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Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(About Eve’s Fall)
ms. p.199-213

The theme of transformation recurs in this account of the creation of Eve and her fall from grace. God transforms a bone into a living woman by His word. An evil spirit from the underworld transforms itself into a creature with the face and torso of a woman, but the body of a snake. Finally, their transgression transforms Adam and Eve from innocent children of God into shamed exiles, cowering yalan che yalan aban.

In spite of the seriousness of the theme, the author develops the story in a series of humorous speeches. God talks with Adam, suggesting that Adam name the animals because, "If I give them their names, you will forget them." Adam talks to himself, wondering how God can expect him to live alone, with no counterpart. Macx bin yn Uet caante, "Who will be my co-narrator?" Adam asks (ms. p.200). The devils orate in their audiencia in hell as they plot man’s fall. Angry at God’s promise to exalt His human creations, they fume, "Really, is it they who will go and ascend to our places, to our chairs, to our thrones, since we have been banished because of just a little sin and error in the past?" (ms. p.206) One among the devils volunteers to go immediately to the Earthly Paradise, where Eve, the weaker of the two humans, remains alone while Adam walks the boundaries of their land. Once there, it twines itself on the bark of the yax cheil cab and offers Eve infinite vision hun xaman hun chikin, in all directions, if she will ignore God’s commandment and eat of the fruit of the tree. Eve argues with her tempter, and with herself, but appetite prevails over mind, and she falls (ms. p.209-10). Adam returns to find Eve pale and weakened; she persuades him that he too must eat the fruit, which he resolves to do even though he knows it will stick in his throat (ms. p.212). This detail becomes the explanation for "the sign that has come to be in our throats, we who are male," the Adam’s apple. As the narrative ends, the first humans cower before God’s wrath.

The division of the narrative into scenes, the humorous dialogue, and the portrayal of the devil as a serpent with a human head and hands, able to speak and pick the fruit, all suggest a source in a mystery play. In European mystery plays of the later Middle Ages, the devil frequently appears as a comic character; the "parliament of devils" is a common motif in both folktales and theater.243 We know that miracle plays, including "The Fall of Adam and Eve," were performed by the natives of Mexico under the direction of their evangelizers.244 The author describes such a play, perhaps even providing a script of sorts for its re-enactment.

ca yax yum ti aDan = ca Dzocij U sihsabal = tumen = ca yumil ti Dios =              [p.199]
Our first father Adam, when his creation had been finished by our lord God,

hach ah miatzili - ca sihsabij = Dzilanili - ti miatz = ti hunkule
it was really as a wise man that he was created, filled with wisdom forever,

ca tun hoppi - U cicithantabal tumen ca yumil - ti Dios - ti lic yalabal. U xicin =
so then he began to be blessed by our lord God, while he is advised:

ylto. aDane = cu yalabal = tohcin a uol = te cechi lae =
"See then, Adam," it is said, "be content, these are yours,

he tulacal babalob = tin sihsahe. atialob =heklaobi balcheob = xiknalob = xacnalob =
all the things I created belong to you, which are these beasts, the winged, the four-footed,

y. cayoob = ti kaknabob = yt. chichob = ti ykob =
and fishes in the seas and birds on the winds,

heuac ca a patab = U kabaob = ca utzac a payicob = a uetun =
but it is for you to invent their names, so you can call them to you,

cayx Utzac U kaahtal ta uolob = yt. U kabaobe =
and so you can remember them and their names,

yoklal. Ua bin yn Dzab = yt. bin yn patab U kabaobe = bin tubuc tech =
because if I will give them, and I will make up their names, you will forget them.

lay U chun licil yn kubicob ta kab =
This is the reason for which I deliver them to your hand,

a kabantesob = tu kabaob = Ua bic a uolahile =
that you may name them with their names just as you wish."

