information about local culture and politics, Adriana Velázquez Morlet (director of INAH-Quintana Roo) for enabling us in our initial reconnaissance and giving us helpful proposal recommendations, and INAH Nacional for giving us permission to carry out our research.

Finally, and most importantly, we would like to thank the people of Sabán and Huay Max who graciously allowed us to live and work in their ejido during the summer of 2000.  In addition to the crew members we were able to hire, we received countless archaeological (and survival) tips and assistance from individuals throughout the ejido.

2000 Field Crew from the Sabán Ejido
Week One Week Two
Alfonso Moo Uc Quillermo Canche Sansores
Galdino Canche Chimal Gonzalo Poot Poot
Pablo Moo Uc Gerardo Canche Canche
Gregorio Moo Moo Susano Chan Poot
Diego Canche Canche Marcelino Diaz May
Julian Pat Mayay Pablo Poot Poot
Jose Narciso Poot Chan Eliodoro Perera Cab
Arsenio Moo Arnona Estanislao Chan Poot
Luis Chimal Chimal Miguel Canche Cupul
Sebastian Balam Kumul Bernardo Poot Poot
I Polito Dzul Moo Idelfonzo Uc Poot
Guillermo Poot Cohno Graciano Uc Batun
Week Three Week Four
Alfonso Tun Chan Zantiago Chimal May
Isidro Pool Chi Fidel Chan Chi
Miguel C Moo Kanil Evelio Canche Itza
Silverio Pat Tun Juan Noh Moo
Mauro Poot Poot Jose Dolores Diaz May
Nacinto Pool Canche Juan Moo Uc
Pedro Chan Pech Epifanio Cab Chuc
Macximiliano Moo Balam Jose Fuentes Cab
Marcelino Itza Mazun Pedro R Toz Arjona
Filiberto Moo Pat Zacarias Cano Cohuo
Florentino Moo Chan Alvario Moo y Chan
Vicente Poot Kanil Victoriano Dzul Ku
Week Five Week Six
Damiano Moo Arnona Gilberto Canche Zansores
Norberto Poot Cohuo Benjamin Moo Poot
Mariano Noh Moo Rufino Moo Balán
Leoneucario Moo Poot Ermilo Canche Chimal
Maria Lucila Ken Noh Anastacio Poot Poot
Anbrocio Itza Poot Domingo Moo Moo
Aurelio Canche Canche Luis Renan Estrada Blanco
Juan de Dios Moo Balam Benito Canul Chi
Alberto Kanil Poot Fausto Kanil Chan
Petronilo Moo Pat Manuel de Jesus Canche Chimal
Miguel Tun Perez Cristino Moo Moo
Miguel Moo Kanil Mario Kanil Moo
  Alberto Kauil Poot
2000 Sabán Laboratory Crew
Carlos Rene Canche Tejero
Liberato Itza Poot
Elmi Narlene Moo Fuentes
Lincey Moo Kauil
Naybby Raquel Kauil Tun

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Informe Final de la Temporada de Campo 2000 en Yo’okop: Mapeo y Recolecciones de Superficie  (4.21 MB)

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