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Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(Exposición del Pater Noster)
ms. p.234-316

From this point on, the material in the manuscript parallels material collected, emended, and published by Father Juan Coronel in 1620 under the title Discursos predicables. While the manuscript version and Coronel’s version are similar, neither appears to be a strict copy of the other; the relationship between the two merits futher study. After some twenty missing pages, the manuscript resumes with a few lines from a missing prologue, followed by Preparaçion para cada dia, the Preparation for Each Day. Written in below this heading appears the date Año 1576. However, expert analysis of the paper on which the manuscript is written reveals that it dates from no earlier than between 1760 and 1780. That the stated date reflects the date of the original from which the copy was made remains hypothetical.

In its structure, this portion of the manuscript conforms to standard genres of European religious literature, the Preparation for Each Day, which includes saying the proper prayers, culminating in a detailed Explanation of the Lord’s Prayer, taken phrase by phrase. However, the author uses surprising metaphors to engage his audience. He describes the devil, bay u ximbal cab cooh, he walks the earth like a lion. He compares the devil to a fisherman; while the fisherman baits his hook with food, the devil baits his hook with pleasure in order to capture souls (ms. p.308-9). The devil is like a dog tied by the throat, posing a danger only to those who approach too close (ms. p.310-11). Man’s soul is like a small bed; with the devil in it, there is no room for God, and one must fall out (ms. p.271). The man who does not ponder God’s word is like the man who vomits his food; the sacrament is our true daily bread, from which our souls become fat (ms. p.295). Would the son of a batab who begged house to house not shame his father? So it is if we do not rely on God for our needs (ms. p.290). Deeds that are not performed by God’s grace are like silver not marked with the sign of the king, without value in buying the kingdom of heaven (ms. p.265).

The author has chosen unexpected models of perfection, as well. The soul inhabited by God’s grace he compares to the household of King Solomon, which was perfectly ordered in every respect, because Solomon was a great sage (ms. p.270). According to I Kings 11:3, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, making his household an unlikely model for Franciscans seeking to end the practice of multiple marriage among the Maya. Other models are taken from closer to home. Spiritual preparation is compared to rites performed by the builder, the wood carver and the stone mason before they initiate their works (ms. p.236). The role of the disciples in asking Christ how they should pray to His father is compared to the masehual who employs a speech writer to help him state his case before a halalach uinic (ms. p.241). Because they always do God’s will, the highest perfection pertains to the angels and u balcheob caanob, the creatures of the heavens, the stars (ms. p.279).

The words cech mehen, you who are a child, recur throughout this portion of the text, suggesting that it was addressed to an audience of young men, probably in a school setting. At one point the author uses students unruly in their teacher’s absence as a metaphor for the soul lacking God’s presence (ms. p.268). In all likelihood these teachings were directed by a Maya maestro to youths expected to become teachers themselves, to return to their communities to spread the doctrine.

Text parallels Coronel’s "Exposiçion del P[a]ter noster," beginning on 158v.

[p.214-233 missing]

Lay tah payal chi. bin lolobthantabac = tumenel Dios lae =              [p.234]
He who prays like this, will be cursed by God. 1 

   preparaçion - para cada dia =
Eratres. sobriestote = er vigilate

   * Año 1576 2  * * *

ViDzinexe chaexaba ppix ychnenex xane
My younger brothers, prepare yourselves, keep watch also,

yoklal a uahual ti cisine = mac be V cah tu tah uate =
on account of your principal enemy, the devil, he whose nature it is to destroy you.

Mehenexe = ppilex a uich = yoklal he a hahal nupex ti cisine =
Children, keep your eyes peeled, because this is your true enemy, the devil;

bay u ximbal cab cooh 3  =
he walks the earth like a lion,

tilic U xachetic Uamac bin U lukub yetel U tabese =
while he seeks whomever he will devour and ensnare;

lay bin a nupintex ti chichil. ocolal loe -
it is he you will oppose with strong faith, then.

Cu than V palil. Dios San pedro
So speaks the servant of God, Saint Peter:

he ti yoheltic Uinic. V talel U nupob. V Dzoyes. yt. V baksahte =
"When a man knows of the coming of his enemies to overcome and enslave him,

matan V nayal yol = ena bayli u pectic yol. yt. V chaicUba =
he never becomes careless; rather he always takes care and prepares himself,

mahebal U Dzoysabal = tumen U nupobe =
that he may not be defeated by his enemies."

Mehene ma lauac lae tac nupbil = lic U talel. U Dzoysech:              [p.235]
Child, it is not just anyone among our adversaries, he who comes to conquer you,

heuac cisin = hach nonoh ti tabsah =
but the devil, really clever in ensnarement,

yanix yah antahulob = tu pach - heklay bal caah = yt. balcahil Uinic =
and there are his aides behind him, which are the world and wordly men,

bayx ca cucutil xane = heklay yah antahulob cisin = licil U Dzoysiconob loe =
and thus our bodies also, which are the aides of the devil, that with which he defeats us.

ma cet kikeli = mayx chembel c etUinicil xani = licil a ppisilba =
"They are not our blood kin, nor even our fellow men with which you struggle,"

cu than V palil Dios. san pablo = heuac cisinobe =
so speaks the servant of God, Saint Paul, "but devils,"

cu than = bayhi ciac U thane 4  =
so he says, as he would say thus,

ma c etVinicili = yt. c etmukil = yanil ppizsilbatoon =
"It is not our fellow men and our equals in strength that we must struggle against,

heuac cisinob = hach paynum U muk = yetel yuchucil. cokol.
but devils; really great is their strength and their power over us,

ti maix chaan cu than = ca Dzoysicob =
and insufficient (our power)," he says, "to defeat them,

Va ma tan ca payab Dios. ca ah antahul te = yt. tocicon tu kabobe -
if we did not call on God, our aide against them, and He who seizes us from their hands."

Lay U chun lo = he u palilob Diose = tu baili U chaicubaob = ti payal chi =
That is the reason, they who are servants of God, always prepare themselves with prayer,

mahebal U Dzoysabal - tumen U nupob =
that they may not be defeated by their enemies.

Lay alic yol V palil Dios David - ti lic yalic cuchilae.              [p.236]
It is this in which he trusted, the servant of God, David, when he said back then,

Dios. Vah antahule = blalx bin yn sahte =
"God is my aid; what will I fear?

mabal ti hu lukul = maytac cisinobi = mayx Dzalpachi 5  =
nothing at all, not even the devils nor coercion from them,

mayxbal bin yn sahte = ti lic yanticen Dios = cu than =
nothing will I fear while God helps me," so he speaks.

mayx chambel Uchebal. a nupintic. a nupob. binil a chababa = ti payal chie =
And not only so you resist your enemies are you going to prepare yourself with prayer,

heuac binix a Uutzcin. Vchebal u ppatal 6  = a beel. tulacal =
but you will do it in order that all your work may be effective;

he ti yoltic V kaxab na 7  = bayx yutzcin babal Uinice =
as when he wishes to thatch a house, thus the man does the thing:

payanbe U tumtic tu pucsikal. U nucul. U beel. yt. hibici bin yutzcinnice = xane =
first he considers in his heart the order of his work, and just how he will do it also,

Uchebal U chaicuba = Uchebalix. U pathal. U beel V kati loe =
so that he prepares himself, and so that it improves that work he wants (to do),

Vayxbal lic yutzcinnic = ah men che = yt. ah men tuniche -
and whatever they perform, the wood worker and the stone worker, 8 

ena mabal U belic - ta ba tilob loe. noh xicili tun. a nahil a beelte -
what they do is nothing, in vain, compared to how much more, then, you should do,

cech christiano = ti lic a uoltic a tanle Dios
you who are Christian, when you wish to serve God;

Bay xan = ca patac a beeli = bay yutzcinci = V palil Dios.
so that your work also may be completed as the servants of God performed theirs,

heklaobi. tuchi yolticob = Dzib huun = bayx tzeec. bay ximba xan
which is that when they wish to write a paper, and thus to preach, thus to travel also,

lic u payal chitic Dios. tu hoppol ca patac V beel. tumenel Diose =              [p.237]
that they invoke God at the beginning, that their work may be done because of God,

baix bin a Uutzcinnic = cech mehene = Ua a kati. U tibilhal. a beel. tu uich - Diose =
and so you will do, you child, if you wish your work to become good in the eyes of God,

hex chaalba. a nahil a beete. sansamale lay cu talel lae ===========
and so to prepare yourself, you ought to do everyday this which comes now.

V yax chuni tac = tuchij ca bin likicech ta uay = ti hatzcabe =
At first beginning, then when you will rise from your bed at dawn,

caclampixnen = chicilbesijx a uich = nibteix V pixan Dios =
kneel and cross yourself and give thanks to God,

yoklal tu tacuntahech ti akab. ti mani loe = tumenix U chayan.U Dzayatzilob teche =
because He guarded you in the night that passed; because of His other mercies to you,

bayx bin chunpahebal. a beel = sansamal =
and thus your work will begin everyday,

chicilbesah ych = yetel nib pixan ti Dios =
making the sign of the cross, and giving thanks to God,

ca laac tahmen U puDzul cisin a uetun lae ===========
so that by your doing this, the devil flees your company.

V catzuc. hal ti Dios = ti Dzaan yolil =
The second part: say to God, with devotion,

yume. toh pul yn cah. ta cilich ocolal =
"Lord, I am making a confession of your blessed faith,

Dzayx yn caah ti uol: teix. in cuxtal = yt - yn cimile =
and I am devoting myself to it in life and in death,

heuac yume = yohelma. ma chabil ocolal. tuhunal. lukebal. Uinic =
but Lord, I have known, faith alone is not sufficient for freeing man,

mayx chambel ocolal. licil U binel ti caan Vinic
nor is it only faith by which man is going to heaven;

heuac. kanani. V uilal = beeltah. V lakin. ocolale =              [p.238]
rather, deeds are necessary in addition to faith;

Lay U chun Uolahil Dzayx in cah tin Vol. 9 
this is the reason I wished to devote myself,

binil yn chaabynba = yn mukub = numya. tulacal = ti ma yn sipil tech xan =
preparing myself to endure suffering, all of it, without my sinning against you also.

V yoxtzuc hal ti Dios xan = yumile - Vohelma = potchicannix ten =
The third part: say to God also, "Lord, I have known and it is evident to me,

mayl Vchac = yn balicynba = ti keban =
it is never possible that I guard myself from sin,

mayx Uchac. yn tacuntic a than = bayx yn mukic numya =
nor possible that I keep your word, and likewise endure suffering,

achaci. a graçia = yt. a uanate
were it not for your grace and your aid.

Lay U chun licil yn kalchitic tech = ca a Dzab a graçia ten.
This is the reason that I beg of you that you give your grace to me,

yn natic = V nucul = yn beel. yt. yn Dzocluksic. yn payma teche =
that I understand the form of my work, and I complete what I have owed to you."

Lay chaalba bin a cib = cech mehen lae =
This preparation you will do, you who are a youth here,

ti lic a ualic = pater noster = Ave Maria = yt. payal chiob ti Dzaan yolile =
while you say the "Our Father," "Hail Mary," and (other) prayers with devotion.

Hex ta uocol ta uay ti. okinale = oxtzuc bin a cib xani =
And so when you enter into your room in the evening, three parts you will do there also;

V huntzuci tac. caclampixnen - chicilbesix a Vich - bay ti calahe.
the first part of it, kneel and cross yourself, as we said,

nibteix U pixan Dios - yoklal. tu mansah hunppel kin ta cuxtal =
and give thanks to God, because He allowed a day in your life to pass,

yoklalix. U chayan V Dzayatzilob teche =
and because of the rest of His mercies to you.

V Cantzuc.10  hal ti Dios yume kahes yn uik. yn naate =              [p.239]
The second part, say to God, "Lord, inspire me to understand,

hijbal tin sipçicinba = tech. ca utzac Uokomoltic. yn keban =
that in which I sin against you, that I may feel remorse for my sin."

V yoxtzuc kahes Vamac. U ka. ta lakintah =
The third part, recall whomever it is you accompanied,

yetel hijbaal a beeltah. ti kin mani loe =
and whatever you did in the day that passed,

ca utzac a uilic Ua yan. a sipcie = yt. a sipanilie =
that you may see whether you sinned, and how you have sinned during it.

he ta kah.cunnahma = a sipile = ca a ualab ti Diose =
When you have remembered your sin, then you say to God,

yumile = yn Dzama tin uol = binil yn balynba.ti keban = yt. binil yn tanlech cachie =
"Lord, I have devoted myself to guarding myself from sin and to serving you before,

heuac ti luben ti kebanlo = tumen yn lobil = yt. Vix ma chicholalil =
but then I fell into sin, because of my badness and my lack of strength,

layx hach okomil Vol lae =
and for this I am really sorrowful,

chaanixynba. U mahal yn sipil tech tucaten -
and having prepared myself to cease my sin against you again,

bayx chaanilynba = yt. Dza yn cah tin Uol -
thus having prepared myself, and devoting myself,

binil yn tohpulte = yn keban. tu kinile =
I am going to confess my sin of the day.

Lay V chun lo yumile = sates yn sipil. okes a Uich ten = tumen a noh Dzayatzile =
For this reason then Lord, forgive my sin; have pity on me because of your great mercy."

lay bin a beelte = ti. okinal. cech mehen lae -
This you will do in the evening, you who are a youth here;

bay tun binil a uocebal. ta uenel = ti toh a uol. ti lic a ualic = payal chiob =
as then you will be entering into your sleep in peace, while you say prayers,

mayx a pec ta uol.U satal a pixan.
nor do you fear the loss of your soul,

Ua bay a hahal ocsicaba ti Dios. ti bucah loe =              [p.240]
if thus you truly reconcile yourself with God in that manner.

hahal than yn cah tech. Ua bin napahac tech. a payalchitic Dios.
I promise you, if it will become customary for you to beseech God,

yt. a chaicaba. sansamal. ti bu bucah loe.
and you prepare yourself everyday like that,

bin patac a beel ti uich Dios =
your work will be well done in the eyes of God,

mayx tun xan U nohhal a christianoyl.
and before long your Christianity becomes greater,

mayx tan a Dzoysabal tumen a nupobe =
and you are not being defeated by your enemies,

yoklal he u chun licil. U sebel Dzoysicech - - yetel licil U lubsicech ti keban. cisine =
because here is the reason the devil quickly conquers you and makes you fall into sin.

Lay yoklal. mabal. U pec ta uol.
It is because you fear nothing,

mayx chaanaba. tu talel cisin: yetel Dzalpachobe =
nor have you prepared yourself for the coming of the devil and (his) forces;

bacix sansamalac. V nah a Uocsicaba ti Dios yt. a beeltic. tin Ualahe =
therefore, everyday you must reconcile yourself with God and do what I said.

U nohlaili tun. a nahil. a beelte. tu kinob ku11 =
Even more then, you ought to do it on the days of the divinity,

yetel ta talel ti yotoch ku - bayx tamuk missa lae ========
and at your coming to the house of God and thus during mass here.

Domine doçenos orare ==

Yumile. cambeson. ti payalchi.
"Lord, teach us to pray,"

cu than V cambesah Uinicilob: cah lohile. ti lic U thanob. yetel cuchi =              [p.241]
so spoke the disciples of our redeemer, when they spoke with Him formerly.

a uohelixi tac = Ua yan U than. piz Uinic = bayx maçebal. yethun halalach Uince =
As you already know, if a common man like a masehual must speak with a dignitary,

ti mayx yohel U tusub yt. U tzol V [than]12  tuhunale =
without his knowing how to compose and arrange his speech by himself,

[yoklal] xip xip. xaxak U than = mayx chacan ti. hijbal bin U katabe
because his speech is uncouth, disordered, and unclear to him whatever he will ask,

lic V binel yetun. ah miatz = ca utzac. U cici tzolic.
so he goes to a wise man, that he may arrange it correctly,

yt. V cici Dzibtabal V than U Dzab tu kab halach Uince =
and his speech be well written to place in the hand of the dignitary.13

bay u cibahob. V cambesah Uinicil cah lohil ti Jhesu christo =
Thus they did it, the disciples of our redeemer Jesus Christ,

heklaobi yani. U thanob = yetun Dios. yolahobix payal chi cuchie =
they who had to speak with God, when they wanted to pray back then,

ti mayx yohel bal bin U katab = yt. hijbicil U nahil. payal chiob cuchi. xane.
without knowing what they will ask, and just how they ought to pray back then also.

Lay u chun kuchciob - yicnal cah loJhil ti Jesu christo.
This is the reason that when they arrived in the company of our redeemer Jesus Christ,

ti lic yalic ti - yumile. cambeson ti payalchi =
they said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray."

hex cah lohile ma u coytahUba tiob = mayx U pochaah. V thanob
And so our redeemer neither refused them, nor despised their words,

yoklal bayilili = chaanilUba =U cambesic hijmac katic. yetel yulolma. cambesabale =
because He is always ready to teach whoever asks and has resolved to be taught,

ca yalah tiob =
so He said it to them.

Mehenexe14  ca noh nibte - V pixan Cah lohil ti Jesu christo.              [p.242]
You children, we greatly thank our redeemer Jesus Christ,

yoklal yoltici. V tusub. yt. culcintoon. U payal-chiyl. pater noster lae.
because He wished to compose and establish for us His prayer, this "Our Father,"

heklay U hach tibilil. payal chiobe = yoklal ma u than yt. V tus Uinici =
which is the real perfection of prayers, because man did not speak and invent it;

heuac cah lohil ti Jesu christo tuçi - tu chije =
rather our redeemer Jesus Christ composed it, from His mouth,

comhiix V than pater noster = tumen cah lohil -
and it was brief, the saying of the "Our Father" by our redeemer,

ca çebac ca chaic ti col = yt. ca utzac. ca susu halic = mankin xan =
so that we may memorize it quickly and say it frequently every day also.

