Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2003:
Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

(The Questions that the Emperor Hadrian asked the Infante Epitus)
ms. p.22-70           [ms. p.1-21 missing]

The Yucatec Maya text opens in the middle of the frame story from Las preguntas que el emperador Adriano hizo al infante Epitus. An example of the popular medieval genre of Wisdom Literature, it features a series of questions and answers, some in the form of riddles and enigmas, on religious, philosophical and cosmological topics, posed by a superior, in this case the emperor, cleverly answered by one of seemingly lesser status, the child Epitus. 1   The Yucatec version closely parallels a text printed in Burgos in 1540, 2   and I have used that text for comparison. Adriano/Epitus was banned by the Inquisition in 1559, not for specific heretical content, but as an anonymous work in the vernacular. 3 

As a pedagogical tool for use during the early evangelical period, Adriano/Epitus presents a memorable, entertaining overview of European "wisdom," an apt choice for a Yucatec audience who appreciated riddles, and witty language in general. 4   The frame story adds an element of mystery and a hint of scandal to the origins of the clever child:

"In the time of the Emperor Hadrian, there was born in the East a child infante  who was named Epitus. Since he was secretly of noble birth, for which there would be great shame if it were known, it was ordered that he be cast away on an island in the ocean. On the day that he was cast away, Our Lord, wishing to protect him, sent fishermen to that island, where they found the child wrapped in rich clothing, and they saw that he was a beautiful baby, and so they took him ashore and presented him to the prince of the land. And the prince, seeing such a beautiful child, wrapped in such rich clothing, and found in such a manner, thought he must be from some high station, and that it was out of shame that he was cast away. He sent him to be raised by an archbishop, who was a very noble person, with a very good life. The archbishop ordered that he be raised very well, and when the child infante was of an age for it, he sent him to a great wise man . . ." 6 

ti huntul ah miatz = Uchebal. U cambesabal = ti xoc huun = yt. ti Dzib =              [p.22]
to a wise man, in order that he be taught to read books and to write;

tu chij tun Ca u Canah xoc huune = yt. tulacal. miatze =
then when he learned to read books and all wisdom;

bay Cambesabcie = tumenel yah Cambesahule = Cayx paynumhij. U miatz =
as he was taught by his teacher, then his wisdom became greater,

Cayx payi tumen patri acha = te helusaleme 7  =
and then he was summoned by the patriarch in Jerusalem,

hex Ca paynumhij = yanumal = U miatze =
but then it became greater, the renown of his wisdom,

Ca ua tuchitabij = Yah payul = tumen emperador = Adriano =
so that his summoner was sent by the Emperor Hadrian,

Cayx tuchitabi = ti emperador = tumen patri acha
and so he was sent to the emperor by the patriarch.

tuchij Ca kuchi paal yicnal emperador
Then when the child arrived in the vicinity of the emperor,

tijx yantacob = U chun thanob = yicnal emperadore =
whose spokesmen 8   were there in the emperor’s place,

tuchij Ca yoheltahob U yulele=Ca biniob = U yam ylabob ti mayli yilab emperador=
when they learned of his arrival, they went to see him first, before the emperor saw him;

tuchi Ca yilahobe Ca yalahob ti =
then when they saw him, they said to him:

1. 9   paale = tabx Likulech =
"Child, whence do you come?"

hex paale = Ca u nucah = Likulen tin yum ca talen tin naa =
As for the child, he answered, "I came from my father, then I came from my mother,

yt. ti yocsahenix ti Uinic ti yolah Diose =
and there God made me enter into personhood, by His will."

hex U chunthanobe = Cayx U Katahob ti =              [p.23]
As for the spokesmen, then they asked him:

2. bala than Ca ti ulech Uaye =
"For what reason did you arrive here?"

Likulen tu chi emperador = ah cambesahenix ti Uincob = ti miatz.
"I come by order of the emperor; I am a teacher with wisdom for men,

minantac U cux yolobe10  = yt. manantac U natobe =
who have lacked judgment and lacked understanding."11

tu chijx Ca yubah. U chunthanob = than = yalah lae =
Then when his spokesmen heard this speech he said,

Cayx binob yalbob = ti emperador = Cayx U tuchitah paybil =
then they went to tell it to the emperor, so that he sent for him to be summoned,

Cayx u cici kamah = Cayx utzicaah = tu yabal tzic =
and then he received him very well, and he honored him with great respect,

Cayx U nachcunnah U ba = tu cabalil =
and then they withdrew together, the two of them,

yt. Cayx tun hoppi = U katic U yabal babal ti = Cayx V cici nucah tu tibilil xan =
and he began to ask many things of him,which he answered well in good measure also,

baytun bin a utzcinnicex helel Lae =========
just as you will perform it today.12

3. Ca u katah emperador. paale = bax u ka caane =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what thing is the sky?"

Cayx u nucah paale = U muculil Dios = U mentahix = ti mabal =
And the child replied, "A mystery of God that He made from nothing,

tijx u Dzaah yanhelobe = Uchebal U nohcinnicob = sansamal =
and there He placed His angels in order that they glorify Him every day,

tix U sinah caanij = Cayx U Dzaah Kinij =
and when He extended the heavens, then He placed the sun there,

Uchebal. U tichkaktic bal caah tusinil = yt. V. sascunnic akab =======              [p.24]
in order that it light up the earth everywhere, and the moon brightens the night."

4. Ca u Katah emperador = paale = bax U ka Diose = yt angelobe =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is the nature of God and the angels,

yt- caan = yt. ekob = ____ ______ __________
and the sky and the stars?"

Ca u nucah paal. U yutzcinnah. yantac loe =
Then the child answered, "He created that which exists;

manan bin sihicob = yt. ah sihnalob = Vchac yalic = Uabal U ka Dios loe =
no one (who) will be born, nor those (already) born, can say what thing God is,

hetun Uchac ca natice = yt. CooCsic ti Cool:
but this it is possible for us to understand and believe:

Layl Dios = ah sihsah = yt. yahmenul tulacal babale.
God alone is the birthgiver and the maker of all things;

he Diose. yx ma hoppix = yx ma chuni xan = yt lix yx ma xuli xan =
as for God, He is without beginning, without origin also, and without end also;

yumilbil = mehenbil - espiritu santo xan = oxtul personas = huntuli =
father, son, holy spirit; three persons in one."

5. Ca u Katah emperador = paale - bicx yumilbil =yt. mehenbil = yt. espiritu santo =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, how (is He) father, son and holy spirit?"

