The Archaeology of Early Formative Chalcatzingo, Morelos, México, 1995
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Research Year: 1995
Culture: Olmec
Chronology: Early Pre-Classic
Location: Morelos, México
Site: Chalcatzingo
Table of Contents
Results of Field Investigations
Excavations of the Platform Mound
Excavation of the Test Units
Excavation of New Monument
Results of Laboratory Investigations
Conclusion: Significance of Research and Future Plans
List of Figures
Sources Cited
This research project reports on the earliest monumental constructions at the site of Chalcatzingo, Morelos. The site of Chalcatzingo, located 120 kilometers southeast of México City in the state of Morelos, is situated at the base of two large hills on the only good expanse of agricultural land for many miles.
Este proyecto de investigación informa sobre las construcciones monumentales más tempranas en el sitio de Chalcatzingo, Morelos. El sitio de Chalcatzingo, ubicado a 120 kilómetros al sureste de la Ciudad de México en el estado de Morelos, está situado en la base de dos colinas grandes en la única extensión de tierra agrícola buena por muchas millas.
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Submitted 12/01/1997 by:
Maria Aviles