Report of the 1998 and 1999 Investigations on the Archaeology and Iconography of the Polychrome Stucco Façade of Structure N10-28, Lamanai, Belize
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Research Year: 1999
Culture: Maya
Chronology: Late Classic and Terminal Classic
Location: Belize
Site: Lamanai
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
The Site of Lamanai
The Lamanai Archaeological Project
Previous Work
The 1998 Field Season
Research Design and Objectives
Theoretical Constructs
Section 2: Archaeological Excavations at Structure N10-28
The N10-3 Plaza Group
Structure N10-28
Field Operations and Artifacts
Field Operation 1
Field Operation 2
Field Operation 3
Field Operation 4
Other Lot Numbers from July 1999 Excavations
Removal of the N10-3 Plaza Core
Field School Investigations
Section 3: A Preliminary Analysis of the Stucco Façade of Structure N10-28
General Observations on Context, Style, and Comparative Facades
Catalog of Stucco Fragments (as of January 2000) (Figure 3:2 - Figure 3:99)
Section 4: Concluding Remarks
Summary of Excavations
Iconographic Summary
Future Research
List of Tables
List of Figures
Sources Cited
Appendix 1: General Improvement to the Bodega of Lamanai
Appendix 2: Lot Numbers from Structure N10-28
This research project centers on a collection of ca. 2000 polychrome fragments of modeled stucco that was once upper zone decoration of Structure N10-28 at Lamanai, Belize. This collection consists of a variety of motifs and decorative elements, including a central figure (an ahau), subsidiary elites, and supernatural figures associated with royal power. Small-scale excavations were undertaken along the western and southwestern faces of the structure to recover more stucco fragments and to clarify some architectural data. During this field season, it was planned to fully analyze the complete collection. However, a variety of factors, namely expansion of excavations, did not allow me to complete this objective. Therefore, the discussion in this report should be considered preliminary, pending completion in an estimated two more full field seasons. Concomitant to this project was the need to safely store and conserve the collection in a secure environment, which has now been largely addressed. This report presents the findings of the 1999 archaeological excavations on Structure N10-28, and presents a summary discussion of iconographical elements found in the collection. This is one of the few collections of Terminal Classic Mayan sculpture, presenting a unique opportunity to study Maya iconography at a time of stability for Lamanai, while the rest of the Lowlands was in a period of decline.
Este proyecto de investigación está centrado en una colección de ca. 2000 fragmentos polícromos de estucos modelados que en algún momento decoraron la zona de la parte superior de la Estructura N10-28 de Lamanai, Belice. Esta colección consta de una variedad de motivos y elementos decorativos, entre los que se cuenta una figura central (un ahau), élites secundarias, y figuras sobrenaturales asociadas con el poderío real. Para recuperar más fragmentos de estuco y para clarificar algunos datos arquitectónicos, se llevaron a cabo excavaciones en menor escala a lo largo de las caras oeste y sudoeste de la estructura. Durante esta temporada de campo, estaba previsto analizar la colección en su totalidad. Sin embargo, diversos factores, concretamente la expansión de las excavaciones, no me permitieron cumplir con este objetivo. Por lo tanto, la discusión en este informe deberá ser considerada como preliminar, y su finalización quedará en suspenso hasta que se completen lo que estimamos serán dos temporadas enteras más de trabajo de campo. Paralela a este proyecto, estaba la necesidad de guardar a buen recaudo y conservar la colección en un entorno seguro, temas a los que se les ha prestado suma atención. Este informe presenta los hallazgos de las excavaciones que se realizaron en 1999 en la Estructura N10-28, y presenta una discusión resumida de los elementos iconográficos encontrados en la colección. Esta es una de las pocas colecciones escultóricas del Maya Clásico Terminal, lo cual presenta una oportunidad única para estudiar la iconografía maya de una época de estabilidad en Lamanai, en un momento en que el resto de las tierras bajas pasaba por un período de decadencia.
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Report of the 1998 and 1999 Investigations on the Archaeology and Iconography of the Polychrome Stucco Façade of Structure N10-28, Lamanai, Belize (8.29 MB)
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Submitted 02/01/2000, queries should be directed to:
University of Alabama Museums