Ca u nucah paale
And the child answered:

He yumilbile = yoklal yanil U mehen              [p.25]
"Therefore He is father, because He has a child,

hex mehenbile = yoklal yanil U yum =
and therefore son, because there exists His father,

hex yumbil = yt. mehenbile = ti hoki espiritu santo =
hence from the father and the son came forth the holy spirit:

oxtul personas = tu hunali yuchucil = huntulili hahal Diose =
three persons, alone in His power, the one true God,

heklay cuxan = yt. lic yahaulil = ti hunlukul loe -
who lives, and whose kingdom is eternal."

6. Ca u katah emperador = bax u ka U babalilob =
Then the emperor asked: "What is their condition,

bin ocsicob ti yol loe yt. = hij mac ma yocsicob ti yole =
those who will believe, and whoever does not believe?

bax uil U babalilobe =
What would be the result of their conditions?"

Ca u nucah paale = Bin uil yanac. U groriayl parayso. ti hunkul tie =
And the child answered: "That they would have the glory of paradise forever;

hex tun uil hij mac ma yocsic ti yole =
however, for whoever would not believe,

bin uil yanac hunkul numya tiobe ===========
that there would be eternal suffering for them."13

7. paale bax u chun = utzcinnabcij = angelobe =
"Child, for what reason were the angels created?

yt. bax u Ka xan .yt. Uaix tabci tun sihsabiob = _______________
And what is their nature and where were they given birth?"

Ca u nucah paale = he angelobe: pixanil sihsabiob = manan u cutilob =              [p.26]
The child answered, "The angels were created as souls, lacking bodies,

teix sihsabiob. tu canalil caane =
and there they were given birth, in the highest heaven,14

Uchebal U nachcunnicob = yanumal Dios - yt. U thichicob. U pectzil = U canalil =
in order that they broadcast the fame of God, and they exalt His renown on high,

Uchebalix - U tacunticob = Uinicob = Uay yokol cab = tu tabsah cisine =========
and in order that they guard men here on earth from the snare of the devil."

8. Ca u katah. emperador = pale bax u ka - cisinobe = _________________________
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is the nature of devils?"

Ca u nucah paale = Laobi angelesobe = sihsabiob. tumen Diose =
And the child replied: "As for them, as angels they were created by God,

U sihsahobix = U nohol huntul = U chun U thanob - Lusbes15  = U Kaba =
and He created also their greatest one, their spokesman; Lusbel is his name.

heklay Lusifere = heix cuchie = halach cich celem = hach Utzijx U uinicil =
As for he who was Lucifer before, he was truly beautiful, really good in his nature,

paynummix tibilil = yokol U chayanob = angelobe =
the most perfect, above the rest of the angels,

Cayx yanhi = tzicbayl ti = tu num Dios = yah sihsahule =
and then he became arrogant before his great God, his creator,

Cayx U tuclah = tu ba tu hunal - U yet ppisantic = yumilbil =              [p.27]
and then he thought that he, by himself alone, equalled the lord,

U hochbilante = yumilbil = ti Dios = Uchuc tumen tusinil =
that he is to be transformed into the lord God, all powerful;

bay tun yanhecij = U tuculil tzicbayl ti lae
so then when he had this arrogant thought,

Cayx puliob ti mitnal = Likul ti caan = tumenel yumilbil ti Dios.
then he was thrown into hell from heaven by the lord God,

yt. U chayan = U lakobe = laat U pach U thane =
along with the rest of his companions who conspired with him.

heklay yan tamil te tu Dzu luume = yanil hunkul kak =
Of them, some are deep there in the center of the earth, where there is eternal fire,

te ti mitnale = ti hunkuli = yanix kami ti ykobi =
there in hell forever,16  and some remained in the air,

yannix kuchi tu Dzu lumi = yanix Uay ti Lum. ychil Uincobe =
and some arrived in the center of the earth, and some are here on earth among men,

hex U beel17  Uincob Lae = Lay cisin tabsicob =
so the task of these men whom the devil ensnares,

Lay U beel cisinob Lae = yah tabsahulob = Uincob = Uay yokol cabe =
this is the work of devils here, the ensnarers of men, here on earth,

yoklal yohelmaylob = mentabcij Uincob U pachic sillas = yt. groria =
because they have known that men were created to appropriate the chairs and glory,

sati tiob tumenele =18
lost to (the fallen angels) by their deed,

Ua bin U beeltob U tibilil beobe = Uayx bin xuluc U cuxtalob ychil U tan hahil Diose
if (men) will do good deeds, and if they will finish their lives in the presence of true God,

ti ocanix ti yolob = cilich ocolal = santa ygreçia =              [p.28]
having believed in the blessed faith, the holy church."

9. Ca u katah emperador = paale bax u ka mitnale =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is the nature of hell?"

Ca u nucah paale ==========
And the child replied:

He mitnale = hunkul kalabil = U Dzu lum =
"As for hell, it is eternal imprisonment in the center of the earth,

heklay yanil = U hach chichil numyae =
in which there is really hard suffering,

Utial cisinob = yt. lix lic U cimilob = manan oc olal tiobe =
for devils and also for those who die without faith,

yt. utialix christianosob = lic U cimlahulob. ychil ahualbil kebane = ___________
and for those Christians who die in mortal sin."

10. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka oc ti Uinice =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what entered into man,

yt. Uayxbal U chun. sihsabciobe =
and for what reason was he created?"

Ca u nucah paale ______________________________
And the child answered:

He uinice yutzcinnah Dios tu uinbail yetel tu yetppisante19 =
"As for man, God created him in His image and in His likeness,

yetel Uchebal U tzicic = U tanlic =
and in order that he honor Him, that he serve Him,

yt. Uchebalix = U pachic. U yetailil = parayso =
and in order that he take possession of His grace in paradise,

sati tiob tumen U Lobol angelobe =Cayx U lus LuKsah =
lost by the bad angels when He cast them out.

U sihsic tulacal. babal u sihsahe = paynumhix Dzoclukanil = yokol angelesob =
He created (man) of all things He created, the most perfect, above the angels,

hex angelesobe - chembel. espu= manan U cutilob =
since the angels are only spirits, lacking bodies;

hex Uincobe = cucutilix U cah xane =              [p.29]
but as for men, they possess bodies also,

yt. bayx yuchucil = yan ti angelobe =
and thus the powers that belong to the angels,

heklay kaahsahe = naat te = olah he =
which are memory, understanding, will,

yt. yanix Uchayan tiobe = heklay ho tzuc cucul U bahe =
and they have other things, which are the five senses belonging to them,

heklay lae ylmah = Vbaah = leeDz = VDzbenah = taal =
which are these: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch.