tu Dzocan tun = yalabal ti lae =
When finished then, that this is said to him,

ca tun ppatij = tumen ca yumil ti Dios. ca bini tu yahaulil ti caan =              [p.200]
then he was left by our lord God, when He went to His kingdom in heaven,

ca tun hoppi U hunmolcinnicob = sihsabil balche = yicnal - aDan lae =
and then Adam began to gather together the created beasts, here in his presence;

ti hunmulob tun = nuctacob = yt. chichantacob = tulacale =
when they gathered then, the great and the small, all of them,

ca tun hoppi U hunhunppel patic = U kabaob = tulacal =
then he began to invent, one by one, the names of all of them,

hebic U nahmayle = hunhuntul tiobe =
just as has suited each and every one of them.

ti Dzocan tun = U patal. U kabaob tulacal. tumen aDane =
When finished then, the invention of all their names by Adam,

ca u tuchitahob = cayx binob xan =
then he sent them away, and then they went also.

ti Dzocan tun = U lukulob. yicnale = ca hoppi. U tucul = yax Uinic = aDan =
When finished then, their departure from him, then first man Adam began to think,

ti lic yalic = bala bix lae = macx bin yn lakin Uay lae =
while he says: "So how is this? Whom will I take as companion here in this place?

binx a cinculcen245 tin hunal xan = macx bin yn Uet caante = tin hunal Uaye =
How can you settle me by myself, also? And with whom will I converse, alone here?"

cu than = U tucul = ca tun hoppi U payic yalakob = yicnal = tu caten =
So he speaks his thoughts, and then he began to call his tame beasts to him again,

ti lic yalic = tu pucsikal =
while he says in his heart:

bala yan xin yn Uet Uaan = yn Uet ppizan = ychilob lae ---
"So is there perhaps my fellow being, my counterpart, among those here,

ca laac yn culcinte = yn lakinte Uaye - cu than =
so that I may settle, I may take a companion here?" so he speaks.

tuchij - ca Dzocij. U uecpacticobe = ychilob tulacale =              [p.201]
Then when he finished looking all around among them all,

cayx yilahob minanil = U yet Uaannie = ca u tuxchitahob =
and when he saw them lacking his fellow being, then he sent them away,

xeneex cu than tiob = cayx binob xan =
"Go, all of you," so he speaks to them, and then they went also,

tuchij tun ca ylabi = U tucul tumen. ca yumil ti Dios.
so then when his thought was seen by our lord God,

aDane = ca yalah ca yumil ti Dios = hahijbe - ma uchac = U cutal tu hunal =
"As for Adam," our lord God said, "truly it is not possible that he dwell alone,

hach tibil ca yanac U lak = cu than Dios =
really it is right that there should exist his companion," so speaks God,

ca tun Dzabij = DzeDzec Uenel ti = tumen Dios = bala - Uenel tun U caah. cuchij =
so then a little sleep was given to him by God; the thing is, he was sleeping back then,

ca kuchi ca yumil ti Dios = yicnal = ti ma tan yube =
when our lord God arrived in his presence without him sensing it,

cayx hoksabi = hunDzit = V Dzic U chelatil = tumen Dios = ti ma yubaah =
and then was brought forth one "stem" of his left ribs by God, without him feeling it,

cayx cheelcunnabij = yicnal = tu xax ti Uenel U caah =
and then it was laid down with him, by his side, while he is sleeping,

ti cheelcabal tun = U bacel = U chelathil246 = yicnale =
when it was laid down then, the bone of his rib with him,

ca cicithantabij = tumen Dios = lay bace =
then it was blessed by God, this bone,

hunsut.hijx U pec = yt. U cuxtal = huntul chuplal = hach cichpam =
and instantly she moves and she lives, a woman, really beautiful,

yet pisan U uich = angelesob =              [p.202]
her face like the angels,

bayx U pactabal. oro. = U tzotzel U poole =
and like gold to be seen is the hair of her head,247

cayx = cayx Dzabi pixan ychil U uinicil = cayx cuxlahij =
and then, and then a soul was placed within her body, and then she lived;

cuxan tun = ca tun ahsabij = aDan = tumen Dios =
(with her) living then, so then Adam was awakened by God,

cayx katab ti aDan lae ahen cayx a uilab = max chelan ta xax lae
and then this was asked of Adam: "Awaken, so you see who is lying here at your side."

cijx yalabal tumen Dios cayx U nucah aDan = tamuk yalic =
And when this was said by God, then Adam replied while saying:

yumile = helae - yn chelatil = yn bacel. yn bakeli xan =
"Lord, she here is my rib, my bone, and my flesh also;

helae. Uiragois = U kaba = suhuy bac248 lae =
she here is Virago, this is the name of the virgin bone here,"

cu than aDan. ti ca yumil ti Dios =
so Adam speaks to our lord God.

