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Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(About the Creation of Eve)
ms. p.174-175

After God has created Adam with a body and a soul, He entrusts all the rest of His creation to him, and gives him the wisdom to name everything correctly. As Adam goes about the naming, he notices that there is no other being like himself. Then God puts Adam into a sleep like death, and extracts a "stem" of his ribs from his left side. This bone God clothes with flesh and skin, and places in the company of Adam to be his counterpart. Although man and woman are two beings, they are as one, originating from one flesh and one bone. The author warns the audience to consider the great sin committed by ah toc casadoobe, marriage breakers, and men who abandon their wives, and women who abandon their husbands.

Tu chij. ca ahi cab.180 ti aDane =
Then when Adam became aware,

ca kub ti tumenel Dios = U sihsah babalil = Uay yokol cabe =
that His created things here on earth were entrusted to him by God,

hex ca yilahob. aDane = yoklal. Dzaan ti tumenel Dios =
so when Adam saw them, because they had been given to him by God,

U hunnachal = ah miatzil = Uch U natic = yt. yoheltic =
his wisdom became very great, so that he understood and knew,

yan U uilal = yan V uilal yoheltee = ca u kabansah. tu kabaob =
what was necessary, necessary for him to know, when he named them with their names,

ti bay U nah tie = hun hunppel tiobe =
as they are appropriate for each and every one of them,

heklaobi = ti cayoob = yt. xiknalob = yt. xacnalob =
which of them are for fishes, and winged creatures, and four-footed creatures,

yetel cheob yt. xiuob. tulacale =
and trees, and plants, all of them,

mayx mac tiob ychtabi181 = tumenel aDane =
and no one among them was spotted by Adam,

yoklal manan yet ychili = bay U uinicile = U yilah = tu yamobe =
because there was none similar to him, with a body like his, that he saw among them.

tu chij ca Dzocij = U Dzaic aDan = U kabaob = hun hunppel sihsabile =
Then when Adam had finished giving their names to every created thing,

manan yet ychil yilahi l[oe]
there was none like him that he saw;

ca ocsabi. U uenel = aDan. tumen Diose = hach cimen tun U uenel. cuchij
then Adam was put to sleep by God, really (like the) dead, he was sleeping back then;

ca hiDztabi - hunDzit. V Dzic182 U chelatil = aDan = ti ma yubahe =              [p.175]
then one "stem" of the left ribcage of Adam was "uprooted" without him feeling it;

ca u bucbesah Dios chilath183 = U poDzaah.184 ti aDan = ti bak = yt. ti othee =
then God dressed the rib He squeezed out from Adam with flesh and with skin;

ca u sihsah ti chuplalil = yxlokbayen hach UDz = hach cichpami xan =
then He created as his woman, a maiden really good, really beautiful also;

ca U uacunnah = yicnal =
then He placed her beside him.

tuchij ca ahie = aDane = ca yilah sihsabil = chuplal = tumenel Dios =
Then when Adam awakened, when he saw the woman created by God,

ca yalah. aDane =
then Adam said:

bace. ti bacelech likul = bake. tin bakelech likul =
"You are bone from my bone; you are flesh from my flesh,"

helae xiblalil = bin U kabate = yoklal ti xiblalil = ti hoksabij =
hence he will name her "from the male," since from the male she was brought forth.185

cu than = lay tahmen. U naah. U ppatab = U yum. yt. U naa = Uinic =
So he speaks; this is the reason it is fitting that man leave his father and his mother,

ca hunppelac yol = yt. U chuplil yoklal bacix = catul tubae =
that he unite his spirit with his woman, because even though there are two of them,

bay huntulili = U cucutilobe = tu yaccunah tanbaob =
their bodies are as one when they love each other.

U naahe = Vchac tun. U tuclicob = helel lae =
It is necessary that they should consider now,

Ua bahun = noh kebanil = yt. ti noh sipilil = U cahob. ti Dios =
how much great sin and great error they commit towards God,

ah toc casadoobe186 = yt = ah ppat atanob = yt. yxppat ychamobe =
marriage breakers, and they who leave their wives and they who leave their husbands,

yoklal. bay yetkin = yetppisan
because thus they are their similars, their counterparts . . .

[pages 176-177 are missing]

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