baytun paynumil = Uinic = yokol = yokol tulacal = sihsabile =
Therefore, man is the greatest - above - above all creation,

heuac yanix U pixanob = yt. U cucutilob = ti yanix U natob = yt. U cuxyolobe
but they have souls and bodies, and they have understanding and judgment;

heuac ma bay yan ti Uinicie =
but there are those (things) unlike men,

baytac U cahob = balcheob = chichob =yt. U chayan babal U sihsah Dios ti cucutob
like the the beasts, the birds, and the other things God created with bodies,

ti mananix U pixanob = yt. U cuxyolob =
lacking souls and judgment,

batac U cahob kine = yt. Ve = ekobe = yt. cheob = xiuob = yt. U chayan babalobe =
like the sun and moon, stars and trees, plants, and other things,

heuac bay tun = bacin pot manalil Dzoclukannil =sihsabcij Uinice =
but therefore, evidently surpassing in perfection was created man.20

yutzcinnah Dios = ti mabal - ti lum              [p.30]
God made him from nothing, from earth,21

Cay U Dzaah pixan ychil - bay tun. Dzoclukcij = U mentic.
and then He placed a soul within him, and thus finished His making him,

ti cuxan - ti pixan loe = Cayx Dzabi = te ti parayso. terenal = tumen Dios.
with life, with a soul then, and then he was placed there in the Earthly Paradise by God.

Ca ua Dzabi uenel ti = Cayx luksabi = U chelatil =
Then when sleep was given to him, then his rib was removed,

heklay yutzcinnah Dios = tac nayl ti eva22 =
with which God made our mother Eve;

bay tun U mentici Dios xiblal. yt. chuplal. lae =
so thus God made male and female here,

Cayx alabi tiob mayl tan U cimilob = Ua matan U sipes U baobe=
and then it was said to them, they never are dying if they never commit sins,

Cayx ocsabi = Ca yax yum ti adan = ti yumilbilil =
and then our first father Adam was made to enter into lordship,

U chunin U than luum = tusinile =
made leader on earth everywhere,

Cayx alabi tiobie = Ca alab ti = eVa =
and then was said to them, then was said to Eve:

hex uil tulacal = chahucobe = Uchac a haantanticob =
’As for all these sweet foods, you may eat them,’

chembel tuhunali = Uethantiob =
only one alone is forbidden to them,

U makicobie U uich U cheel = yoheltabal = Vts. yt. loob =
that they pick the fruit of the tree by which good and evil are known.

he tun cisinobe = ti yohelmail tun. sihsabci. adan = yt. eva =
So then the devils, having known then that Adam and Eve were created,

pachicob U kanchelob = yt. U groriayl. parayso =              [p.31]
to take possession of their benches and the glory of paradise,

sati tiob tumenel = U kebanobe = yt. U lakobe = tu halach nohilix U sauinalob =
lost to them because of their sins, with their companions, in their truly great jealousy,

Ca tali U tabes = U tabsicij = adan = yt. eVa =
then came to ensnare - they ensnared Adam and Eve -

Cayx yalah U makabob = chahuc = heklay U uich che - Uethantiob = tumen Dios =
when they said to pick it - sweet - that which is the fruit of the tree forbidden by God,

U ma bal U makicobe = ma hebalix U p chicob23. yalmah thanil Dios = cuchie =
not a thing for them to pick, nor something to take, God commanded before.

Lay tun pakciob ti keban lae = ti balan U binel. tu pache =
Since they joined in this sin, there hidden they go behind His back,

tumen U subtalob = yt. tumen U sahacilob. ti Dios
because of their shame,and because of their fear before God;

bay tun luksabcij graçia tiob = tumenel Dios =yan tiob. cuchie =
so then the grace was withdrawn from them by God, that was theirs formerly;

bay tun tohlabci = parayso. terenal =
so then they were cast out from Earthly Paradise,

Uay. tu numya yt. = bal caahe = heklay Ca yanil helel lae = ______________
here into suffering and the world which is our existence today."

11. Ca u katah emperador =
Then the emperor asked:

paale. bax U chun satsab cu sipil Adan. paraysoe tumen Dios.              [p.32]
"Child, for what reason was Adam’s sin in paradise pardoned by God,

mayx yoltah U sates U sipil cisine = ti ma con con24  U yaile =========
when He did not wish to pardon the sin of the devil without lengthy suffering?"25

Ca u nucah paale = hex cisine = mayx okomhi yol = tumen U sipil =
Then the child answered: "As for the devil, he neither suffered remorse for his sin,

mayx bikin U yahal ti yol = ti hun lukul =
nor ever will repent, for eternity,

he ca sip adane = hunsuthij = U yahal ti yol = U kebane. hex tac ca sipie =
but when Adam sinned, he immediately repented his sin as soon as he sinned.

Ca u payah Ca yumil ti Dios =
Then our lord God summoned him,

tamuk yalic adan = tu hach yail. yol. yt. sahacil = U tacuntic U ba = ych ticil kaax =
while Adam said, in his great remorse and fear hiding himself within the forest,

yumile aUat uuyah = Cayx yn tacuntah ynba = sipeni xan. Cu than.
’Lord, your cry I heard, and then I hid myself; I sinned in that also,’ he says.

Lay tun satsabci U sipil Loe = _________________________________________
Therefore that sin of his was forgiven."

12. Ca u katah emperador = hay kin yan adan. paraysoe =
The the emperor asked: "How long was Adam in paradise,

Uayx tab yan kin26  ca tohlabiobe = _____________________________________
or at what time were they cast out?"

Ca u nucah paal = lay tac U kinil. Dzabciob tumen Dios loe =
And the child answered: "This the time that was given to them by God there,

yt. tu yoxppel kintzilil. sipicob = ca u makahob = U uich che.              [p.33]
and in the third hour they sinned, when they picked the fruit of the tree,

tu bolonpiz27  kintzilix = tohlabiob = parysoloe -
and in the ninth hour, they were cast out of paradise."

13. Ca u katah emperador = pala hay kin lic U mentic baal caah Diose = tulacale =
And the emperor asked: "Child, how long was it in which God made the world, all of it,

heklay U sihsah ti mabale =
which He created from nothing?"

Ca u nucah pal Hunsuthijtac U mentic = heuac ychil Uacppel Kin = Lic U mentic =
The child replied: "He made it instantly, but within six days is that which He made,28

he ti Domingo Loe = U mentici Dios = sasilil = yt. tulacal angelob =
so on Sunday then, God made light and all the angels,

tibiltacob = yt. lobhiobe = tihix U kinil = U huDzci akbil = tumenel sasil loe =
the good and the bad, and on that day, the darkness fled because of that light;

he ti Lunese = ti yutzcinnah Dios U bakal U yabal haobi =
so on Monday, God created the many bodies of water,29

hex ti martese = yutzcinnah Dios luum = yt. kaknab = yt. caanie =
and then on Tuesday, God created earth and the ocean and the sky,

y. tulacal U chayan - haobi = lay yan ti caanob = y. yoc haa = yetel sayabob =
and all the rest of the waters, these which are in the heavens,30  and rivers and springs,

teix ti kin yutzcinnah xiu = yt. cheob = tulacal =
and then on that day He created plants and trees, all of them;

he ti miercolese = yutzcinnah kin = yt. V. yt. ekob =
then on Wednesday, He created the sun and moon and stars,

hex kin lae = tichkakta bal caah
and so this sun lit up the world . . ."

