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Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

Exemplos. Sacados de la sagrada escritura =              [p.324-346]
Examples Taken from the Sacred Scripture

The following eleven ejemplos are addressed to an audience of young men, cech mehene,74  you who are a youth, probably by a maestro to the students in one of the schools established by the Franciscans during the early evangelization period. They are well chosen to divert as well as edify. The author creates conversations between humans and devils, angels, and ghosts returned from beyond death. Lurid details enliven the didactic tales. A warrior is ripped apart by wild beasts as punishishment for failing to fulfill the final testament of his comrade. Youths thrown into a fiery oven emerge unscathed through God’s protection. A heroic mother watches as one son’s tongue and hand are cut off and another son is flayed, and still encourages her surviving sons to resist an order to eat pork. A young woman is visited by the ghost of a former friend who reappears with her face in flames to reveal that she dwells in hell for unconfessed inchastity in her youth, although to outward appearances she led a devout life as an adult. St. Joseph, son of Jacob, is falsely accused by his master’s wife of an attempt on her virtue, and imprisoned for this crime.

Several of the tales involve issues which are legal as well as moral, like the failure to implement the provisions of a will and the bearing of false testimony. Perhaps the most interesting case is the ejemplo titled Como persiguen los demonios a los castos (ms. p.343). A nonbeliever is travelling when night falls; he then seeks shelter in hunppel na heklay yotoch kuob cuchi ti ma ococ uinic ti christianoyle, in a house which was a home for the deities formerly, before people had entered into Christianity. While lying there feigning sleep, the traveller witnesses a gathering of devils who give accounts to their leader of their activities among men. Deemed the most successful among the devils is one who tells of his pursuit of halach uinic Obispo uay tu cuch cahal loe, the official, the Bishop, that one who is in office here in town. The devil has succeeded in tempting the Bishop to lay hands on a woman who prepares food in his household. The head devil congratulates his minion, and admonishes him to complete his work, yoklal hach ci tin cal ca a payab u beel halach uinic ti kebane, "because it is really sweet to my gullet when you lead a halach uinic into sin." At this point, the devils notice the traveller and try to throw him out, which they are unable to do when he crosses himself, even though he is not a Christian. Later, the traveller denounces the Bishop before an ecclesiatic judge. At first the Bishop denies the charge of immorality, but when the traveller relates his experience with the devils, the Bishop confesses, repents, and evicts the woman from his home. The traveller converts to Christianity and is baptized by the Bishop. Two morals are drawn at the end of the story. First, "see how much care the devil takes to ensnare leaders and officials, because if he makes them fall into sin, soon the rest of the community will follow." Second, "women are like a spark of fire which enflames the heart of men; women are the bait with which the devil fishes."

While these ejemplos parallel material in Coronel’s Discursos predicables, neither text seems to be a strict copy of the other. Not all the ejemplos published by Coronel appear in this manuscript, although missing pages make it impossible to be sure which ones may have been included originally. In one case, the order of two tales is reversed. Some editing has occurred. In the ejemplo titled Como son grandes las penas del purgatorio (ms. p.331), an angel offers a dying man the choice between a year of suffering on earth or one day in Purgatory. The man tries Purgatory, but complains to the angel that one day there seems like yaab u katunil, many scores of years. The final line describes the pains of Purgatory as unendurable, ma mukbentzil u numya. Coronel omits this line, perhaps judging it unorthodox. Other editing alters the poetic structure, rather than the meaning. A description of the youths in the fiery oven who survive ti mayx eli u mexob y. mayx eli u tzotzelob, without scorching their beards and without scorching their hair, is reduced by Coronel to ti ma eli u mexob y. u tzotzelob, disrupting the second half of the couplet and eliminating the alliteration. The relationship between this manuscript and the works published by Coronel merits further study.

Dziban. tu kahlail. u beel san[ctoob]
It has been written in the memorial of the deeds of the saints,

yoltici. ca yumil Dios: V yetes V yetppissan babal. ti huntul yetail.
that our lord God wished to demonstrate a parable to one of His companions,

ca tuxchitah huntul Angel. payic U beel ti poc che. ti kaax = cuchie:
so He sent an angel to lead him into the woods, into the forest, back then,

Ca hoppi yilic huntul Uinic. U tan U kaxic U sij = U cuchub cuchie =
so that he began to see a man who is tying up his wood to carry it, back then.

tu chij ca Dzocij U kaxice = ca u ppisahuba U cuchub.
Then when he had finished tying it, then he struggled to carry it,

mayx liki tumen yoklal alil cuchi =
and he could not rise because of its weight, back then.

ca tun hoppi U chaic U chayan sij =
So then he began to take the rest of the wood,

U lot kaxtei = U ppicilte U cuch =
to tie it on, adding it on to his load,

cayx U ppisahUba U cuchub paynum alil yubah =              [p.325]
and when he stuggled to carry it, even greater weight he felt,

cayx hoppi U Dzacbesic U chayan sij = U ppicil U cuch75  xan
and then he began to add to it the rest of the wood, his extra load also;

yoklal liuil = salhal U cah u cuch sij = tu than =
since it was light, his load of firewood would become light, it seemed to him,

tamuk. U paynumcinic = U chayan cuchie =
while it made the rest of it greater, back then.

ca tun yalah angel ti yetail Dios
So then the angel said to the companion of God:

ohelte lay yet ppisan ah kebanob Uay yokol cab loe=
"Know that this is comparable to those sinners here on earth,

heklay U yolahob likil. U lukul tu kebanob - ti lobal loe =
those who wish to rise up, to escape from their sins, in vain,

heix ti talan tu Dzi yolobe = ca u Dzacbes keban lic u bineli = latulah U lubulob.
since with difficulty may they imagine, that they add on sin as they go, until they fall;

U cuchob = U hach yail numya: tu kakil mitnal =
their burden is really severe suffering in fiery hell."

bay licil. yabcunnic keban loe
Thus it is that sin becomes great.76


El Demonio = no uence = sino al que. se quiere = dexar = vencer =
The Devil Does Not Conquer, Except for He who Wishes to Let Himself Be Conquered

Yan huntul =yx ma ocolal = y ah ma ocolal ti huntzuc ti cah cuchie -
There were a female infidel and a male infidel in one part of town, back then;

Zipryano. U kaba.              [p.326]
Ciprian was his name.77

ca ua U Dziboltah huntul suhuy = yetail Dios =
Since he desired a virgin, a companion of God,

Iustina U kaba cuchi -
Justina was her name, back then,

ca yilah Zipriano = mayl Uchac U tabsic. chuplale =
when Ciprian saw that he was not able to ensnare the girl,

mayx tan U kunhal yol suhuy = ti cuchie =
nor was the heart of the virgin softening towards him, back then,

ca u payah ciçin anticcie = ca yalah ti.
then he called the devil to help him, and he said to him,

ohelte. yn hach Dzibolmayl = chuplal. Iustinae =
"Know that I have really desired the girl, Justina,

maix kuchan [yn u]78  chucil = Uchebal yn tabçice =
and my power is insufficient in order that I ensnare her;

habla xen tabes yn mahante = kunesix yol ten
therefore, go ensnare her on my behalf, and soften her heart towards me."

ca tun bini ciçin = U ppizUba U tabes U palil Dios cuchi =
So then the devil went, to struggle to ensnare the servant of God, back then,

mayx chanhi xan ca tun yalah ciçin ti =
and he was not sufficiently powerful either, so then the devil said to him,

Zipriano = [ohel]te ma chan tabsah ti Iustiana loe =
"Ciprian, know that there is nothing able to ensnare Justina,

yoklal hahal christianoyl = maixbal yn taclic = ti hahal christianobe =
because of (her) true Christianity, and I have no concern with true Christians;

Ua hicij ca u caye olte = U christianoyle = hij tumtabac tinmenel loe =
if it were those that doubt their Christianity, those could be tempted by me,

heuac ma chan yuchucil yokol yutzil christianoob [cu than] cisin
but (my) power is insufficient over good Christians," said the devil.

ca tun hoppi = U paktumtic Sipriano lae = lay tun chunpahci = U ppecic ciçin
Then when Ciprian began to consider this, because of this began his hating the devil,

ti lic yocol ti yetailil Dios loe =              [p.327]
while entering into the company of God, then.

habla Ua[hahal]79  a christianoyl. cech mehene
Therefore, if your Christianity is true, you child,

bal[x a sahtic] ti ciçinob y. U tabzeche =
what do you fear with devils, and their ensnaring you,

yoklal ma chan yuchucil. a uokol lae
since their power is insufficient over you?


El Demonio = teme la cruz =
The Devil Fears the Cross

He ti ma ococ ti christianoyl. san cristobal cuchie =
Back when St. Christopher had not entered into Christianity,

xache u cah tu nohol ahau = yan ti balcah tuçinil -
he was searching for the greatest lord there was on earth anywhere,

ca utzac U tan[lic] U kati cuchi loe
in order that he might serve him, back then.80

ca ua oci yetun - huntul ahau =
Therefore when he entered the service of a king,

heklay lic U chicilbesic. U uich ti cruz = sançamal loe =
one who signed his face with the cross81  everyday,

ca yalah san cristoual82  ti = yumile bax u Uilal a [chicil]beçic a uiche
then St. Christopher said to him, "Lord, what is the reason you cross yourself?"

ca yalah ahau = lic in chicilbesic yn uich ti cruz = y. chicbesicynba =
Then the king said, "(The reason) that I sign my face with the cross and cross myself,

Uchebal yn puDzlic ciçin = yoklal [sahac]ten ti =
is in order that I flee the devil, because I am afraid of him."

ca yalah san cristoual ti habla U lahi tun yn tanliceche =
Then St. Christopher said to him, "Well, that is the end of my serving you,

yoklal [xache] in cah tu nohol ahau yan ti balcah tusinil
because I am searching for the greatest lord there is on earth anywhere,

layx yn kati yn xache te ciçin loe yoklal paynumil nohil a uokole              [p.328]
and for this I wish to find the devil because he is greater, above you,

Uahij ma yan U tibib teche = ci yalabal ti ahau = tumen san cristoual =
otherwise you would not fear him," so it is said to the king by St. Christopher.

ca tun bini san christoual. U xachete ciçin = mayx tac xanhij - U chictahal ti.
So then St. Christopher went to seek the devil and before long he appeared to him.

ca yalah cisin = tabx a binel. christouale =
Then the devil said, "Where are you going, Christopher?"

ca yalah Sanct christoual ti = benel yn cah yn xachete ciçin =
Then St. Christopher said to him, "I am going to search for the devil,"

yoklal U uyahma. U pectzil [in ka]tijx yn tanle =
because he had heard his fame, "and I wish to serve him."

ca yalah ciçine [tenibe]
Then the devil said, "So, I am he."

ca hoppi. U cacathil ximbal.
Then they began to walk as a twosome,

ti laachi tu lah. U kuchul. tu hol cah = yanil cruz cuchi =
until finally they arrived at the edge of town where there was a cross, back then.

ca u xoybetah = yetel U xaxbetah cruz. ciçine =
Then the devil circled and side-stepped the cross.

ca tun yalah san cristobal ti ciçine =
So then St. Christopher said to the devil,

bax U chun. a xaxbetic. y. a xoybetic cruz
"What is the reason you circle and side-step the cross,

ti lic a uocol ti ych ticilix yah ticil tuniche83 =
while you enter with difficulty among the stones?"

ca yalah ciçin = yoklal sahacen ti cruz lay cimci Jhesu christo loe =
Then the devil said, "Because I am afraid of the cross on which Jesus Christ died."

ca tun yalah san christobal ti habla U xuli tun yn tanlicech lae
Then St. Christopher said to him, "Therefore, this is the end of my serving you,

yoklal yani paynum nohil a uokol lay Jhesu christo lae =
because there exists someone much greater, above you; this is Jesus Christ."

ca tun bini. sanct cristoual. ca chactahi huntul palil Dios ti =              [p.329]
Then St. Christopher went and found a servant of God.

lay nucbes ti U babalil christianoyl ti san christouale
He explained the things of Christianity to St. Christopher,

bay tun hoppci U santoyl loe
so thus began his sainthood then.

ylexto hibici hach yanil U nah chicilbesah ych. y. payalchie =
Now you see just how it is really necessary, signing the face, and prayer.


(Two exemplos which follow in Coronel’s Discursos predicables are missing from this text. These are Como no nos puede tentar el Demonio sin permision de Dios (193 r) and Como hemos de tener paciencia en los trabajos (193 v). Both are stories of God’s testing of Job.)


Como castiga Dios a los que no cumplen los testamentos. ====
How God Punishes those who do not Fulfill (final) Testaments

Dziban ti yunil. U beel. Santoob lae ti bay lae
It has been written in the book of the lives of the saints in this manner,84

he ca tali U cimil huntul hoolcane = ca u kubentah U than. ti huntul yetayle
that when death came to a warrior,85  he entrusted his (last) testament to a companion,

ca yalah ti Lay uile yetayle =
when he said to him, "May it be thus, comrade:

ppat in cah ti tzimin tech lic ca bin cimicene = bin a conob =
I am leaving my horses to you, so that when I will die, you will sell them,

binix a Dzab U tulul hijmac yan yn pay tiobe
and you will give the payment to whomever I owe.

ca yalah yetayle Lay uile yumile bin yn Dzoces a than
Then his companion said, "May it be thus, lord; I will fulfill your command."

ca tun cimi holcane
So then the warrior died,

he yetalie ma yoltah U conob tzimin yetel U bote U [p]pax holcane
but his comrade did not wish to sell the horses and pay the debts of the warrior;

Ena U tialtah tzimin yoklal Utzil tu Uich              [p.330]
rather, he appropriated the horses, because of their goodness in his eyes.

mamanito babahun kini = ca u chicancunahuba hoolcaan ti yetaile =
When however many days had passed, then the warrior appeared to his comrade,

ca yalah ti Belatun cech. ah kas thane yoklal hach lob ta cibah ten =
and he said to him, "Woe to you, word breaker, because of the great harm you did to me,

mayx con con numya. tin mansah. tu numyail purgatorio =
and not a little the suffering I endured in the misery of purgatory,

yoklal mayl a botah yn ppax
because you did not pay my debt.

heuac Dzoci tun. yn bol keban benelyx yn caah yn ciolte Dios
But having finished my penance there, I am going to rejoice with God,

he teche bin a cimebal. mayx tibil bin xulebal a cuxtal
but as for you, you will be dying, and not well will be ending your life,

yoklal a tialtah yn tzimine mayx a Dzocluksah yn than =
because you took my horses and did not fulfill my word,

bay yn kubentici tech cuchie = ca tun bini hoolcaane
thus as I entrusted it to you, back then," and then the warrior went away,

may tac xanhij = U kuchul U than yetayle yokole
and before long came the completion of his word concerning his comrade,

yoklal hach Uasuthi U cimil ti lic U tzijlyabal tumen balam yetel ah chibalob =
because really quickly he died while being ripped apart by jaguars and wild beasts.

ylexto hibici [U bool keban ma yoltic] U Dzoces [U than
Now do you see what is the penance of he who does not wish to fulfill the word,

yetel U takyahthan cimeobe]
and the final testament of the dying?


Como son grandes. lays penas del purgatorotorio86              [p.331]
How the Pains of Purgatory are Great

He ti hach ya u cah huntul U palil Dios cuchie
When a servant of God was really suffering formerly,

[tuchij] hoppi. U kuxuchal. U cucutil [maix] mukbentzil U numya tu Dzib[yole]
when his body began to be painful, and unendurable his torment, it seemed to him,

lic yokticuba ti Dios. ca lukuc - Uay yokol cab =
then he prayed to God that he might depart from here on earth;

ca hauac U numya = U kati = cuchie
that his suffering might cease was his desire, back then.

Ca yalah huntul angel ti = ylto = ohelte =
Then an angel said to him, "See now, know,

ma Dzococ a temcunnic yol Dios tumen a keban
it has not been completed, your placating the heart of God because of your sin;

Lay U chunlo = yeye = Ua macal mac a katie =
for that reason, choose whichever of the two you wish:

Ua a kati cultal ta uay ychil a numya = ychil hunppel haabe = cayx culac echi =
if you want to live here in your bed,87  in your suffering for one year, then you stay here,

Vayx a kati binel tu numyail. purgatorio = ychil hunppel kine = cayx xicechi =
or if you want to go to the torment of purgatory for one day, and then you go there."

ca yalah kohanne =
Then the sick person said,

paynum Uolahil binel tu numyail purgatorio = ychil hunppel kine =
I would rather go to the suffering of purgatory for one day,

yoklal ma xan U mal hunppel ti kin loe cu than
because that day passes before long," he says.

[ca ua cimi kohan ca bini] tu numyail purgatorio = ychil hunppel kine =              [p.332]
So when the sick man died, then he went to the suffering of purgatory for one day,

ca hoppi U hach numsabal ti ya = tu hach yail numya =
and he began to be really tormented with really severe suffering.

sansame DzeDzec hoppoc U numya = ca yalah ti angel
Already when his suffering had scarcely begun, he said to the angel,

belatun otzilen = bicx a cibah ten ti bucah lae cech angele =
"Woe is me, how could you do it to me like this, you who are an angel?

ma ua a ualah ten [hach hun]ppel ti kin - bin yn culhebal Uay cuchie
Did you not say to me, really only one day I would be staying here, back then?

habla bicx U nachhal U kinil [yn numya]
Therefore, how did it become prolonged, the time of my suffering,

yoklal yaab U katunil yn [ulci uaye yetel] hoppci yn numya - tin tucule
because it is many katuns since I came here and my suffering began, it seems to me?"

ca yalah angel ti = Ohelte - sasameto88  hoppoc a numsabal ti yae =
Then the angel said to him, "Know that already, your being tormented had begun,

mayto çiçac a cucutil ta ppatah helacito =
while still your body that you left has not cooled even now.

Lay U chun loe - Va a uolah ocol ta cucutil tu caten
This is the reason that, if you wish to enter into your body again,

y. a numya ychil hunppel ti haab = bay tin Ualci teche. caix xicech xan
and your suffering for one year, thus I command it for you, and you may go also."

ca yalah Uinice = paynum Uolahil yn numya ychil hunppel ti haab =tin cucutil
Then the man said, " I prefer my suffering for one year in my body,

ti mani cultal Uay ychil [hunppel ti kin] ychil U hach chacil numya lae
and not to dwell here for one day within this really great suffering,

yoklal [haablis] U than hunppel kintzil tin tucule =              [p.333]
because one hour seems like a year, in my mind."

[ylex hibici] hach yail U numyail purgatorio89
See how really severe are the sufferings of purgatory;

hach ma mukbentzil U numya [---]sob cu binob ti bol kebanie
really unendurable are the torments of those who go to do penance there.


Como hemos de tener fortaresa = y obediençia = en la Rey de Dios90 ===
How we should have Strength and Obedience in the Law of God

Dziban ti kulem Dzib.
It has been written in the sacred scripture,

Vtzcinnabcij = hunppel Vinbail = tumen ahau = nabuchodonosor =
that when an image was made by King Nebuchadnezzar,

tuchij ca Dzocij yutzcinnice =
then when he finished making it,

ca yalah U kaytabal = y. yautabal. tu xicin Vincob ti bay U caah lae =
then he said for it to be sung out and cried to the ears of the people in this manner:

tuchitac ca bin V babac u hum chule91 = y. kaaye =
that when they will be repeated, the sounds of flute and song,

bin tacob = [u chinpulteob] Uba Vincob tulacal =
all people will come to humble themselves,

U kuul[te uin]bail yutzcinnah ahaue =
to worship the image the king made.92

bay U cibah vincobe = tulacalobi =
Thus the people did it, all of them;

haili oxtul tancelemob sahlemob ti Dios = ma yoltahob [u] kuulte = Uinbaile =
only three youths, fearful before God, did not wish to worship the image.

Lay U chun tacci U holob yetun ahau =              [p.334]
This is the reason that they were denounced in the presence of the king;

ca payob tumen ahau ca yalah tiob.
then they were called by the king who said to them,

bix ma tan a kuultex [uinbail] tin mentahe -
"How is it that are you not worshipping the image that I made?

tohol than yn caah tex Ua ma tan a kuulteexe =
I promise you, if you do not worship it,

bin pulucex ti chuhcab. binix yaya tzectabacex tin men
you will be thrown into the oven and you will be severely punished by me.

macx u ka Dios. Uchuc U tocicex tin kab cu than ahau -
Who is the ’God’ who can take you from my hands?" said the king.

ca yalah tancelemoob. ohelte he Dios ca kuulmae =
Then the youths said, "Know that this God that we have worshipped,

Lay Uchac U luk[sicon ta kab] loe.
He is able to deliver us from your hands,

Uayx uil ma yolah U [tocboon ta kabe]
and if He should not wish to free us from your hands,

Ohelte. mail samac = ca [kuulte a Uinbail]
know that still we would not worship your idol."

Ca tun leppi yol ahau = hach [chacauhijx U puc]sikal.
So then the king was angered; really his heart became enflamed,

licil U pochol = U than. tumen U palilob Dios = cuchie =
since his word was defied by the servants of God, back then.

ca yalah U pul[ulob ti chuhcab] tibantzil U kakil = y. U yelel
Then he said to throw them into the oven, terrible its fire and its burning,

[bacix baac loe] ma eli U palilob = tumen kak maixbal U cibah tiob
but in spite of that, His servants were not scorched by the fire and it did nothing to them;

ENa cilmachi yolob tilic U nibticob = pixan Dios =
rather they rejoiced while they gave thanks to God.

halili eliob y. cimçabiob tumen kak = U yabal Uincob
Finally, a multitude of people were scorched and killed by the fire,

[tacicob] U sijl = chuhcab cuchie =
(those) who were placed among the wood of the oven back then,

y. bakanob tu pach chuhcabe =
and encircled (by fire) within the oven.

ca tun liki ahau yilab tancelemob ca yilah cantulilob = ca kuchii -              [p.335]
Then when the king arose to see the youths, he saw four of them that came there.

ca [ciyhi]93  = ma ua oxtulob tuba = ca ti pulob ych chuuhcabe =
Then he said, "Were there not three of them that were thrown into the oven?

tabx likul U cantule =
Whence came the fourth?"

ca tun yalah ahau =
So then the king said,

Beelatun yn natma = [hehelae layl] hahal Dios = U Diossil . christia[noob lae]
"Alas, I have understood, this very one is the true God, the God of these Christians;

layx tuhunal. Uchac V tocicob yah tanlahulob - tu numyae =
He alone can deliver His servants from suffering,

bay tun U lukçici u palilob loe = tamuk U tuxchitic = y angel tu yamobe =
just as He rescued those servants of His while He sent His angel into their midst,

ca tun hokçabi - tancelemob ti hach toh yolobe =
so then the youths were brought forth, completely unharmed,

tix mayx eli U mexob. y. mayx [eli] U tzotzelob94 =
with neither their beards nor their hair burned;

hach mayxbal U cibah kak[tiob] =
really the fire did nothing to them."

Lay U chun hakci yolob Uincob loe =
This is the reason that those men were astounded,

ti lic U chaic U kax U thanob = tumene =
while they marveled because of it.

ylexto hijbici = yantabal tumene [cay---]95 Dios[---]himac alcunic yol tie
Do you see now how he is aided by God, whoever trusts in Him?


The following five ejemplos which appear in Coronel’s Discursos predicables are missing from the text:

(1)   Como hemos de tener fee y esperança (197r-197v) in which God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son.

(2)   Como huye el demonio del agua bendita (197v) on the magic power of sprinkling holy water, tu toxol tzitzabil haa.

(3)   Contra los combites y borracheras (197v-198r) which is the story of King Belshazzar from chapter 5 in the book of Daniel. The king gets drunk and uses sacred vessels from the temple for his banquet. Magic writing appears on the wall, which only Daniel can interpret, predicting the king’s downfall for his arrogant behavior.

(4)   Como es Dios omnipotente (198r) based on God’s words to the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, promising that dead bones can live. See Ezekiel 37, in which dry bones rise again, and Isaiah 66:14, "your bones shall flourish like the grass," expressed in Yucatec as yoyoyol in cahal.

(5)   Como por la penitencia se aplaca Dios (199r), in which God sends Jonah to the corrupt city of Niniveh to warn of its destruction within 40 days. The people of Nineveh take the warning to heart and do penance, dressing themselves in tzotzel nok tzotzel buc, hair shirts, and are spared. See Jonah, chapter 3.


Contra los que encubren sus pecados = al confesor              [p.335]
Against those who Hide their Sins from their Confessor

Hach ya ti yol cisin licil u lah tohpultic U keban Uincob =
The devil really suffers when people completely confess their sins,

yoklal lay tahmenal licil U lukulob yalan U kab ciçinob lae =
because it is by doing this that they escape from beneath the hand of these devils,

Uayxbahun lic U nahaltic. ychil hunppel Ua cappel haab. tu tabsic Uince -              [p.336]
and however much they gain within one or two years of ensnaring people,

Lay cu çatal. ti hunçut = ychil U choch keban loe =
this is lost instantly within that confession.

Dziban ti huun yanil huntul chuplal = yx lokbayen cuchi =
It has been written in a book that there was a woman, a maiden back then,

hach tibil U beel hach Vtzil U pectzil. ychil caah = cuchi =
really good her deeds and really good her reputation within the community, back then.

tuchij ca bini. ti confesar96. yetun padre ca u tohpultah U yanal U kebanob
Then when she went to confession with the priest, she confessed the rest of her sins,

heuac lay ma u tohpultah. U ueyuncil [lubci] loe
but this she did not confess: the concubinage into which she fell,

yoklal macanil U chi = tumen ciçin
because her mouth had been closed by the devil,

[çub] lacix U cante .y. U chicancun97  yetel U tohpulte = U sipile =
and she was ashamed to relate and make manifest and confess her sin.

he ca bini ti confesar tu catene = bayx U muculci xane =
So when she went to confession for the second time, thus it was hidden also,

Bayx U cibah tu yoxten = y. tu cantenhi =
and thus she did it the third time and the fourth time;

yaabhij U tenel yutzcincij confesar = ti yan yicham = yetel tiyx ma ychamil =
many times she made a confession, with her husband and without her husband there,

ti mayx bahun yalah ti padre ahualbil keban [u pakah] ti paal cuchie =
and she never spoke to the priest of the mortal sin she engaged in as a child long ago.

yoklal santoyl98  tu than Uincob = cuchi              [p.337]
Because of her sanctity in the eyes of the people back then,

lic U beetic sukin y. payalchij
since she did fasting and prayer,

Dzayatzil yetel U chayan [u tibiltacil be] cuchie =
charity and the rest of the good deeds back then,

ca cimi chup[lallo yan]ili huntul yetayl =
when that woman died, there was one of her companions,

yet[chuplal lay] yet hanal = yet ximbal - yet[canix cuchi] loe
another woman, who ate with her, walked with her and talked with her formerly,

layx okteuba ti Dios [ti lic yalic loe] =
and she interceded with God, while saying,

yumile Diose = etes ten99  uatab luki Uetayle100 =
"Lord God, show me wherever my companion went,

Ua te ti purgatorio = Uayx te ti caane =
either there in purgatory, or there in heaven,

yoklal hach alab otzil = U christianoil = tin than cuchi =
because her Christianity was really devout, it seemed to me formerly."

maytac xanhij = U chicanhal101 chuplal.
Before long the (dead) woman became visible,

ti = hach elelnac = ti hach ppetayanix U uich = [------] xane =
really burning and really hideous her face also,

ca haki yol. chuplal. ca tun yalah ti [---] cimene =
which frightened the woman, so then she said to the dead one,

ma cech xu ka =
"It is not you!"

ca u [yalah ti tie] elenac ti ualic =
Then she said to her, who was there burning, as I say,

ma ua teni a uetail cuchie = habla bicx a yanil ti bucah la =
"Was I not your companion formerly? Therefore, how are you like this?

tabx lukech - ca Dzab[i a yatzile]
And where did you go to be given your punishment?"

ca yalah Beelatun otzilen ka = [yoklal xotanil] yn kin ti hunkul cultal mitnal
Then she said, "O, I am miserable, because I have been condemned to eternal life in hell,

[cienix] yan yalan yoc cisinobe =
and there I am under the feet of the devils,

[chanbel talel] yn cah yn chicancinynba tech yoklal ta uokticiaba ti Dios loe              [p.338]
only coming to reveal myself to you because you beseeched that from God."

Ca yalah chuplal ti = bicx xotci a kin binel mitnal.
Then the woman said to her, "How were you condemned to go to hell?

tabx yan U tibilil a beel cuchi =
Where are your good deeds from before?

tabx lukij a sukin = a payalchi y. a Dzayatzile =
And where did they go, your prayers and your charities?"

ca yalah cimene = [Beelatun naha]len = ox numut kuen =
Then the dead one said, "Alas, I am miserable, truly disgraced,

yoklal he in beel tulacal. lic a ualic be =
because even though my deeds are everything that you say,

pak[mabhij tulacal] mayxbal yanheci = tene=
they were all in vain and I had nothing,

yoklal mail yn tohpultah = ahualbil keban. yn beeltah ti paalen cuchie =
because I never confessed the mortal sin I did when I was a child, long ago,

layx U chun xotannil yn kin ti hunkul satal loe =
and this is the reason I have been condemned to that eternal perdition."

cu than cimen [-----] hunsuthij u satal lae102 ---------------------
So spoke the dead one, and instantly she disappeared.


The following ejemplos which appear in Coronel’s Discursos predicables are missing from the text:

(1)   Otro exemplo contra los mismos (200v-201r). When a woman confesses before the eyes of a servant of God, a multitude of frogs emerges from her mouth, then turns back to become stuffed into her mouth again. When he asks for an explanation of what he has seen, the woman understands that when she confesses a sin, the frogs come forth, but when she conceals a mortal sin, they all are stuffed back in. Then she makes a complete confession to the priest.

(2)   Contra los que no hazen justicia por temor (201r-201v). The Jews bring Christ before Pilate, seeking his execution. Pilate realizes that Christ is without fault, but the Jews threaten to accuse Pilate before Caesar, causing him to lose his office, if he does not do their will. A parallel is drawn with members of the audience, bechi u lobol Pilato cech. Batabe cech tupil, those who hold public office as batab or tupil and do harm, like Pilate, by conceding to pressure from their constituents rather than administering justice.

(3)   Como vive el hombre, asi muere (201v-202r). This ejemplo is partially missing from the text. Only the last portion, beginning lic yubicob cuchi, appears on ms. p.346. The story, said to be taken from the writing of St. Gregory, tells of a lapsed Christian who feels that he is being bitten and mauled by wild animals as he is dying. The priests, who can not see the animals, become frightened and suggest that the man cross himself. The dying man is unable to do so because his hand is pinned by the biter. The priests begin to pray, with many tears, and God frees the man from the wild beast, which is the devil.

(4)   Contra los que dilatan la penitencia, y su castigo (202r-203r). When God decides to destroy the earth by flood, He wants to spare Noah because of his God fearing ways, and instructs him to build a great boat. Noah does not hide the fact that he is building a boat, and the evil doers are given ample time to repent since the building of the boat extends for hokal haab yetel yab kin, one hundred years and many days. Nevertheless, the sinners are not moved by Noah’s sermons, and the rains come. Only Noah and his family, vaxactul ti pakte, the eight of them together, emerge from the boat at the end of the flood to re-establish humankind on earth. See Genesis chapters 6 and 7 and II Peter 2:5.

(5)   Como ayuda Dios a los que le llaman, y se fian Del (203r-204r). Another story of a false accusation, and the compliance of an official out of fear. Enemies denounce Daniel before the king of Babylonia. After being threatened, the king delivers Daniel to his accusors, who throw him into the lions’ den, with uucpok hach tachiachob ti coh, seven really fierce lions. When the king discovers that the God of Daniel has rescued him, he believes in Him and condemns Daniel’s enemies to the lions den.

(6)   Como son mas fuertes nuestros ayudadores, que nuestros enemigos (204r-204v). An army is sent by the king of Syria to capture the prophet Elias. Surrounded by their enemies, Elias tells his son not to fear, and prays to God for help. Before long, God sends an army of angels riding horses and carrying whips and weapons. Elias prays again, and God blinds his enemies. Elias (Elijah) appears in numerous stories in the Bible and in several apocryphal works, including the Elias Apocalypse of the 3rd century.


Como emos - de ser fuerte en la Ley de Dios
How We Must be Strong in the Law of God

Chakax thantzil yubabal U beel huntul chuplal y. Vuctul yaal              [p.338]
Marvelous to be heard are the deeds of a woman and her seven children.

Dzibaan ti kulem Dzib.
It has been written in the Sacred Scripture,

heklaobi halabi tiob tumen ahau Antioco U chijob U bakel keken
that it was they who were ordered by King Antioch to eat the flesh of pigs,

Lay Uethan tiob ti yalmah thanil Dios = Vchiloe              [p.339]
this having been forbidden to them by the commandment of God long ago.103

ca yalah ahau tiob = Va ma tan a chibex U bakel keken =
Then the king said to them, "If you do not eat the flesh of the pig,

bay licil Ualic teexe = bin in numesex ti ya tu hach yail numsah ya
thus as I say to you, I will torture you with really severe torment."

Ca U nucah huntul tiob - ohelte [mail samac] ca pochob yalmah thanil Diose
Then one of them replied, "Know that before we break the commandment of God,

ca chaannixcaba = ca mukub = numya y. numçah ya = tulacal.
we will allow ourselves to endure suffering and torture, all of it,

ti ma ca sipil ti Dios = cu thanob cuchi =
without our sinning against God," so he spoke, back then.

ca yilah ahau. mayl yolahob U tzicib U thane = ca hach leppi yol =
When the king saw that they did not want to obey his word, then he became really angry,

ca yalah U xotol yak = y. U kab - huntuli =
and he said for the tongue and the hand of one of them to be cut,

y. U chobol yothel huntuli =
and for one of them to be flayed,

tamuk U [beeltabal U hach] yail numsah ya ti = ti taklic U yitzinob y U nae =
while the severe torture is done before the eyes of his younger siblings and mother.

hetun ca tali U binel yike ca yalah ahau
Moreover, when the passing of his spirit came, then the king said,

ylex to tin beeltah ta sucunex lae - tijx a malel -
"See then what I did to your elder brother, and it is coming to you,

Ua ma a chibex U bakel keken [lae] =
if you do not eat the flesh of this pig."

cayx yalahob ti Ohelte = cech ahaue = mail hakaan [c ol]
So then they said to him, "Know, you who are king, that we have not been terrorized,

[ti lic] c ilic U numya ca sucunne = maixbal ca kati tu cuxtalil cucut =
while we see our brother’s suffering, and we have no concern with the life of the body.

Lay U chun loe hunkul. ma tan ca tzicib a than.              [p.340]
It is for that reason that we will never obey your word,

yoklal alanil c ol ti Dios = heklay Uchac U Dzaic hunkul cuxtal tone =
because we have placed our trust in God, who can give eternal life to us."

ca tun leppi yol ahau ca yalah U num[ç]abal ti ya U catul y. u yoxtul
So then the king became angry and said for the second and the third one to be tortured,

bayx Uchi tiob tulacal tun lae
and thus it happened to them all then.

heex. U nae. bicx U than ti yalob ta thanex cuchi =
But as for their mother, how did she speak to her sons back then, in your opinion?

lic ua yalic tiob = U tzicob. U than ahau = ca maac U numsabalob ti ya104 cuchie =
Did she say for them to obey the king’s word, in order not to be tortured back then?

Makalo = Ena lay chichcunnic = yolob. cuchi =
That is not it. Rather she encouraged them, back then,

licix yokticUba ti lic yalic tiob = bucah lae =
when she beseeched them while speaking to them in this manner,

chichcunnex a uolex yn yaalillexe =
"Strengthen your resolve, you my children.

baci a pocheex yalmah thanil Dios = alcunnex a uol ti -
Do not break God’s command; put your trust in Him.

Ua mahiij a matciex = cuxtal loe =
Was it not (from Him) that you received that life as a gift?"

cu than bay licil U chichcunnic yol yaloob = U mukubob. numsah ya = y = cimil =
She spoke thus, as she inspired her sons to endure suffering and death,

yoklal Dios cuchiloe =
for the sake of God back then.

Beelatun bolon U pixan mehentzilob =
O, blessed children,

yoklal mayl yoltahoob sipil ti Dios -U Dzaahobix U cuxtalob yoklale
because they did not wish to sin against God, and they gave their lives because of it,

paynumix bolonil U pixan U naae
and more blessed their mother,

yoklal mail U chembel [yacunah u] cucutil yalob =              [p.341]
because she did not only love the bodies of her sons,

heuac [paynumhij] U yacunic = U cuxtal = U pixanob =
but more greatly she loves the life of their souls.

[Lay U] chun. U mukcob. numsabal[ob ti ya] yalob lae
This is the reason that these sons of hers endured being tortured,

ca tun U DzaahUba ti [cimil tu pachob] ti sukin bae105 =
and then they dared to die following their fast like this.

hach he[laan a beelex] ti lic a sipilex ti Dios =
Really different your deeds when you sin against God,

yetel a chiyc bak ti Uiernes - y. ti sukinob = lae
and you eat meat on Friday, and during these fasts,

ti mayx mac cimçiceex - yetel Dzalic a pacheexie y numsicex ti ya loe106
with no one that kills you, and coerces you, and tortures you to do that.


The following ejemplos which appear in Coronel’s Discursos predicables are missing from the text:

(1)   Como libra Dios a los que estan sin culpa (205v-206r). The story of Susannah, from a deutero-canonical appendix to the book of Daniel, chapter 13. Two elders lust after the worthy and beautiful Susannah. When she rejects them, they falsely accuse her and she is condemned to be stoned. The prophet Daniel defends Susannah, and catches the men in incongruent testimony: one claims ti yan yalan u cheel limon while the other says ti yalan u cheel pino cuchie. Because of her faith in God, Susannah remains fearless. Thus God frees those who trust in Him from their accusors.

(2)   Como los trabajos nos llevan a Dios (206v-208r). This is the story of Saul’s conversion to Paul, of a man who was an enemy of the Christians but became a saint after God became angry with him and struck him down from his horse.

(3)   Como da Dios trabajos a los que ama, y de la Misericordia (208r-209v). During a time when Israel was enslaved by its enemies, Tobias performed acts of mercy and taught his children to do the same. However, God wished to test him and blinded him and caused him great suffering. Tobias continued to give thanks to God, so God sent an angel to heal him. The angel appeared like a person, and Tobias worried about how to repay him for his aid. Then the angel replied Ohelte menil vinic heuac teni Archangel Raphael, "Know that I am not a person, but the Archangel Raphael." Thus God repays Tobias for his faith. This story derives from the deutero-canonical book of Tobias.

(4)   Como ayuda Dios a los que guardan sus mandamientos (209r-210v). From the deutero-canonical book of Judith, the story of the beheading of Holofernes by Judith. A captain under orders from the arrogant king Nebuchadnezzar, Holofernes goes forth to conquer everywhere. An advisor warns him that God protects the people of Betulia, that He rescued them from the Pharoah and drowned their enemies in the past. Holofernes becomes angry, and with great arrogance attacks Betulia, where his throat is cut and his army is routed. An unusual retelling of this story, the ejemplo focuses on Holofernes’ arrogance and the dialogue with his advisor, giving only a phrase to the beheading itself.

(5)   Como es Dios benigno con el pecador, que se enmienda (210r-210v). An adulteress was to be stoned by the Jews, when Christ said mac u ka teex ixma kebane lay bin yam chinic chuplal loe, "He among you without sin, he will first stone that woman." Realizing that their secret sins were visible to Christ, the accusors depart. The woman remains alone with Christ who tells her to go and sin no more. From the Gospel of John 8: 1-12.

(6)   Como aborrece Dios la desesperacion, y no confesar la verdad (210v-211v). The story of Cain and Abel. Cain not only slays his brother, but defies God when He asks the whereabouts of Abel, saying tab ua yan ten ua yah cananul ti Abeel, "wherever he is, am I the guardian of Abel?" For this, God curses Cain by saying that Cain’s crops will never bear fruit. See Genesis 4: 8-13. However, no matter how great a person’s sin, God will forgive those who seek His mercy and make a full confession.

