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Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(True and False Wisdom)
ms. p.106-125

In this passage which follows the Xot Kin, the author begins with repeated references to a book from which he is summarizing information about the types of knowledge available to mankind. He contrasts divine wisdom, which he describes as smelling and tasting sweet, with the vain and foolish knowledge of worldly things. While the first part of the discussion reflects European belief and cites Church fathers as authorities, the latter part uses imagery more familiar to a Maya audience. Here the worldly-wise appear as owls, birds of ill omen, as grackles, strutting with their heads in the air, as puffed-up poisonous toads. Like the gopher, they emerge from darkness, blinded by the light, baring their teeth, scuttling backwards. They mutter prognostications in unintelligable language, while claiming to serve God. As the argument progresses, the language becomes "heated,"112 with a repetition of key words and images, culminating in a series of couplets in formulaic language used to describe the arrogant and rebellious. Finally, the author identifies the originator of false, worldly wisdom as none other than Hun Ahau, whom he equates with Lucifer.

   Miatz = Hunyuk olal =              [p.106]
    Wisdom, Universality,

   Naat = Tucul = olah =
Understanding, Thought, Will

Lay V com com thanil = V hach mucul talanil yetel . V nucul .
This is the summary113 of the real mystery and the meaning,

yan ti cilich santo. hun yuk olal = Lay okolal lae114 =
that exists in blessed, holy catholicism, this faith here.

Lay cu tal ca Dzic. U kaahlayl. te tu uich. Vooh lae =
This comes from the second part of the account there on the face of this book,

heklay. chuanoil115 = miatz. V kabae. lay [c?]huuen loe =
which is sacrificial wisdom; the name of this is sacrifice then,

yetel U tzolan. U tzicanil numya = cah lohil ti Jhesu christo =
and it is the explanation of the revered suffering of our redeemer Jesus Christ;

U mansah tu yabal = U mukolal = Vchci U lohic balcaahe =
He endured it with His great fortitude, in order to redeem the world.

payolal = lauac liksah olal =
It is an admonition, or rather an inspiration,

U molcab thanil - tu nucul Dzib yan ti picil huun lae -              [p.107]
the summary of the form of writing there is in this book.

Uinicili. U talel ti uinic ah ci cab. U Dzibolticob miatzhale
By virtue of being human, it comes to man by his nature to wish to become wise,

yoklal bay chicilbesanil - ti Kulem Dzibe -
because as it has been signified in the holy writing,

U Dziboltabal miatz. payic U beel Uinic. tu yahaulil Diose =
wisdom is desired so that it may lead man to the kingdom of God;

hex miatzil lae = hach cij = hach chahucix - tu chij. U pixan Uinic
so this wisdom is really good-tasting, and really sweet to the mouth of the soul of man,

bayx tu nat. Uinic xane -
and thus to the understanding of man also.

Laytac oklal cijl = yetel chahucil - V cappel U kaba. miatzil lae =
Therefore, goodness and sweetness are two of the names of this wisdom,

tumen San ysidro loe =
according to Saint Isidore then.

U hahilix. layl tahmen. pimilob tuba = Vinic. chactesicob = yetel xacheticob. miatzob
And truly for this reason, many among men seek out and search for wisdom,

tilobal.116 heelbal. U natoob = yetel naybal yolobie =
but only seemingly changing their understanding and solacing their souls.

heix ca utzac a naticex ceex ah maya Vi[ni]c lae.
Therefore, in order that you understand, you Maya men here,

Va hahay tzuc tuba. miatzil lae =
both how many parts there are within this wisdom,

yetel Va yan chabeenij = yetel Va yan ppecbenie = ti obie =              [p.108]
and if there is something acceptable, and if there is something despicable in them,

bala lic cooltic = ca patcantic teex. a uoheelticeex. ti bay U binel lae =
this is the thing which we wish to expound to you, that you know it just as it goes here.

oheltex catzuc tuba miatzile = chican ti Uincob = yokol cab. =
Know the two-foldness within wisdom shown to man on earth,

Vtzobix tu catzucil = ti lobal =
and that there is good in its two parts, only seemingly.

hex huntzucil ti obie = lay canal miatzil U kaba =
As for one part of it, high wisdom is the name of this,

yoklal. hach nana ol bil = tumen pixan = yetel tumen U nat Uinic
because it is really worthy of contemplation by the soul and by the understanding of man;

ah ohelil. lae. yetel yan U cux yole =
he who knows this also has judgment,

Layx U chun. nanaolbil miatzil = tac calahe =
and this is the reason it is contemplative wisdom, as we said.