(Pages 34 and 35 are missing from the ms. "Des Paresido" is written in script in a different hand at the top of ms. page 36. The missing material corresponds to A/E lines 176-200. It continues the answer about the days of creation. Then in question 16, the emperor asks: "How long did Adam live?" In the answer, after living more than 900 years, Adam tires of living. He sends his son Seth back to the Earthly Paradise for the three seeds of mercy promised to Adam when he was cast out of paradise. Seth encounters an angel posted at the gates of paradise, who gives him the seeds of mercy to place in his father’s mouth as he dies. Seth does this, and it is here that the Maya text resumes, with these seeds, from which sprouted the three trees from which Christ’s cross was made.)

ynah Lae. Cayx hokij oxxec ti che =              [p.36]
. . . , from these seeds then came forth three stems for the trees,

heklay U cheil cilich Cruze =
from which are the woods of the blessed cross,

heklay U kamcij numya Cah lohil ti Jhesu christo =
on which our redeemer Jesus Christ received suffering,

Uchebal U Lohic U chibal Uincobe =
in order to redeem the generations of men,

heklay parma = yt. sedro = yt. siprese =
(the trees) which are palm and cedar and cypress.

yoklal bay tumen = tu chiyl. adan = sipcie =
Since, as it was because by his mouth that Adam sinned,

Ca u makah U uich che = Uethan ti = tumen Dios cuchie =
when he picked the fruit of the tree, forbidden to him by God formerly,

bay tun yanhecij. cimil - ti yaal. U mehenob = yt. hijmac bin - tac tu pache =
so then death came to exist for his children, and whoever will come after them,

bay tun bacin loe = tu chiyl hoki = oxxec ti chee =
so then it is, that from his mouth came forth the three stems for the trees,

oci ti cruzile = Uchci yemel. U lohob. U chibal Uincob =
that entered into His cross, so He could descend to redeem the generations of men,

U mancix groria = satiob tumen cuchie =
that they may pass into the glory they lost by (Adam’s) deed back then."

(A/E question 17 is omitted from the ms.: El emperador le pregunto: Infante, de quantas cosas fue hecho adam, quando dios lo hizo? - El infante le respondio: Del limo dela tierra fue formado, y plasmado delos quatro elementos, que son fuego y ayre y agua y tierra, y cada elemento puso en el humor, sangre y colera, melancolia y flema.)

14. Ca u Katah emperador - paale hay tzuc = tuba keban. yutzcinnah adan =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, how many parts in the sin Adam committed,

ca u makah U uich chee Uethan ti men Diose =
when he picked the fruit of the tree forbidden by God?"

Ca u nucah paale = Vuc tzuc tuba laobi lae =
And the child answered: "Seven parts in it, which are these:

tzicbail = siDzil = chichnacil = baaltail = tzucachil = sauinal = makolal =
arrogance, avarice, despair, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth;31

Lay tun ahualbil keban - yutzcinnah lae = cayx tohlabiob = te paraysoe =
these then are the cardinal sins he committed, and then they were cast out of paradise,

hex cimiobe = cayx puliob. tu kasal mitnal =              [p.37]
and when they died, then they were thrown into a terrible underworld,

ychil lahun bak hab. ca tac lahun kali = cayx tac hoppel habi =
for ten four hundreds of years added to ten score and also added to five years,

yt. catac Uucppel kintzili =32
and in addition seven hours,

lay tumucut = U kamcij numya = cah lohil = ti Jhesu christo = ti cruz
until our redeemer Jesus Christ suffered on the cross,

tu yabal U Dzayatzil = Uchebal U lohic chibalobe =
in His great mercy, in order to redeem the generations,

cayx U hoksah tu kasal mitnal = Limbo =
and then He brought them out from the terrible underworld, Limbo,

yetel Ca santo yumoob = yt. profetasob = yanob cuchie =
along with our holy fathers and the prophets, who were there formerly,

cayx U chaahob - tu groriayl parayso lae = ==========
and then He took them into the glory of paradise."

15. Ca u katah emperador = paale haytulhij. U mehen adane =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, how many were the children of Adam?"

Ca u nucah paal ===== lahuntul U xibil mehen = yt. lahucakalhij yix mehen=
The child replied: "Ten, his male children, and thirty, his female children,

layx U yax mehen = Cayn = yt. abeel = U yax mehenob lae
and these were his first children, Cain and Abel; his first children were these.

lay U cimsah U batanbaob - ca cimi yiDzin tumenel =
These killed among themselves - when his younger brother died by his deed."

16. Ca u katah emperador = paale hay tzuc tuba keban yutzcinnah Cayn =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, how many parts in the sin Cain committed,

ca u cimsah yiDzin - abeele = Ca u nucah paale ================
when he killed his younger brother, Abel?" And the child answered,

Ho tzuc tuba. U hun tzuc U cimsici yiDzin ti abeele = U ca tzuc = U sauinal =
"Five parts: the first part, that he killed his brother, Abel; the second, his jealousy;

yox tzuc U tuzci Dios = Ca katabi U than tumenel =
the third part, that he deceived God, when his reply was asked by Him;

U can tzuc mayl. coco33  yahi ti yol U keban =
the fourth part, he never even repented his sin;

U ho tzuc. mail yalcunnah yol tu Dzayatzil Dios ==============
the fifth part, he never trusted in the mercy of God."

17. Ca u Katah emperador - paale. macx yam Dzae. U Dzabilah Diose =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who first gave his offering to God?"

Ca u nucah paale = V mehen adan. ti abeel. U ca Dzic U mehen -
And the child replied: "The child of Adam, Abel, the second of his children."

18. Ca u katah emperador. paala. macx yam utzcinte. Uoohobe =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who first made letters34?"

Ca u nucah paale _______________________
And the child answered:

V mehen adan. ti seth = Lay utzcine. tu hunal Loe.
"The child of Adam, Seth; he composed them, he alone."35

19. Ca u katah emperador = paale. macx u ka ah yax ah kinhij = ti bal cahe =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who was the first priest on earth?"

Ca u nucah paale = Me chise dech __________________________________
And the child answered: "Melchisedech."

20. Ca u katah emperador - paal = bax u ka kaknabe =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what thing is the ocean?"