Dzocan tun = Dzocan tun yuchlahal tulacal lae =
Finished then, finished then the occurence of all this,

ca tun hoppi = U cicithantabalob = tumen Dios tu catulilob = aDan. yetel eVaa =
so then they began to be blessed by God, the two of them, Adam and Eve,

ti lic yalabal tiob = ylex to. yn sihsah Uinicilexe =
while it is said to them, "See then, you are my created people;

a uohelmaex loe = mayl balex = ca tin sihsahex = cachie =
you have known that you were nothing before I created you,

manan U yumex = mayx a naex = Ua ma ten =
with neither your father, nor your mother, if it were not for me;

lay U chun loe = Uolah yn culcinte = Ualmah thanil teex =
this is the reason that I wished to establish my commandment for you,

hach kananix U uilal. a Dzocluksicex xan -              [p.203]
and it is really necessary that you fulfill it also,

Uayx bin a Dzoclukesexe = bin yn hahal. yacunteex =
and if you will fulfill it, I will truly love you,

binix a uilex. yt. a kamex Utz = yt. tibil. Uay yokol cabe = bayx ti caan xan =
and you will see and receive goodness and righteousness, here on earth as in heaven also,

mayx tan U yanhal cimil. ta yamex = yt. numyae =
and never is it coming to exist, death among you, and suffering;

bayili bin a kamicex = tibil. yt. Utz. Uay yokol cabe = bayx ti caan xan =
always you will receive beneficence and good, here on earth as in heaven also,

Ua bin a Dzoclukeseex yn ualmah thanil =
if you will fulfill my commandment,

heix tulacal - balcheob = xacnal = y - xiknal = tin sihsah Uay yokol cab =
hence all the beasts, the four-footed and the winged, I created here on earth,

hach sucob teex =
are really docile for you;

U yamaexobi xan yoklal. atialexob = yetel U tzicexobi xane =
they have affection for you also, because they belong to you, and they obey you also,

yoklal Uayx uil = hecen bin a uolte = a haantantex tiobe =
because if you see whatever you would wish to have to eat among them,

ca a payexob = binix tacob xan =
when you call them, then they will come also,

cayx a teetbe[s]ob - Ua macal.mac = a uolah a haantantexe = tiobe ===
so that you may choose whichever you wish to have to eat from among them.

bay xan = ooxppel kin bin = kaxbal a hanalex =
Thus also, (every) three days your food will be raining down,

yxim tal ti caan = ma a meyahex = mayx a tanolahhex xani =
corn coming from heaven; you did not work it, nor did you care for it either,

heuac ten bin tanoltic = U Dzab a hanalex =              [p.204]
rather it is I who will care for it, that it provide your food;

bay xan loe = matan a cimilex = ti hukul =
thus also then, you never die, forever,

bayx ta chibalex. ta mehenexob = Uchmale =
and thus, for your descendants, for your children in the future,

yoklal bin cuxlacex = tu yabal haab - tu yabal katunob =
because you will survive for many years, for many scores of years;

bay yn Uolahil = ena Uayx tu ka uolex = ti cuxtal. Uay yokol cabe =
thus I wished it, because if you remember (my command) while living here on earth,

bin yn chaex = ta cucutilex = yt. a pixanex =
I will take you with your bodies and your souls,

te tin Uahaulil = ti caan = ti hunkul. ciciolal = grorie249 bay xane =
there to my kingdom in heaven for eternal happiness, glory thus also,

Uayx mac yolah paalhal. tu catene = bin yn paalcunte = tu caten xan =
and he who wishes to become a child again, I will make him a child again also.

lay tulacal. cin sebchitic teex lae = Ua bin a cici tacunteex yn Uaalmah than lae =
All this I promise to you now, if you will carefully keep this commandment of mine,