Lay tun oheltahe = U kaba yoklal tu yokcabil babal yan. V tumtahil =
And then there is knowledge, so named because about worldly things is its concern,

Ca tzucix tuba. ah miatzobe =
And there are two kinds among wise men,

Cu tzayal tiobie yetel lic yohelticob. miatzil lae. hextun
those on whom it is bestowed, and those who learn this wisdom. However . . .

[pages 109-111 missing and pagination error]

yanile. bay yet kin. yet ppissan hach cij u booc = ti babal toppocnac =              [p.112]
in its nature thus it is like and equal to the really sweet scent of flowering things,

bayix. U haDzal hach hatzacnac U booc = ti babale =
and thus also it perfumes the air; it really endures, the odor of things,

yoklal bacacix = tac xik tabac - ychil U nok Uinic. max yanile =
because even so it flies forth from within the clothing of the man to whom it belongs;

bini hokoc U booc = tu nij ti ma uchac U muclabale =
his scent will come forth to the nose, impossible that it be hidden;

bin boboc nij tabac loe =
he will be tracked down by that.117

Lay U chun hach lakbenilob = hach etayl tabenob =
This is the reason, they are really worthy of being His friends, His companions,

ah miatzobe = yetaylob Dios - ah tepal loe = hijmac U bailhal. U katob loe.
those wise men, companions of God the ruler, who persist in wanting that;

U lakintob = V noh etail tobi xan =
He makes them His friends; His great company is for them also;

mahancen bin nahebalob = tu cijyl U booc = U kuil miatzilob =
manifestly, they will find merit in the sweetness of the scent of their divine wisdom,

tu nij. U natob =
to the nose of their understanding.

bin katic. yohelte = Val loe = bala. bal yanil. kuil miatzilob =
He will want to learn, perhaps, what is the nature of their divine wisdom,

hach tibil U pectzil lae = hach tibil U mut lae = Lay lic U yalabal lae =
this of really great renown, this of really great fame, this is said of it,

mayx tu yanili = yanil = Lay U sahtabal Dios = ah tepale. tumen Uinic =              [p.113]
there is no other, only that God the ruler be feared by man;

hach yan U cux yole = yanile = yetel eDzannile =
really he must have this judgment, it depends on it and it has been founded on it,

yoklal. he u yax chun licil U hoppol. kuil miatze =
because this is the initial origin from which divine wisdom begins.

U sahtabal = ti U chun lisi = kuil miatz = ti sahacil loe.
He is to be feared; from that beginning arose divine wisdom, from that fear.

bay yanil ti - Kulem Dzibe = tijx lic yalic = espiritu santo xanie =
Thus it exists in the holy writing, and it is there that the Holy Spirit says also,

bolon U pixan Uinic = sahac ti yumilbil =
"Blessed the man fearful before the Lord,

yetel mac Dzaan yol U tacunte. U yalmah thanil - ah tepale =
and he who has taken care to keep the commandment of the ruler;

sahtex yumilbil = ceex bolon a pixanex. talacale === cij U than.
fear ye the Lord, that you may be blessed, all of you," so He spoke.

Hex Uinic bin nahaac ti kuil mitzatz loe =
Hence the man who will prove worthy of that divine wisdom,

licix U sansamal - kaahsic. U xul. U cuxtal xane =
is he who every day remembers the end of his life also.

