Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2005:
Hans Roskamp

Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Metallurgy in Jicalán, Michoacán, México: An Archaeological Survey

List of Figures

Figure   1.  The Lienzo de Jicalán. (Photograph: El Colegio de Michoacán.)
Figure   2.  The founding of Xiuhquilan or Jicalán according to the Lienzo. (Photograph: El Colegio de Michoacán.)
Figure   3.  The migration and mining routes in the Lienzo de Jicalán. (Photograph: El Colegio de Michoacán.)
Figure   4.  Map of Michoacán showing the mining routes mentioned in the Lienzo de Jicalán.
Figure   5.  Map of the archaeological site of Jicalán el Viejo.
Figure   6.  View of the pyramid of Jicalán el Viejo (facing south).
Figure   7.  Evidence of recent activities by plunderers.
Figure   8.  View of the chapel and atrium (facing south).
Figure   9.  Inside view of the chapel (facing the atrium).
Figure 10.  Partial view of the main habitational complex (facing north).
Figure 11.  View of a terrace wall of the main habitational complex (facing north).
Figure 12.  View of the habitational complex in the eastern part of the site.
Figure 13.  Petroglyph with maquette motives (observe the stairways).
Figure 14.  Petroglyph with anthropomorphic motive.
Figure 15.  Selection of the lithic artifacts found in Jicalán el Viejo.
Figure 16.  View of the canyon to the northwest of the archaeological site.

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