Uayx bin a pocheexe = tohol than yn caah - teex =
and if you will break it, I swear to you,

hun Ualak sutili = binil yn lolob thanticex = yt. yn tohlicex =
instantly I am going to curse you and banish you,

Uay ychil - U ciotzilil pakal lae Uay parayso terenal = lae =
(from) here within this delightful garden, here in this Earthly Paradise,

hun ualak sutix = bin a chupbalex = tu hach yabal - numya = y. otzilil =
and instantly you will be filling up with really great suffering and misery,"

cu than ca yumil ti Dios. ti aDan = yt. eVaa = cuchi =              [p.205]
that is the speech of our lord God to Adam and Eve back then,

hex Dzabi tiob. U tacuntob lae = mayx U yanal cuchij =
and it is this (commandment) that was given to them to keep, and no other back then;

lay U mahal U talcob = yt U mahal. U makicob =
this is to refrain from touching, and to refrain from eating,

U uich = U yax cheil cab = U cheil graçia = cicithan.tan tumenel Dios = ah tepale =
the fruit of the first tree on earth, the tree of grace, blessed by God the ruler,

U cheil cuxtal = yt. toholal250 =
His tree of life and peace of mind.

ma a talicex. ti hunkul = mayx a makicex =
"You do not touch it ever, nor do you eat of it,

yoklal talantzil = ma u nahma a talicex =
because of its mystery, it is not fitting that you touch it.

ylexto = Ua bin a talexe = tohol than yn caah tex =
See then, if you will touch it, I am swearing to you,

bin yn nupinteex = binix U nupintex yn sihsah - babalilob = tulacale =
I will make you my enemies, and all my creations will turn against you;251

U nohlayl xane = mehenexe = hach. calab -
the greatest (thing) also, you children, is that they are really available,

sillas = kanche = Dzamobe = U ppatah = U lobol angelob = ti caane = atialex =
the chairs, the seats, the thrones that the bad angels left behind in heaven, are yours,

layx a uilalex = licil yn sihsicex xan = cu than Dios tiob =
and this is the purpose for which I created you also," so God speaks to them.

bala - hex ca nupulteob = U lobil espiritus252 = yan[il] mitnale =
So, those that opposed Him, the bad spirits who are in hell,

tuchijx ca yubahob = U sebchitabal = tiob. aDan. y. eVa = lay sillasob lae =
then when they heard promised to them, Adam and Eve, these chairs here,

hun ualak suthijtac U noh chaicUbaob = tulacalob =              [p.206]
instantly afterwards, they greatly prepared themselves, all of them;

U lepolticob - catul. sihsabil Uinic lae =
they became angry with these two created people,

ti lic U tuclicob yt. U tumticob =
while they thought and they considered,

Uabic U nahma = U luksic tiob = yt. U tabsicob = yax Uinicob =
just how it is best to remove (the chairs) from them, and deceive the first people,

ca maac U Dzoclukul = sebchibil than tiob = tumen Diose =
so that there would not be the fulfillment of what was promised to them by God.

ca tun hoppi = U hunmoltalob = tu audenciaob253 =
So then they began to come together in their high court,

licil U moltanbaob = tamuk yalic = tuba tanbaobe =
in which they assembled themselves, while they said to themselves, among themselves,

bix tu Dzi a uolex = bal bin ca belte = yt. bal bin c utzcint tiobe =
"How does it seem to you? What will we do, and what will we devise for them?

hach layobxa bin = xicob = yt. bin nacacob = tac cuchil = yt. tac sillas = tac Dzam =
Really, is it they who will go and ascend to our places and to our chairs, to our thrones,

Uchci ca tohlabal = tumen DzeDzili ti keban. yt. sipil cuchie =
since we have been banished, because of just a little sin and error in the past?

bala cunob tun lae = ma ua tibil caac lubsob xan =
What about them then? Is it not just that we make them fall also?"

tibili ka = cu than =
"Just it is," they say.

bala hokoc huntul toon = tac yam = xic lubsicob = heleytacce =
"So may there come forth one of us, from our midst, to go make them fall right now.