Lay na U chun licil U hach ppecicob = yetel licil U hach puDzlicob.
This, moreover, is the reason that they really hate and they really shun it,

U ppecicob keban. yetel U naaysah ol baal caahe              [p.114]
they hate sin and the distraction of the world.

he matech U tubul tiob = U than espiritu santoe
Never will they forget the word of the Holy Spirit,

Vince cij u than. kahes = tuclei xan V xulel a cuxtal
"Man," so He spoke, "remember and consider also the end of your life,

ca maac a sipili ti Dios tu hun yukulile =
that you may not sin before God, in His infiniteness,"

tumen layx alab cu xicin = yax anom. ti aDaan = tumenel Dios - ah tepal =
because first man Adam also was admonished by God the ruler,

ti Dzocol U cah. U tohlabal. ychil pakal. hach ciotzil = paryso - terenar = U kaba =
when he had been banished from the garden named really delightful Earthly Paradise,

yanil. yetel U chuplil. ti eVa = cuchie =
where he had been with his woman Eve before,

Vinc[i]e = ci u than Dios ti Lumech = tanatech ka lo[e =]
"Man," so spoke God to him, "you are earth, it is ashes that you are;

ti lumil tijx tanatilix = a uocol tu caten xan =
to earth and to ashes you enter again also."118

bala bax U chun loe - yoklal. U kebanob. tohlabciob =
So what is the reason for that? Because of their sins they were banished,

tu hach ciotzil cuch = yanilob. tumen Dios cuchi =
from the really delightful place where they were because of God formerly,

ti sansame - sijhsabcob - tumen ah tepal cuchi loe -
where not long before they had been created by the ruler back then,

kebannix tahmen Dzabciob = yt. pulciob. Uay ti yoklemil. yalil ych.
and sin is the reason they were placed and cast out here into the darkness of tears,

ca yanil con U chibal. aDan - ti numya = ti okom olal = yetel ti okol lae -              [p.115]
where we are, we the descendants of Adam, in pain, in suffering, and in sorrow here,

kebanix tahmen xotcij U cuxtalob.
and sin is the reason that they were condemned,

ca Dzabob ti bay. chembeel ti mahaan cuxtal = ti sabyom cuxtal. ti xulumte cuxtal =
that was given to them thus only fleeting life, ephemeral life, finite life,

Vay yokol cab lae =
here on this earth.

lay tah oklal. licil U kaahsabal cijk = tumen Dios =
This is the reason, of which we are reminded by God,

yoklal ca yax yum = yetel ca yax naa =
on account of our first father and our first mother,

Vchbal U pec cool119 = tac mahaan cuxtal - Uay yokol cabe =
so that we are warned in our transitory life here on earth.

yan U uilal coheltic = hach kananil U uil toon = ca kahsic sansamal.
It is necessary that we learn, really imperative for us that we remember everyday,

binil cimicoon = yetel binil ococon ti tulumil
that we are going to die, and we are going to enter into the earth,

sijhsabcije = tumenel Dios.
from which we were created by God.

bolon pixanil = palilbil = he mac ppecan yole = yetel chaan Uba. tu beele =
"Blessed the servant, he who has not doubted and has prepared himself by his deeds,"

cu than cah lohil ti Jhesu christo = toone =
so speaks our redeemer Jesus Christ to us.

ba lay lay ma uchac U tubul tiob = ah kuil miatzob loe -
Since it is not possible for them to forget, they of that divine wisdom,

heklay U xulel. U cuxtalobe. U nahixin. ca maac U yocsicob.              [p.116]
what is the end of their lives, is it necessary that they not enter into them,

U pakmabhal. U yalthan U cucutilob. yetel balcaah = yetel U yaalthan. cisinobee =
the vain demands of their bodies and the world, and the demands of the devils?

he uinic bin miatzac = ti kuyl miatz lae - bin yilab Vtz = Ua bin hunkulacie =
These men will become wise with this divine wisdom, see good, endure forever,

yoklal lay ah miatz = bin hunkulac = ychil yutzil beob = U hoppsahe.
because these wise men will endure forever within the good deeds they initiated,

Vtzix bin xulebal tiob xane. yoklal bin ococob tah bolon pixanil.
and good will it be ending for them also, because they will enter into sainthood,

ychil. U yutzil U beelob binix ococob ychil U yahaulil Dios.
within the goodness of their deeds, and they will enter into the kingdom of God,

yanil hunkul cuxtal. yetel yanil hunkul cici olal. tu cilich groria loe _____________
where there is eternal life, and there is eternal happiness in His blessed glory there.