Ca u nucah paal = U cuchil cayob = U beelix yx ma natul xan = mactzilitac Loe -
The child replied:"The place of fishes; His works are beyond understanding, wonders."36

21. Ca u katah emperador - paale. bax u ka xibe =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what thing is man?"

Ca u nucah paal = U uinbil ca yumil ti Dios = loe ================
The child answered: "The image of our lord God, that one."

22. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka chuplale =              [p.39]
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what thing is woman?"

Ca u nucah paale = U mabenil lob. y. Utz = yetel U yabal tibilil =
The child replied: "A box of evil and good, both in great measure;

U uayas bayx cisin xan bay balcheobe = ma yohel nahaancilob _____________
her nature is like the devil, and also like the beasts; she is insatiable."37

23. Ca u katah emperador = pale bax u ka Uayake =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what thing is a dream?"

Ca u nucah paale __________ U uinbail cimil Lae ____________________
And the child replied: "This is the image of death."

24. Ca u katah emperador = paale bax u k[a] cimile =
Then the emperor asked him: "Child, what is death?"

Ca u nucah paal = u mabalil cucut =
And the child answered: "The nothingness of the body,

heklay sihan ma uchac U puDz lic =
that which has been born can not escape it,

pectzilix38  tumen sihsabil tusinil =
hated by creatures everywhere."

25. Ca u katah emperador = paale. macx u ka ti ma sihie =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who is it that (lived) without being born?"

Ca u nucah paale = Ca yax yum ti adan Loe =================
And the child replied: "Our first father, Adam, then."

26. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka U babalil = ma yohel tukul yol yilabe -
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is something never tiresome to see?"

Ca u nucah paal = nahal ka = yt. ayikalil =
And the child replied: "That is, the gaining of riches."39

27. Ca u katah emperador =
Then the emperor asked:

bax u ka u babalil.paynum. yail ti yol. yt. okomcunnic yol = uinice =    [p.40, misnumbered 50]
"What thing most saddens and causes sorrow to man?"

heklay u cimil u mehen uinic lae40 =__________________________
"That is the death of the child of this man."

28. Ca u katah emperador = bax u ka cicunnic yol uince =
Then the emperor asked: "What thing gladdens the heart of man?"

ca u nucah paale = heklay U cimil U nup Uince ================
And the child replied: "That is the death of the enemy of the man."

29. Ca u katah emperador = paale bax u ka tanceleme = ti Uinice =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is youth to man?"

Ca u nucah paal = bay canderayl u caah thabane sebix U tupal =
And the child replied: "Like a candle, its nature; having been lit, quickly it burns out."

30. Ca u katah emperador = paale = hay tzuc tuba bal licil u tus uinice =
The emperor asked: "Child, how many parts in the things by which man deceives?"

Ca u nucah paale - ox tzuc tuba = heklay tumenel = ciyl yol =
And the child replied: "Three parts in it, which are by doing it he is happy,

tumen u than = bayx tumen yalic = u tibilil tacile = ti hijmac yolahe _____________
by his word, and thus also because he speaks well of whoever wishes it."41

31. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka noh xibe = ti uinice =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is old age to man?"

Ca u nucaah paal = lolob tucul ben = u bacel kuxuc ___________________________
And the child answered: "Bad thought prone; his bones ache."

32. Ca u katah emperador = paale - bax u ka manan u nucule42 =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what thing is unaccountable?"

Ca u nucah paal = heklay u cimil uinice =================================
And the child replied: "This is the death of man."

33. Ca u katah emperador =              [p.41, ms. 51]
The emperor asked:

paale = macx u ka Dzai - U kaba tulacal sihsabil.tumen Diose
"Child, who gave their names to everything created by God?"

Ca u nucah paale = Ca yax yum ti adan = tu hunal loe = lay Dzae u kabaob =
The child replied: "Our first father, Adam, he alone;43  he gave them their names."

34. Ca u katah emperador = paale macx ka Uincil - yam ocij paraysoe =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who is the man who first entered paradise,

ca tohlabi adane = lay nucah paal =
when Adam was cast out?" This the child replied . . .

Ca u nucah paal = lay huntul ah ocol44 =
the child replied: "This was a robber,

U yet baahcij = ti cruz = Cah lohil ti Jhesu christoe =
the companion, nailed to the cross, of our redeemer Jesus Christ.

lay alab ti = heleitac = a tal tin pach - paraysoe =
This was said to him: ’Now at this moment, you follow me to paradise.’

Cijx yalabal. tumen cah lohil = ti yanil ti cruz - yetel loe
So it was said by our redeemer, there on the cross with him."

(The ms. skips question 40: Infante, quales fueron mas honrradas bodas que enel mundo fueron ni han de ser? - El infante le respondio: Las que hizo Architiclino, donde fue cconvidado Jesu Christo, donde torno del agua vino.)

35. Ca u katah emperador - paale = bax u ka tibilil pectzil. Vlsabij = Vay yokol cabe
The emperor asked: "Child, what is the good news that was brought here on earth?"

Ca u nucaah paal = Lay yuulsah. san grabrier =
The child replied: "This he brought, Saint Gabriel,

heklay bin ocebal.45  tu nail Dios ca colel. ti santa maria lae______________________
which is, God will be entering into His mother, our lady Saint Mary, here."46

36. Ca u katah emperador - paale bax u ka paynum yail = yt. lobil. yokol baal caahe
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what thing is most grave and harmful on earth?"

Ca u nucah pale = Lay u pucsikal uinice=47               [p.42, ms. 52]
And the child replied: "This is the heart of man,

yoklal mail mac Uinic = Uchac yoheltic =
because no man can know it;

chembeel Ca yumil ti Dios - ohelmayl tuhunal loe ________
only our lord God, has known it, He alone."

37. Ca u katah emperador =
The emperor asked:

paale = bax u ka paynum ti babalil = yetppisan =ychil ayikalob =yt.ah num yaobe =
"Child, what is most equal among the rich and the wretched poor?"

Ca u nucah paale Lay sihil = yetel cimil loe _______
The child replied: "This is birth and death, then."

38. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka sesebil yokol baal caahe.
The emperor asked: "Child, what thing is fastest on earth?"

Ca u nucaah pal. V pucsikal Uinic = yt. U tucul Uinic =
And the child replied: "The heart of man, and the thought of man;

hunsutili u binel. Uatab citane = cax tu xul bal caahe.
instantly they go to whatever place, even to the end of the earth.

bin xic Uatub yolahe hunsut u bin =
They will go wherever they wish; instantly they go."48

39. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka lic yilic Uinic = ma uchac U kuchulie =
The emperor asked: "Child, what is it which man sees, impossible for him to reach it?"

Ca u nucah paal. Lay kin = yt. V. yt. ekob loe.
The child replied: "This is the sun and moon and stars, then."