macx U nahma. ta thanex. ma paktic samal = Ua cabeeh =
Who is suitable, in your opinion? May he not await tomorrow or the day after,

heuac heletace = U hokesUba huntul toon = hach nonoh. ti miatz =
but right now, may he bring himself forward, one of us, really clever, with wisdom,

helitacce254 = ca xic U lubesob. ti keban =              [p.207]
right now, that he may go make them fall into sin,

ca maac U binelob - yt. U Dzoclukul than. alab tiob. tumen Dios loe =
so that they may not go and fulfill that word said to them by God.

helel lae = yoklal ppatanob = mamac yanij =
Right now, because they have been left (by God), no one is there (with them);

Uamac toon bin xicie =chuplal bin U thanab =
whoever of us will go, the woman will he address,

yoklal he chuplal lae = kun yol = mayx chich yol xanij =
because, as for this woman now, her mind is tender, and her mind is not strong also,

yoklal he xiblale - chichi chich255 - yol = ah miatzi xan = cu thanob =
because as for the man, his mind is really strong; he is wise also," so they speak.

ca Dzocij U multhanob = tu audenciaob = ychil mitnal =
When they had finished their discussion in their tribunal within hell,

cayx yalah huntul tiob = ten bin xicij = heleytac yn beeltic tulacale -
then one of them said: "It is I who will go right away, that I may do all of it,

mayx samac Ulcen = ma yn lubsicob xan = cu than = cisin zerfiente lae =
nor will I return until I make them fall also," so speaks this devil-serpent,

cayx hoch256 tali parayso. terenal =
and then (as an) image he came to Earthly Paradise;

ca u chaah yk = U cucutile = yt. U uich chuplal = U uenbailte =
when he recovered consciousness, it was the form and face of a woman he embodied,257

yetel U balamticUba =
and with which he concealed himself.

yan U xik= yan U kab = caan U uinicil = tancoch = zerpiente = U kaba =
There are its wings; there are its hands; a snake is its form in the middle, serpent its name,

ca naci tu yax cheil cab =
then it ascended into the first tree on earth,

cayx hoppi U bakicUba = tu pach che =
and then it began to coil itself on the bark of the tree,

lay Vethan.tiob ma u talicob cuchie =              [p.208]
this one forbidden to them, that they may not touch back then,

tix yan eVa = naDzanil cuchie =
and there Eve was nearbye back then.

tuchij ca U liksah U pacat = eVa = cayx yilah =
Then when Eve lifted her gaze, then she saw it;

ca hach haki yol = tumen = ca cilbanchahij yol = yt. U pucsikal =
then she was really startled by it; then her mind and her heart became perturbed.

ma a chaic sahacil = tin men = mayx U hakal a uol xan =
"Do not take fright because of me, and do not trouble your mind, also;

hetene Uay ti sihen - ta yamex lae = teni U chayan sihsabilobe = Uay lae -
as for me, it is here that I was born, in your midst; I am another of the creatures here,"

cu than = cisine = ca u nucah eVa =
so speaks the devil; then Eve answered,

tus a caah = ma tin Uilhech Uaye =
"You are lying; I did not see you here,

mananix bay tech. ychilob = bay ca ualic be = cu than ti =
and there are none like you among them, thus as you say," so she speaks to him.

ma ua Uayenili yan samee = cu than serpiente =
"If I am not from here, I have been here a while," so speaks the serpent,

ca tun. U cantah = U can ti:eua = ti lic yalic.
and then he related his tale to Eve, in which he says:

lay yn kat yn Uohelte = Ua bic U than Dios teex = yokol chee = yn yanil lae =
"This I wish to know, just how God spoke to you concerning this tree where I am,

ca a ual Uuye = halil yn than Uohelte = cat talen lae =
that you say it for me to hear; truly it is my purpose to know it, for which I came here;

ma a muclic ten = cu than cisin ti eua =
do not conceal it from me," so speaks the devil to Eve.

