Ancient Manipulation of Wetlands in the Northern Maya Lowlands:
Report on Archaeological Investigations of 1996-97
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Research Year: 1996
Culture: Maya
Chronology: Late Pre-Classic
Location: Quintana Roo, México
Site: Yalahau Region
Table of Contents
Goals of the 1996-97 Field Seasons
The Wetland Survey
Test Excavation at Wetland Features
Settlement Survey
Test Excavations at Residential Sites
Terrain and Soil Sampling Along the Survey Baseline
Reconnaissance and Mapping in the El Edén Area
List of Figures
Sources Cited
Field investigations in the Yalahau region of northern Quintana Roo, México, provide the first confirmed evidence for ancient management of wetlands in the northern Maya Lowlands. Constructed features within a seasonally inundated wetland at the El Edén Ecological Reserve consist of alignments of limestone boulders and slabs apparently intended to function as dikes and check-dams to control water and sediments. Associated settlements have been assigned to the Late Preclassic period (ca. 100 B.C. - A.D. 400). Potential uses of the wetlands include intensive cultivation of domesticates, management and harvesting of periphyton for use as fertilizer, and management of edible wetland resources such as cattail (Typha latifolia) and apple snails (Pomacea flagellata).
Las investigaciones de campo en la región de Yalahau al norte de Quintana Roo, México, proporcionan la primera evidencia confirmada del manejo, en la antigüedad, de tierras pantanosas en las tierras bajas mayas del norte. Los elementos construídos dentro de un pantano que se inunda estacionalmente en la Reserva Ecológica El Edén, consisten en alineamientos de rocas de piedra caliza y losas hechos con la aparente intención de que funcionaran como diques y represas para controlar el agua y los sedimentos. Se han asignado asentamientos asociados con el período Preclásico Tardío (ca. 100 a.C. - 400 d.C.). Entre los usos potenciales de los terrenos pantanosos está el cultivo intensivo de plantas domesticadas, el control y cosecha del perifitón para su uso como fertilizante, y el control de los recursos comestible de las tierras pantanosas tales como la enea (Typha latifolia) y los caracoles de agua dulce (Pomacea flagellata).
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Submitted 12/01/1997 by: