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An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(God as One and Three)
ms. p.151-164

The author translates into Maya the traditional arguments for the Christian God’s being both the one and only deity, without beginning or end, and at the same time, consisting of three different "persons." Only God is perfect, and God alone can pass judgment, unallied with any other being. The emphasis on this point may be significant in the context of the idolatry trials led by Diego de Landa in 1562, in which the Maya were tortured until they confessed, and then condemned to harsh punishments. Speaking of the idolators who lost faith in the one God, and returned to the worship of many gods, the author asks, "What of those slaves of the devil, terrified and trembling, warned that the day is not distant when God’s severe judgment will pour over them?" The merciful God will pardon even them, if they return to Him and do penance (ms. p.156-7). Finally, man can only know the divine mystery of the three persons of God through Holy Scripture, specifically through the New Testament gospels. All the descendants of Adam will hear this news (ms. p.163-4).

he tu yax chun = ti ma hoppoc = V paatcantabal =              [p.151]
Here at the first beginning, before it has begun to be expounded,

numya = U mansah. tu yabal mukolal. V ppelel mehen Dios = ti ca lohil
the suffering He endured with great fortitude, the only son of God, our redeemer,

tumen ca keban = ychil Vooh lae =
because of our sin, within the writing here,

yan u uilal a uoheltic = tu yax chun = Va bal tah oklali = numcij ti yae =
it is necessary you know, at the first beginning, something of the reason that He suffered,

ca utzac a nibtic U pixan = cech U loh uinicile =
so that you may give thanks, you who are His redeemed person,

heix uchebal = U thubul = yt. U hach kubul = ta pucsikal =
and so that it sinks in and it really is encompassed in your heart,

yt. U kubul tu yol. Uinic = christianoob = yan yol U tanle Dios =
and it is encompassed in the mind of men, Christians, having the desire to serve God.

bay U nahe = kanan. U uilal = yoheeltic = V hunabil Dios = tu hoppol =
Thus it is fitting, necessary that they know the oneness of God at the beginning,

heklay tuhunali Dios = Vchuc tumen tusinile =======
He who alone is God, all powerful.

Manan. yetppisan. ti yuchucil = yt. tu tepalil = loe
Without an equal in His power and in His reign then,

mayli Uchac U naah pimhalob = Dios ah chaabtah = ah sihsah =
never would it be fitting that He become many, God the creator, the birth giver,

ti caanob = tu bolon tasil = yt. luum. tu uolol = ti bay sinanilob. loe.
for the heavens in their nine-foldness,155 and the earth, all of it, in its extension,

yt. tulacal chicaan. bayx ma chican xane =
and everything visible, and thus the invisible also,

lay cux lic = yt. tablic = U sihsah. tusinile =              [p.152]
this that lives and that on which it depends, He created it all.

lay Dios tu hunal V yumil. V yahau. uil = U balma caanob yt. lume=
This God alone is its master, His kingdom is the contents of the heavens and the earth,

heklay yanob ti caan = yt. yanob Uay yokol cab lae =
that which exists in heaven and exists here on this earth,

hex U hunabil Dios ah tepale = ma talan yoheltabal = tumen Uinice =
and so the oneness of God the ruler is not difficult to be known by man,

heklay sas U uich. U naat = DzeDece =
the face of whose understanding is somewhat bright,

tu nohlayli = Ua bin U nana olte = yt. U paktumte = tulacal =
especially if he will contemplate and consider all of it,

hij bahun = U sihsah Dios tulacal chican Uay yokol cab lae
just how much God created, everything visible here on this earth,

yoklal hach haah = maybal Vchuc U sihsic = Uba tu hunali =
because it is really true, nothing can give birth to itself, all alone,

bala U yanali sihes loe =
hence something else gave birth to that.

hex bin sihsic babale = Uchuc tumen tusinil.
Therefore if He, all poweful, will give birth to something,

U naah ca hach patac = tu hach nucul = U sihsah babalile = Uchuc tumen tusinil =
it is fitting that His creation really be made in His real form, omnipotent.

