Proto-Urban Social Transformations and Community Organization at La Laguna, Tlaxcala, During the Late Pre-Classic
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Research Year: 2005
Cultures: Tlaxcalan, Teotihuacán
Chronology: Late Pre-Classic (c. 600 B.C. A.D. 100)
Location: Tlaxcala, México
Site: La Laguna
Table of Contents
Location and Chronology of La Laguna
Excavations in Domestic Areas
Area F
Area I
Proto-Urban Social Transformations
Economic Specialization
Status Differentiation
Religious Integration
List of Figures
Sources Cited
This report details the recent excavations at the site of La Laguna, Tlaxcala, (occupied circa 600 BC 100 AD, located in the "Teotihuacan Corridor" as designated by Archaeologist Ángel García Cook), and the abandonment of which coincides with the urbanization and political expansion of that great city. The excavations were focused in two residential areas of the site: the first in the periphery of the community, and the second in its center. We were able to document certain specialized production activities, particularly those associated with the maguey process and obsidian carving. It is possible that such activities could have contributed to the inter-regional exchange, which brought foreign products to La Laguna. For the distribution of earflares (orejeras), we suggest that there may have been subtle variations between the inhabitants of the periphery of the community and those from the center the first having only earflares made from clay, of a solid and hollow form, and the second with hollow earflares, decorated, and made of jade.
Changes in the obsidian exchange network were inferred based on a geochemical study utilizing LA-ICP-MS, which showed a growth in the importance of the deposits from Pachuca, Hidalgo during the Terminal Formative. It is possible that these changes were followed by the religious integration of the Central Highlands during the Late Formative, when the representation of several gods from the pantheon of the Classic and Postclassic, (including Huehueteotl, Tlaloc, and Xipe-Totec), existed at La Laguna and other large and small contemporary sites. With ongoing analyses and new excavations we hope to shed some light on the social processes which transformed the community during this key period in the history of the Highlands.
Este informe detalla las excavaciones recientes en el sitio La Laguna, Tlaxcala, ocupado cerca de 600 a.C.100 d.C., ubicado en el "corredor teotihuacano" designado por el Aqo. Ángel García Cook, y el abandono, que coincide con la urbanización y expansión política de aquella gran urbe. Las excavaciones se enfocaron en dos áreas residenciales del sitio: la primera en la periferia de la comunidad, y la segunda en su centro. Logramos documentar ciertas actividades de producción especializadas, particularmente aquellas asociadas con el proceso del maguey y la talladura de obsidiana. Es posible que tales actividades pudieron haber contribuido al intercambio interregional el cual trajo productos extranjeros a La Laguna. Por la distribución de las orejeras, sugerimos que pudo haber variedades sutiles entre los habitantes de la periferia de la comunidad y de los del centro el primero teniendo solo orejeras hechas de barro de forma sólida y hueca, y el segundo teniendo orejeras huecas, decoradas, y hechas de jade.
Se concluyeron cambios en las redes de intercambio de obsidiana en base a un estudio geoquímico utilizando LA-ICP-MS, que mostró un crecimiento en la importancia de los yacimientos de Pachuca, Hidalgo, durante el Formativo Terminal. Es posible que a estos cambios le siguieron la integración religiosa del altiplano central durante el Formativo Tardío, cuando existía la representación de varios dioses del panteón del Clásico y Posclásico en La Laguna (incluyendo el Huehueteotl, Tlaloc, y Xipe-Toteca) y otros sitios contemporáneos, grandes y pequeños. Esperamos traer luz a los procesos sociales con los análisis en curso y nuevas excavaciones, que transformaron la comunidad durante este período clave en la historia del altiplano.
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Submitted 02/01/2006 by:
David M. Carballo
Department of Anthropology
University of Oklahoma
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