Cerro Danush: An Exploration of the Late Classic Transition in the Tlacolula Valley, Oaxaca

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Research Year: 2007
Culture: Zapotec
Chronology: Late Classic
Location: Oaxaca Valley, México
Site: Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl
Table of Contents
Notes on Dating and Ceramic Phase for the Valley of Oaxaca
Project Goals and Theoretical Approach
Field Opperations 2007 2008
Site Mapping Procedures
Discussion of Features Mapped on Cerro Danush
Rock Paintings
Natural Springs
Man-Made Terraces
Surface Collection Procedures
Artifact Analysis Procedures
Initial Conclusions and Interpretations
Cerro Danush in the Late Postclassic Period, A.D. 1200-1521
Cerro Danush: Ritual Landscape and the Festival of the Cross
Cerro Danush in the Ealry Postcalssic Period, A.D. 900 1200
The Oaxaca Valley in the Late Classic Period, A.D. 500 900
Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl in the Late Classic Period, A.D. 500 900
Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl as a District Center
List of Figures
Sources Cited
This report describes and provides preliminary interpretations for the 2007-2008 field season of mapping and surface collection conducted on Cerro Danush at the site of Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl in Oaxaca, Mexico. Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl is an expansive settlement that was an important part of the Prehispanic Zapotec tradition. Over 130 man-made terraces were mapped, all dating to the Late Classic period (500-900 A.D.), and a large terrace complex found at the summit of Cerro Danush is interpreted as the civic-ceremonial center of the site during that time. I argue that the Late Classic shift in civic-ceremonial focus away from Cerro Dainzú to Cerro Danush implies direct involvement at the site from the nearby urban center of Monte Albán.
Este informe describe y proporciona las interpretaciones preliminares para la temporada del campo 2007-2008 de traz y de la recolección superficial conducidos en Cerro Danush en el sitio de Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl en Oaxaca, México. Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl es un establecimiento expansivo que tenía una parte importante de la tradición zapoteca prehispanica. Sobre 130 terrazas artificiales se trazó, todo fechando al período Clásico Tardío (500-900 A.D.), y un complejo grande de terrazas encontrado en la cumbre de Cerro Danush se interpreta como el centro civico-ceremonial del sitio durante ese tiempo. Discuto que la transición del período Clásico Tadío en foco de centro civico-ceremonial lejos de Cerro Dainzú hacía Cerro Danush implique la intervención directa en el sitio del centro urbano próximo de Monte Albán.
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Submitted 03/25/2008 by:
Ronald Faulseit
Tulane University
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