bala macx ti yan lae = ma tu yanali = ti Dios. tuhunal. yanil =
So who has this? No other than God, alone has it.

bala hach hahij = licil yalabal = tumen santo ocolal = yt. kulem Dzib =
Hence it is really true, that which is said by the holy faith and the Holy Scripture,

layl Dios. sihes. tu hu[nal] tu sinile = layx chunpahcij = tulacal xan =
only God created it, alone, everywhere, and it is He who began everything also,

hex Dios tu hunal loe = yanili - ti ma bal U sihese =              [p.153]
since it was God alone then, who existed before what He created,

yoklal ma chunliszi = ma hopplissie =
because He is not something caused, not something begun,

mananix chunpahcij = U tepal = mayx xulumte = yuchucil xan =
His rule without beginning, His power without end also,

tubaili U kuil U Diosil Vchie = ti ma bal U sihese =
always His divinity, His Godliness existed, back then before the things He created.

bay bin a uocsic ta uol = tix ma ma pec olal.lil =
So you will believe, without the least doubt,

U hach naah tech. cech katic ocol tu palilil Diose =
it is really necessary for you, you who wish to enter the service of God,

tu Uubahij tac156 = U ppelech157 men[--]l Diose = ti ma pimoob loe =
what you heard already, the self-sufficient . . . of God, His singularity,

yt. yuchucil. tusinile =
and His omnipotence.

kanan U uilal. a uoheltic - helele. yuchucil = y. U tibilil Dios =
It is necessary that you know now the power and goodness of God;

oheltee = cech Uince = he Diose = manan yet kin = manan yet ppisan =
know, you men, this God is without equal and unparalleled,

yutzil. yokol cab = yt. tu yanal cabe =
His goodness on earth and in the other regions,

mananix yet kin = tu tibilil = tu tohil ti yoksah ych =
and without equal in His goodness, in His justice, in His compassion,

tu Dzayatzil. tu yacunnah. yt. tu miatze =
in His mercy, in His love and in His wisdom,

yoklal hach Dzoclukan = yanil ti Dios - tu hunal tulacal loe =
because God alone has them in real perfection, all of them.

mabal ma hach. paathaan. yicnal =
There is nothing incomplete in Him,

ma DzeDz U cici olal = tu hunlukul = te tu yahaulile =
nor brief the happiness that exists forever there in His kingdom.

ti Dios- tu hunal. yan = tu hach tohil = tu hach nucul = U sihsah babalile =              [p.154]
With God alone there is true justice in its true form for His creation;

Uchuc tumen tusinil = U hahil ah xot kin =maixmac. U naah. xotic U kin = Uincob =
He is all powerful, the true judge, and no one else is fit to condemn men,

ti hunlukul = benel ti bol keban = ti manan U laah =
forever to go to do penance without an end,

tu mazcabil mitnal = tumen U kebannob loe =
in the prison of hell, because of those sins of theirs,

yoklal Dios tu hunal = ohelmayl. Uabahun = yail = ti numya =
because God alone has known just how much suffering,

U naah numsabeeb ti ya = hun hun tul Uinic = tumen U kebannob loe =
it is necessary that each and every man endure because of those sins of his,

layx Dios. tu hunal. ti ma u yanal = Dzaic. bolon pixanil =
and it is He, God alone, and no other, who bestows sainthood,

yt. hunkul [ci]ci olal = ti ma xulumte = helel ti caan =
and eternal happiness, endless rest in heaven,

yanil ma sabyom cuxtal = tu palilob = ti yetaylob =
where there is not fleeting life for His servants, for His companions,

U Dzocluksahob. U yaalmah thanil = ti cuxanob = Uay yokol cabe =
they who performed His commandments while they lived here on earth,

tu xocaan. yt. tu nucul = U beeltah = hun hun tul = ti Uincob Uay yokol cabe =
in their account and in the way they acted, each one among men here on earth,

lauac. Utz = lauac = lob = yutzcinnahaobe
whether it was good, whether it was evil they did,

tu hunali Dios - bin Dzaic - U macul U kaboob loe =
only God will give their rewards then,

lauac ti cici olal. ti yahaulil caan = lauac ti numya = tu kakil mitnale =              [p.155]
whether with happiness in His kingdom in heaven, whether with misery in fiery hell,

tu hunali Dios = bin xotic U kinob -
only God will judge them,

tumen Dios. tu hunal = ma tacacan U yanal babali = bay Mail pimoob. tuba Dios.
because God alone, not allied with another being, as God is never many,

sihes = yan yokol cab = yt. tu yanal cabe =
He created what exists on earth and in the other regions.

bay tu ppelech hunal Dios = ohmaic = yt. natic = tu hach hahil. tulacal = tusinile =
Thus God alone, self-sufficient, has known and understood truly everything, everywhere,

ti ma uchac = U satal = tu uich = yt. tu baalpahal = tie =
without it being possible that it disappear from his view and become hidden from Him,

U tucul = yt. tu than = yt. U beel U sihsah Uinicilobe =
the thought and the speech and the deeds of His created men.

lay tahmen = tu hach nucul = ti hij bic sipannil =
For this reason, it is by the real manner of however they have sinned,

tu tuculobe = yetel tu thanob = licul U xotol U kinob = tumenel Dios = tu hunal
in their thoughts and in their words, by which they are judged by God alone,

ma tacan U yanal babali = yan yokol cab = yt. tu yanal cabe =
unallied with any other being who exists on earth and in the other regions,

ti xot kin = yicnal Diose.
who judges together with God,158

yoklal mabal kuchaan. U tumtahij = tu pach U tumtah Dios = tu hunal loe =======
because there is nothing sufficient to try him after God alone has tried him.

Bee bicx uil bin Dzocal tiob = u nunilob = cab159 = netzoob = buyukob =
Alas, how should it be ending for them, the inarticulate, the worthless, the foolish,

maixbal yohelmaob =
they who have known nothing,

hach chalaan = yt. Dzotaan =              [p.156]
really full of wax, and stuffed up,

hach kalaan = U xicinnob = ti V yaah than. tumen U kebanobe =
really their ears are closed to His warning because of their sins,

hach tupan. U uichoob = ekmayix U uichoob = tumen - U sipilobe =
really their eyes have been dazzled and blinded because of their errors,

hach nolnolcij = U pucsikalob = mabal utz = lic U chaicob = tu matibelilob =
really hardened their hearts; there is nothing good which they take from their iniquity,

heklayobi = ah cisnil. thanob = pimtac tuba ku = lic U cici olticob =
they who are idolators with many gods in which they rejoice,

tamuk U xetholticob = hunnab Dios = Uchuc tumen tusinile =
while they reject the One God, the all powerful.

bala sacetnacoob = yt. ti cicilancilnacob = U ppentacob = cisin loe =
What of those slaves of the devil, terrified and trembling,

pecnac yolob = ma nach U kin =
having been warned the day is not distant,

bin yilicob = U kaxal yokolob U yaya xot kin Dios loe =
when they will see that severe judgment of God pour over them,

tumen U xethicob yol - ti hunnab Dios =
because they lost faith in the One God,

U pixannobi uil. cu Dzaicob ti cisin. tu numyail mitnale =
by which they would give their souls to the devil, to the suffering of hell?

ca u xetholtob = lay pimtuba ku. lic U tusicob. U kultobe =
Were they to reject these many gods who deceive them into worshiping them,

tu uinbail. U cisinobe =
in the images of devils,

ca u Ualkesobuba ti Dios tu hunale = binix yocesah tepal. U yokotboob tie =              [p.157]
if they would return themselves to God alone, the ruler would accept their pleas to Him.

bay alannil tumen = ychil kulem Dzib.
Thus it has been said by Him within the Holy Scripture,

mayl U kat yilab U satal pixan = ychil pixannil cimil. U sihsah Uinicilobe =
He never wishes to see the soul’s loss within the death of the souls of His created people.

ena lay lic yoltic Dios = ca yutzcin Uinic. U yayatulul U kebane =
Rather, this is what God wishes, that people perform penance for their sins,

ca utzac U satsabal tiob = tumen Dios = ti lic V kamicob. ti yetaililob =
so that they may be pardoned for them by God, so He receives them into His company,

tu cilich groria = ti caan = ti yahaulil = ti hunlukul cuxtale =================
in His blessed glory, in heaven, in His kingdom, in eternal life.

Ta Vuyahi tac = cech christiano =
You heard it already, you who are Christian,

hach Dzibolech a uohelte = kuil miatze yt. hij bic mayl pimoob tuba Dios.
to really desire to know divine wisdom, and how God is not many,

heUac tuhunali hal Dios = hahal ku - Uchuc tumen tusinile =
but He alone is the true God, the true deity, all powerful.

V nahi tun - ca a uohelte = a uokolte160 = helel lae = tu hach hahil a uolah =
It is fitting then that you know, that you believe now in the real truth of your will,

oxtulil tuba personayl. ca yumil ti Dios lae heklaobi =
in the three persons of this, our lord God, which are these:

citbil = mehenbil = yetel. espiritu santo = lae = layobi kuil persona = U kabaob
father, son and holy spirit, and these are called the divine "persons,"

yoklal. hahal - citbile hahal Dios. mehenbil xane =
because in truth, the father is truly God, the son also,

bayx hahal Diosil. espiritu santo xane = ti huntulili U hahal Diosil -
and thus truly Godly, the holy spirit also; in each one of them is the true Godliness,

yoklal tu kuil = bayil Diosil - yanilob = personasob lae =
because in His divinity, in the Godly nature, there are these "persons,"

ma oxtul tuba Diosi = huntuli Dios Uchuc tumen tusinil =
not three sentient beings in Himself, God, only one God, all powerful;

hij bahun Utz - yt. tibil = tu hach nucul -
however many are the good qualities and virtues in their true forms,

bay yanil tu hach hahil. ti hunhuntul. kuil personaob lae
thus they exist, in real truth, in each one of these divine "persons,"

heklaobi = kuuile = Uchucile = miatzile = Vtzile = tohile =
which are these: divinity, power, wisdom, goodness, righteousness.

bay xane = halili helannilob = u kuyl. personaob = hunnab Dios loe =
Thus also, truly they are different, the divine "persons" of the One God then,

he Dios citbile = ma mehenbili = mayx espiritu santo xanix =
since God the father is not the son, nor the holy spirit either,

hex espiritu santoe = ma citbili = mayx mehenbil xani              [p.159]
and since the holy spirit is not the father, nor the son either,

hex citbile = lic U yancunnic U mehen =
since it is the father who caused the existence of His son,

heklay mehenbil loe = sihaan ti yolah = U cit = tu hunal =
He who is that son of His, born by the will of His father alone,

hex tu caham pactic U batanba = citbile = yt. mehenbile =
and since it is from the two of them, the father and the son, looking at each other,

ti lic U tichil161 espiritu santo = hahal. yacunnah = U kaba loe =
from which the holy spirit arose, true love is the name of that.

bacix Va lic calic tu nucul ca than - U mentabal. mehenbil = tumen citbile =
But if we should say in our manner of speaking, that the son is made by the father,

yt. U tichil espiritu santo = tu ca ham pacticob. yt. U yacunticob = U batanba.
and the holy spirit arises when the two of them regard and love each other,

citbil. yt. mehenbile =
the father and the son,

ma la tahoklal = binil - a tucle = chunlisilob = ma hopplisobij = kuil personaob lae =
for this reason you should not think they originated nor began, these divine "persons,"

yoklal hij tun sipilon tu hahil = ti santo okolal = caac tuclee = loe =
because then we would have sinned in truth against the holy faith, were you to think that,

yoklal mabal yan ti Dios. chunlis = yt. hopplis =
because nothing exists for God as a source and a beginning.

tu bayli dios citbil yt mehenbil = yt. espiritu santo = ti hu [nlukul]
They existed always, God the father and the son and the holy spirit, [forever]

[p.160-161 missing]