He V Catzucil tuba = ah miatzob lae = layobi tun tac calaahe =
But as for these, the second kind of wise men, it is these then, as we said,

laobi lic U Dzaolticob. U cambalte = U miatzil bal caahe=
who give their attention to learning the wisdom of the world,

Vchebal U tzicilobe = yetel. U noohcinnabalobe. tumenel Uincobe =              [p.117]
in order that they are honored, and they are glorified by men

yan Uay yokol cabe =
while they are here on earth,

heex miatz yan tiob lae.buyukil miatz = hach coil tu uich Dios
but this wisdom they have is foolish wisdom, really madness in the eyes of God.

bay alahanil. tumenel san pablo = apostore=
Thus it has been said by Saint Paul the apostle,

ah ppulus miatzij V kaba tumenel xan =
puffed-up wise men is their name because of it also,

yoklal he uincob. yanil loe =hach yan U yaah. ampo much120 tiob
because men like those really have the properties of poisonous toads,

lay lic U ppulutba = ca sotbanac =
these which puff themselves up, that they may become inflated,

ti bay tunnix = U katie = Laobi miatzob. U kati tu Uich than =
and therefore they inquire into these wisdoms, they seek it in the face of the word,

tu kaba than = heuac hach balan tiob. kuil miatz =
in the name of the word, but really, divine wisdom is hidden from them,

etsahaan chicancunan tumen Dios lae.
having been revealed, made manifest by God here,

Lay ah thontalob = yetel ah chincunnahil = tah chintalobe =
to these who are humble, and the humiliated, the slighted ones.

bay alanil - tumen cah lohil ti Jhesu christo yoklah. he ah bal cahil miatzob lae =
Thus it has been said by our redeemer Jesus Christ concerning these worldly-wise ones,

hach alan yolob. tu miatzilob lae = ah ohelaah tu thanob -
really self confident in this wisdom of theirs, all-knowing, in their opinion,

ah cux olal tu thanob - y. tu Dzi yolob = hach laobix tu thanob -              [p.118]
prudent, so they believe and so they imagine, and really so they seem,

ah ohelilob - tu thanob loe =
the knowledgable, in their own opinions,

heuac U tzicbailob = tupic U uichob121 = yt. tupic U natoob =
but their arrogance blinds their eyes and extinguishes their understanding,

bay yalcij = san agustin = hunnac miatz. santa ygleçia =
so said St. Augustine, infinite wisdom, holy church.

mahaanceni yilabaloob = yt. yoheeltabalob. U miatzob. balcaah. tilobal loe
Publicly they are seen and made known, their worldly wisdoms, so-called,

yoklal canal U pacatob - bayobi ah tzoo kauobe122 =
because they gaze upwards like male grackles,

thesthesnac. U ximbalob = te tichaan U coob = canale = canal yan U pacatob =
chest-forward they walk, their beaks lifted up on high, their gazes on high;

hach b[ay]obi yet kin loe keex yolob = ah DziDzic thanob = mamac U tzicob =
really discordant like them, ill-spoken ones, no one do they respect,

pochoob = hach tzutzuc thanob - lay yan tu chiob = tzuc ach Uincob = bala laobi.
insults, really injurious words, these are in their mouths; they are carnal men, like these:

ah nacsah tunichob = ah nacsah cheob123 =
they who raise up stones, they who raise up sticks,

ah nab yum. ah nab naob124 =
they who deny their father, they who deny their mother,

ah chin coot = ah chin pacab. U kabaob. lae125 =              [p.119]
they who throw down walls, they who throw down lintels, are their names.

ma yohelob thontal = ma chincunnahbaob. tu tanlahil Dios.
They never become humble; they did not prostrate themselves in the service of God,

yetel tun yetun tu yam U lakoob -
and then in fellowship in the midst of their neighbors,

yoklal hach ah ohelil tu thanob = ah miatzob tu tuculob =
because really they are knowing in their opinion, wise men so they think,

heix miatzil yan tiobe = ekmayil miatz = U hahal kaba =
but as for the wisdom they have, blind wisdom is its true name,

oklemil miatz - U hahal kaba tumen san agustin =
dark wisdom is its true name, according to Saint Augustine,

yoklal tupic U uich U naat Uinic yanil tzicbail loe =
because that blinds the understanding of the man being arrogant,

cayx maac yilic. yan U naah tu pixane =
so that he does not see what is necessary for his soul,

yoklalix yekmail ximbalob = ah balcaah miatzob =
and because the worldly-wise walk blindly,