40. Ca u katah emperador =
The emperor asked:

paale. bax u ka babalil =yan ti Uinic = ma uchac U tialtice =
"Child, what is something man has, impossible for him to keep for himself?"49

Ca u nucah paale = u pixan - lae _________              [ms. p.53]
The child replied: "This is his soul."

(The ms. omits seven questions: A/E 47 through 53. The questions concern the nature and behavior of the sun, the nature of the earth, what sustains the earth, what sustains the abysmos beneath the earth, the nature of water and air.)

41. Ca u katah emperador = paale. bax u ka = akabe =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is the nature of the night?"

Ca u nucaah pal = licil u helel ah meyahob = licilix u balicubaob = ah lobilob =
The child replied: "That in which workers rest, and in which the evil hide themselves."

42. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka ti kinilhij = u cimil u bakal Uinicobe =
The emperor asked: "Child, what (caused) on that day then, the death of a host of men?"

Ca u nucah paale = tu kinilhij hunye cijl =
And the child answered: "On that day there was a flood -

mayibal ti sihsabil. ti cuxlahij = ti balcaah = tusinil =
nothing in creation then lived on the earth anywhere,

halili = Noe = yt. u. mehenob = yt. yilibob = puDzlahiob. ychil chem
except for Noah and his sons and his daughters-in-law that fled in a boat,

bay halabci tiob = tumen Dios = yutz.cinnice __________________
as it was commanded to them by God that they make it."

43. Ca u katah emperador.paale.hay katuni = hoppi balcabil = ca uchi hunye cijyle =
The emperor asked: "Child, how many katuns began on earth when a flood occurred?"

Ca u nucah paal = lahu yox baak = ca tac lahunkal habi = ca tac cappel habije ===
The child replied: "Thirteen 400s and ten 20s of years and two years back then."50

44. Ca u katah emperador = hay katun ben. noe =
The emperor asked: "How many katuns old was Noah,

ca halabi yutscin cheme = tumen Diose = Ca u nucah paale ______________
when he was ordered to make a boat by God?" And the child replied:

Ho tuc51  kal haben cuchi = ca alab tie =              [ms. p.54]
"Five ’heaps’ of 20 years, he had back then, when it was said to him."

45. Ca u katah emperador = hayte ti katun lic u mentic. chem Noe =
The emperor asked: "How many katuns in which Noah made the boat,

ca alabi timen Diose = Vchci U lukul = ca uchi hunye. cijle =
when it was said by God that he should depart when a flood occurred?"

Ca u nucah pale hokal hab ka =
The child replied: "Five score years, that is."

46. Ca u katah. emperador =
The emperor asked:

paale = hay katun lic u kaxal haa = ca uchi hunye cijyle =
"Child, how many katuns in which it poured rain, when a flood happened?"

Ca u nucah pale = ca kal kin = yt. ca kalix yakbil xan.
The child replied: "Two score days and two score nights also."

47. Ca u katah emperador = paale = hay kal kin ka man chem =
The emperor asked: "Child, how many scores of days did the boat travel,

ti ma tan u kuchul ti luume ca haui u kaxal haae =
before reaching land, when the pouring rain ceased?"

Ca u nucah pal. ca kal kinhij lae ca Dzab hae ___________________
And the child replied: "Two score days, this was, when the rain was finished."

48. Ca u katah emperador = paale. bahunx u cah cheme =
The emperor asked: "Child, how great was the size of the boat?"

Ca u nucah pale = hoolhun kal = u nochcucil = V uaan =
The child replied: "Fifteen score, the cubits52  of its length;

lahun kal. u nochcucil u taan = lahu ca kal u nochcucil . u can---l
ten score, the cubits of its breadth; thirty, the cubits of its height."

49. Ca u katah emperador - pale = bax u chun u hach nohhal cheme =
The emperor asked: "Child, what is the reason the boat was really large?"

Ca u nucah paal =yoklal. binil yoces tulacal =              [ms. p.55]
Then the child replied: "Because he is going to make everything enter:

cehob = y - balcheob = yan ti bal caahe = yt. chichob = tusinil = xiblal yetel chuplal =
the deer, and beasts that are on the earth, and the birds everywhere, male and female,

heklay yuulsah Dios = ca Dzoci u mentabal cheme =
those which God brought when the boat had been made."

50. Ca u katah emperador = paale. tabx u kaxil. kamci cheme =
The emperor asked: "Child, where is the forest that received the boat,

ca sappi hae ====
when the water dried up?"

Ca u nucah paale = tu canalil Uitz = alachina = u kaba =
The child replied: On the highest mountain - Alachina - is its name,

u kaxil. tu hach canalil Uits. lae.
the forest on this very high mountain."53

51. Ca u katah emperador = pale = macx u ka yam pak u cheil binoe __________
The emperor asked: "Child, who first planted a tree of wine?"

Ca u nucah pal = Noe = Layx yax calhij - tumenel bino xane ____________________
The child replied: "Noah, and he first became drunk because of wine also."

52. Ca u katah emperador - macx u ka sihiob - ma cimiob =
The emperor asked: "Who were born; they did not die,

ti mayx tan u cimilob = ti latulah u xulel bal cahile ____________________________
nor are they dying, until the end of the world?"

Ca u nucah pal = Helias = yt. eNoc =
The child answered: "Elias and Enoch,

heklay chabiob tu catulilob = yt. u pixanob = parayso. terenale = tiobix yan helela.
who were taken, both of them with their souls, to Earthly Paradise where they are now,

Layx tumucut. yulel. antexpo = tij tun u hokolob u ppiz. ubaob yetel obie ________
until the arrival of Antichrist when they are coming forth to battle with him."54

53. Ca u katah emperador = paale - macx u ka yam utzcinni = monisterrioe =
The emperor asked: "Child, who first made a monastery,

yt. noohcini ti bal caahe =
and glorified it on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = San pablo = yax hopcij = hermitanioyle ______________
And the child replied: "St. Paul, when his hermitage first began."

54. Ca u katah emperador = paale = macx u ka yam ahau hije =
The emperor asked: "Child, who was the first ruler, back then?"

Ca u nucah pal - membrot= yax ahauhij =
The child replied: "Nimrod became the first ruler;

lay ahaulilni yokol cab = ti yax caah ninive =
he reigned on earth in the first town, Nineveh."

55. Ca u katah emperador. paale. macx cahil noh caahie =
The emperor asked: "Child, whose town became a great city then?"

Ca u nucah paale = Lay u cahil ah ninivitaob = lay yam nooh caah hi lae =
The child replied: "This town of the men of Niniveh, this was the first great city."

56. Ca u katah emperador = paale. macx u ka =sihij.ti man u yum= ti manix u naae=
The emperor asked: "Child, who was born without a father and without a mother?"

