Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2003:
Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(About the Creation of Eve)

Endnotes #180-186

  1. ca ahi cab: CMM, ahal cab ti, por tener ya uso de razón.
  1. ychtabi: CMM, ich.tah t: mirar poner los ojos en alguna cosa.
  1. Several interesting things are going on in this clause. First there is the repetition of the Dz sound. The language is figurative: the verb hiDz usually means arrancar el maíz y hortalizas pequeñas; -Dzit is a classifier for thin, cylindrical objects including varas delgadas.
  1. Note alternate spellings of the word for ribs: chelatil on the previous page. The list of Nombre de los miembros y partes del cuerpo humano at the end of Coronel’s Arte includes costilla: chelatil; chalatil.
  1. Another interesting word choice, poDz: CMM, sacar o exprimir materia o alguna espina estrujándola. The same verb can also be used for milking animals.
  1. See Genesis 2:23: "Then the man said, ’This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’" This works in English, in Hebrew, and in Latin, but not in Maya. On ms. p. 202, our author says of Eve, Viragois u kaba, suggesting a Latin source for this play on words.
  1. ah toc casado: CMM, el que deshace los casados apartándolos.

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