bin Ual tech = cu than eVa = mayxbal U yanal tu yalahe =
"I will say it to you," so speaks Eve, "and there is nothing else that He said;

hahalil tu Uethah = ca makic che = amal bin ychnac lae =              [p.209]
in truth He forbade that we eat of the tree, each time it will bear fruit here,

yoklal talantzil = tu thane =
because of its mystery, as He says,

Ua bin ca makab U uiche = tumen bin U cheel gracia = cuxtal = yt. toh olal =
if we will eat its fruit, because He says it is His tree of grace, life, and peace of mind,

layx ti yalah lae = Ua bin ca makabe = bin U nupintoon =
and here is what He said now, if we will eat it, He will make enemies of us,

binix U tohlon Uaye = tu hach ciotzilil pakal lae =
and He will banish us from here, from this really delightful garden."

ma a tabalex tumen U nucili ti bay lae =
"Do not be deceived by His manner (of speaking) about it like this;

bayx U mentah toon xan = ca u tohlahoon = ti caan = Uchi loe =
thus He did it to us also, when He banished us from heaven long ago;

ma cha kaxthantzili = ma u pec a uolex tumen =
do not take fright; do not worry because of it;

mayxbal bin U mentex =ca bin Dzococ xan =
He will do nothing to you when it will be finished also;

ena Ua bin a makexe = tohol than yn cah teex = ta catulilex =
rather, if you will eat it, I promise to you, to the two of you,

hach bin a talex ti ah bolon miatzil=bin kuchuc a pacatex =hun xaman hun chikin258
really you will come into great wisdom; your vision will reach everywhere,"259

cu than serpiente = ti eVa =
so speaks the serpent to Eve,

ena bin bacexac260 Diose = lay pecan ti yol = [ca] tu uethaah. U makicex loe =
"rather he will become like God, he who has doubted when He forbade them to eat that,"

cu than serpiente = ti eVa =              [p.210]
so the serpent speaks to Eve.

mailo. tus a caah ten = cu than eua =
"May it not be that you are deceiving me," says Eve.

bala bin a uilab = hahil yn than lae
"The thing is, you will see the truth of my word now,"

ca yuxaah hunppel. tu Uich = U cheel graçia = serpiente =
and the serpent picked one of the fruits of the tree of grace,

cayx U makaah taklic U uich: euae =
and then he ate it before the eyes of Eve.

Dzocan tun U makic = tancoch lae = ylto. tin makaah = makeni xan =
When he had eaten half of this, "See then, I ate it; you eat of it also;

ma bahun U caah = ca yutzcin lob tech = loe = Ua U yabale. laytun be =
nothing much is happening to do harm to you then, or if it is a lot, so be it,"

cu than cisin ti = eVa lae =
so speaks the devil to Eve now,

sahacix U pucsikal cuchi = pecannix yol cuchi xan =
and her heart became fearful back then, and her mind became doubtful back then also,

yoklal ma tux U chaal than xan = yoklal ppatannil = tumen aDan. cuchie =
since no where is her advisor also, since she has been left behind by Adam back then,

ximbalix U caah. tu canan pakal = cuchi =
when he went walking, patrolling the garden back then.

ca tun pecnah yol = ti lic U yabach tucul = ti lic U luk tub =
So then she doubted, while she thought a lot, while she swallowed saliva.

bay Uinic. ti yan yol tilobie =
Thus humankind has a mind in vain.

ti caye yol xane = hunkul bay U cibah eVa = lae =
With doubt in her mind also, afterwards Eve did this,

ca tun U xethah yol = yetel U pucsikal =              [p.211]
when she made up her mind and her heart,

ti hun Ualak suthix = U makic = ca u pitluktah =
in one instant then, that she would eat it; then she gulped it down;

ti hun muDzub ychile = U Dzocsic yolah U pucsikale =
in one blink of the eye, she completed the desire of her heart;

lubanili = yt. tabsahanili = tumen cisine =
she has fallen, and she has been deceived by the devil;

bayx licil yalabale = V Dzaccunnah DzeDzec Utial U Dzab ti aDan = U makabi =
and thus as it is said, she kept some of it in order to give it to Adam that he eat of it.