Bacix comhi. U thane = heuac tii yan. hijbal yan U uilal. tac pixan yt. tac cucutili =
Although brief the words, nevertheless it has whatever is necessary for our soul and body,

Layx DzeDzec than = balmaic tulacal. ca nahil. ca katab ti Dios loe ===
so these few words have contained everything we need to ask from God, then.

[Ca yum]15

V yax chunitac. yalah cah lohil ti Jesu christo. calic. ca yum =
The very first thing that our redeemer Jesus Christ said that we say is "Our Father,"

V chuninte. ca payalchi. ca chichac c alab olal. tac payal chij =
to begin our prayer, that it may strengthen our confidence in our prayer.

Ua hi ma. hach alab otzil. V kaba. yumbil loe =
Is it not really confidence (inspiring) for His name to be "father" then,

bayx chahucil cab = tu chij Uinic = yalic yumee =
and like the sweetness of honey to the mouth of the man that says "father"?

yan Ua yumbil. ti hach tunichil. U caah. U pucsikal              [p.243]
Does there exist a father whose heart is really like a stone,

matan U Dzab. U yatzil U mehen = yt. matan yokes u Uich ti = ti numya U caahe =
who never gives his charity to his child, and never pities him when he is suffering?

manan in thane = ma u kin =
There is not, in my opinion; never.

heuac yumbil. ca yumil ti dios. cech mehene = yoklal hach paynum. U yamaylon =
Rather our lord God is like a father, you child, because really He has loved us more,

yokol. ca yacunnabal. yt. ca tanoltabal. tumen ca cucutil. yumobe =
more than we are loved and we are cared for by our bodily fathers.

bay licil yalic = dauide = U ppatahen yn yum = yt. yn naa =
As David says: "They abandoned me, my father and my mother,

He Diose lay ma bahuni = yt. ma bikini. U ppatahen loe
but as for God, He in no way and at no time abandoned me."

Cu than. he tu paktumtic. mehentzil - ah satbalbae
So he speaks when he considers the prodigal son,

hach xulic U numya = ca yalah = bee otzilen. blax bin in cib.
whose misery really ended when he said, "Alas, I am miserable. What will I do?

bin xicen yetun. yn yum = bacix sipen tie = yt. bacix yn ppatahe =
I will go to my father, although I sinned against him and although I left him,

alan uol binil yokes. U uich ten =
I go trusting that he has compassion for me.

Va hi ma U nuculi = yoksic U uich tu mehenob. yumbile = cu than
Is it not his nature as a father to have pity for his children?" he says.

Heuac ylex ka lo. bacix Utzac U than Dios toon =
Nevertheless, see then, that even though there may be the word of God for us;

bacix yolte. U mehen toon = yt. U chabon U mehenil ante =
even though He wants for us to be His children, and takes us as His children to help,

ma la tah oklal binil16  a uocebal. tix ma tijl. ti Dios yt. bin a sipebal tie =              [p.244]
not for this reason will you be entering haphazardly to God and sinning against Him,

yoklal bacix utzac U than. ti yah tanlahulobe =
because although there may be His promise for those who serve Him;

bacix yabac - y ayikalil. yt. U Dzabilah =
although their wealth and benefits may be great,

menan tumenel. U tialte = U mehenobe =
nothing belongs to His children because of it.

heuac hach ya U than - yt. U tzeec. licil U tzeectic U lobol mehentzilob =
Rather, really severe His word and His sermon when He castigates His bad children,

yah poochil U thonob.17
His blasphemers,

layx U chun licil yalic. ca yumil ti Dios tah kebanob lae =
and this is the reason that our lord God says to these sinners,

Ua ten a yumexe = tabx yan a yacunnahex ten. bay U yacunnic U yum mehentzil =
"If I am your father, where is your love for me, as a child loves his father?

Uayx ten a yumilex xane - bix matan a sahtenex = bay U sahtic U yumil palilbile =
And if I am your lord also, how do you not fear me, as a servant fears his lord?"

Cu than = he u tibilil mentzil cech mehene = ma chambeel yacunah U caah tu yum =
So He speaks. As for you, (be like) His virtuous child, who not only loves his father,

heuac yanix U tibib U yum ti = ppix ychijx U caah ca achac U lobcin yol U yume =
but also has respect for his father, keeping watch not to give pain to his father;

He santoobe = bacix utzac u than Dios tiobe =
like the saints, even though God’s promise may exist for them,

bacix yet thanacob = cuchie =
even though they have spoken with Him formerly,

ma la tahmen. U mahal. U saholticob Dios ena yan U tibib Dios tiob =
for this reason do they do not cease fearing God; rather they have respect for God,

cilcilnacobix tu tan Dios xan yoklal U natmail U tepale              [p.245]
and they have trembled before God also, because they have understood His might.

Lay U chun yalcij. san pedro ti cah lohil ti Jesu christo. huntenie.
This is the reason Saint Peter said to our redeemer Jesus Christ once,

yume luken Uicnal. nachcunnixaba. Uicnal =
"Lord, I departed from your company, and you withdrew from my presence;

yoklal Uincen. ah kebaneni xan = cu than =
because I am a man, I am a sinner also," so he speaks,

yalahix tu caten xan. tic U tal U pocol yooc tumen cah lohile =
and he said it again also at his coming to the foot-washing done by our redeemer,

tech ua bin pocic Voc = cen mabale =
"Is it you who will wash my feet, I who am nothing?

bin ua yn mukub U pocol Uoc tumenel Dios ah tepale =
Will I permit the washing of my feet by God, the ruler?

matan yn mukub ti hunlukul. cu than.
Never do I permit it, forever," so he speaks.18

habla bacix Utzac U than Dios. tech cech mehene =
So even though there may be the word of God for you who are a child,

bacix matan U sebel satech. tilic a sipil tie.
even though He never quickly destroys you when you sin against Him,

ma la tahmen. binil a pochob = ah tepal.
not for this reason will you insult the ruler;

heuac cilcilnachen tu tan = bay U cicilancil angelob yt. canil Uinicob.
rather tremble before Him, as the angels and heavenly persons tremble,

lic na U cicillancil. y ahtanlahul ahau = tu tan U yumil. yoklal yohelmayl = U tepal =
as the servants of a ruler tremble before their lord because they have known his might;

ena mabal U nohil. yt. U tepal tilob =
regardless of his greatness and his might notwithstanding,

nohmeteli tun ca nahil ca beelte. yetun. ca noh ahau ti Dios loe =
how much more greatly then, we ought to do it in the presence of our great lord God.

paktumteix = cech mehene = mail yalah cah lohil = calic. yn yum =              [p.246]
Consider, you child, that our redeemer never said for us to say, "My father,"

heuac: ca yum. bin calab tu than:
but "Our father" we will say, according to His word,

yoklal mail U yum = huntul - catul tooni =
because He is not the father of one or two of us,

heuac U yum. Uincob tulacal = ti maix mac ma U mehen = yt. U sihsah Uinicile =
but the father of all men, with no one who is not His child and His created person.

lay U chun yolahil = U yanhal yDzin. sucunil toon =
This is the reason He wished there to be younger siblings of older brothers among us,

yetel ca yacunic caba tanba =
and that we love each other among ourselves,

baytachil U yacunnic = yetel yantic. yetmehenil = yetalil Uinice =
just as a man loves and helps his own brothers and sisters,

yoklal hach lay U chicul = licil yoheltabal = U baalnail Dios.
because really this is the sign by which the household of God is known,

hun olal - yetel yacunahtanba loe =
the peace and the love among them.

bacix ahau = bacix halach Uincae Uinice =
Though he may be a ruler, although a governor of men,

ma uchac yalic hunpayil = U yum =
it is impossible for him to claim that (God is) his father only,

maix Uchac yalic ma yet mehenilob = ah numyaob = yetel mazeualobe =
and it is impossible for him to say that the poor and the common men are not his brothers;

ma ua huntulili ca yum taclacal = cu than. Malachias = profeta =
not if only one person is the father of all of us, as Malachi the prophet says,

ma ua huntulili Dios sihesoon =
not if only one God created us.

bala bicx U pochic U lak: yetalil Uinice =
Therefore, however he abuses his companions, his fellow men,

bin U sates Dios. U sipil hijmac beeltic. ti bucah lae
God will punish the fault of he who does it to the same extent.

cu than beelatun nahelex. cex pochic = yt. numsicex ti ya = ah numyaob -              [p.247]
As he says, "Alas, miserable ones, you who insult and torment the poor,

ti ma a tuculmaex = laobil = a uetmehenilob. loe
without having thought of them as your brothers,

ena layla. balcheob. ta uichexe =V yilabal.tilic a tzecticexob. tixmama oksah ychile =
rather that they are like beasts in your eyes is seen when you punish them without mercy,

heuac bool keban. bin a cibex = tumen keban loe =
but you will pay because of that sin,

yoklal cha toh bin U cib Dios teex =
because God will take vengeance against you,

licil a numsicex ti ya = U yamehenilob = ah numyaobe =
when you persecute His children, the poor.

ma ua tan. a uilbex = hij bic - yanticVba = V Dzaacbacel. Vinice =
Do you not see how the members of a man’s body help each other?

Va lic yocol kix ti yooc. Uince =
If a thorn enters a man’s foot,

ma ua tan V hoksabal = yetel yantabal tumen kab = yetel ych =
is it not removed and (his foot) helped by hand and eye?

ma ua tan ubi = V numya = hunhunppeli =
Is not each and every one (of the members of his body) feeling his pain?

boni V Dzacbacel Vinic = taclacale = cu than san pablo =
"We are like the members of a man’s body, all of us," as Saint Paul says,19

Layx ca pol in nahma = ca yumil ti Jesu christo loe
"He who is our head, good for me, that is our lord Jesus Christ."

bicx matan = c okes cich = yetel caac c aante = ca batanba =
How is it that we are not pitying and helping each other,

bay yutzcinnic = V Dzaacbacel. Uinic = tu hunhunnalobe.              [p.248]
as do the members of man’s body, each one of them?

hahal than. yn cah tech. potmahanceni = V chiculix.
Truly I promise you, and manifestly it is the sign of it,

matechil: taban ti Dios = maixnan yacunah tech =
you are never a member of God’s community, nor does He feel love for you,

Va matan. a uubi = yetel. a uoyes a uol = tu numya. a lake =
if you never feel for the suffering of your fellow beings and have compassion for them.

ena bechi = U chahalil yoc Uinic - yt. V kabe = heklay matan U pec =
Rather, you are like a man lame in his foot and his hand, which never move;

maixtan yantabal = tumen U chayan. yetDzacbacil = cucute =
nor are they helped by the rest of the members of the body,

mayxbal U kat tiobe xan = yoklal chahalil = ==================
and there is no use for them also, because they are lame.

Dzocebali tun = tucle = yoltici = ca yumil ti Jesu christo =
Finally then, consider that which our lord Jesus Christ desired,

ca mul payalchi = taclacal = yt. c aanticcaba tanba = tac payalchi =
that we congregate to pray, all of us, and that we help each other with our prayers.

lay U chun. matan = c alab = Dza yn samal = kin Uaah =
This is the reason we never say, "Give (me) my daily bread,"

heuac Dza ca samal kin Vaah toon =
but "Give our daily bread to us;"

mayx tan c alab = sates yn sipil = heuac - sates ca sipil = c alic lae
nor do we say, "Forgive my sin," rather "Forgive our sin" is what we say.

bayx tu chayan thanobe = layx U chun loe ohelte =
And so it is also with the rest of the words, and this is the reason to know then,

Va cuxan a pixan = ti yetaylil Dios Uayx ma chapahaan = tumen kebane =
if your soul has lived in the company of God, and if it has not sickened because of sin,

yan tac lic tech = tacannechijx. ti payalchij = yt. ti missasob =              [p.249]
you have comrades, allied with you, in prayers and at masses,

lic yalabal. tumen christianoob = Ua taba citan = ti luummile = yanilobe =
which are said by Christians, wherever on earth they may be,

yanix U nahal a pixani = payalchijx U cahob = c okol =
and there is benefit for your soul from the prayers they perform on our behalf,

bay licil ca payalchi = yokol xane =
as from our prayers on their behalf also.

lay U chun licil yalic = V palil Dios = David = cuchi lae =
This is the reason that the servant of God, David, said this long ago,

Bee yume. tacanen = tu beel - sahlemob tech = yt. tacunticob. a ualmah thanile
"O lord, I am accompanied on the way by those who fear you and keep your command,"

cu than. bayhi ciac. V thane =
so he speaks; thus it is that he has spoken,

yumile = noh nib. yn cah ta pixan. yoklal a Volticij =
"Lord, I give great thanks to you because of that which you wished,

Vaantabal. yt. yn tacpahal. tu payalchij = yt. tu tibiltacil. V beel. a palilobe =
that I am aided, and I participate in the prayers and good works of your servants.

lay U chun loe. bacix ah kebanene = tilob =
This is the reason then, although I am a sinner notwithstanding,

bacix DzeDzec U yal yikalil. yn pixane =
and although the value of the riches of my soul is little,

alan Uol tu beel. yn yumil. ti Jesu christo. yt. V palilob. cu than = ------------------
I have trusted in the way of my lord Jesus Christ and his servants," so he speaks.

[yanech ti caan]20

V catzuc lic calic. yanech ti caane =
The second thing that we say is,"You are in heaven."

Mehene. ma chambeel ti caan. yanil Dios = heuac tusinile yanile = maixtab manan =
Child, God is not only in heaven, rather He is everywhere; there is nowhere He is not.

he ahaue. lic calic yanil tu Uay. yanil ti yotoch              [p.250]
As for a ruler, we say that he is in his room; he is in his house,

licix calic yanil. tu yahaulil. yoklal yanil yuchucil =
and we say also that he is in his kingdom, because of his power being there,

heuac hach ti yan tu Uay ti ma tan yilab. hijbal yan nachile =
but really there he is in his room without seeing whatever is distant,

bacix yanac yuchucil. ti yahaulil. yt. ti petene =
even though he may have power over his kingdom and over the region;

heuac ma takcabal U uich. tatabaie = halili tu Vay culannile =
nevertheless, his sight is not focused on all parts of it; truly he is seated in his room.

He Diose = helan helan yanil = yoklal tulacal yanil = takcabalix U uich. tatabae =
As for God, He is very different, because He is everywhere, His sight is fixed on all of it;

bay yalci U palil Dios Dauid = Bee yumile Diose = tabx yn binel. yn puDzlech.
so said the servant of God, David: "O lord God, where am I going to flee you,

yt. yn balynba tech = matab ti hunkul. yoklal Va bin xicen ti caane = ti ech yani =
and hide myself from you? Nowhere, forever, because if I go to heaven, you are there,

Vayx bin emcen mitnale = ti takan a uichi =
and if I will descend to the underworld, there your gaze is fixed,

Uayx bin xicen tu xul kaknobe = ti Uchuc cen a kabi -
and if I will go to the end of the oceans, there is the power of your hand over me;

Dzocebali tun. Ua bin yn balynba. ych oklennile = bayx ti actunne =
finally then, if I will hide myself in darkness, as in a cave,

mabal yaal ten = yoklal potsasilil. tulacal tech
it is of no use for me, because everything is completely clear to you,

mananix oklennil ta uich = cu than =
and there is no darkness before your eyes," he says.

bala potmahanceni = tusinil = yanil Dios =
Therefore, manifestly God is everywhere,

Heuac lic calic teil yan Dios ti caane =              [p.251]
but we say God is there, in heaven,

yoklal tijl hach chacan. V tepal. yetel. yuchucile:
because there His rule and His power are really apparent,

heklay tibantzil. U nohil- mactzilix. ciotzilil xan.
which are infinite in their greatness and wondrous in their delight also.

he lum. yt. babal tulacal. yantacie =
As for this earth and everything that exists in it,

ma chanchannili = maixbal ti yetppisantic caane =
they are small things,21  and nothing in comparison with heaven,

licix calic teyl yan ca yumil ti Dios. ti caane =
and we say that our lord God is there in heaven,

cac c ahcun c ol = Uay yokol cabe = yoklal Ua te yan = ca yumil ti Dios. ti caane =
that we may not attach our hearts here on earth because if our lord God is there in heaven,

blax ca kati = y. blax U chun. ca siDzbic.
what do we want, and for what reason do we covet,

ca cultal. Uay tu numyatzil. cuxtal. ca yanil lae =
our being here in this miserable life, our existence here?

he hij ca Uayac yan = ta lumilex = U mehen ahau. ti nachijx yan U yum Uaye =
It is as if the son of a ruler were here in your land, while his father is far from here,

tu yabal tepal = yt. ayikalil U yume =
his father with great power and wealth.

Vchac Va u tohtal yol = mehentzil. Uaye =
Would it be possible for the son to be content here,

ti lic U pul cuch = ti lic u patanhal = ti licix U numya xan =
while he bears burdens, while he pays tribute, and while he suffers also?

ma ua tan U Dzibolte = benel yetun U yume =
Is he not longing to be going to his father?

Be. mehenexe = tooni. V mehen. ca noh ahau. ti Dios
So, children, it is for us, the children of our great ruler God;

tumenix. U keban. ca yax yumob. ca pulci Uay tu kom yalil ych lae.              [p.252]
because of the sin of our first parents we were cast here, into this vale of tears,

chupannonix = tu yabal numya = yt. otzilil = ych ticil yaix U mal kin toon =22
and filled with great suffering and poverty, and painfully time passes for us;

tu yam ca nupob = katun yahix. ca beel. mankin. tix mama nicilile.
in the midst of our enemies, strife is our path, always without ceasing.

habla Uchaci ua = ca tohcinnic c ol ychil U yabal numya lae =
Therefore, is it possible for us to be content here in this great misery?

Uchaci ua. U mahal. ca ÇiDzbic benel yetun. ca yumil ti Dios.
Is it possible that it cease, our longing to go to our lord God,

heklay Dzilan ti ayikalil = yt. groriae23 =
who is replete with riches and glory?

ma uchac tin thani =
It is not possible, it seems to me;

ena ca nahij c alab = U than. U palil Dios David lae =
rather it is fitting that we say these words of God’s servant David:

belatun otzilen = yoklal nach halil U caah U kinil = yn toholal. Uay ti balcahe =
"Alas I am miserable, because of the length of the time of my exile here on earth,"

cu than. bayhi ciac V thane -
so he speaks; thus he has spoken,

belatun = hach yaab otzil. yt. pecotzilil. licil U satal. pixan =
"Alas, really great is the misery and the danger which is the loss of the soul,

yn yanil yokol cab = ti nach - pikanen. yetun Diose =
(in) my existence on earth, distanced from the company of God;

lay U chun licil yn Dziboltic = yn chochpahal. tin cucutil =
this is the reason for which I desire the dissolution of my body,

yetel yn benel. yetun Dios. tilobe =
and my going into the company of God, but in vain,

yoklal hijbici = yolah Diose. heklay mahah. ten. lae =              [p.253]
because just as it is the will of God which is necessary for me,

layx yanil U tumutil = yn cimil. yt. = yn lukul loe: cu than =
so these also must be His decision, my death and my salvation," so he speaks.

Mehene hulolte. ciDzbeix24. benel ti caan. yanil ca yumil ti Dios.
Child, wish and long to go to heaven, where our lord God is,

yoklal tial laac ca uilal: cech ca sihsahbon -
because that is our purpose, you who are among us that He created,

maix. yokol cab. a Uilal. ca u sihsahech Dios =
and your purpose, for which God created you, is not on earth,

mananix = ca hunkul otoch = Uay ti balcahe =
nor is our eternal home here on earth;

chambel numulbeon = mantaDzonix. Vay tac mahaan cuxtal lae =
we are only wanderers; we are passers-by here in this fleeting life of ours.

heuac ylex kalo = bacix tu kuc a Uol = ta cuxtal.
But see this, even though you have become disgusted with your life;

bacix yabac a numyae = Ma latah oklal. binil a ÇiDzbic = cimil =
even though your suffering is great, not for that reason will you long for death,

ca nibtic cimil a Uokol ti ma yolah ca yumil ti Dios. a cimil loe =
and beg death on your behalf, unless your death is the will of our lord God, then.

heuac. Dzilibte = U beel. U palil Dios. san pablo -
Rather, imitate the way of God’s servant, Saint Paul,

heklay.licyalic cuchi loe = Be yume = hach çiDzen. ti talel. a uetun =
which is that he said back then, "O lord, I really longed to come with you,

hach. Uolahix yn ppatab. yn cucutil tilob = ca utzac yn talel = ti cahtal a uetun -
and I really wished to leave my body, in vain, that I might come to dwell with you,

heuac Ua yan U uilal. yn cultal Uay ti balcaah = Vante yn lakobe =              [p.254]
but if there is a purpose for my living here on earth, to help my fellows,

matan yn mabcun. a uolah = heuac lay Vuulolma = yutzhal. a uolah loe cu than =
I never negate your will; rather I have desired this, the perfection of your will," he says.

cu than = bay xan. cech mehene =
As he speaks, thus also it is for you, child,

Ua numulbeon. yt. mantaDzon Uay yokol cabe =
if we are wanderers and passers-by here on earth,

ca nahij = ca pochob = U babalil. balcaah = yoklal ma chich:
it is fitting for us to despise the things of the world because it is not enduring:

U ximbal Uinic al V cuche =
a man is walking, his burden heavy,

bacix kuchuc. ah numulbe = ti hunppel helebe = ma tan U kaxab nai -
and even though the wanderer arrives at a resting place, he never constructs a house,

yoklal. halili hunppel akab = bin Uenebalie =
because truly he will sleep there for (only) one night.

mehene = baci a suUancun a uol. tu babalil balcaah =
Child, do not accustom yourself to things of the world,

yoklal hunkin. ca kinili = U cutal. Uayie =
because for one day, two days, they exist here.

Lay lic Valic tex = cu than. sanct pablo =
This that I say to you, is that which Saint Paul says,

ma chanchani = maix nach sin lic U kinil = ca cuxtal =
neither great, nor long is the extent of the time of our lives.

Lay U chunlo = he teex cex manic babale. beeltex. ti bay matan a mabex. yilabale =
This is the reason then, when you buy something, do it without avoiding that it be seen,

heex teex ceex pachic. U babalil yokol cabe = beeltex bay U nahililex a beelticex =
so when you possess worldly things, do it as it is fitting for you to do it,

ca mananac teex loe =              [p.255]
as if it were nothing to you.

cu than. sanct. pablo = bayhi ciac U thane =
So speaks Saint Paul; thus he has spoken.

bacix halabac teex. a yacunicex. a yum. a chuplilob. a mehenobe =
Even though you have been commanded to love your parents, your wives, your children,

bacix Uchucac. a tialticex. tzooy = yt. balbae -
and even though you may own goods and belongings,

heuac baci - a Dzabex. yt. a cahcunex. a uoli =
nevertheless, you are forbidden to place and fix your hearts on them;

heuac natex. mahanbilil = tulacal = ca Dzabi tex. tumenel Dios
rather, understand that everything was given to you by God as a loan;

mahanbil. a cuxtal = mahanbil a toholal = mahanbil a chuplil = mahanbil a mehen =
a loan, your life; a loan, your health; a loan, your woman; a loan, your children;

mahanbil a takin. a tzoy = mahanbilix tulacal -
a loan, your money, your wealth, and a loan, everything,

ti mayxbal ma = mahanbil. ca Dzabi tech - tumenel Diose =
and there is nothing that was not given to you by God as a loan.

a Uoheli ua bal = cu mahantic = yt. cu payic. Uince =
You know that if a man borrows and owes something,

ma tan U Dzab yolie = mayx ya ti yol. tu katabal tij = tu caten.
he never sets his heart on it, nor does he suffer when it is asked of him again,

yoklal mahaanbilil = ca u kamahe =
because it is as a loan that he received it,

heuac Ua u hunkul matah. tu thane = tilic U hach yahal ti yol = tu satal =
but if it was granted eternally, it seems to him, then he really suffers at its loss,

bayx tu luksabal tie =
and thus when it is taken from him.

bacij a tucle = a hunkul kamcij = babal =
Do not think that you permanently received something,

heUac ohelte = mahanbil tulacal = ca a kamahe =
but know it is as a loan, everything that you received.

hach Utz U tucul = yt. U tumut = ah miatz = ti seneca =
They are really good, the thought and judgment of the sage Seneca,25

ena. ah ma ocolal = cuchi =
though he was a nonbeliever back then.

heklay lic yalic cuchie =              [p.256]
This is what he said, back then:

he tu Dzabal tzicilil = bayx ayikalil ten. tumen kuobe =
"At the giving of an honor, like wealth (given) to me by the gods,

yn hunkul matan tu thanob. tilic U Dzaic tene =
my eternal boons, they seem to me when they give them to me,

he yn tucule. ma yn hunkul matani =
but I think, they are not my permanent boons;

chambeel mahanbil yn caah. tilic yn kamic loe =
it is only as a loan that I receive them.

lay U chun mabal yn kati = tu satal =
This is the reason that I do not concern myself with their loss,

mayx ya tin Uol. tu luksabal ten =
nor do I suffer when they are taken from me,

yoklal chambel yn mahaan. ca yn kamah tin thane =
because they were only my borrowed (things) that I received, it seems to me."

bee hach Utz U tumut Seneca. loe = cayihij baac. a beelticex loe =
Thus, the judgment of Seneca is really good then, in that if you did that,

ca achac U yahal ta uolex tu cimil a Ual a mehenex. bayx tu satal U balabaex =
you would not suffer at the death of your children; so too at the loss of your belongings,

yoklal. he u chun licil a hach Ubicex = licil U hach yahal ta uole
because this is the reason that you really feel it, that you really suffer;

lay yoklal mail = a tuculmaex. mahanbilil. ca a kamahex =
this is because you have never considered (that it is) as a loan that you received them;

heuac a hunkul matanex ta than =
rather, they seemed to you to be your permanent gifts.

Dzocebali tun = hahcun ta uol. mail samac = tohnac a uol.
Finally then, not until you accept the truth will you be content;

maixtab = U chictahal = hahal toholal tech = la tumucut = a kuchul. yicnal Dios =
nowhere will true contentment be found for you until your arrival in the company of God,

heklay U xul. licil a benel loe =
which is the end towards which you are going,

yoklal. mabal yan yokol cab. Uchucil. U tohtal yol. ca pixan
because there is nothing on earth with the power to satisfy our souls,

maixbal mayxbal yet nohil pixan = xane =              [p.257]
and there is nothing, nothing as great as the soul also.

bacix a Dzab: hunthah. cathah. ti haa = ychil U nohol chem.
Even though you place one drop, two drops of water within a great boat,

maibal maix tan U chupul. chem xane:
it is nothing, nor is the boat fillling up.

hach noh a pixan: cech mehene. yoklal chambil. ti Dios
Really your soul is great, you child, because it is sufficient for God,

Vchacix yetkilhal26. Diosi -
so that it is God who fits in it.

Lay V chun mabal chaan V than = V chupes pixan. yt. V tohcin yol loe.
This is the reason that no thing is sufficient to fill the soul and make it content,

yoklal. ma chan chan = bayx hunthah ti haa - U babalil yokol cab =
because a worldly thing is a little thing, like one drop of water,

tij yet pizantic pixane =
in comparison with the soul.

bacix ayikalac Vince: bacix halach Vincaac = bacix yabac U balbaile =
Although a man may be rich, although a governor, although many his possessions,

yabi babal manan ti = maixmac. Dzoclukan. babal ti. tulacal.
there are many things he lacks, and no one is complete, having everything.

Lay V chun mamac toh yol. yokol cabe =
This is the reason no one is content on earth,

he ti hach numya. V cah Uince =
where real suffering is the condition of man.

hanal V kati = DzeDzec.
He wishes for some food,

he tu Dzabal hanal tie V kati yantal V buc = V bucin =
then when food is given to him, he wants there to be clothes to clothe him,

he ti yan V buce: ma xan yulel yol. ti ayikale.              [p.258]
then when he has clothing, before long he turns his mind toward wealth,

he ti yakikalhal Vince - ocol V kati. ti chunthanil.
then when the man becomes rich, he wants to enter into leadership,

U kati ocol ti beelancil nucteil. V kati =
he wants to enter government as an elder, that is his wish;

he ti yan V bellancile = Valac cumlac. sutpalacix. V puczikal =
then when he has his office, as soon as he has been seated, his heart turns again,

yoklal mahunppel. zozouic yol =
because it is not single; his mind is tangled;

habla matab V xul V tucul = yt. V ziDzil. Vinic.
hence nowhere is the end of the thought and desire of man,

ti latulah. V kuchul. yetu Dios. V sihçahoon.
until he reaches God, who created us,

ca ti yal tech yume. cu than. San Agustin
as when he said, "You, lord," as Saint Augustine says,

lay V chun. matab V tohtal yol yn pixan. latulah yn kuchul. a uetune. cu than.
"this is the reason, my soul is content nowhere until I reach your company," he says.

he Vcum. V çiptah Noe = likul ti cheme.
As the dove Noah released from the boat,

tuchij ca yilah. tultulnacil haa. tu uich lume.
when it saw the brimming waters on the face of the earth,

mayxtab chacan luum. yt. chee. Vchebal V cutal cuchie
and nowhere visible land and tree on which to settle back then,

mayxtac xanhij = V ualkal. ti chem. tu catene =
did not delay its return to the boat again.

bala hex mehentzil ah satbalbae - tumtah tu cibah tu babalil. yokol cab -
Therefore, be like the prodigal son, who tried out worldly things,

tuchij ca yilah. minanil helelie. hunsuthij V ualkahal. yetun V yume =              [p.259]
then when he saw there was no rest there, immediately came back to his father.

Valkahen ti yumil ti Dios cech lic a xachetic helel tu babalil balcahe.
Return to the lord God, you who seek rest in the things of the world,

yoklal ma çamac chictaac techi.
because not until then will it be found for you,

yoklal xakanil. tu yabal numya = yt. V Dzacal cimil tulacal -----------------------------
because everything is mixed up with great suffering and death is the cure.

            *               *                   *
Sanctocinabac - cilichcunabac27  a kaba =
May it be sanctified; may it be blessed, your name.

He ti calah canale chambel alhebal c ool. ti Dios. calci.
That which we said above, it is only trusting in God that we said it,

yetel. lukebal. tu babalil. bal caahe.
and to escape from wordly things.

he uucppel than. cu talele.
As for the seven words that come next,

lay licil ca katic ti Dios. hijbal yan U uilal. tac pixan = yt. tac cucutile.
they are those in which we ask God what is His purpose for our souls and for our bodies.

V yax chuni tac = lic calic. licix ca katic.
At first beginning then, we say and we ask,

V santocinabal. yt. V tiliscunnabal. U cilich kaba Dios.
that it be sanctified and honored, the blessed name of God,

yoklal he u tibilil mehentzile = lay U kati. yt. yuulolma = tu hoppol.
because this is like a good son, who asks and determines at the beginning,

U tiliscunnabal. yt. V tzicil. V yum loe =
that his father be honored and respected.

heuac bix bin a tiliscunic U cilich kaba Diose.
But how will you honor the blessed name of God?

Lay tilic a nachcunnic. yanumal tilicix a niptic U pixan
This is when you broadcast His renown and when you give thanks,

tumen U ma ppizbenil. U tibilil. tumenix U hach yabal U Dzayatzil teche.
because of His immeasurable goodness and because of His really great mercy for you.

a uoheli. tuchij tu matic. ah numya. U cohil Dzabilah. tu kab. ayikale              [p.260]
As you know, when a needy person receives a valuable gift from the hand of a rich man,

ma xan U cantic. yt. V yetsic tu lakob.
before long he tells about it and shows it to his fellows,

ti mayx uchuc. U mukic tu puczikal.
and it is impossible for him to hide it in his heart,

tu mahal U cantic yt: U nachcunnic. yanumal. yah Dzaule.
to cease to tell about it and to broadcast the fame of his benefactor.

bala bayx ca nahil ca belte yetun Dios.
Therefore, it is fitting that we do the same with God,

tilic ca tilizcunic. yt. ca nachcunnic yanumal. tumen U nohil. U Dzabilah toon.
while we honor Him and we broadcast His renown, because of His great gifts to us,

bay licil yutzcinnic = V palil Dios david = tilic yalic cuchila =
as God’s servant David did, when he said this long ago,

conex ylae talacalex: cex sahlemex ti Dios yoklal. Uolahil. yn cante tex.
"Come, see all of you, you who fear God, because I wish to relate to you,

hij bahun Dzayatzil. U beeltah ca yumil ti Dios ten =
just how great are the mercies our lord God performed for me,"

cu than bahij ciac U thane.
so he speaks; thus he has spoken,

ma uchac yn mukic = yt. yn balinnic. tin puczikal.
"It is impossible for me to hide and for me to conceal in my heart,

U hach nohil. U Dzayatzil Dios ten.
the real greatness of God’s mercy to me,

yoklal. ah canantanamen28  cuchi. ca yocsahen ti ahauil.
because I was a watcher of sheep before, then He made me enter into rulership;

bulannen ychil yn keban cuchi. ca u luksahen tulukil yn keban.
I was submerged in my sin before; then He rescued me from the midst of my sin;

U ppentacen cisin. tumen yn keban cuchi
I was the slave of the devil for my sins before;

ca yocsahen. tu mehenil =
then He made me enter among His children,

hach yabix U Dzayatzil U beeltah ten = sançamal -
and really so many were the mercies He performed for me every day,

bacix Uolte. yn tzolob tex loe ma kuchan thani = cu than =
that even though I wish to explain them to you, words do not suffice," so he speaks.

ma yoltah David U kochpahal. yt. yabal - yxma nibpixanil -              [p.261]
David did not wish to become culpable and largely ungrateful,

bay Vchi. ti. kohanob tohcinnabi yol tumen cah lohil ti Jhe christo.
as occurred with the sick who were healed by our redeemer Jesus Christ,

heklaobi. lahuntul cuchi. heuac huntulili. Ualkahi. V nibte u pixan Dios
of whom there were ten before, but only one of them returned to give thanks to God,

ca yalah cah lohil ti = ma ua lahuntulex cachie ca tin tohcinnah a uolex.
so our redeemer said to him, "Were there not ten of you earlier, when I healed you?

cex boluntuli. cu than -
What about the (other) nine of you?" so He speaks.

mehene - bayili yoltic. ca yumil ti Dios. U nibtabal U pixan. yt. U tanlabal.
Child, our lord God always wants for them to be appreciated and taken into account,

u Dzayatzilobe mansah U cibaah. tu cahal ysrlael29
the mercies whose passage He performed for the town of Israel,

ti ximbalbil yokol kak =nab30  U tan V mucchahal. yt. U bulul = u nij - U nupoob.
to walk on the ocean, while it covers and submerges the noses of their enemies,

thulic U pach. yt. oltic u cimesob cuchie =
who followed them and wished to kill them back then.

lay tahmen. yolticij. ca yumil ti Dios. U kinbesicob. U mankinalil.
It is for this reason that our lord God wanted them to commemorate the occasion,

kahbal tiob = U Dzayatzil Dios lae
reminding them of this mercy of God.

bayx yolticij = U kahsabal. tumenob. tzentabciob. tumen Dios.
Thus He also wished that it be remembered by them that they were sustained by God,

ca kal ti haab. ych poc che. tu hach tibilil hanal. tal ti caan. cuchi =
for forty years in the desert with really good food that came from heaven back then.

bayx ca nah ca beelte. coon christianos lae
And thus it is fitting for us to do, we Christians here,

tilic ca kinbesic. U sihil = yt. U cuxtal. yet. U cimil. cah lohil ti Jesu xpo
when we celebrate the birth and the life and the death of our redeemer Jesus Christ,

ca utzac ca tiliscunic yt. ca nibtic U pixan tumenele
that we may honor and thank Him by doing it,

yoklal ca yatzili. ca matani.
because of our love for Him, our gifts from Him;

tulacal toonix tah oklal. yutzcincie --------------------------
everything is for us, on whose behalf He did it.

Mayx chambeel. ti piz than. bin ca tiliscunic. Dios. yt. ca nibtic U pixan.              [p.262]
And it is not only with words that we will honor God and thank Him,

heuac tac beli xan.
but with our deeds also.

bax u Uil a nibtic U pixan Dios. ta than. Va lic a pochic. yt. a mabcunic. ta beele.
What merit that you thank God in your words if you insult and deny Him in your deeds?

he u tibilil mehentzile. U ciciolal U yume.
As a good son is the delight of his father,

hex U lobil mehentzile. U pochil. yt. yokom olalili. U yum xane.
so a bad son is the reproach and the sorrow of his father also.

tibilcunex a bel. cu than.
"Perfect your deeds," He says,

cu than cah lojil ti Jesuchristo. tu cambesah Uinicilob. cuchi =
so spoke our redeemer Jesus Christ to His disciples long ago,

ca laac tahmenel. binil tiliscunnabebal Dios.
"that it may be by your doing it, God will be honored,

tumen tulacal. Uinicob .bin ylic U tibilil. a belexe: cu than.
because all men will see the goodness of your deeds," He says.

mahaanceni. tuchij. ti c ilic tibilil: U beel mehentzile.
Manifestly then, when we see the goodness of the deeds of His son,

bayx ti lic c ubic U beel. sanct pedro. san franco. yt. santobe.
thus also when we hear of the deeds of Saint Peter, Saint Francis and the (other) saints,

maytac xan. ca tiliscunic Dios. yt. ca nibtic U pixan
without delay we honor God and we thank Him,

heklay. U chuni nah. U tibilil. U palilob loe.
which is the reason that the virtue of those servants of His is beneficial.

lay U chun. yalci ca yumil ti Dios - ti Judiosob.
This is the reason that our lord God said to the Jews,

ca ocij ti cahtal. yethun tixma ocolalob.
when they entered to dwell among the nonbelievers,

belatun cex. U lobol mehentzile. yok teexi. tahoklal licil yn pochol =
"Alas for you, bad children, my discredit is because of you, it is on your account,

tumen yxma ocolallob. licix U tamaychiticob. yn cilich kaba=
because the nonbelievers, when they curse my blessed name,

yoklalix licil yilic
it is because of that which they see,

lobil. max U cetel. a belex.              [p.264. p.263 is blank, but text is continuous]
the badness, the iniquity of your deeds.

Lay tahmenel. licil yn kochpahal. licix U pulul koch. Uokol
This is your doing, that I become culpable, and that there is blame cast on me,

ti mayxbal yn koch tilobal. yoklal Vtz Uaalmah. thanil teeix.
with nothing my fault notwithstanding, because my commandment to you is good,

heklay ma tan. heklay ma tan U tacabal tamenex loe.
which never, that which never is being kept by you,

heuac hahal than yn caah teex. cex ah kebane. ceex lobol mehentzile.
but I promise you, you who are sinners, you who are bad children,

cha toh bin yn cib teex. ti lic yn tiliscunnic. yn kaba. cu than.
I will take vengeance on you, by which I honor my name," He says.

Dzocebali tun. hijbal u ka. lic a beeltic. cech mehene.
Finally then, whatever it is that you do, you child,

yoklal. Dios. yt. tzicebal Dios. binil a beelte
you will do it on account of God, and honoring God,

yt. yan hebal yal ta pixan. yetel tu pixan a lakobe.
and that it may be of value for your soul, and for the souls of your fellow men.

ohelte catzuc yan U utzac U tibilhal a beel tu Uich Dios.
Know that two-fold are the requirements that your work become good in the eyes of God,

cayx Vtzac U nahal a pixani.
and that it benefit your soul;

U huntzuci tac yan U uilal. ca yanhal. ti yetaylil Dios.
the first thing that is necessary for us, is our coming to be in the company of God,

yoklal ma kanan tu Uich Dios31  U beel U nupob.
because the deeds of His enemies are not valuable in the eyes of God;

bacix Utzac a beel tilolobe.
and even though your deeds may be good, they are in vain,

Ua ychil ahualbil keban. a yanil. ti lic a beeltice.
if you are within mortal sin when you do them.

mabal U nahal a pixan ti graçia = bax tu ciciolal Diosi.              [p.265]
Your soul gains no benefit from grace, and thus for God’s happiness,

he takin ma chicilbesan tu chijcul32  ahaue =
as silver that is not marked with the sign of the king,

ma tan U chabal. ti tostonesob. mayxbal ah manali =
does not suffice as tostones and is the purchaser of nothing,

he beel ma chiculan tu graçia. yetel ti yetaylil. Dios.
so deeds not marked with grace and the companionship of God,

ma tan U kamal tumen Dios. mayx Uchac U manic. yahaulil Diosi.
are never accepted by God, and are not able to buy the kingdom of God.

ma yn beel alic Vol. cu than ah bolon pixan. sanct pablo.
"It is not my works in which I trust," so speaks blessed Saint Paul,

heuac. U graçia. yetel U cimil cah lohil ti Jesu christo.
"but the grace and the death of our redeemer Jesus Christ,

licil yn matic. yahaulil Dios. bay hi ciac U thane -
by which I receive (as a gift) the kingdom of God," thus he has spoken,

bacix mabalac U uil yn beel. tu hunale =
"although my work is of no value alone,

heuac yoklal. chicilbesanil yn beel - tu graçia. ca yumil ti Dios.
but it is because my work has been marked with the grace of our lord God,

licil yn nahal. ti yahaulil caan = cu than.
that I attain to the kingdom of heaven," he says.

U catzuc yan U uilal tech tibilbebal a beel tu Uich Dios.
The second thing necessary for you, for your work to become good in the eyes of God,

lay a beeltic yoklal Dios. tuhunal. ti talix ta uol xane.
this is that you do it on account of God alone, with it coming from your heart also,

yoklal. Va yoklal Uincob. bayx Dzalbil a pach xani. binil a beelte.              [p.266]
because if it is on account of men, and thus by coercion also, that you will do it,

mabal U nahal a pixani
your soul merits nothing from it,

he cimen ti cucute = layla Uinic yilabale.
as when the body is dead, still it is seen as a person,

heuac ma Uincij. yoklal manan pixani.
but it is not a person, because it is lacking a soul.

Lay U chun matan. yubah. matan U pec. mayxbal U beel.
This is the reason it never feels; it never moves, and it does nothing.

bay yetkin lo. he u tibiltacil bee. lic a beeltic. yoklal Uincob.
So it is like that, this good deed that you do on account of men,

bax33  tumenel Dzalpach. yetel ti manan yetaylil Dios teche.
and thus because of coercion, and without God’s grace for you.

Laila. U tibiltacil be yilabale - heuac mabal U uilal. manan U pixan.
It is still seen as a good deed, but nothing is its purpose, its soul is lacking,

heklay olaah. yt. graçia = lay U pixan.
which are will and grace; these are its soul,

layx cuxlicil U tibilil be. olaah. yetel yetailil Dios loe
and it is this by which a good deed lives, will and the presence of God,

Vayx manan yolah Vini = tilic U beeltic bee. .
and if the will of the man is lacking when he does the deed,

mabal U sipilie. maixbal U nahal xani
nothing is his fault from it, and nothing is his merit from it also,

yoklal mailbal Uchucil. U sipil. baix U nahal Uinic. tix mama olahile.
because there is no power to err and also no benefit to man, without will;

olahi U chun sipil. yt u nahal a pixan loe
it is will that is the cause of sin, and of benefit for your soul, then.

yabi U beel. U lobil Uinicob. yabix U tibilil U beel. yx ma ocolale.
Many are the works of evil men, and many the good deeds of nonbelievers,

heuac mabal u uilal. maixbal U uilal. mayx U nahal U pixanob              [p.267]
but they have no purpose; no purpose and no benefit for their souls,

yoklal mail tan yutzcin yoklal Diose -
because they never perform them on God’s behalf.

heUac mabal U nahal U pixan. Uinic - yt. mabal yal ti. u talel ti chaan missa.
But there is no benefit for the soul of man, and no value in his coming to attend mass,

bayx ti canbal than. bay xan Ua ma tali tie yolahe =
and so to learn the doctrine, this also if he did not come to it willingly.

bax than. U Dzalal U pachi =
What is the reason for coercion?

catzuc ta hoklal = ti than. licil U Dzalal U pach Uinic.
Two-fold (the reasons) for which it seems a person is coerced,

ti tal ti chaan missa. bayx ti canbal than bay xan =
when coming to attend mass and thus to learn the doctrine thus also.

V. huntzuc ca maac. U cambaltabal. U sipil. yt. U poch. tumen hunpayob.
The first that he may not be taught sin and blasphemy by others,

cayx achac U sipil. U lakob. tilic yilic. U mukul = U sipile.
so that he may avoid the sin of his fellows, while what he sees is the resistance of sin;

U catzuc Uchebal U napahal. tiob ti chaan missa = baix cambal than = bay xan.
the second so that it become a habit to them to attend mass and learn doctrine thus also,

bacix mabalaac U nahalob. ti yutzcinnice = tumen Dzalpachie = helel lae =
even though they may merit nothing by doing it because of coercion now,

hix binaci napahac tiob. U tibilil be = ca tun yutzcin. ti tal ti yol. Uchmale.
so the good deed would become habitual to them, so they do it willingly in the future.

a Uohelexi tac. he paale = Dzalbil U pach licil u tal ti canbal than.
As you already know, a child is forced to come to learn the doctrine,

baix ti eszuquera34 - tumenix Dzalpach. licil yutzcinnic U tibilile.              [p.268]
and thus to school, and it is because of coercion that he does good.

Lay U chun. mailbal. U nahali -
This is the reason that there is no merit from it,

heuac tuchij ca bin chihic. yt. ca bin yanac U cuxyole.
but then when he will grow up and when he will have discretion,

yt. ca bin U nate. Utzil. dotrinae. yt. U chayanobe.
and when he will understand the goodness of the doctrine and the rest of it,

ca tun hoppoc yutzcint ti tal ti yol. ca yanac U nahal. U pixani =
then when he has begun to do it willing, then there will be merit to his soul from it.

hix baci bin. a cibeex. ceex Utzcinnic. babal ti Dzalbil a pachexie =
So would you do this perhaps, you who perform something as if you are forced into it?

heuac. belatun - chee = bikinx U lah. a palilex.
But alas, O when is the end of your childhood?

bexi uil. ho katunben paal = lolobthanbil tumenel Dios. ychil Kulem Dzib =
Would you be the 100 year old child cursed by God in the Holy Writ,35

sasacix U tzotzel a poolex. noxibexi ta Uabil =
pure white the hair of your heads, old men with your grandchildren,

halili ta beel. a palilexe
only in your deeds, you are in your childhood?

Lay U beel paalex loe =
This is the way of children, then.

            *               *                   *
Tac a uahualil c okol =
May it come, your kingdom, for us.

V cappel. lic calic. yulel. ca yumil ti Dios. ti ahaulil. tac pixan
The second thing that we say is the arrival of our lord God, His reign in our souls,

ca laacbesic. ca beel. Uatab citan. yolahe.              [p.269]
that our path may be wherever He wishes it.

bee hach cioltzil pixan. licil yahaulil Diose.
O, really happy is the soul in which is the kingdom of God,

hach Dzoclukanix tzolanil. tulacali.
and perfectly ordered all of it.

a uoheli U beel palalob. ah cambal. ti suquelae36
You know the ways of children, pupils in school,

bayx ah cambal than. heklaobi =
like the students of the doctrine, which (ways) are these:

Ua culan - yah cambesahule = culantac tu cuchil.
if their teacher is present, seated in his place,

hunhuntul mayx tan U hubul = yt. U baxalob -
none of them ever misbehaves and plays,

heuac tuchij. tu lukul. yah cambesahul yt. yah canulobe.
but then at the departure of their teacher and their guardian,

ma xan U likil ti baxal. mayx patan U cambal ti hunkul.
before long they rise to play, and their learning is never completed at all.37

baix yetkin lo = Va culan Dios tu pixan Uinice hach Dzoclukan. tzolanil = tulacali =
And similarly, if God is present in man’s soul, the order of it all is really perfect:

paathaan U tucul. Uinic = pathaan U than. pathanix U beel =
complete the thought of man, complete his word, complete his deeds,

yoklal cu manil Dios. U yah cambesahul =
because of the supremacy of God, his teacher,

heuac tuchij tu lukul. Dios. yicnale. tumen U kebane.
but then at God’s withdrawal from his presence because of his sin,

mabal patanie = mayxbal tzolanie =
nothing is complete, and nothing is ordered there,

heuac lobi U tucul = uinic lobi U than. lobix U beel = mayxbal ma lobi =
rather, man’s thinking is bad; bad his word, and bad his deeds; nothing is not bad,

yoklal ocannil cisin. tu pixan Uinic.
because the devil has entered into the soul of man;

Lay lobcinnic yetel ppetayencunnic. U beel tulacal loe =
it is he who ruins and makes hateful all his deeds, then.

yumilbil yah payul yn beel. cu than. U palil Dios Dauid =              [p.270]
"(When) it is the Lord who leads my way," says God’s servant, David,

mabal. manan hom ten. cu than. bayhi ciac U than Dauid.
there is nothing that is not open to me," so he speaks; thus David has spoken,

Ua cilmac yol Uinicob. yt. ah co. maixbal. U pec ti yol. tu nupob.
"if the hearts of men are calm and courageous, they fear nothing from their enemies,

cunx ten tin chama Dios Uah canulte. yt. yahauilte = Uokole.
so what of me, when I have taken God as my guardian and he rules on my behalf?

blax bin yn sahte = blax bin yn pecolte = blax = bin mananac ten
What will I fear? What will I doubt? What will be lacking for me?

mabal ti hunkul = cu than.
Nothing, forever," he says.

Dziban ti kulem Dzib =
It has been written in the sacred scripture,

nach binci. yx ahau Saba. yilab noh ahau ti salomon =
that the queen of Sheba travelled afar to see great king Solomon,38

yt. hij bic hach tzolanil. tulacal. ti yotoch. yoklal halach ah miatz.
and how perfectly ordered everything was in his home, because he was a true sage,

hex ca yilah Salomon. yt. U bal yotoch. yx ahau. yt. hach ciotzilil. tulacal.
so when the queen saw Solomon and his household and the real beauty of it all,

ca yalah. be bolon U pixan. a uahtanlahulob. yt. U bal a uotoch. cech ahaue.
then she said, "O blessed are the servants and the household of which you are lord,

yoklal ciotzil yanil tulacal. bacix tibilac a uanumal. tin xicin: ti kinie =
because it all is delightful, and although great your fame to my ears over time,

heuac paynum uilic. tin Uich. ti ma Uabahe. cu than.
nevertheless, what I see with my eyes is greater than what I heard," she says.39

habla Ua cici tzolan. yt. Dzoclukan tzolanil.
Therefore, if it is well ordered and perfected in its order,

tulacal ti yotoch Salomon. tumen U miatzil. ena Uince.
everything in Solomon’s home, because of his wisdom, then what about man?

bicx uil U tzolanil - pixan. yanil Dios:              [p.271]
How would his soul be ordered with God there,

yt. yayan u beel40  tu tanlahil Dios =
and having been guided in the service of God?

Heuac ua a kati. yocol Dios ta pixan cech mehene =
But if you wish for God to enter your soul, you child,

kanan U uilal. a tohlic cisin. yt. kebani -
it is necessary that you banish the devil and sin from it,

yoklal. ma uchuc yet ahaulilte Dios cisine =
because it is impossible that God rule together with the devil,

maix uchac - yetcahtaltic xan =
and impossible that they dwell together also.

a uoheli. Ua chupan cab. ti ppule ma çamac. a buthub. haay =
As you know, if a pot is stuffed with dirt, you can never fill it with water,

Ua ma tan a hochcin cab = ti payanbeile =
without emptying out the dirt first.

bay xan Ua chupan ti keban. a pixane - Vayx cahan cisinie
Thus also, if your soul is stuffed with sin, and if the devil dwells in it,

ma çamac ococ Diosi = ti latulah a tohlic cisine =
God will never enter there until you banish the devil.

bay licil yalic. ca yumil ti Dios He mac chan chan ti u Uaye =
Thus as our lord God says, "As for he who has a small sleeping place,

ma uchac = c etUeneli = hunkul.
it is impossible that we sleep together there ever,

maix uchac ca mul Uenelie bin lubuc huntuli =
it is impossible that the two of us together sleep in it; one will fall out,

Uayx chan chan U çuyeme. ma uchac V pixicon =
and if its cover is small, it is impossible that it cover us,

yt. U bochbesicoon = tac cabil = cu than =
and that it shelter both of us," He says.41

He oc tu than ca yumil ti Dios lae =
When our lord God enters here, so to speak,

ma chan chan. U tan = yetel U uayil a puczikal. cech Uince.
the breadth and the extent of your heart is a small thing, you men.

lay U chun mail Uchac. U yetcheltal yt. Vet cahtal. yt. cisini.
For this reason it is impossible they lie down together and coexist with the devil in it;

Ua bin a kamab. huntulie. bin lukuc huntuli =
if you will receive one of them, one of them will depart.

belatun cex mehene = ocol u kati. ta pixannex ca yumil ti Dios.              [p.272]
Alas, you children, our lord God wants to enter into your souls,

Vchebalix yayikalcunnic a pixanex.
in order that He may enrich your souls;

lay V chun licil yalic. a menticex. U cuchil. yetel a tohlicex cisinie.
this is the reason that He says for you to make a place for Him and banish the devil,

bacix nohac U tepal Dios. bacix mabalacon xane.
so even though the might of God is great, and even though we are nothing also,

cilmac yol tu cahtal tac pixan
He may rejoice in dwelling in our souls.

Ua hi ma sihil U cibah tu yabal numya. yt. ti yotoch tzimin mayx ya ti yoli:
Was He not born in great poverty and in a stable, without regret,

ena cilmac yol tu talel. ti cahtal tac pixan.
just so He might rejoice in coming to dwell in our souls?

Lay U chun licil yalic mehenexe. Vayen yan. tu uol a puczikalex =
This is the reason that He says, children, "Here I am at the doors of your hearts,

taahlahix yn caah tu uol U nail a puczikalex.
I am knocking on the doors of your hearts,42

yoklal Uolah ocol. ti cahtalie = yt. yn payab a beele. cu than.
because I wish to enter to dwell there and guide your way," He says.

belatun kazon ox numut kuon =
Alas, we are ruined, unfortunate,

yoklal. maytac bahun. ca payal tumen Dios mankin.
because no matter how much we are summoned by God always,

lauac tu talsic. U tibilil tucul. tac pixan.
even though He brings His good thoughts to our souls;

lauac tu pecbeçic col ca tanle = lauac tu tzecticoon =
even though He advises us to serve Him; even though He chastizes us,

tatalahij U caah. tu Vol ca puczikal. yoklal yolalil ocol ti lobi =
knocking at the door of our hearts because He wishes to enter, it is in vain;

he toone tohol ca cahi. macix ca cah tac xicini
as for us, negligence is our state; closed is the condition of our ears;

yan ca xicin ti lobal = matan c ubi u pay.              [p.273]
we have ears in vain; we never hear His call,

maix colah ca heeb. ca puczikal ti =
nor do we wish to open our hearts to Him;

heauc lay licil a heicex a puczikal cisine =
rather he for whom you open your hearts is the devil;

hunchi. ca chij U payicex. ca a Uoceseex. ta pixan
on the one occasion, two occasions that he calls you, you let him enter your souls;

lay tah oklal - lay tahmen licil. a tot talex. licilix a Uekmayhalex loe. -------------
for this reason, because of this, you become mute and you become blind, then.

            *                *                   *
Vtzcinnabac a volah: ti luum: bay te ti caane
May it be done, your will on earth, as there in heaven.

He u nohol ya. yt. numya = culhij toon. tumen V keban. ca yax yumob =
This great pain and suffering was established for us because of the sin of our first parents;

lay kaspahcij ca uinicil.
it is this that corrupted our bodies,

ti hach Dzaanix col. ti lobtacil babal Uethan toon. tumenel Diose.
having really devoted ourselves to the bad things forbidden to us by God,

hex u tibilil bel. ychticil ya. ca beeltic.
and as for good deeds, it is with difficulty that we do them,

bayx ca ximbanzic ca cucutil. tu beil Diose =
and thus we force our bodies to walk in the way of God,

hobach tzimine = tumenix: tatah haDz. yt. timtim chin =
(like) lazy horses, by repeated blows and stoning,

yt. ti ma u kati = licil u ximbal = tu beil caane = yoklal U nup colah. yolah Dios.
and without wishing to walk in the way of heaven, because our will opposes God’s will,

U nupix yolah. ca cucutil. yolah. ca pixan.              [p.274]
and the will of our bodies opposes the will of our souls.

bay licil yalic u palil Dios. ti Job = cuchiloe =
Thus as God’s servant, Job, said back then,

belatun yumile blax U chun. a uoltici = yn nupinticech.
"Alas, lord, what is the reason that you wanted to make me your enemy,43

yt. yn nupinticynba. tin hunal. yoklal hach numya. yn caah yt. ppizilba. yn cah.
and I am only my own enemy, because real suffering and struggle are my attributes,

tumenel. mail huncet. yolah yn cucutil. yt. a uolah. cu than.
because the will of my body and your will are never congruent?" he says.

a uohelexi tac. yail yt. ychticil yail.
As you know, it is with hardship and with difficulty,

U ximbantesic = yt. U babtic U chem tu nup ha. Uince.
that a man propels and rows his boat against the water,

yannix U uilal. U chichcunnic U muk. ca achac U cuchpach ximbal.
and he must exert his strength not to travel backwards.

lay mail talan yalcab = ca xic licil yaalcab haae =
This, his running, is never difficult when he goes as the water runs.

belatun lay otzilil = yt. yail. ca ximbaltic. U beil Dios.
Alas, this travail and pain with which we travel the way of God,

yoklal. tu nup. yolah ca cucutil = licil ca ximbal =
is because it is in opposition to the will of our bodies that we walk;

lay u chunlo. Ua ma chich. ca muke.
this is the reason, then, if our forces are not strong,

maytac xan ca cuchpach ximbal. yt. ca lubul xan =
before long we walk backwards and we fall, also.

hij uil ci otzilac. ca ximbaltic. U beil Dios.
We would travel the way of God joyously,

ca huncetac yolah ca cucutil. yt. ca pixanie =
were they as one, the will of our bodies and that of our souls.

Lay U chun licil ca katic ti Dios la =
This is the reason that we ask this of God,

Vtzac a uolah = bay ti lum. bay te ti caan = Bayhi ciac. ca thane =
"May your will be done, thus on earth as there in heaven," thus as we have said.

yumile. ca natma. mail mancet a uolah. yt. c olahe =              [p.275]
Lord, we have understood that they are never completely one, your will and our will;

ena U nup. helannix a uolah. yetun. c olah =
rather they are in opposition and different, your will and our will;

lay U chun licil ca katic. yt. c oltic. yutzhal = a uolah = c okol.
this is the reason that we ask and we desire that your will be done for us,

yoklal Utzil. a uolah.
because of the goodness of your will,

hex yolah ca cucutile = ma patani = mayx pathaan U beel =
since the will of our bodies is not perfect, nor perfect their deeds.

Lay - U chun. c ohelmayl binil çatac ca pixan Ua bin c utzcin c olah tac hunale =
This is the reason we have known that our souls will be lost if we do our will alone,

yt. Ua bin. ca chab U than. ca cucutile.
and if we will consent to the demands of our bodies.

Lay U chun cech yume. Vtzac a uolah - c okol - maixtan yutzhal c olahe =
This is the reason, you lord, may your will be done for us, and not our will come to pass.

mehene - hunppelili. U chun. licil U benlahalob = metnal Uincob -
Children, there is only one reason that men are going to hell,

heklay yutzcinnic = yolah = tu hunalob loe =
which is that they do their (own) will alone.

blax U chun U binel mitnal = ah Dzibolale = ah Ueyuncile =
What is the reason they are going to hell, the lustful, the fornicators?

yoklal U kati. U Dzocex yolah = tu hunal. mayx U kati. V tzicib. V than Dios =
Because they wish to fulfill their will alone and do not wish to obey the word of God.

bax U chun = U satal ah ocole =
What is the reason the robber is lost?

yoklal yoltic U tzicib.uba = mayx u kati U Dzoces U than Dios =
Because he wishes to obey himself and does not want to fulfil the word of God.

bax u chun U binel mitnal. ah poch ti missae =
What is the reason they are going to hell, those who blaspheme the mass,

bayx ah chibil bak. tu kinil sukine =
likewise those who eat meat on the fast days?

yoklal U pochic U than Dios. tilic U tzicicUba tuhunal.
Because they insult the word of God, while they honor themselves alone.

Dzocebalitun = bax u chun. U sipil Uinic.
Finally, what is the origin of man’s sin?

bax U chun U chimil yol. tu Dzabal. U numya. tumenel Dios
What is the cause for his outrage when he is given suffering by God?

yoklal ma u kat yutzhal. yolah Dios = yokole =
Because he does not want the will of God to come to pass for him.

habla potsasili tac = c olahil U chun. ca lobil taclacal.
Therefore, clearly it is our will that is the cause of all of our faults,

Layx chunpahesic. yt. U chuninic ca satal loe.              [p.276]
and it is this that begins and causes our perdition, then.

bala Vtziba licil yalabal toon. kananil. U uilal. ca mabcunnic = c olah.
Hence, it is a good thing that it is said to us that we must deny our wills,

tilic ca tzicic yolah Diose -
while we obey the will of God.

he kohaan yolah cuxtal. yt. tohtal yole = kanan U uilal. U tzicic. ah Dzac yahe =
As a sick man wishing to live and become well must obey the healer;

ah cimilix cochom. Ua bin yutzcin. yolah. tu hunal. tilic V pochic yolah ah Dzace =
a corpse in the future, if he will do his will alone while denying the wishes of the healer.

Lay Dios - hahal yah Dzacul pixan. cech mehene
It is He, God, who is the true healer of the soul, you children.

Lay ma hah44  tech = a tzicib. cuxlahebal a pixan =
It is He whom you must obey for the survival of your soul,

maix uchom U cuxtal = Ua bin a pochob. U than.
nor will it continue to live if you will disrespect His word.

bay yalci cah lohil = ti Jesu christo lae =
Thus it was that our redeemer Jesus Christ said this,

hij mac U ka oltic. U thulub yn pache = U mabcunUba. tu hunal =
"Whoever remembers to follow me, denying himself alone,

yt. U mabcun yolah. U kati ti payan ti be = tilicix U mukic = numya =
and denying his will that wishes to come first, even while he endures suffering;

bin Dzabac ti tin menel cu than.
will be healed by me," He says.

Lay kanan U uilal. tech tu hoppol. a mabcunnic a uolahe = cu than cah lohil.
It is necessary for you at the beginning, that you deny your will, as our redeemer says,45

cayx yolahac ca yumil ti Dios bin a beelte. ti babal. tulacal.
and you will do in everything that which our lord God has willed,

bacix tibilac - beel lic a beltice = Ua ma tali tu chi Dios
and even if the deed that you do may be good, if it did not come from God’s command,

chembel tumen a uolah. y. a cicunnic a uol licil a beltice =
(and) it is only because of your will, and your happiness that you do it,

ma tzican tu Uich Diosi =
it is not honored in the eyes of God.

lay u chun lo he ti yalic Uincob. Vchie =              [p.277]
This is the reason that when men said formerly,

yumile. ca beeltah sukin. yt. U yanal tibil beeltah = sukin yt. U yanal tibil be =
"Lord, we did the fasting and the rest of the good deeds, fasts and other good works,

Layla mabal a kati = tac beel = yilabal.
still nothing you wish is seen in our deeds,"

ca yalah ca yumil ti Dios =
then our lord God said,

mabal yn kati ta sukinnex. mayx Uolah licil a beelticex cu than.
"There is nothing I want with your fasts, nor is it my will that you do," He says.

heuac. Uchaci ua. ca hausic = yolah ca cucutile.
But is it possible that we stop the will of our bodies?

Uchaci ka = ca nahix c utzcin xan = Ubi to cech mehene =
It is possible, and fitting that we do it also, as you heard already, you child.

macal macx V nah tzicil ta than. ppentac Va = yumilbil xin.
Which of them is worthy of respect, in your opinion? A slave, or a lord perhaps?

yumilbili ka - yumbil. a pixan. cech mehene = layx hach tzicbentzil xan =
It is the lord; the lord is your soul, you child, and it is really worthy of honor also.

hex a cucutile = lay ppentac loe - layx U hahal nup lo = U çatçicix a pixan U kati =
As for your body, this is a slave, and it is the true enemy that wants to destroy your soul,

layx U chun mayl chaben U than loe =
and this is the reason its demands are never acceptable, then.

Ua bin a tzicbex = yt. Ua bin a chabex U than. a cucutilex -
If you will obey and if you will accept the demands of your bodies,

cu than U palil Dios. san pablo. ah satali a pixanex.
as God’s servant, St. Paul, says, they are the destroyers of your souls.

he tu tal U numsabal ti ya = cah lohil ti Jesu christo.
When our redeemer Jesus Christ came to be tortured,

yt. tu paktumtic U hach yail numya = lic u tal U mansic cuchie =
and when He considered the really severe torment that He came to endure, back then,

ca hoppi U sahal. U cucutil. yoklal V nucili = U sahtic numsah ya = cucute =
then his body began to fear, because it is the nature of the body to fear suffering,

ca yalah tu cilich yum.              [p.278]
so He said to His blessed father,

yn cilich yume = Va uchac yutzhale = olte V mahal yn mal tin numsah ya lae -
"My blessed father, if it may be good to wish that my passage into suffering cease,

ma uolah bin utzac = heuac utzac a uolah. cech in cilich yume = cu than
not my will be done, but your will be done, you who are my blessed lord," He says.46

lay ca nah ca beelte u beel cah lohil cech mehen lae.
This, the act of our redeemer, is fitting for us to do, you who are youths here;

bacix yaac ti yol. ca cucutil: U mansic numya:
even though our bodies may suffer when they endure pain,

bacix ma yolah. U ximbalte U beel caane =
even though they do not wish to walk the way of heaven,

bin c alab ti Dios. yumile. ma tan yutzhal Volah = heuac. Vtzac a Uolah. Uokol.
we will say to God, "Lord, not my will be done, rather your will be done for me,

cen a DzeDzec palile =
I who am the least of your servants."

bay licil yalic U palil Dios Job = tu satal U balUba =
As God’s servant, Job, said at the loss of his belongings,

bayx tu Dzabal U numya = cuchie =
and at being given trials, back then,

Dios Dzaic ten lo = layx ti lukçic ten xan.
"It is God who gives it to me, and He who takes it from me also;

Utzacix yolah Dios. Vokole.
may God’s will be done for me;

habla cicithantabac. U cilich kaba. tumen tusinil =
therefore blessed be His holy name, because He is infinite."47

Dzocebalitun licil ca katic. yutzhal yolah Dios: ti luum.
Finally then, we ask that the will of God come to pass on earth,

bay licil yutzhal te ti caane:
as it comes to pass there in heaven.

belatun otzilon yoklal. yolahil Dios. lic U beeltic angelob -
Alas we are miserable, because it is the will of God which the angels do,

canil Uinicob = U balcheob. caanob = ekob =              [p.279]
the heavenly persons, the creatures of the heavens, the stars;

mayxbal matan U tzicib Dios = mayxbal nupintic Dios =
and there is nothing in which they do not obey God, and in nothing do they oppose God,

mayxbal matan U beeltic = hijbal U uilal = ca çiçabie = tumenel Dios
and they do nothing that is not the purpose for which they were created by God;

halili toon con in one con48  kas mehentzile nupintic yolah Dios =
truly it is we, and only we, who are the bad children who oppose the will of God,

mayx c olah ca tzicib U thane =
nor do we wish to obey His commandment,

mayx tan ca beelte. hijbal U Uil ca sihçabi
nor are we doing whatever is the purpose for which we were born,

yt ca sihsbon tumenel Diose
and for which we were created by God.

ena chun chun pool. ca beel = yt. ca ximbal =
Rather, our path and our walking is backwards,

------49 sihsabon tumenel Dios. ca utzac c oheltic yt. ca yacunnic = c ah çihsahule =
. . . we who were created by God that we might know and love our creator.

he toone = yacunah ca cah tubablil bal caah =
But as for us, we feel love for worldly things;

çihsabon tumenel Dios = ca utzac ca tanlice =
we who were created by God that we might serve Him.

he toone poch ca cah ti = yt. tu than =
But as for us, it is disdain that we feel towards Him and His word;

V sihsabon Dios. ca utzac ca huntanlic. ca pixan
God created us that we might only serve our souls;

he toone bulanon. tu tanlahil - cucute =
but as for us, we are immersed in service of the body.

Dzocebalitun - ti caan. ca uilal. ca U sihçahon Diose =
Finally then, our purpose, for which God created us, is in heaven,

he toone: U belil mitnal = licil ca ximbal =              [p.280 - misnumbered p.290]
but as for us, it is the path to hell that we walk,

yolahix Dios = ca nupintic = ti babal tulacal = Ua ma utz ca beele =
and it is the will of God that we oppose in everything, if our path is not good.

Lay U chun binil. ca hach katab = ti Dios.
This is the reason we are really going to beseech God,

yumile = Utzac a uolah. & c. _________________________
"Lord, may your will be done, etc."

            *                *                   *
Dza ca çamal kin uah toon = helelae. &
Give our daily bread to us today, etc.

Cantzuc lic ca katic. ti Dios:
The fourth thing that we ask from God,

Lay U Dzaic ca hanal. yt. hijbal yan u uilal toon. manebal U kinil. cuxtal toone.
is that He give us our food and whatever is necessary for our passing the days of life.

yoklal. tabx U binel mehentzil. V katab hanal:
Because where does a child go to ask for food?

ma ua yetun U yum = bin xice.
Will he not go to his father?

ma ua pahsubtalihi = V cib tu yum - U mehen batab. ca xic ti kat matan. chichi na =
Would a child of a batab not shame his father, if he went to beg alms house to house,

ti mayx yolah U katab. tu yum = hijbal yan U uilal tie.
without wanting to ask from his father whatever is necessary for him?

Hij ka = bayix sutzilil. ca a ualab olte. Uincob
So it would be, and likwise shameful were you to rely on men,

yt. ca xicech. ti kat matan yetun cisin =
and were you to go beg offerings from the devil,

ti maix a uolah a katab. ti Dios. hijbal yan U uilal teche -
without wishing to ask from God whatever is necessary for you.

ma ua kat matan a caah - yetun cisin cech oclic = yt. cotztic tialbile.50              [p.291]
Are you not begging from the devil, you who steal and seize others’ belongings?

ma ua conol a cah ta pixan = ti cisin = cech thulic U pach kebane =
Are you not selling your soul to the devil, you who pursue sin?

bic ua ta than cahij: a uilab. Uinic. conic U ppelel mehen
How would it seem to you if you saw a man sell his only child,

Uchebal U tzentic = yt. V poloc.cinnic = U tzimin = bayx U keken.
in order to feed and fatten his horse and likewise his pig?

tu tucule =ma ua coyl = yt. netzilix U caah = U uinicil. ta thane -
As for his thinking, is it not mad, and the man’s behavior vile, in your opinion?

heuac paynum a netzil = yt. a coil = cech christiano -
But your stupidity and madness is greater, you who are Christians,

yoklal licil a conic. a ppelel mehen = heklay a pixan =
because that for which you sell your only child, which is your soul,

Uchebal a tzentic = U kekenil. a cucutil
is in order to feed the swinishness of your body.

mayx uil U yabal. ayikalil = licil a conic -
Nor would it be for great riches that you sell it,

heuac DzeDzili ti tzooy = yt. babal. licil a conice =
but for only a little wealth and possessions that you sell it.

ma ua potmahanceni = a coil. ma ua hach xulici a netzil = ti bucah lae =
Is your madness not apparent? Is your stupidity not really extreme, to that extent?

a uohel ua cohil a pixane = Ma tin thane -
Do you know the preciousness of your soul? It seems not, to me.

Lay u chun licil. a poch contic lae -
This is the reason that you sell it cheap.

Heuac hahal than yn cah tech = hach cooh a pixan
But I promise you, your soul is really precious,

mayxbal yet coohil = yt. yet tulilil = yokol cab =
and there is nothing equally precious and equally valuable on earth;

maix takini = maix tzoyi maixbal yet cohil =
neither gold nor wealth, there is nothing equally precious;

maybal tulacal ti yet ppizan pixane =
nothing at all is equal to the soul.

habla. ca katab tac yum ti Dios = hijbal yan U uilal toon =
Therefore we ask from our lord God whatever is necessary to us,

mayxtan = ca kat matan. yetun cisine -              [p.292]
and we do not seek offerings from the devil,

yolahix ca yumil ti Dios = ca katic sansamal. kin uaah toon =
and it is the will of our lord God that we ask for our daily bread,

ca sansamalac. ca kuchul = yetun. Utial. ca katab ti =
that every day we come to Him in order to ask it of Him;

ti mayx. U yabal. ayikalil = bin katab =
and not for great wealth will we ask,

mayx yabal hanal = yt. Vkul =Vchebal. cabal. ca baaltaachil= yt. ca calhal -
nor for a lot of food and drink for our gluttony and our drunkenness;

heuac hanal. DzeDzec = yt. tzooy. bin ca katab = manebal kin toon =
rather we will ask for food, a little of it, and goods for our survival.

bala. Va yet ma Vaah. yetel. U ciijl = hanal. paal. DzeDzece -
The thing is, if a child still has bread and some good food,

bin ua U katab. U chaay. tu yum = ti latulah U Dzocol V hantice =
will he ask for more from his father until he finishes eating it?

ma tin than = Uayx uil bin U katab bin halabac ti. tumen U yum =
No, in my opinion, and if he would ask, it would be said to him by his father,

hantante hij bal tin Dzaah teche = ca tun yn Dzab tech U chayan -
"Eat what I gave to you; then I’ll give you the rest of it.

Uahij ma ten - tanolmail loe =
Is it not I who have taken care of that?"

Ma yolah ca yumil ti Dios. ca sakolcinic ca ba = tu babalil cucut.
Our lord God did not wish us to concern ourselves with things of the body,

yoklal tanolanil. tumen ca yumil ti Dios: lae.
because this has been taken care of by our lord God.

bay yalic cah lohil ti Jhesu christo lae -
Thus it is that our redeemer Jesus Christ says this,

baci a sakol cinnexaba. cex christiano.
"Do not concern yourselves, you who are Christians,

tilic. a tuclicex. hijbal bin a hantantexe. yt. a bucinnex -
while you worry about what you will have to eat and clothe yourselves,

yoklal a yumilex ti Dios = ohelmaic = yanil U uilal teex lae.
because your lord God has known what is necessary for you;

heuac xachetex U babalil pixan = ti payan beil =
rather seek the things of the soul first,

ca tun Dzabac yetel Dzacbesacbac teex = U babalil = cucute =
and then the things of the body will be given and supplied for you."51

he tu tzentabal. U cahal ysraer.52 tumen Dios.              [p.293]
When the town of Israel was nourished by God,

ti hanal. lic yemel. likul ti caan. cuchie =
with food that descended from the sky formerly,

yolahi ca yumil ti Dios u chabal. sansamal = tumenob -
our lord God wanted that it to be taken each day by them,

ti hunppelilix kin. U uilal. yoklal. yolahil Dios. yalcunic yolob ti =
for each day its necessity, because God wanted them to trust in Him,

yt. U katic hanal ti sansamal cuchi =
and ask food from Him everyday, back then.

Hex Uaah lic a hach katic ti Diose =
But the bread that you really ask from God,

lay V uilal ca cuxlicil = yt. licil U tzentabal. ca pixan loe
is this necessary for our survival and that by which our souls are sustained,

yoklal. bay licil U tzemhal = yt. U cimil cucut. Ua matan u hantesabale =
because just as the body becomes thin and dies if it is not eating something,

bay U tzemhal. yt. U cimil pixan = Ua matan U Dzabal hanal ti -
so the soul becomes thin and dies if food is not being given to it.

hex U hanal ca pixane = ma yximi = ma buli = heuac payal chi yt. Dzayatzil =
But the food of our soul is not corn, not beans, but prayer and charity,

U chaantabal missa - yubal tzeec = yt. U chayan U tibilil be =
attending mass, hearing the sermon, and the other good works.

Lay licil U tzentabal = yt. licil U poloochal = ca pixan loe =
It is this by which they are nourished and by which they become fat, those souls of ours.

he uincob. matech yubic missa = yt. yubic tzeec. bayx payal chi = bay xane =
But men who never hear mass and hear the sermon, and thus the prayers, thus also,

hunbel U tzemhal. U pixan = lic U binel =
each day that goes by, their souls become thinner,

mayx xan U cimil xan = yoklal ma tan U xacab chi. U pixan =
and before long they die also, because they are not provisioning their souls,

mayx Uchac. yontikinhal. U cuxtal. ti yetaylil Dios tix ma ma hanalil =
and it is impossible that their lives last many years in God’s company without food.

bala baci a chembel tzent a cucutil = ti mayxbal a kat ti = tu tzentabal a pixan =
Hence, do not nourish only your body, without asking Him that your soul be nourished,

yoklal. a pixan. a nahil a hach tanle ti payanbeil - ti ma cucute -
because it is your soul you should really consider first, not the body.

a uoheli = he ah cuxolal ti Uinice =              [p.294]
You know, those who are judicious among men,

tzentahix U cah = xacix U cah - tu chij. U mehen. yt. U ppentac. bayx yalakobe -
feed and provide for their children, and then their slaves, thus also their beasts.

chunchun pollix U cib.
They will do it upside down,

ca payanbeac = V tanoltic. yt. V xacic u chij ppentac = yt. yalakob.
they who first care for and provide for their slaves and beasts,

ca tun pachalaac U tanoltic. U ya mehenile.
and then finally care for their children.

Lay a ya mehenil. a pixan. cech mehene:
This is your child: your soul, you child,

hex a cucutille. ppentacil U cah = alakilix U cah xan.
but as for your body, slavery is its nature; bestiality is its nature also.

Lay u chun netzil a cah = cuch pachix a beeltic =
This is the reason you are stupid, and you do it backwards,

Ua payanbe - a tzentic a cucutil = ca pachalac a tanoltic a pixane.
if first you feed your body, and finally you care for your soul.

mahancenix chun chun polil. a beel. Ua paynum a tanoltic. cucut = yokol pixan.
Clearly your actions are upside down, if you care for the body more than the soul,

Uaix huncet. a tanoltic = tu cabile =
or if you care equally for the two of them.

he tzece. bin a Vubi = cuxlahebal a pixane
This sermon you will hear is for the survival of your soul;

cha ta uol a tacunte.
take it to heart, to preserve it,

yoklal. Ua chembel hun taDz U mal ta xicin. ti mayx a chab ta uole
because if it only passes right by your ears, without your taking it to heart,

bax U uil tech ta thane
what is its value to you, do you think?

he uinic ma tan. U balin hanale.
Like the man who never keeps down food,

heuac hunsutili U xeic ma alab otzil53  U cuxtal.              [p.295]
but instantly vomits it up, there is no benefit for his life,

bayx mail alab otzil u cuxtal pixan.
and thus there is no benefit for the life of the soul,

Ua matan U balin. yetel U chab ti yol U than Diose.
if he does not keep down and take to heart the word of God.

he u palil Dios. Dauid = ma tan U ma man taDz hal. tu xicin. U than Dios
As for God’s servant, David, the word of God did not pass right by his ears,

Ua ma lic yalic cuchi - yumile yn balinnah a than. yt. a ualmah thanil. tin pucsikal =
not if he said, back then, "Lord, I keep your word and your commandment in my heart,

ca achac yn çipil tech. cu than.
that I may not sin against you," he said.

Dzocebali tun he Vaah lic ca katic ti Dios.
Finally then, this bread that we ask from God,

Lay U uahil. santissima sacramento: heklay Dios loe.
this is the bread of the most holy sacrament, that which is God.

Lay licil U hach tzentabal. yt. U polochal ca pixan.
It is this by which our souls are really fed and become fat,

tilic a kamic yetel a kultic loe. =================================
when you receive and you revere it.

            *                *                   *          *
Haues54  ca sipil = bay licil. ca hausic = V sipil - sipan toone ====
Pardon our sin, as we pardon the sin that has been sinned against us.

Ca tzuc lic ca tohpultic. ti thanob lae.
We profess two things with these words:

U hun tzuc yanil ca ppax. ti Dios.
the first is the existence of our debt to God;

V ca tzuc lic ca tohpultic mananil Vchucil ca botic = ca ppax ti Dios
the second is that we confess the lack of our power to pay our debt to God,

Lay licil ca kalchitic = U satçic ca sipil yt. ca ppax ti.
He whom we beg to forgive our sin and our debt to Him,

mahanceni = halach yabil. ca pay ti Dios.              [p.296]
and manifestly, our debt to God is truly great,

tumenel yabil. U Dzayatzil toon.
because of the greatness of His mercy to us,

yoklalix yabil. ca keban = yt cix manib pixanil. mankin =
and because of the greatness of our sin and our ingratitude, always,

Uayx mac bin halic mananil U keban. yt. U pay ti Diose.
and if there is anyone who will say there does not exist his sin and his debt to God,

ekmayil U cah. tumenix yekmayelil = licil yalic. ti bucah loe.
he is blind, and it is because of his blindness that he speaks like that.

he Uinic akbil. yt. oklennil yanile licil U ximbale
Like a man who customarily walks in darkness and in shadows,

mayna tan yilab: U nohol tunich = yt. babal. cu mantacob. ti be.
without seeing the great stone and the things that impede his way,

mahanceni = a uekmayilil = yt. a ahkab ximbalil =
so manifestly is your blindness and your night-walking,

Va ma tan a nate = yanil a sipil = yt. a ppax ti Dios.
if you do not understand the existence of your sin and your debt to God.

bay licil yalic U palil. Dios = San Ju.o loe =
Thus as the servant of God, Saint John, says then,

Ua bin calab mananil. ca keban yt. yxma kebanilone =
"If we say our sin is nonexistent and we are sinless,

tussi ca caah = tabsahix ca cah tacba = tac hunal. cu than =
we lie and deceive only ourselves alone," he says,

bala bacix mananac. yahaulbil keban Uinice.
since even if a person lacks mortal sins,

hex sasal kebanobe = mamac ma tan U lubuli =
as for the lighter sins, there is no one who is not falling into them,

yoklal. Uayilon yan. ti balcaahe = mayx xan ca lubuli =
because we who are here in the world, before long we fall into them.

habla potsaçili. yanil ca ppax. ti Dios =
Hence, clearly we have a debt to God,

hex U tulul ca ppaxe. potmahanceni = mananil toon =
but the payment for our debt we obviously do not have.

bax bin ca Dzab ti Dios U helin ca payma tie =
What will we give to God in exchange for what we have owed Him?

blax bin ca Dzab ti = U tulul te ca ppax              [p.297]
What will we give Him to pay our debt?

blax bin ca pacic cimcij = c oklale =
With what will we repay, that He died on our behalf?

mabal ti hunkul = yoklal mabal yet tulul keban =
Nothing, ever, because nothing is equal payment for sin.

haili ca yumil ti Jhesu christo = Uchuc U temic yoli U cilich yum = tumen ca keban =
Truly it is our lord Jesus Christ who can placate His blessed father on account of our sin,

yoklal ma chaanoni = maix kuchan. U tulul. ca beel yt. U balcabai =
because we are incapable, and insufficient the payment of our deeds and our belongings.

chambel oksah ych. bin ca katab ti. yt. okotba = bin ca cib ti =
Only for compassion will we beg, and we will beseech Him,

tilic c alic yumile - sates ca sipil. yt. ca ppax
while we say, "Lord, forgive our sin and our debt,

yoklal mabal U yanal yan toon = Uchucil ca Dzaic tech.
because we have nothing else sufficient to give to you,

chembel okotba Ua bin ca katab ti. tu hahil ca pucsikal ti bucahe =
only the plea that if we will ask it in the truth of our hearts, to that degree,

ti yanix okom olal tac pucçikal tumen ca kebane.
and having remorse in our hearts because of our sin,

ma çamac U mabcun U Dzayatzil toon
that He will not deny His mercy to us."

Va ma lay halic toon =
Is it not He who says to us,

Conex Uicnal cex altac a cuchex = tumen a kebanexe. binix yn tohcin a uolex =
"Come to me, you whose burdens are heavy because of your sin, and I will console you,"

Cu than - Dziban ychil. Santo. euangelio =
so He speaks; it has been written in the Holy Gospel.

U katci U xocan = U baluba tu palil lob = huntul ahau -
A ruler who wished to have counted the belongings of his servants,

ca chicanhi = huntulili = hach yab U pay = tu yumil -
when it became apparent that the debt to his master of one of them was really great,

ti maixbal yan ti Uchucil U botic = U ppax cuchie =
and he had nothing sufficient to pay his debt, back then,

ca yalah yumilbil U kalal ti mazcabe - U palil.
then the lord commanded the imprisonment in jail of his servant,

yt. V conol V chuplil .yt. U mehenob = ti latulah U botic U ppaxe.
and the sale of his woman and his children, until he paid his debt.

ca yalah palilbil tumile55 =
Then the servant said to the lord,

Be yumile - okes a uich ten. baci a uutzcin ten. ti bucah lae.              [p.298]
"O lord, have pity on me; do not act against me in this way,

heuac muc ten. ti latulah. U chictahal. ten U bolil. ten. cu than =
but wait for me until I have found the payment," he said.

he ti yoksahma. U uich. yumilbil tie =
So when his master had taken pity on him,

ca yalah. ma chambel Uolah yn muc tech = yt. yn nachcun U kinil = a botic tene =
then he said, "Not only do I wish to await you, and postpone the day you pay it to me,

heuac lah satsah yn caah ta ppax tulacal ten =
but I am completely forgiving all your debts to me,

ti maixbal yn kat ti a botic ten = Ua bikine cu than
and there is nothing I want you to pay me at any time," he says.56

belatun cex mehene = tooni palilbil. hach yab ca pay tac yumil ti Dios.
Alas, you children, we are the servant; really great are our debts to our lord God,

ti maixbal yan. Uchucil ca botice.
while we have nothing sufficient that we pay them,

bacix U xotah ca kin ti hunkul. kalal tu mazcabil mitnal. tumen ahualbil kebane.
even if He condemned us to eternal imprisonment in the jail of hell, for mortal sin,

maytac xan yokçic U uich toon = yt. U satsic ca sipil. tamuk c oktic ca ba ti =
(yet) without delay He takes pity on us and forgives our error while we beseech Him.

heuac. ma chambel. ti than binil a katab = satebal a sipil = ti Dios =
But not only with words are you going to ask for forgiveness of your sin from God,

heuac tu yabal. okom olal ta pucsikal - a katic ti - U nah =
but with great remorse in your heart, it is necessary that you ask it of Him.

be mehene cayna a nate V lobil ahualbil keban =
O child, if only you would understand the evil of mortal sin,

yt. hach cabalil cuch = a lubanil tumenel.
and the real weight of the burden you have fallen under because of it,

yoklal Uahij ca a naate. Uchacil. U lobil kebane
because if you were to understand the power of the evil of sin,

mayi xan binil a uemsic U yalil a uich tumene =              [p.299]
without delay you would shed tears because of it.

lic na yokol .yt. U yemel yalil U uich = Uinic. tu cimil = V yum = Ua V mehen.
If a man laments and sheds tears at the death of his father or his child,

bayx U mama cilob =
and thus also, his relatives,

bayx tu satal U balUba =ena mayi bal oktabeni =
and thus at the loss of his belongings, although that is hardly worthy of lamentation,

noh meteli tun. a nahil a Uokte = U cimil a pixan tumen ahualbil keban =
how much more then, you ought to lament the death of your soul because of mortal sin.

U naatma. U lobil keban. U palil Dios David = cuchi = tilic yalic =
God’s servant, David, understood the evil of sin long ago, when he said,

belatun yumile = kaacnahi yalil yn Uich = yoklal. mayl. tacuntah a ualmah thanil.
"Alas Lord, my tears have become copious, because I did not keep your commandment,"

cu than bayhi ciac U than =
so he speaks; it is thus that he has spoken,

ma tan uokol. yoklal cimci yn mehen.
"I am not crying because of the death of my child,

maix tan Uemes yalil yn Uich = licil U satal. U balynba =
nor am I shedding tears because of the loss of my belongings,

yoklal ma bal oktabeni -
because that is nothing worth lamenting;

chambel. Lay U chun licil uokol.
only this is the reason that I cry,

licix yn hooy haa. tic = yn Vay = tu yabal. yalil ych =
and that I drench my bed with an abundance of tears,

yoklal. yn sipsici ynba tech: cech yn cilich yumil ti Diose. cu than.
because I sinned within myself against you, who are my blessed Lord God," he says.

be cahi baac. U sasilil ca pucsikal yanil tu palil Dios. Dauid.
May the light in our hearts be thus, like that which existed for God’s servant, David,

ca Utzac c okomoltic = yt. c oktic ca keban.
so that we may repent and lament our sin,

yoklal ma chambel. ti yalmah thanil yahau luum = ca pochah =
because it is not only against the command of the lord of the land that we offended,

heuac Dios ah tepal = c ah sihçahul. c ah lohil yt. ca hahal yum = lay ca çipci =
but God the ruler, our creator, our redeemer and our true Lord, He that we sinned against,

Layx t ah almah thanil. ca ppastah loe.              [p.300]
and it is He whose commandment we mocked,

heklay. ca nah ca hach yacunte = yt. ca hach tanle ca cilich yumil ti Dios.
which is that we should really love and really serve our blessed Lord God,

Uay yokol cab = Uchebal ca yacunnic = yt. ca tanlic =
so that by our loving and serving Him here on earth,

cayx laac tahmenel = ca naltic. benel ti caane =
by so doing we merit going to heaven.

he toone = chun chun poli uil. ca beeltic. tilic ca pochic yt. ca cipil tie =
But as for us, we would do it upside down, when we insult Him and we sin against Him.

ma ua oktaben keban. ta thane =
Is sin not lamentable, in your opinion?

ma ua ca nah c emes. yalil. c ich: tumenel =
Should we not shed tears because of it?

Dziban ti yunil Dios - oclabi U kuul = huntul = ah cisinil than.
It has been written in God’s book that an idol was stolen from an idolator,

hex ca yilah mananil U kuul = ti polbil che = tu cuchile =
and when he saw that his god, carved from wood, was missing from its place,

ca hoppi. U thulic. U pach = ah ocolob = tilic U banban okole =
then he began to pursue the robbers, while he lamented vehemently.

he ca halabi ti = tumen yetaylob = tohcin a uol = baci a uokol = ca yalah.
So then it was said to him by his companions, "Be calm; do not lament," they said.

chanex a Ualab ten = ti bucah lae =
"Stop your talking to me like this.

bicx bin mahebal = Uokol = yt. U yahal tin Uol.
How will my lamentation and the pain within my heart cease,

yoklal oclabic - yt. chabic yn kuul = cu than
because my god was stolen and seized?" he said.

bee ah kebane = techi u nah = beeltic - bucah lae = yt. = a hach okol =
Alas, sinner, it is you who ought to act like this and really lament,

yoklal. ma polbil che = mayx thohbil tunich = oclabi tech.
because it is not carved wood nor sculpted stone that was stolen from you,

heuac hahal Dios. ah tepal =
but true God, the ruler,

cahan ta pixan cuchie = lay oclabi tech =              [p.301]
He who dwelled in your heart formerly; it is He who was stolen from you,

tumenel cisin = yt. tumenel keban loe =
by the devil and by sin.

bacix tohcinabac a uol. tumenel balcahil Uincobe =
And even though you might be comforted by worldly men,

bin a ualab tiob. baci a tocinnex Uol =
you will say to them, "Do not comfort me.

Vchac ci Ua U tohtal yol Uinic. manan Dios tu pixane
Could a man be content, lacking God in his soul?

Uchaci ua. yn tohcinnic a uol. Va sati Dios tene
Could I comfort you if God is lost to me?

ma ti hunkul latulah. U chictahal Dios ten. tu caten:
Never, until I find God again."

cechi U nahe = Uayx ma uchac. a hach okomoltic a sipil.
For you it is necessary, if it is impossible for you to really repent your sin,

ti maixbal. achac ta puczikale
and if there may be nothing (coming) from your heart,

okte aba ti Dios. ca u hokes. yalil. a uich = ta pucsikal.
to beseech God to bring forth tears from your heart.

Ua ma lay hokez haa = ti tunich = yukub - U cahal. ysrzael =
Is it not He who could bring forth water from stone for the nation of Israel to drink?

bala. Uchacix U hokçic yalil a uich = ta tunichil pucsikale ===============
Therefore, He can bring forth your tears from your stony heart.

Tumteix. U nucul. a than. cech mehene =
Consider the meaning of your words, you child,

licil a katic ti Dios. U satsabal a sipil.
in which you ask God that your sin be forgiven,

bay licil a satsic. U sipil. himac siplahi teche =
as you forgive the sin of whoever sinned against you.

lay U chunlo Va matan a sates U sipil a lak
This is the reason then, if you never forgive the sin of your fellows,

teche bicx a kalchitic ti Dios U satçic - a sipil
as for you, how can you plead with God to forgive your sin?

Va culhi halal ta cucutil. ti lic a hulule
If an arrow is embedded in your body, by which you are shot,

ma çamac tohnac a uol yt. ca manac a cintanil
you will not become well, and your wound will not pass,

ti latulah a hoksic = U halalil = a uichile =57               [p.302]
until you remove the arrow from within you,

Vayx a balma kuxil ta puczikal. ma manom U yail = ti pixan -
and if you have hidden rancor in your heart, its pain will not pass from the soul,

mayx çamac zatsabac a sipil. ti latulah a hausic. a kuxile -
and your sin will not be forgiven until you make your rancor cease.

hijmac oltic U chab U toh. tu lak. cu than Kulem Dzib.
Whoever wishes to take vengeance against his fellow, as it says in Sacred Scripture,

bin pacac U hel ti tumenel Dios -
it will be repaid in turn to him by God,

chatohix bin U cib ca yumil ti Dios ti
and it is vengeance that our Lord God will take against him.

he chambel Uinic tacuntic kuxil tu puczikale = licx yoltic. yokol ych ti =
In vain a man keeps rancor in his heart, while he wishes for compassion for him(self),

ti maix - tan yokes u uich ti yet Uincile =
without having compassion for his fellow man.

bin Ua u katab ti Dios. U satsabal U sipil =
Will he ask from God the forgiveness of his sin,

maix bin payal chitic Dios. yokol Uinic. beeltic = ti bucah lae.
and not pray to God on behalf of men, that He do it to this extent?

Cu than mehene. mahanceni. pakmabil. a kalchitic ti Dios U satçic a keban =
As it says, child, manifestly in vain you beg of God that He forgive your sin,

Ua ma a uolah a sates U sipil a uet Uincilobe =
if you do not wish to forgive the sin of your fellow men.

Lay U chun yalci cah lohil ti Jesu christo lae =
This is the reason that our redeemer Jesus Christ said this,

he ta uoltic a Dzab. a sijl tu tan altare58 = cech christianoe.
"When you wish to place your gift before the altar, you who are Christian,

paktumte. Ua a cocinyahma - Ua mac uinicil Ua ocan ocyail ta yamex =
consider if you have humiliated any person, or if discord has entered among you,

ca xicech ti payanbeil a uocexaba ta lak =
that you may go first to reconcile yourself with your fellows,

ca tun tacech a Dzab a sijl tun =
and then you may come to give your offering then."

cu than =ma çamac tibilac a payal chi yt. a sijl tu uich Dios
As he says, not until then will your prayer and your gift be worthy in the eyes of God,

cech mehene = Ua yan kuxil ta puczikale -              [p.303]
you child, if there is rancor in your heart.

tu yail than. yaya thantabci Uinic satsabi. U yabal U ppax ti. tumen U yumile =
Gravely was he reprimanded, the man who was forgiven his great debts by his master,

mayx yoltah U Dzab U yatzil. ti yet palilbilile =
and did not wish to give mercy to his fellow servant.59

ma ua tin satsah a ppax. tulacal. yoklal ta uokticiaba ten =
"Did I not forgive your debt, all of it, because you beseeched me?

ma ua a nah a beelte = Dzayatzil - ta Uet Uinicil cachi = cu than.
Was it not fitting that you act mercifully towards your fellow man?" he says.

mehene tu yayl tzeec - bin a tzeectabebal. tumen Dios =
Child, with a serious chastisement you will be punished by God,

Ua ma a uolah. a sates. U sipil = yt pax60  a lak tech
if you do not wish to forgive the sin and the debt of your fellows to you,

tilic U satsabal. U yabal a sipil = tumen Dios
while your many sins are forgiven by God.

bacij a kuxbe a lak = cech mehene = bacij a pacab U -----61 ca cocintabal =
Do not resent your fellows, you child; do not seek retribution if you are wronged,

yoklal ma Uchac. a ppecic = Uamac
because it is impossible to hate anyone,

Ua matan = a yamcimes = yt. a yahpahes = a pixane =
without sickening and wounding your soul.

he ah Dzac yahe = ma tan U kuxube = mayx tan U leppel yol ti kohaan =
As a healer does not hate and become angry with a sick person,

halili yaah = yt. chaphal = lic u ppecic loe =
it is only the pain and sickness that he hates,

Vchacix U ppecic keban yt. U yahil pixan
so it is possible to hate sin and the sickness of the soul,

hex U uinicile = lay matan U ppceb loe yoklal U sihsah Uinicil Diose =
but his personhood, this he may never hate, because he is the created person of God,

halanix toon tumenel Dios = ca yacuntic ca nupob
and it has been commanded to us by God, that we love our enemies,

yt. ca Dzaic U yatzil c ah cocinnahulobe = cayx payal chinacon yokol xan =
and give mercy to those who offend us, and that we pray on their behalf also,

Uayx bin çaçalthantabaceche - tumen hij macce =
so if you should be slandered by anyone,

tucle yolahil Dios = licil yulel. U tuxchi. Uinicil =              [p.304]
consider it the will of God, that it is the arrival of His messenger,

Uchebal. U tumtabal. a mukolal. yt. yanhebal yal tech.
so that your fortitude may be tested and it may be of benefit to you.

bay U chi. tu palil Dios. dauid.
This was the reasoning of the servant of God, David,

heklay sasalthantabi tumenel. huntul Uinic Semei = U kaba = cuchie =
who was cursed by a man whose name was Shimei, back then.

he ti yoltic. U chab U toh ti. tumen u palilob Ahau Dauid cuchie.
When the servants of King David wanted vengeance to be taken on him, back then,

tumen yah ti yol U palilob =
because his servants were upset,

ca yalah baxi to = yoklal Dios. tuxchitic lo =ca utzac U saçalthanticen =
then he said, "What if it is because God sent him, that he might curse me,

ca utzac yn tumta yetel. U nahal yn pixan cu than ================
that there might be my testing, and the benefit of my soul?" he says.62

            *                *                   *
chanix a uilab ca lubul : ti tumtahil = Dzalpach =
Do not let us fall into temptation.63

Dzocito. ca katic ti Dios = U satsabal ca sipil = yt. ca ppax =
After we have finished asking of God the forgiveness of our sin and our debt,

ca tun tac ca katic ti = U baylhal yetail ti con =
then we ask of Him the continuance of His grace for us,

yt. U mahal ca lubul. ti keban. yt. ti Dzalpach. tu caten =
and the cessation of our falling into sin and into oppression again,

yoklal blax yal ti = Uinic U botic U ppax = helel lae =
because what is the value to man that he pay his debt today,

Ua samal - cabehi tac. U DzaicUba = yalan U yabal ppax tu catene :
if tomorrow or the day after, he place himself under great debt again?

bay xan. bax U pak toon. U satsabal. ca ppax yt. ca sipil. tumen Dios. helelae
Thus also, what is the benefit to us to be forgiven our debt and our sin by God today,

Ua ma nach U kinil Uayx hunçut. ca ppaxic U yabal ppax.
if the time is not distant, or if immediately we owe a great debt,

yt. ca lubul tu yabal keban = tu caten.              [p.305]
and we fall into great sin again?

mayx tan katab ti Dios U mahal. U talel Dzalpach = yt. numya. toon
Nor are we asking of God that oppression and suffering cease to come to us,

yoklal mail U nah. U ma[n]kin64  toon. tix ma ma numyail - ti tum tum olalil =
because it is not fitting for us always to be without suffering, as a test.

he kaax. ma tan U colole.
As woods that are not cultivated,

ma xan U lobhal. yt. U hokol kijx = yt. U lobol xiu =
before long becomes bad and brings forth thorns and weeds,

bayx U cah. ca uinicil = ti lic U lobhal = ca beel
so it is with us men, in that our way becomes bad,

yt. U hokol U kixil keban = tac puczikal =
and the thorns of sin come forth in our hearts,

Ua ma tan ca coolol = yt. ca tumtabal. tu tumutil. Dzalpach numyae.
if we are not being cultivated and tested by the trials of forced suffering.

he ti manan Dzalpach = yt numya. U palil Dios. Dauid = cuchie.
When God’s servant, David, was without oppression and suffering, long ago,

pecanni yol. tubanil ti Dios
he feared he had been forgotten by God.

Lay U chun licil yalic ti Dios cuchi loe -
This is the reason that he said to God back then,

yumile tumten tu tumutil Dzalpach = yetel numya =
"Lord, test me with the trials of oppression and suffering,

ca utzac yn ppizicynba. yt. Dzalpachob =
so that I may struggle with temptations,"

cu than. bayhi ciac U thane =
he spoke; thus he has spoken,

yumile - Uoheli = he uinic matech U ppizba = yt. U bateele =
"Lord, as you know, the man who never struggles and battles,

ma uchac. U nonoh hal = ti katun yah =
is not able to become skillful in war;

ena poyach.hal. U cah = yt. alhal u caah cu binel =
rather he becomes cowardly, and becomes hindered when he goes (to war);

lay U chun licil. U sebel Dzoysabal. tu tal U nupobe
this is the reason that he is quickly defeated at the coming of his enemies.

habla yume tumten tu tumutil Dzalpach = yt. numya
Therefore Lord, test me with trials of oppression and suffering,

uchebal yn noohal. ti lic yn ppizicynba tin nupob - cu than.
so that I become skillful when I struggle against my enemies," he says.

he ca yocsah ca yumil ti Dios. U cahal =
When our Lord God made His people enter,

tu hach ciotzilil luum = U çilkabtah tiob = cuchie =
into the really beautiful land He promised to them back then,

ma yoltah U lah sates U nupob. heuac U ppatah babahuni =              [p.306]
He did not wish to entirely destroy their enemies; rather He left some of them,

ca utzac = U ppisilba = U cahal -
so that His people would struggle,

cayx utzac ma u nayal yolob. yt. U makolhal ti katun yah =
and so that they would not become careless and lazy in battle.

Ma yolah ca yumil ti Dios - U lah lukes a Dzalpachil = yt. numya
Our Lord God did not wish to entirely remove your trials and suffering,

ca bay laac. U pec ta uol. tu tal a nupob.
that thus you might become fearful at the coming of your enemies,

cayx achac. U nayal a uol = ti katun yah = ===
and lest you become careless in battle.

habla cicun a uol ta tumtabal. tumenel Dios. tu tumutil Dzalpach = yt numyae.
Therefore, rejoice at being tested by God with deliberate trials and suffering,

yoklal U nucili. U beeltic ca yumil ti Dios - tu palilob - ti bucah lae =
because this is the manner in which our Lord God acts towards His servants,

he yumbile yan U mehenob. yt. U baalnaile = lic U tzectic y. U haDzic.
like a master with his children and members of his household that he chastises and beats,

ti maixbal U kat ti = tu balnail hunpaye
with no concern for the household of someone else.

baci a cicun a uol mananil a numyae =
Do not rejoice at your lack of suffering,

yoklal U chiculi. a poyachil yt. mechil U mehenil Diose.
because it is the sign of your worthlessness, and that you are not a child of God;

lay U chun. ma tan u tzeec tech. maixbal U kat ti = tech loe =
this is the reason He is not chastising you and has no concern with you, then.

belatun otzil Uinic = lic U ppatal tumenel Dios - ti mayx tan U Dzabal U numyae =
Alas, miserable is the man who is left alone by God without being given suffering,

yoklal mahanceni = mailbal tac lic ti Dios = V chiculix satal loe =
because obviously he has nothing to do with God, and that is the sign of his loss.

cicunnex a uol tu yabal cici olal : cu than U palil Dios. Santiago =              [p.307]
"Rejoice with great happiness," says the servant of God, St. James,

ti lic yulel teex = U helan helanil. Dzalpach = yt. numya =
when various trials and sufferings come to you,

yoklal U yayikalil pixan loe cu than =
because those are the riches of the soul," he says.

habla. Ua yan a numyae = ohelte likul tu kab Dios =
Therefore, if you must suffer, know that it comes from the hand of God,

Uchebalix U yanhal = yaal tech = licil U Dzaic teche =
and it is so that there comes to be benefit to you that he gives it to you.

halabal. U cibah ti Abrahan = tumen Dios = U chuhinic = U ppelel mehen =
It was commanded to Abraham by God that he sacrifice his only son,

maytac xanhij = U tzicic U than Dios = Abraham =
and without delay Abraham obeys the word of God,

he ti yoltic U xotob U cal U mehene =
but when he wants to cut the throat of his child,

maytac xanhij U machal. U kab = tumen angel -
without delay his hand is seized by an angel,

ca yalah ti = bacij lo = lay U kati Dios - U tumtech cachi =
who said to him, "Don’t do it. It was the desire of God to test you earlier;

cu chicannac a tzicmail = Dios = ti chicanhijx = a tibilil -
then it became apparent that you have obeyed God, and your goodness became apparent,

yoklal ta uoltah. a cimes a yamehenil = yoklal Dios. cu than ------
because you wanted to kill your child on account of God," he says.

bacix tumtabi - Tobias = yt. Joob = yt. U yanal U palilob Dios.
Since they were tested, Tobias and Job and the rest of the servants of God,

lay tahmen. hach yaabhici U nahal tu Uich Dios.
it is for this reason that their merit in the eyes of God became really great;

bay Dzibanil. ti kulem Dzib lae
thus it has been written here in the Holy Scripture,

bolon U pixan Uinic ma U Dzoyol tu tumutil Dzalpache =
"Blessed is the man not overcome by coercive trials,

yoklal binil U kamab hunkul cuxtal Ua bin tumtabace cu than ----------------------
because he is going to receive eternal life if he will be tested," it says.

