Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2003:
Paul Schmidt

Surface Archaeology in the Chilapa-Zitlala Area of Guerrero, México, Season I
Vea este informe en Español.


Figure 16. The Tisquitzín mountain.

Research Year:  2003
Culture:  Aztec, Mixtec and Olmec
Chronology:  Early Pre-Classic to Post Classic
Location:  Guerrero, México
Site:  Chilapa-Zitlala Area, (see list of sites)

Table of Contents

Fieldwork - Methodology>
Artifact Analysis or Analysis of Materials
Preliminary Conclusions
Future Field Seasons
Research Team
List of Figures
Sources Cited


Planned as a three-year project, the main objective is to define a local chronology and describe the cultural materials and the settlement pattern for this area in the Lower Mountain area of the state of Guerrero. Fifty-seven sites were located during the first season (2003) ranging from very small (a few square meters) to 66 hectares. Preliminary analysis of the information recovered suggests that, except for the Early Classic, there was uninterrupted occupation of the area from the Early Formative through the Postclassic periods.


Planeado como un proyecto a tres años, el objetivo principal es definir una cronología local y describir los materiales culturales y el patrón de asentamiento para esta área, localizada en la Montaña Baja de Guerrero. Durante esta primera temporada (2003), se localizaron 57 sitios, que abarcan desde los muy chicos, de apenas unos metros cuadros, hasta uno de 66 hectáreas. El análisis preliminar de la información recobrada sugiere una ocupación ininterrumpida en el área desde el Formativo Temprano hasta el Posclásico, a excepción del Clásico Temprano, período que aún no queda claro.

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Surface Archaeology in the Chilapa-Zitlala Area of Guerrero, México, Season I  (2.25 MB)

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Submitted 10/08/2003 by:

Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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