Ca u nucah paal = Ca yax yum. adan loe =
The child answered: "Our first father Adam was that one."

57. Ca u katah emperador = paale macx sihij = tu yum. ti man u nae =
The emperor asked: "Child, who was born with a father, without a mother?"

Ca u nucah paal =
And the child answered:

Ca yax na ti eVa = Lay sihi ti manan. u nae =
"Our first mother, Eve; she was born without a mother."

(The ms. omits three questions, A/E 71, 72, and 73. The first question continues the birth theme: (71) Infante, que nascio de madre sin padre? - Nuestro señor Jesu Christo, que nascio de la virgen santa Maria sin simiente de varon y sin ningun corrompimiento. (72) concerns the mountain of Gelboa, where no moisture falls. (73) asks whose tomb was never found: Noah’s, according to the answer.)

58. Ca u katah emperador=paale=macx u ka yan hij ti bal caah=tix ma ma hanalile=
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who existed on earth entirely without food?"

Ca u nucah paal = mooysen = ca kal kinhij = yt. ca kal akabi xan = yanhicij =
And the child replied: "Moses; forty days, and forty nights also, he was there,

ti hunppel uitz = sinay =tilic u thantanba = yt. ca yumil ti Dios =              [ms. p.57]
on a mountain, Sinai, while he conversed with our lord God,

ti matan u hanal = yetel yukulob =
without his food and his drinks."

59. Ca u katah emperador = paale = max u ka = xib ni55  uay yokol cab =
The emperor asked: "Child, who arrived here on earth,

ti cappel hobnile =
from two wombs,

Ca u nucaah paale = Jonas = profeta =
The child answered: "Jonah, the prophet;

Lay tac yanhecij = tu nak u nae =
he already came into being from the belly of his mother,

yetel yanhecij = tu nak nohoch cay =Vallenas = u kaba
and he came into being from the belly of a great fish; whale is its name,

ti oxppel kin = yetel ti yoxppel yakbilie ==
after three days and three nights inside it."

60. Ca u katah emperador.
Then the emperor asked:

paale = macx u ka -huntenil. cuxanil. ca cimie = tu catene =
"Child, who was it that lived once, that died twice?"

Ca u nucah paal = Lazaro =yiDzin maria. mg-na
The child replied: "Lazarus, the younger sibling of Mary Magdalene."56

(The ms. omits 77: Infante, qual fue mayor don que fue enel mundo mandado y fue dado? - El infante respondio: El cuerpo de nuestro señor Jesu Christo, que lo demando Joseph Abarimathia a Pilato, y diolo luego.)

61. Ca u katah emperador=paale=macx u ka=yax ocij ti emperadorile=uay ti balcahe
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who first entered into emperorhood here on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = Julio - SerzaR = _______________________
The child replied: "Julius Caesar."

62. Ca u katah emperador = paale. macx u ka - u sillail. satie =
The emperor asked: "Child, whose chair was lost?"

Ca u nucah paal = Lay satci Luzifer = yt. u chayan = u lobil angelesobe =
The child replied: "This is the one that Lucifer lost, with the rest of the bad angels;

u satsahob = u sillail. groria = yl parayso u hach nohil angelob cuchi =.
they lost their chairs in the glory of paradise, (who were) His really great angels before,

ca ociob ti cisinil = tumen u kebanobe =
when they entered into deviltry because of their sins."

63. Ca u katah emperador=pale-macx u ka=Vtzcini u nohol keban=uay yokol cabe-
The emperor asked: "Child, who committed the greatest sin here on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal- heklay u cibah. Judas - escaryoth =              [ms. p.58]
The child replied: "This is what Judas Escariot did,

u conci ca yumil ti Jhesu Xpo = tumenel u siDzil. ti lahucakal takine =
when he sold our lord Jesus Christ because of his greed for thirty (pieces of) gold,

yt. tumenix ma yalcunnah yol tu Dzayatzil Dios xane -
and because he did not trust in the mercy of God also."

64. Ca u katah emperador - paale = macx u ka ahau. ti ualac yahaulil.
The emperor asked: "Child, who was the lord, then stood up in his reign,

ca sihi ca yumil ti Jhesu Xpoe.
when our lord Jesus Christ was born?"

Ca u nucah paale = tu kinilhi yahaulil - octavia:no = serzar- cuchie = _________
The child replied: "At that time it was the reign of Octavian Caesar, back then."

65. Ca u katah emperador. paale = macx u ka emperadoril = yt. lic yahaulil
The emperor asked: "Child, who was the emperor, and in which reign,

ca cimi - ca yumil ti Jhesu Xpoe =
did our lord Jesus Christ die?"

Ca u nucah paal = tu kinil hi = ti beerio =
And the child replied: "It was in the time of Tiberius."

66. Ca u katah emperador = paale. maxc paynum tsicanil - ti bal caah = ca sihie =
The emperor asked: "Child, who was most honored on earth, when he was born?"

Ca u nucah paal. San Juo - baptista = sihij tu Kab ca colel ti santa maria =
The child replied: "St. John the baptist, born by the hand of our lady, St. Mary."57

67. Ca u katah emperador - paale macx =u ka = yam utzcinij = altar = ti Diose =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who was it that first made an altar before God,

yetel yam kuultee = ti mahancenile =
and first worshipped there publicly?"              [ms. p.59]

Ca u nucah paal = Lay santo patri al cha"= abra haan = loe ________________
The child answered: "This was the holy patriarch, Abraham, then."

(The ms. omits A/E 85: Infante, qual fue el mayor conquistador del mundo? - El rey Alexandre . . )

68. Ca u katah. emperador=paale.macx u ka=halach nohij=u miatz=ti baal cahe=
The emperor asked: "Child, who had truly great wisdom on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = Rey Salomon
And the child replied: "King Solomon."

69. Ca u katah emperador = paale =
The emperor asked: "Child,

macx u ka. uincilob = yutscincij = u yabal- mactsilob = ca yumil ti Diose =
who were the men for whom our lord God performed many miracles?"

Ca u nucah. paal = Judiosob = ka __________
The child answered: "The Jews, that is."

70. Ca u katah emperador- paale = macx u ka = paynumhij = u tzicbail. yokol cabe =
The emperor asked: "Child, whose arrogance became greatest on earth?"

Ca u nucah paale = ahau. nabuco donosol = yoltah kuultabal. bay Diose =
The child replied: "Lord Nebuchadnezzar; he wished to be worshipped like God,

tu yahaulil ti bal caah = loe =
in his reign on earth, that one."