U nah U balakteeltoob. nohoch =
it is fitting that He makes the great stumble,

y. U xabkatob = yahau tu Dzi yolob loe =
and He trips up those who imagine themselves mighty,

layob tiob ppecic. U uich sasilil. U talantacil. U babalil. Diose
those who hate the face of the light, the wondrous creations of God,

ca baacob. tucruchhu. yetel xoch126 =
so they have become like the horned owl and the barn owl,

chaah U uich - tu uich kine = lic U paynum yacunticob. oklemil.              [p.120]
their eyes dazzled in the face of the sun, they who most love darkness,

yoklal akabil. licil U ximbalob = U ppecob sasilil =
because it is by night that they travel, they hate the light.

bax tahmen loe =
What is the reason for that?

yoklal he ma utz V caahe - U ppecma Uich kin
Because it is not good that they do, they have hated the face of the sun;

ma u kati yilabal. ti maac V Dzabal U koch - yoklal U ma tibelile
they do not wish to be seen in the light, in order not to be blamed for their iniquity.

ma bay U tuculob. Vtz U cahob loe -
Thus good is not the nature of their thinking,

yoklal Utz yilicob U uich kin. licix U cicunnicob yol = tumen sasilil -
because the good see the face of the sun, which makes them happy because of the light,

chacanhebal utztac ti = U belob. yetel lic yutzcinnicob -
in which becomes manifest the good in their lives and in what they do,

tilic U Dzaicob. U chun. Uchebal U noohcinnabal - yt. U tzicil Dios ah tepal.
for which they give the reason that God the ruler be glorified and be honored.

bala ma bay U cahob ah oklem miatzob = ah tanlahob. ti bal caah loe =
The thing is, the nature of dark wise men, those who serve in the world, is not like this,

mayx bay ti hunlukuli.
never at all like this,

yoklal halili = U kuulmaob = U noohcinnabalobe = yetel U tzicilobe.              [p.121]
because in truth, they have worshipped in order to be glorified and to be respected;

laob. U hach tabal. phareseosob loe =
they are really of the sect of Pharisees, then.

bay halanil. ti santo = evangelio =
Thus it has been said in the holy gospel,

lic yolticob = cumtal = tu hool payum che - tu payaltetabalobe =
that they who wish to be seated at the head of the board among those invited,

bayx yolahmailob = U hach tzicilob =
and also have wished to really be honored,

yetel V lopixtabalob tu manob. ti kiuice =
and to be kneeled before at their passing in the public square;127

tu babalil baal caah = chican ti yolob = yetel U tuculob =
in the things of the world their hearts and their thoughts have been fixed;

ma kuchan U tumutob yokol = yutzil babal = U nah ylabal yetel U nah Dzilibtabal =
their efforts have not approached anything good, fit to be seen and to be imitated,

ca hokocob tu uich kin = tu uich sasilile =
that comes forth in the face of the sun, in the face of the light.

tumenel balanil. U nolnolcil = pucsikalob =
Because of having hidden the hardness of their hearts,

yet ppisanob = chan chan balche = xaacnal: baa = U kabae =
they are like the little, tiny four-footed beasts called gophers.

lay hach nonoh = ti ximbal yalan lume ti oklenile
These are really busy in their travels beneath the earth in darkness,

hex tu hokol yokcabil tu uich kin lae yetel ti sasilile.              [p.122]
but on coming forth above the earth into the face of the sun here and into the light,

ma xan U tupul U uich.
before long it dazzles their eyes,

hex ti yilic Uinic lae lauac ti babale = ca hoppoc ti cuch cuch pach ximbal:
so when it sees a man here, or whatever creature, then it begins to walk backwards,

tamuk U ni nich cotic -
while it bares its teeth.

hach bay U cahob. U miatzob = baal caah loe =
Really those wise in the world are like this;

U kuulmaob U ba = tuhunalob =
they have worshipped themselves alone,

ychil U yokcabil lumil ychil U tanlahoob = ti baal caah = licil U ximbalobe.
within their earthly land, within their service in the world in which they walk.

