Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2007:
Marc N. Levine

The Tututepec Archaeological Project (TAP):
Residential Excavations at Yucu Dzaa, a Late Postclassic Mixtec Capital on the Coast of Oaxaca, México
Vea este informe en Español.

Figure 11. Mixteca-Puebla Polychrome with "Skull and Crossbones".

Research Year:  2005
Culture:  Mixtec
Chronology:  Late Postclassic
Location:  Oaxaca, México
Site:  Yucu Dzaa (Tututepec)

Table of Contents

Research Objectives
Residence A Excavations
Residence B Excavations
Operation C Excavations
Discussion of Residential Architecture>
Material Culture and Consumption Patterns
Craft and Food Production
Exchange at Yucu Dzaa
List of Figures
Sources Cited


Yucu Dzaa (Tututepec) was the capital of the most powerful polity in Late Postclassic (A.D. 1100-1522) Oaxaca, México. Prior to the Spanish entrada, the Yucu Dzaa Mixtec had conquered most of coastal Oaxaca and additional highland communities. This report provides the preliminary results of the Tututepec Archaeological Project (TAP), the first excavations to focus on Late Postclassic Yucu Dzaa. The excavations were carried out at three residential areas and the results are yielding new insights regarding the domestic and political economy of this important center and its relationship with other regions of Mesoamerica.


Yucu Dzaa (Tututepec) fue la capital del centro más poderoso en Oaxaca, México, durante el periodo Postclásico Tardío (1100-1522 d.C.). Antes de la llegada de los españoles, los mixtecos de Yucu Dzaa conquistaron la mayor parte de la costa oaxaqueña y algunas comunidades adicionales del altiplano de Oaxaca. El presente informe expone los resultados preliminares del Proyecto Arqueológico de Tututepec (PAT), las primeras excavaciones que se han concentrado en el Yucu Dzaa del período Postclásico Tardío. Las excavaciones se llevaron a cabo en tres áreas residenciales. Los resultados están produciendo visiones nuevas en referencia a la economía doméstica y política de este importante centro y su relación con otras regiones de Mesoamérica.

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The Tututepec Archaeological Project: Residential Excavations at Yucu Dzaa, a Late Postclassic Mixtec Capital on the Coast of Oaxaca, México  (1.65 MB)

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Submitted 09/06/2006 by:
Marc N. Levine
University of Colorado at Boulder

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