U natic = huntulili Dios sihesob = ti mamac U yanale =              [p.162]
. . . they understand that only God created them, and no other,

tij tun U helel U tuculobie = ca bin chicanpahac tiob =
then their ideas change concerning it, when it will become apparent to them,

tix tun U natic ma pimtuba Dios -
and then when they understand that it is not a multitude of gods,

sihes bal caah yt. tu chayan tulacal chican = yt. ma chicanobe =
who created the world and all the rest of everything visible and invisible,

heuac tu hunal Dios Uchuc tumen tusinil - sihesob loe =
but the only God, all powerful, who created them.

ma ua bay Uchucil. yoheltic Uinic. tuba tu hunal =
If it is not thus in man’s power to know by himself alone,

U hach nucul = U talanil = U kuil = miatz = cilich oxtul persona =
the real significance of the mystery of the divine wisdom of the three blessed "persons,"

ti ma cambesabilie = bala tabx uil oheltabi loe =
without being taught it, whence may it be known, then?

lay espiritu santo. etes = ychil kulem Dzib =
This the holy spirit revealed, within the Holy Scripture;

mayx tulacali = mayx tulacal ah miatzob= oheltob =kulem Dzib = chicanil Uchi loe =
none of them knew,not all the wise men who knew the Scripture recorded before then,

ti latulah = ca u mahancen. chicancunnah = tu cambesah thanil =
until He publicly made it manifest by teaching the doctrine,

ychil U evangerio162 = cah lohil. ti Jhesu christo. U ppelel mehen Dios =
within the gospel of our redeemer Jesus Christ, the only son of God,

yoklal lay U than ca uinic hie = tu yuchucil espiritu santo =
because this is the word of His becoming man by the power of the Holy Spirit,

tu nak. U cilich na. ti suhuy santa maria.              [p.163]
in the womb of His blessed mother, virgin St. Mary,

heklay cu cambesic = U hahil. yt. U tohil - babal tulacale =
in which He teaches truly and accurately all the things,

yan U belal163 yoheltic Uinicob = yokol cab = lukbal U pixanob =
necessary for men on earth to know for freeing their souls,

ca yanac hunkul cuxtal tiob yt. hunkul cici olal. ti caan layob U yah ocsahulob ti yol
that they may have eternal life and eternal happiness in heaven, these, His believers,

U santo okolalil = cilich oxtul personaob. tu hunpplech hunali = U kuil Diose =
in the holy belief in the blessed three "persons," in only One alone, the divinity God,

cayx Utzac U yanhal = U yaal tiob = U cilich nahalil =
so that they may come to have the benefit, the blessed merit,

U cilich numya = yt. U cimil = cah lohil ti Jhesu christo -
of the blessed suffering and the death our redeemer Jesus Christ;

lay Dzocluksic U than =
this fulfilled His word,

lay U chun occi ti Uinicil =ca uli Uay yokol cabe =
this is the reason that He entered into human form, when He arrived here on earth,

heklay U cambeson. tulacal. bal kanan U uilal toon =
which is so that He may teach us everything necessary for us,

cohelte lukebal ca pixan = yt. U lohbon tac keban =
that we know for freeing our souls and redemption from our sins,

tu cilich yacunnah = licil U Dzaic Vba ti numya = yt. ti cimil ti cruz.
by His blessed love, for which He gave Himself to suffering and to death on the cross,

ti sinil coklal =
crucified there on our behalf.

bala ah nuppuli caah= yan yokol cab - tu sinil =
What of the peoples, (our) counterparts, that exist on earth everywhere,

ti kuil miatz lae =
in this divine wisdom?

bin yubob tulacal = U chibal aDan = yax anom = U hahil. U tzecil = yt. yanumal -
All the descendents of Adam, first man, will hear the truth of the sermon and the news,

cilich santo. kuil cilich persona. ti huntulili. Dios =
of the blessed, holy, divine, blessed "persons" in the oneness of God,

kuultaben tu hunal. lay tu hunal ti ma ahac cab cuchie =
He alone who was worthy to be worshipped, before the earth awakened, back then.

lay u chun emi cah lohil ti Jhesu christo
This is the reason our redeemer Jesus Christ descended,

ca utzac U nahalob ti hunkul cuxtal. yicnal loe ======================
that they may gain eternal life in His company, then.

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