Lay alannil yolob U sabyom ayikalil = baal caah loe =
They have placed their confidence in the fleeting riches of that world,

yoklal chicantiob - Layl ah ayikalob.
because they are similar to them, the same as the rich,

yt. yan U baalUbaob. yt. tzicannobe = yetel nohcinnanoob = yokol cab -
who have their belongings and have been respected and glorified on earth,

tuhunal = yt. minan yet ppisanob - hebix tiobe =
alone, and without equals, just like them,

bayx yoltic tzicilob yt. nohcinnabalob =
in this way they wish to be honored and glorified.

hach lay U miatzob = ah bal caah lae - ti lobal loe =
Really their worldy wisdoms are only so-called,

Layx tah oklal. Licil U chicaanhal. tiob -              [p.123]
and this is the reason that they are like them;

V ayikalil bal caah = licil U lubulob = tu thin leeil cisin =
it is for the riches of the world that they fall into the set trap of the devil;

te tu yabal U tuculobe = manan U naah tiob tilobal lae
there among the multitude of their ideas, nothing has merit in it, notwithstanding;

heuac lay pulicob = te ychil yx ma xulumte numyae =
rather, it is for this that He throws them there into endless suffering,

Utial satsicob = ti hunlukulile =
in order to destroy them forever.

hex tu hokolob tu uich kin = tu uich sasilile =
So when they come forth into the face of the day, the face of the light,

heklay licil V cantabal =
which is what is being related,

lauac licil U tzeectabal U tanlabal. Diose. ah tepal tu hunale
or rather what is being preached in the service of God, the ruler alone,

hach ma xan U tupul U uichobij =
really before long it blinds their eyes,

ca u culpachtoob = cayx U ninich cotob =
so they walk backwards, and so they show their teeth,

tamuk U tamay chiticob128 = U tanlabal Dios = ti lic yalicob =
while they mutter that God is served by what they say,

ma pathantac = ma alaben yokol loe =
not clearly spoken, it is not worthy of being said, on that account,

yoklal he u tanlahil Diose = pakmaab tiob tu thanob
because as for their service to God, their words are in vain,

asmen Utz. tu uichob =
not in the least good in His eyes;

V Dzaolticob V tzicbailob = yetel U cocsiDzilob = ti ma tu yanale =              [p.124]
they devote themselves to their pride and their avarice, nothing else,

hex bucah ti balcahil. miatzil - yan tiob lae = buyukil = yt. coyl. tu uich Dios
but however much worldly wisdom they have, it is foolish and mad in the eyes of God,

bala tabx uil tali = ca hoki. U lobil miatz lae -
So where would it come from, their evil wisdom that came forth here,

ca tali Uay yokcabil lae = ca u canahob ah tzicbailob lae = ta tanex =
when it came here on this earth, that the arrogant ones learned here, in your opinion?

ma tu yanali = hun ahau129 =
From no other than Hun Ahau,

U chun U than cisinob = Lucifer = U kaba =
who is the leader of the devils; Lucifer is his name,

Layx yax tuse = yetel yax cambes = ti caan - yanil cuchie =
and it is he who first deceived, and first taught in heaven, where he was before,

U lobil miatzil - tzicbail - ca yutzcinnah = U keban than = U keban tucule =
his bad wisdom, arrogance, when he committed his sinful word, his sinful thought,

Layx tah oklal = tzicbail - V hool = yetel U chun keban = tulacal loe =
and this is the reason that arrogance is the end and the beginning of sin, all of it,

Layx U kochinnah = ca xot U kin - tumen Dios =
and so he made himself culpable, so he was condemned by God,

ti hunkul kalal tu numyail mitnal = hach tamil tu Dzu lume -
to eternal imprisonment in the suffering of hell, really deep in the center of the earth,

yetel U bakal angelob = U chaahob. yt = lathiob = U than Luzifer =
with the hosts of angels who agreed, and supported the word of Lucifer,

tu nonohbail yt. tu tzicbayle =
in his vainglory and in his arrogance,

U chunix. U tohlabalob = ca tohlabiob ti caan =              [p.125]
and that is the reason they are exiled, that they were cast out of heaven,

ca ye kaktabiob = yt. ca hom kaktobiob - U pachoob -
that fire was set before them, and that their backs were scorched,

ca tohol chintabiobie =
and they were driven out by stoning,

ti mayxbikin = yilicob. caan = tu caten - ti hunlukule ====================
to never see heaven again forever.

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