Hex V hach yail Dzalpache =              [p.308]
But as for really severe coercion,

Lay cu talel toon. tumenel cisin ti balan balannile =
it is this that comes to us because of the devil, hidden away there.

Lay U chun. pec otzilil : ca lubuli = yoklal ma ohelani =
This is the reason it is dangerous: we fall into it because it is unknown,

he tic yol tiU chucub caay = cayome -
as when a fisherman wishes to catch fish,

ma tan U pulub. V lutzil. tuhunal : heuac lic U Dzaic hanal yokol.
he is not casting his hook alone; rather, he places food on it,

ca utzac U talel tzaclabil. tumen caye = yoklal. Uahij ca mahancenac = U lutzile =
that it may come to be sought by fish, because if his hook were obvious,

ma xan U lukul ti alcab caye
before long the fish flee, running (away),

he ti yilic hanal cay. yan yokol lutze. ti ma yohel. tumen balanie
but it is when the fish sees food on the hook, without knowing because it is hidden there,

lic U binel = U tzacle heUac tuchij tu hanantice =
that it goes to pursue it, but then when it has eaten it,

may tac xan U chucul. tu cal. yt. U chopaytabal = tu lutzil. U homtanil cay =
before long it is caught by the throat and pulled in on the hook, the deep dwelling fish.

bay U cah ti pixanob. cisinob = cech mehen lae.
This is the way devils act with souls, you child;

yoklalix. pecan yol ta puDzul : Ua bin mahaancenac = U lobil keban. ta uich
it is because he fears your flight if the evil of sin will become apparent to your eyes;

lay licil U tal ti balan balanil = licix U pixic - ti cici olal. DzeDzec = kebane =
it is for this that he comes furtively, and that he covers up sin with some pleasure,

ca utzac a tabal = ma tan yetes tech = U lobil keban =
so that there may be your ensnarement, he is not showing you the evil of sin,

yt. hij bal balanie = heklay. U zatal a pixane =
and that which is hidden, which is the loss of your soul;

heUac lay lic yetçic = tech. U ciotzilil DzeDzec = payan be tu hoppole =
rather this that he shows to you is some pleasure at first, in the beginning,

lay licil a tabal. bay U tabal cay manan U cux yole =              [p.309]
and by this you are snared as the fish is snared, lacking judgment.

belatun bahunx tu balic u chucul .yt. U tabal. tumen cisin.
Alas, how much his capture and ensnarement are hidden by the devil;

sansamal tu tal cisin. U tabes ti keban. ti balan balanile =
always at the coming of the devil, he ensnares with sin that is hidden away.

Macx u ka uinic cici thanticech ti lic U payic a beel. ti coyle.
Who is the man who sweet talks you while he leads you into wickedness?

macx u ka halic tech = conex ti baltaachil = bayx ti hachilancile =
Who is it that says to you, "Come to gluttony, and thus to feasting"?

Uinicob Ua ta thane = ma uincobi heUac lay cisin lic U talel. U tabsech.
Are they men, does it seem to you? They are not men but devils come to deceive you,

ti mucul muculil cisinnilix U caah. U yah tanlahulix cisin
and secretly devilish is their nature, the aides of the devil,

hij mac halic tech. ti bucah lae =
whoever speaks to you in this way.

habla ppix a uich = ca achac a tabal = tumenel cisin = y. U palilob =
Therefore, keep watch that you may not be snared by the devil and his servants,

bacix kuchi cisin. yetun cah lohil ti Jesu christo. ti bay Uinic yilabale - ti cici thane -
since when the devil came to our redeemer Jesus Christ, seen as a man with sweet words,

oheltabi = tumen cah cah lohil. ca yalah ti =
he was known by our redeemer, who said to him,

xen xibalbae = yoklal Diosi. tuhunal. U nah tzicil =
"Go to hell, because God alone is worthy of respect,

mayx U nah U chabal a than cu than ti ================
and your word is not worthy of acceptance," He said to him.

Hex yetun ca yax naa = ti Evae = kuchul U cibah cisin tabsic ti cici than
But when the devil came to our first mother Eve, to deceive her with sweet words,

ti lic yetsic ti U cioltzilil chahuc = Uethan ti tumen Dios = cuchie.
while showing her the beauty of the sweet (fruit) forbidden to her by God formerly,

ca utzac U tabal. ti yilic U ciotzilil. U kati cuchi =
that she might be snared by seeing its beauty was his intention back then;

bay tabci tumen cisin loe = bayx U tabsicech helel cech ah kebane =
as she was snared by the devil then, so he deceives you today, you sinner,

ti lic yetsic tech : lauac bal ti chahucil. Uethan tumenel Dios.
while he shows you whatever thing with sweetness, forbidden by God,

ca utzac a sipilexie ====================
so that you may sin because of it.

Dzocebali tun. Ua a kati = a Dzoyes cisine = yt. Dzalpachob tulacale =
Finally then, if you wish to overcome the devil and coercions, all of them,

payal chite Dios. yoklal ma samac. yilab = a lubul ti Dzalpach = Ua bin a payabe =
pray to God, because He will never let your fall into temptation if you will call Him.

Va bin alac ti yumbil talel U caah U Dzooysabal U mehen = tumen U nupobe =
If it will be said to a father, that his son is coming to be defeated by his enemies,

ma ua tan U binel ti alcab U yaante U mehen = yt. U lukes tu kab U nupobe =
is he not going at a run to help his child and to free him from the hand of his enemies?

bini ka Mehene hach hahcunt ta uol. mayl çamac Dzoysabech =
So it is, child, really assure yourself that you will never be defeated,

tumenel cisin = yt. Dzalpachob = Ua bin a payal chite Diose =
by the devil and temptations, if you will pray to God.

Uahij ma lay hale. payen tu kinil a numya = yt. a Dzalpachil =
Was it not He who said, "Call me in the time of your suffering and your tribulation,

binix yn luksech = ychil a numya = ca tun a tiliscunen = tumen. cu than =
and I will deliver you from your suffering, while you honor me by doing it," He says.

bax U chun. U Dzoysicob Dzalpach. santoob = licix U Dzoysic U palilob Dios =
What is the reason the saints overcome tribulation, and the servants of God overcome it?

yoklal licil. U payalchitic Dios = yah antahulle =
It is because they pray to God, their aide,

bayx bin U cib ca yumil ti Dios tech = Ua bin = a payabe =
and thus our lord God will do for you if you will call on Him;

mayx çamac U Dzoyçech cisin Ua ma tal ta uol a Dzoyole =
the devil will never overcome you if you are not willing to be defeated,

yoklal bay pek taban U cal cisin
because the devil is like a dog tied by the throat,

heklay ma mac cu chibil. tumen =              [p.311]
in that there is no one who is bitten by him,

Ua ma tan u kuchul yicnal = yt. ma tan a Dzaaba tu kabe =
if he is not approaching his vicinity, and if you do not place yourself in his power.

habla hal ti Dios. yumile. bic bin Yn Dzoyçic yn nupob yt Dzalpach.
Therefore, say to God, "Lord, how will I defeat my enemies and oppressions,

Ua ma tan a uanteni =
if you are not helping me?"

he a chuplil yt. a balnayle = Uchaci U katic babal tech =
Like your woman and your household, who are able to ask something of you,

heuac ma uchac u Dzalic a pachi =
but not able to coerce you,

yoklal paynum a uchucil. yokolob = tijx yanob yalan a kabe =
because your power is greater over them, and you have them in your power;

mehene. Uchaci yalabal babal tech -
child, so it is possible that something is demanded of you,

tumen a cucutil = tumen cisin = yt. tume65 Uincobe =
by your body, by the devil and by men,

Uchacix U tukçic a uoli =
and it is possible that they importune you,

heuac. ma Uchac U lubçicech. ti keban. Ua ma tal techie
but it is not possible that they make you fall into sin if it does not come from you,

mayx chan cisinob tulacal = maixbaal. chan. U lubçech = ti keban.
nor are all the devils sufficient, and nothing is sufficient to make you fall into sin,

Ua manan a uol a lubesabaie =
if you are unwilling to let yourself fall into it.

heuac yancun a payal chi =
Rather, strengthen your prayers,

nachcunx nix aba = ti babal. tulacal = licil U chunpahal kebane =
and distance yourself from everything from which sin begins;

numes ti ya = a cucutil : bacix a cici tzente =
mortify your body, and do not lavishly nourish it,

ca achac. U lubçech. ti keban =
that it may not make you fall into sin.

Dzocebali tun chichcun a uol. a Dzoyes = Dzalpach.
Finally then, strengthen your spirit that you may overcome coercion,

yoklal chich yol U kati Uinic bin xic ti caane =
because a strong spirit is necessary for the person who will go to heaven,

mayx u poyachil. yt. U makolal Uinic = taahtial = yahaulil Diose =
and it is not the cowardly and lazy man to whom belongs the kingdom of God.

He ti yoltic. capitan. Jedeon = U Dzoyes U nupobe =              [p.312]
When Captain Gideon wished to defeat his enemies,

ca yalah Ua mac u ka = sahac tu nupobe. mayx chich yol ti katune =
then he said, "If there is anyone fearful before his enemies and not courageous in battle,

Valkahcob ti yotoch. cu than =
may they return to their homes," he said.66

Lay tahmenel Ualkahci U yabal holcaanob = sahlemob tu nupobe
This is the reason that they turned back, many soldiers fearful of their enemies,

ca culhij baba hun. chichtac yolobe =
and there remained a few of them who were brave,

lobi tun Dzoyes U nupob = tu hunalob loe = ti lic yantabalob tumenel Dios.
and those then defeated their enemies alone while being helped by God.

Ua ma chich a uol a Dzoyes Dzalpachobe = mabal U uilal.
If your spirit is not strong to overcome oppression, nothing is of benefit;

Ualken lukenix tu yam U palilob Dios =
turn back and depart from among the servants of God,

yoklal holcannob U kati ca yumil ti Dios =
because it is soldiers that are necessary for our lord God.

Va ma ppizba = yt. katun yah = ca beel. ca yanil yokol cabe -
Are not struggle and battle the manner of our existence on earth,

bacix lukcech tu kab cisin = tumen U yayatulul. kebane =
given that you escape from the hands of the devil by penance for sin?

ma a tuclic Uinicil licil a ppizba = yt. a numya =
Do not consider the body while you struggle and suffer,

heuac bin paynum mac. a nupintabal. tumen cisin cu binel.
but it will become greater, your being opposed by the devil, as it goes on;

he tu tzicma. U than cisin Uince = toh yol cisin.
when man has obeyed the command of the devil, the devil is content,

mayxbal U uilal Dzalpach ti =
and coercion has no purpose for him.

Ua ma lay tzicic U than. tix ma ma Dzalpachil =
Does he not obey his command without the least coercion,

Layx pulicUba. tu yabal keban = U lobol Uinic. ti ma mac Dzalic U pachie -
and throw himself into great sin, the evil man, with no one forcing him,

ena lic U cicunnic yol = ti licix U baytic U pol =
rather while he (the devil) rejoices and while he fondles him,

ca maac U lukul. tu kab =
that he may not escape from his hands?

hex tun. Utzac U beelob. yt. hij mac ma oltic U tzicib U than cisine =
But as for doers of good deeds, and whoever does not wish to obey the word of the devil,

licix U nupintic = cisin. yt. Dzalpachobe =
and those who oppose the devil and (his) forces,

lobi lic U hach alcabtabal U pach = tumenel cisin -              [p.313]
it is they who are really pursued by the devil,

yoklal U tuksic yolob. yt. U lubsicob ti keban - U kati ti lob =
in order that he pester them and make them fall into sin; he wishes in vain,

yoklol leppan yol ti ob -
so that he has become angry with them.

lay U chun licil yalabal toon - tumen Salomon -
This is the reason that it is said to us by Solomon,

He ta uoltic a tanle Dios = cech mehene
when you wish to serve God, you child,

yancun a sahalil ti Dios = chaixaba = a mukub Dzalpachob. yt. numya = cu than -
be fearful before God, and prepare yourself to endure coercion and suffering, he says,

he tu baksahma U cahal Dios = ahau - faraone =
as when king Pharoah has enslaved the nation of God,

toh yol ti lic U tzicil - yt. U tanlabal - tumenob =
he is happy while he is obeyed and served by them,

hex ca yalahob yolahilob. U binel. U tanle Dios
but when they said they wished to go to serve God,

tu pach yah payul U belob = ti moysene =
following their leader, Moses,

tij tun hoppi U nupinticob = yt. U numsicob ti ya =
then he began to oppose them and to persecute them.

he ta tzicma cisin = ti kinie = tohij a uol yetel =
So when you have obeyed the devil, during that time you are content with him,

mayx tan yalcab tech =
and he is not pursuing you,

hex ta lukul yalan U kab. yt. tu mahal a tzicice =
but when you escape from under his hands and you cease to obey him,

leppan yol tech =
he has become angry with you,

layx U chun licil U hach tanoltic. yocezech tu ppentacil tu caten loe =
and this is the reason that he is really devoted to making you enter servitude again,

heuac payal chite Dios - chichcunnix a uol - bay licil yutzcinnic S. Pablo cuchi =
but pray to God and be valiant, as Saint Paul did long ago,

ti lic yalic lae = meyah ca cah maixtan ca ppatab
when he said this, "Labor is our lot, and we are not leaving it;

numul ca cah ti ya mayxtan U yoyol col
enduring suffering is our lot, and we are not fearing it,

yoklal ma chan chani sabyomix U numyail balcaah ti hun kul bayhi ciac U thane
because a small thing and fleeting is the suffering on earth always," thus he has spoken,

alabolal licil yn chichcunic uol. ychil yn Dzalpachil. yt. numya =              [p.314]
"It is faith in which I take heart within my trials and suffering."67

bay V cah ah cool. lay ocsah U caah. meyahix U cah =
Such is the lot of the farmer; he is planting, and he is laboring,

ti ma tan yilab. U uich U meyah.
without seeing the fruit of his labor;

chambel hanal alic yol = alabolalix. licil U meyah.
it is only food for which he hopes, and faith in which he labors.

bay xan. bacix. ma tan Uilab. U uich yn meyah helelae = ti uilic cen bin cimic
Thus also, since I am not seeing the fruit of my labor now, which I will see when I die,

lay U chun alabolal licil yn meyah - alabolal. licil yn mukic numya =y = Dzalpach.
this is the reason it is faith in which I work, faith in which I endure suffering and trials,

alabolix. licil yn chichcunnic Uol. tu tanlahil Dios
and faith in which I take heart in the service of God,

yoklal lay lic yn kahsic. ychil yn numya loe = kaacnacil yn bolil tumen Dios =
because it is this I remember in my suffering, my payment by God is abundant,

layx cin çusu tuclic ca achac U lubul yn muk tin numya = cu than ------------------
and it is this that I always think, so my strength may not fail in my suffering," he says.

Heuac lukeçon ychil lobil
But deliver us from evil.

U hahal lobile = ma uihi = ma chapahal =              [p.315]
The true evil is not hunger, not sickness,

ma cocintabali = mayx U numyail cucut = U hahil lobile
not being humiliated, nor is the suffering of the body the true evil.

Ena = lay Dzalic ca pach - ti kuchul yetun Dios. numya loe.
Rather, this that prevents our arrival with God, that is suffering,

Vchacix c ocsic tu mahalil. ca pixan = tulacale =
and that we may enter into the complete annihilation of our souls.

lay U chun. U ma sahbentzilil = mayxbal sahtabeni =
This is the reason it is not fearful, and there is nothing worthy of fear,

heuac lay hahal lob keban. y. babal tulacal chunpahesic. ca kebane =
except this: truly bad sin and all things that cause our sin,

Layx U chun binil c alab ti Dios =
and this is the reason we are going to say to God,

yumile lukesoon = ti tzicba = lukesoon ti nonohbail =
"Lord, deliver us from pride, deliver us from arrogance,

lukeçoon ti tzuc achil = lukeçoon. ti hunkul cimil -
deliver us from lust, deliver us from eternal death,

lukeçoon tu kakil mitnal = lukeçoon tu Dzalpach = y - tu tabsah lobil Uincob =
deliver us from the fires of hell, deliver us from coercion and the deceits of evil men,

lukeçoon - tu tabsah y. tu Dzalpach ca cucutil =
deliver us from the deceits and the compulsion of our bodies,

lukeçoon ti Uaçut cimil -
deliver us from sudden death,

Dzocebali tun lukesoon. ychil lobil tulacal.              [p.316]
and finally then, deliver us from all evil,

yoklal ma hunppelobili - ca nahil luksabal
because there is not only one of them from which we need to be delivered,

heuac - hach yab - ti hunlukule
but really many, always."

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