Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2003:
Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(God as One and Three)

Endnotes #155-163

  1. See ms. p. 178-189 for a description of the eleven layers of the heavens.
  1. On p. 157 we find ta Vuyahi tac: you heard it already, which might make better sense here. On p. 164 is ta uubahi tac.
  1. ppelech: CMM, cosa que viene cabal y justa que ni le falta ni sobra nada. The word that follows is written over and illegible.
  1. This argument against human judges is interesting in the context of the torture-induced confessions and harsh penalties in the idolatry trials led by Diego de Landa in 1562.
  1. u nunilob cab refers to those who do not know the language of the land, or stammerers and babblers.
  1. I am assuming that a uokolte is a miswriting of a uocolte. If the author did intend okolte, the meaning shifts to have compunction for.
  1. tichil = tichil? tichil: CMM, passivo de tichah, levantar en alto con la mano alguna cosa y presentar el don mostrándolo con la mano y dar o ofrecer algo assi.
  1. r for l in evangelio.
  1. yan U belal = yan u bilal = yan u uilal.

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