ti Dzocan tun. U tabsah = ah tabsah lae =
When finished then, the deception of this deceiver,

hahalhij ma con con. U ciciolal = yanhij - U noh ciciolalob =
truly not a little his happiness; there came to be his great happiness,

ca u pulahuba likul yicnal = tu kab = cilich cicithanbil chee =
and he threw himself thence from his place on the branch of the hallowed, blessed tree,

ca bini tu cuchil te mitnale =
and he went to his place there in hell;

hach mayx con conhij = U noh tzicil = y cici olal =
and really not a little was his great honor and happiness,

noh kamcij = te mitnale = hach noh tzicij = tumenel = te mitnale =
greatly he was received, there in hell; really greatly respected for his deed, there in hell;

tumenel Uchcij = U Dzooysic = yax Uinic =
since by his deed he conquered the first people.

noh holcan = noh capitan = serpiente = yalabal ychil mitnal
"Great warrior, great captain Serpent," is said within hell.

Bala Dzocan tun = U makic. eVa lae =              [p.212]
However, when Eve had eaten this,

ca hoppi = U kaxah noh kinam = yokol
then great pain began to pour down over her,

ca sahachij = cilcilnac = luban U muk = pooshaan =
then she became afraid; she trembled; her strength failed, she became pallid,

ca hoppi = U lukul U matan graçiayl = U bucma cuchie =
and it began to depart, the gift of grace that had clothed her before,

cayx chacanhij = U subtal tu Uich =
and then her shame became visible in her face;

ca hoppi. yokol = ti hach okom yol = ti hach ya U pucsikal = lublac U muk =
she began to cry with great remorse, with great pain in her heart, when her strength fell;

ca tali aDan = ca yalah ti = bix [ti] bay lae = bax ta cibah =
then Adam came and he said to her, "How is it like this? What did you do?

okol a caah = hach posech xan = cu than aDan =
You are crying; you are really pale too," so speaks Adam.

ca yalah eva = ti sipen = ti tabsaben = tumen cisin =
Then Eve said, "I sinned; I was deceived by the devil;

tin makaah U uich chee = Uethan ca makicce = cu than =
I ate the fruit of the tree forbidden that we eat of it," so she speaks.

ca yalah aDan = be chuplale = hahal ya tin Uool. ta cibah =
Then Adam said, "Alas, woman, truly there is pain in my heart that you did it;

ti lobil = yn y[a]maechi xan = bal bin Utzcin helel cu than =
nevertheless, I have affection for you too. What will remedy it now?" so he speaks.

ca yalah eVa = mayiba[l] = yanal = ti sipen = sipcon tac catul = cu than. eVa =
Eve said, "Nothing else, since I sinned, but that we sin, both of us," so speaks Eve.

be chuplale = cu than aDan = bini yn makab cochome =
"Alas, woman," says Adam, "then I will eat it, come what may,

heUac Uohelma = ma samac manac tin - koch = binix kapac tin cal loe =
even having known it will never pass from my throat, but will stick there in my gullet."

ca u chaah aDan = ca u makaah = cuchij = ca u lukah = mayx binij =
Then Adam took it, then he ate it back then, then he swallowed it, nor did it go down,

yt. mayx Uchuchij U man = tu koch = ca kapij =
and neither was it possible for it to pass from his throat; then it stuck tight there.

lay U chicul = yantac tac koch con xiblal lae =
This is its sign, that has come to be in our throats, we who are males here,

hex chuplale = manan ti = yoklal U pitluktaah =
but as for woman, she does not have it, because she gulped it down,

mantaDzhix tu koch xan = ca chuy tu tzem261 =
and it passed straight down her throat also; then it hung in her chest.

Ti Dzocan tun U sipilob tu catulillob = ca tali ca yumil ti Dios yicnalob =
When the two of them had finished sinning, then our lord God came to them,

ox muchix U thanalob262 - tumen Dios = aDan cuchie =
multitudinous the recriminations by God to Adam back then.

matan U nucob. U tumen U subtalob - cuchie =
They never answer; it is because they have become ashamed back then,

ppuppuctacob. yalan che = yalan aban = sahacob
cowering under tree, under bush, frightened . . .

[ms. p.214-233 missing; material which parallels Coronel begins ms. p.234]

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