Proyectos Costa Maya and Ciudad Caucel: Archaeological Survey of Northwestern Yucatán: Ceramic and Lithic Analysis
With the assistance of: Teresa Ceballos Gallareta and Nancy Peniche May

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Research Year: 2007
Culture: Maya
Chronology: Middle Preclassic to Modern
Location: State of Yucatán, Northwest Corner of Yucatán Peninsula, México
Sites: Tzemé, Xtobo, Xcopté, Caucel, Xanilá, Anicabil
Table of Contents
Introduction: Project Summary and Update
Ceramic Analysis Summary
Xanilá Ceramic Complex (~1000-800/700 BCE250 CE)
Anicabil Ceramic Complex (~250-550 CE)
Cehpech Horizon (550-1100 CE)
Western Tases Horizon (1100-1542 CE)
Lithic Analysis Summary
Summary and Conclusions
List of Figures
List of Tables
Sources Cited
This report presents an overview of the results of the Costa Maya and Ciudad Caucel Projects obtained up to the end of 2007, as well as summaries of the results of the analysis of ceramics and lithic artifacts from both projects. The conclusions briefly discuss some of the implications of the research, and their contribution to our understanding of the development of civilization in the northern Maya Lowlands.
Este reporte presenta un bosquejo de los resultados de los Proyectos Costa Maya y Ciudad Caucel obtenidos hasta fines de 2007, y resúmenes de los resultados del análisis de la cerámica y de los artefactos líticos de ambos proyectos. Las conclusiones esbozan las implicaciones de la investigación y su contribución a nuestro conocimiento del desarrollo de la civilización en el septentrión de las tierras bajas del área Maya.
Click to download the report in PDF format:
Proyectos Costa Maya and Ciudad Caucel: Archaeological Survey of Northwestern Yucatán: Ceramic and Lithic Analysis (1.16 MB)
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Submitted 03/16/2008 by:
Anthony P. Andrews
New College of Florida
Sarasota, FL 34243
Fernando Robles Castellanos
Centro INAH Yucatán
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Mérida, Yucatán, México
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