Documentation of Colonial K'ichee' Dictionaries and Grammars
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Research Year: 2006
Culture: Maya
Chronology: Colonial
Location: South Central Guatemala
Site: Quetzaltenango
Table of Contents
Project Description
PrincetonGarrett-Gates Collection of Mesoamerican Mss. (CO744)
Dictionaries and Phrase Books
GGMA mss., no. 159
GGMA mss., no. 160
GGMA mss., no. 161
GGMA mss., no. 162
GGMA mss., no. 163a
GGMA mss., no. 166
GGMA mss., no. 164
GGMA mss., no. 165
HarvardSpecial Collections at the Tozzer Library
C.A.6 V 85
C.A.6 C 73
C.A.6 T 83
Note on the Anonymous Franciscan K'ichee' Dictionary
Note on Missionary Linguistics
Sources Cited
The objective of the project for which I received generous support from FAMSI is the documentation of colonial and post-colonial K'ichee' dictionaries and grammars from the holdings of the Princeton University Library and the Tozzer Library at Harvard University. This research is the first step in the prospective plan to compile and edit a comprehensive colonial K'ichee' dictionary.
El objetivo de este proyecto, para el que recibí el apoyo generoso de Famsi, es la documentación de diccionarios y gramáticas k'ichee' del periodo colonial y post-colonial en los acervos de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Princeton y la Biblioteca Tozzer de la Universidad de Harvard. Esta investigación es el primer paso dentro de un plan a futuro para compilar y editar un diccionario k'ichee' colonial comprehensivo.
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Documentation of Colonial K'ichee' Dictionaries and Grammars (291 KB)
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Submitted 11/20/2007 by:
Frauke Sachse
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