(7)   Como aborrece Dios la soberbia (211v-212r). The arrogant king Nebuchadnezzar fails to recognize that his blessings come from God’s hand. The prophet Daniel warns the king of God’s anger, and advises him to give gifts to the poor. When the king persists in his pride, God removes him from his reign and sends him to wander in the wilderness like a beast vvcten ti hab. In the biblical version, Daniel 4:13, "and you shall be driven from among men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field; and you shall be made to eat grass like an ox; and seven times shall pass over you, until you have learned that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will." God rekindles Nebuchadnezzar’s understanding, so that he is like a beast no longer and realizes his insignificance and God’s power.


The following two ejemplos, Como emos de guardar castidad and Como persiguen los Demonios a los castos, appear in reverse order in Coronel’s Discursos predicables.

Como emos de guardar. castidad =
How We Should Maintain Chastity

Dziban ti kulem Dzib Vacunabciij ti yah tanlahul huntul U chun than              [p.341 cont.]
It has been written in sacred scripture, that when he was appointed as aide to an official,

ah bolon pixan. ti Sanct. Joseph - heklay u mehen U palil Dios hacob = cuchiloe =
blessed Saint Joseph, he who was the child of the servant of God, Jacob, long ago,

he ti lic yilabal tumen yatan u chun than -
then when it was seen by the wife of the official,

hach cichcelemil U palil Dios San Joseph = ti hach Utzix U than xan
(that he was) really handsome, God’s servant St. Joseph, and a good speaker also,

ca hoppi U kunhal yol [y. u pucsikal] chuplal tie
then the mind and heart of the woman began to soften towards him,

[hunbeelix u noh]hal U Dzibolal = yetel yox kas olal = chuplal.
and every day the woman’s desire and lust became greater,

ti lic U cici thantic y. U cici tzentic U palil Dios.              [p.342]
so that she talked sweetly and sweetly fed the servant of God,

Uchebal U kunhal yol ti U kati cuchi loe.
in order that his heart soften towards her desires, back then.107

he sanct Josephe ma tan U malel ti yol zipil ti Dios = cuchi =
But as for St. Joseph, it never came into his mind to sin against God, back then.

Dzocebalhij tun - tuchi ca yilah chuplal [chichi yol sanct] Joseph =
Finally then, when the woman saw the resistance of St. Joseph,

ca u chicancunnah yol tie = mahancenil =
then she revealed her intentions towards him openly;

ca u nucah sanct Joseph = hach [than] ma çamac = zipicen ti Dios. y. tin yumil.
then St. Joseph replied, "I swore I would never sin against God and against my master."

ca yilah. chuplal. mail yolah. U Dzoces yolah U palil Diose =
When the woman saw that the servant of God did not wish to fulfill her desires,

ca u tec machtah = U suyem San Joseph - ti lic yoltic U Dzalab U pach. ti cooyl =
she quickly grabbed St. Joseph’s cloak, by which she wished to force him into depravity.

he san Josephe = ca liki yalcab - ti lic U ppatic U suyem. tu kab chuplal =
But as for St. Joseph, he rose up running, while he left his cloak in the woman’s hands.

Lay u chun lepci yol chuplal =
This is the reason the woman became angry,

yoklal pochanil - y. pahanix u sutal tumen U palil = tu than
because she was insulted and shamed by her servant, in her opinion,

layx u chuni nah U kalal ti mascab U palil Dios =
and this is the reason the servant of God earned imprisonment in jail,

yoklal pakci U pach tumen chuplal ti lic yalic tu xiblile =
because he was falsely accused by the woman, when she said to her husband,

he Josephe hach noh lob tu cibah ten - yetel tu bel[tah toone]
"As for Joseph, really great harm he did to me and he did to us,

yoklal u yoltic chucuben = layx U chicul -
because he wished to molest me, and here is the sign,

tin lukçici U suyem lae =              [p.343]
I removed this cloak of his from him."

bay[tun leppci yol] yumbil = ti San Joseph [ca yalah u kalal] ti mazcab =
Thereupon his master became angry with St. Joseph and ordered him locked in jail,

tumen U pak[pach chuplal ti]
because of the woman’s false accusation against him,

mayxbal U koch .y. U si[pil cuchi
and with nothing his fault and his sin back then.

Ylex] Uabici U tibilil y. yokol ku108 san Joseph =
See how it is, the virtue and the faith in God of St. Joseph;

bacix kali ti mascab ti manan U koch. ma yoltah U lukesba =
even though he was locked in jail without fault, he did not wish to free himself,

mayx yoltah U chicancun. U yoxkas olal chuplal lae
nor did he wish to reveal the wickedness of this woman.


Como persiguen los Demonios a los castos -
How the Demons Pursue the Chaste

Dziban ti huun guia de pecadores = U kaba              [p.343 cont.]
It has been written in a book, Guide for Sinners is its name,

lic u likil U ximbaltic bee = huntul Uinic yxma ocolal
that he arose to travel the road, a man, a nonbeliever,

he ca oklenhie yakabhal ti bee =
but when it became dark and night fell on the road,

ca chelhi ti Uenel yetun hunppel na
then he lay down to sleep in a house,

heklay [yotoch] kuob = cuchi = ti ma ococ uinic ti christianoyle =              [p.344]
which was a house of the gods formerly, when people had not entered into Christianity.

he ti chelan ti uenele = ca yilah U moltah = U pictanil cisinob
But having lain down to sleep, then he saw the gathering of a multitude of devils,

tijx yan huntul. U chun than = U chayanob lay culhij ti kanche =
and there was one, the leader of the rest; this one was seated on a bench.

ca u payah huntul cisin = ca yalah ti =
Then he summoned a devil and he said to him,

Bax ta betah tu yam Uincob = christianoob =
"What did you do amongst the Christian people?"

Ca yalah yumile = tin uocsah oc yail tu yam Uincob. catul.
Then he said, "Lord, I made discord enter between two people,

ca cimsabi huntuli = cu than.
so one of them was killed," he said.

bay uchi - tu chayan - yanob = ti lic U cantic. hun huntul. ti
Thus it happened with the rest who were there, while they recounted one by one to him,

hijbal lobil y. ti tabsahil = U belma tu yam uinicob cuchie
whatever harm and ensnarement they had done amongst men back then,

ti lic U hach Dzalic U pachob y. u payic U beel ti keban -
while they really coerce them and lead them into sin.

