The Canoe in the Cave: A Foundational Shrine at Uxbenká?
Interim Report

Research Year: 2007
Culture: Maya
Chronology: Late Preclassic
Location: Toledo District, Belize
Site: Kayuko Naj Tunich
Table of Contents
Interim Report
List of Figures
The following is a brief interim report on salvage operations conducted at Kayuko Naj Tunich (Kayuko Cave) by the Uxbenká Cave Project (UCP). The cave was reported in 1996 by the Uxbenká Archaeological Project (UAP). It is located 2.3 km due south of the site of Uxbenká in a cliff face over 200 m above the valley floor. Based on a brief reconnaissance, the site proved to be heavily looted but was found to contain a carved wooden canoe-like object, stone architecture, and a masonry feature thought to be a tomb. This year's six-week season of salvage operations investigated these features and collected material for further analyses.
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Submitted 09/13/2007 by:
, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
Wichita State University