Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2005:
Carolyn M. Audet

Baking Pot Codex Restoration Project, Belize
Vea este informe en Español.

Figure 11. Polychrome dish: Serpents [Drawing: Gustavo Valenzuela]. Click to enlarge.

Research Year:  2003
Culture:  Maya
Chronology:  Late Classic
Location:  Belize
Site:  Baking Pot

Table of Contents


Section I
Discovery of Tomb 2, Baking Pot, Belize
Tomb 2

Section II - Harriet Beaubien
Excavation of the Artifacts
Goals of Conservation and Technical Analysis
Description of the Artifacts
Goals of the Project
Artifact Conservation
Stabilization for Transport
List of Components
Conservation of Artifact R at SCMRE
Technical Study of Paint Flakes
Paint Layer Composition
Ground Layer Composition
Painting Technique and Decorative Scheme
Indicators of the Original Substrate(s)
Preliminary Interpretation of the Artifacts
Object Types
Contributions to Technical Studies of Maya Painting Traditions

List of Figures
Sources Cited


During the 2002 field season a decayed stuccoed artifact was uncovered in a tomb at the site of Baking Pot. Initially, we believed that the painted stucco could be the remains of an ancient Maya codex. After funds were secured, Harriet Beaubien traveled to Belize to recover the material and bring it to the Smithsonian Institute for conservation and analysis. After more than a year of painstaking study Beaubien determined that the artifact was not a codex, but rather a number of smaller artifacts, similar in style and composition to gourds found at Cerén, El Salvador.


Durante la temporada 2002, se encontró un artefacto de estuco en mal estado de preservación en una tumba de Baking Pot. En un principio, pensamos que el estuco pintado podrían ser los restos de un códice maya. Una vez asegurados los fondos necesarios, Harriet Beaubien viajó a Belice para recuperar el material y llevarlo al Instituto de Conservación de la Smithsonian para su conservación y análisis. Después de más de un año de arduos estudios, Beaubien llegó a la conclusión de que el artefacto no era un códice sino un número de artefactos más pequeños, parecidos en su estilo y composición a las calabazas que se encontraron en Cerén, El Salvador.

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Baking Pot Codex Restoration Project, Belize  (1.74 MB)

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Submitted 03/05/2005 by:

Vanderbilt University

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