Dzocebali tun ca kuchi huntul cisin - yetun U chun than ca yalah ti
Finally then there arrived one devil before the chief, who said to him,

yumile = he tene [uchi hoppoc] Ualcabtic U pach halach Uinic Obispo
"Lord, as for me, long ago I began to pursue the halach uinic, the bishop,109

Uay tu cuch cahal loe
that one in office here in town,

[uchebal in kun]esic yol ti chuplal [yan ti yotoche]
in order to soften his heart towards the woman who is in his house,

hex hoolhe - kunhij [yol ti chuplal DzeDzec] =
so yesterday, his heart softened towards the woman a little,

ca u nakesah [u kab tu pach chuplal]
and he stuck his hand up the back of the woman."

ca tun yalah U [chun than hach than] paynum a me[yah] yokol tulacal a uet cisinil =
Then the chief said, "Truly your work is best, above all your fellow devilhood,

he[uac] hach tanolte Uchebal a Dzocsic [hoppan] ta menele =
but really take care in order to complete what has been begun by your deed,

yoklal hach ci tin [cal] ca a payab u beel halach Uinic - [ti kebane] cu than
because it is really sweet to my gullet when you lead a bishop into sin," he said,

layx lic U tak ych[tic yxma ocolal] ti Ualahe =
and it was he who clapped eyes on the nonbeliever of whom I spoke,

bacix [lic u tusic u uenel cuchie] = heuac U ppix[ych u cah
and although he feigned sleep back then, rather he is keeping an eye out.

ca tun] yalah U chun than [macx u ka uiniclo] xenex tohlexi xan
So then the chief said, "Who is that man? You all come, get rid of him too."

[ca bini ylabil tumen] cisinob ca yalahob tu chun than
When he went to be seen by the devils, then they said to their leader,

Yumile ma Uchac ca tohlic yoklal tu chicilbesic U uich ti cruz110
"Lord, it is impossible for us to throw him out because he signed his face with the cross,

ca chelhi ti venel. Bacix ixma ocolalac cuchie,
when he lay down to sleep, even though he was a nonbeliever back then,

lic u chicilbeçvba bay yutzcinic christianobe
still he ’crossed himself’ thus as the Christians do.

Ca tun bini ixma ocolal ti nohach cumanil Obispo cuchie,
So then the nonbeliever went to the zealous vicario, the ecclesiastic judge,111 back then,

ca v payah ti lic yalic,
and he summoned (the bishop), while saying,

Yumile balx a beeltah holhe cabhe
"Lord, what did you do yesterday, the day before yesterday,

ti chuplal a uah tzenul112 yan ta uotoche.
with the woman, your cook, who is there in your house?"

ca v nucah Obispo, mabal in beeltahi
Then the bishop replied, "I did nothing to her."

ca yalah, ixma ocolal,
Then the nonbeliever said,

ma ua kunhi a uol ti chuplal caix a nakeçah a kab te tu pache
"Did your heart not soften towards the woman so you stuck your hand up on her back?"

hach than hah lic a ualice,
"Its really truly spoken, that which you say,

heuac ma vohel lubci a vohelmail v muculil in beel.
but I don’t know how it befell that you have known the secret of my deed."

ca tun yalah ixma ocolal ti hibal vchi tumen ciçinob ti akbile
So then the nonbeliever told to him whatever happened because of the devils in the night,

ca tun v tohlah chuplal Obispo yan ti yotoche
so then the bishop cast out the woman who was in his house;

ca u nibtah v pixan Dios yoklal tu lukçici tu tabçah ciçin.
then he thanked God because He freed him from the deception of the devil.

He ixma ocolale oci haa tu pol tumen Obispo
But as for the nonbeliever, he was baptized by the bishop,

ca cambeçabi tu babalil christianoil.
when he was taught the elements of Christianity.

Ylex hibahun v tanoltic ciçin v tabçic v chu[n]thanob, yeetel ah beelnalob,
See how much care the devil takes to ensare leaders and officials,

yoklal va bin v lubeçob ti kebane,
because if he will make them fall into sin,

maytac xan yetmalhal tu mektan vinicilob, yetel tu mektan cahile.
before long they will go with them, the rest of the people and the rest of the community.

Ylexi xan hibahun pecoltzil yetcahtal vinic chuplalob,
And see also how great the danger of their dwelling together, a man with women,

yoklal bobi v ppilix kak, licil yelel u pucçikal vinice,
because they are like the spark of fire which enflames the heart of man;

laobix chuplal yochel licil v lutzic, yetel v tabeçic vinicob ciçin lae.
these women are the bait with which the devil fishes, and the devil ensnares men thus.


Como vive el hombre, asi muere113
As Man Lives, So He Dies

Dziban tu Dzib ah bolon pixan ti S. Gregorio,
It has been written in the writings of blessed St. Gregory,

hibal vchci ti huntul vinic heklay tutub yk, nayanix yol tu christianoil cuchie.
what happened to a man who was forgetful and careless in his Christianity long ago.

He ca tali v cimile, ca hoppi v tatahauat,
So when his dying came, then he began to cry out,

ti lic yalic ti Padresob bananob yicnal cuchie,
while he said to the Fathers who were gathered in his presence back then,

lukenex ceex Padrese, çipteçex ah chiballo, ca Dzococ v cimçicen
"Depart, you Fathers, and release that beast, that his killing me may be completed,

yoklal v yaDzmail in cal, licix v numçicen ti ya,
because he has twisted my neck while he tortures me,

teexix ta hoklal matan v Dzocol v cimçicen loe.
and unless you leave, he will never finish killing me.

Xenex in mahante çipteçexix ca Dzoc v cimçicen cu than.
Come, for my sake, let him finish killing me," he said.

Ca haki yol Padresob, yoklal ma tan yilabob ah chibal lic yalic cuchie,
Then the Fathers marvelled, because they did not see the beast of which he spoke then,

chambel yauat kohan114 lic yubicob cuchi              [p.346]
(it was) only the cry of the sick man that they heard back then.

ca yalahob ti kohaan. chicilbez a uich ti cruz
Then they said to the sick man, "Make the sign of the cross."

ca yalah ma uchac tin men = yoklal kaxanil in kab tumen ah chibal =
Then he said, "It is impossible for me to do, because my hand is pinned by the beast."

ca tun hoppi u payal chi padreob yokol kohan = tu yabal yalil ich
So then the Fathers began to pray over the sick person with many tears.

ca yoltah Dios - u lukez tu kab ah chibal heklay cisin loe =
Then God wished to free him from the power of that beast, which is the devil.

Lay tah men hoppcij u tohcinic u beel = yetel u sakolcinicuba - tu christianoyle ===
For this reason he began to reform his ways and make himself diligent in his Christianity.


A final ejemplo appears in Coronel’s Discursos predicables, which is missing from the text. Como persigue el demonios a los que huyen del (214v-215r) illustrates the devil’s zeal in pursuing the devout, while ignoring those already in his service. An angel leads a man to the house of the priests, where many flies have gathered, swarming around the priests. According to the angel, the flies are devils who torment the priests and test their endurance. Next the man visits a large town where a devil is ensconced in a niche above the gateway. The angel explains that this devil has nothing to do, because his temptations would serve no purpose in a community already corrupt.

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