71. Ca u katah emperador = paale = macx u ka = ya ya xoti u kin = uay yokol cabe=
Then the emperor asked: "Child, who most severely passed judgment, here on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = poncio pirato -              [ms. p.60]
And the child replied: "Pontius Pilate,

yoklal yalcij = u ci u cimil = yt. yaalci u sinil. ti cilich cruz loe
because he ordered His death, and ordered the Crucifixion on the blessed cross,

cah lohil. ti Jhesu xpo = hahal Dios - ti hahal uinci xan =
of our redeemer Jesus Christ, truly God, truly man also,

yohelmayx = tibilil u caah tix ma ma sipilile.
when he has known the perfection of His being, entirely without sin."

72. Ca u katah emperador = paale = macx u ka = oktabil. ca 58mi uay yokol cabe =
The emperor asked: "Child, who was to be mourned, when he died here on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = Santo Lazaro =
The child replied: "St. Lazarus,

yiDzin Santa. maria. magna = yt: santa marta =Lae yoktahob ca cimi =
younger brother of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Martha, who mourned him when he died,

yetel. ca yumil ti Jhes xpo. ca yilahob ti cimenil cuchie ______________
along with our lord Jesus Christ, when they saw him dead, back then."

(The ms. skips A/E 91: Infante, quien fue eneste mundo que mayor plazer y pesar oviesse? - The answer is the virgin Mary, who suffered Christ’s death and rejoiced in His resurrection.)

73. Ca u katah emperador. paale. macx u ka ocij = tah ocolil uay yokol cabe =
The emperor asked: "Child, who was it that entered into robbery here on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = Jacob = yoklal yoclicij = u cici than. u sucun. ti esteban59 ____
And the child replied: "Jacob, because he stole the blessing of his elder brother, Stephen."

(The ms. omits A/E 93: Qual es la cosa que todas las gentes menos cobdician y mas hazen para la aver? - El infierno)

74. Ca u katah emperador =
Then the emperor asked:

paale - macx u ka uinicil . hach cichcelemhij = uay yokol cabe =
"Child, who among men was really handsome, here on earth?"

Ca u nucah pale = Absalom - ka -
The child replied: "Absalom, that is."

(The ms. omits six questions, A/E 95-100. These concern Samson, Hector, Helen of Troy, Judith, Jacob and Noah.)

75. Ca u katah emperador =              [ms. p.62]
The emperor asked:

paale = macx u ka uincil = ti bal cah = oci ti siDzile =
"Child, who among men on earth entered into avarice?"

Ca u nucah paale = Judas - escaryoth =
The child replied: "Judas Escaryot,

tumen u siDzil ti. lahucakal takin =
because of his greed for thirty (pieces of) gold;

u pulcij. ti cimil. cah lohil ti Jhesu xpo = yumilbil = yah cambesahuli xane ______
he cast to death our redeemer Jesus Christ, his lord, and his teacher also."

76. Ca u katah emperador - paale = macx u ka = paynum thonanil ti Diose =
The emperor asked: "Child, what is most obedient to God?"

Ca u nucah paal = Lay. kin = yt. V. yt. eKob =
The child replied: "These are the sun, and the moon, and the stars;

bayili u hokolob = ti likin = yetel u thubul. ti chikin =
always they go forth from the east and they set in the west;

ma bikin u nicil = u cibicob = latumucut u xulel baal cahile _______________
they never will cease doing it until the end of the world."

77. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka - ppetayenil = ti hanalil =
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is abominable among food

lic u haantantabal = ti baal caahe =
that may be eaten on earth?"

Ca u nucah paale = V cilich uinicil. cah lohil ti Jesu xpo =
And the child answered: "The blessed body of our redeemer Jesus Christ,

hex uinic kamic = ti ma u naah = u kamabe = lay binsic mitnal loe =
if man receives it without being worthy to receive it; this takes him to hell then,

Vayx u naah u kamabe = lay binsic tu yahaulil caan loe -              [ms. p.62]
but if he is worthy to receive it, this takes him to the kingdom of heaven, then."

78. Ca u katah emperador = paale = bax u ka. u halach ciyl hanal = ti baal caahe =
The emperor asked: "Child, what was the truly sweet food on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = layx mana = u tuchitah ca yumil ti Dios = ti Judiosob =
And the child replied: "This was manna; our lord God sent it to the Jews,

yalan chee = yalan aban =60
under tree, under bush,

ti licix yohelticob layl hanal = lic yocheelticob = cuchie _________________
while they came to know only this food, which served them as nourishment back then."61

79. Ca u katah emperador. paale = macx u ka. halach ayikalhij. ti baal caahe =
The emperor asked: "Child, who became truly rich on earth?"

Ca u nucah paale = Rey Salomon =
The child replied: "King Solomon,

hex tulacal licil yukul - tu yotoche = nacach takin =
since everything from which he drank at his house was solid silver,62

yetel tulacal babal yantac ti cuchie
along with all the possessions he had back then."

80. Ca u katah emperador =
The emperor asked:

paale = macx u ka ti uinicil = paynum u sauinal = ti bal cahe =
"Child, who among men was the most jealous on earth?"

Ca u nucah paal = Cayn = yoklal tumenel u cimsici yiDzin = ti abeer loe =
The child replied: "Cain; because of it he killed his younger brother Abel then."

81. Ca u katah emperador = paale. bax u ka ayikalil = ma yohel xulele =
The emperor asked: "Child, what is wealth that knows no end,

yt. ahaulil ma yohel satale =
and lordship that knows no loss,

yt. cuxtal -manan u Dzoce = yt. cici olal - ma yohel helepe =              [ms. p.69]
and life without an end, and happiness that never changes?"

Ca u nucaah paal = lay u cilich grorial. parayso = terenal loe =============
And the child replied: "This is the blessed glory of the Earthly Paradise, then."63

82. Ca u katah emperador = paale = macx u ka uincil = Dzoclukan tibilile =
The emperor asked: "Child, who is the man, perfected in virtue?"

Ca u nucah paal = lay himac nachcunnic = V heecnacil = yanumal Diose =
The child replied: "This is whoever broadcasts the opening of the news of God,

tilicix u Dzocluksic = ti yolahhe ___________________________
by which He makes him perfect, by His will."64

83. Ca u katah emperador =
Then the emperor asked:

pale = bax u ka. babal = paynum = mayl u nah =yalab uinice = bacix tohace =
"Child, what is something most unfitting that a man say, even if it may be true?"

Ca u nucah -heklay u nohcinnic uba uinic tuhunale ____________
And the child replied: "This is that he aggrandize himself, as man alone."

84. Ca u katah emperador =
Then the emperor asked:

paale = bax u ka babalil = sebil u sipil uinic = ti baal caahe =
"Child, what is the thing for which man quickly sins on earth?"

Ca u nucaah paal = tumenel u DzeDzil hal = yt. tumenel. u nohil. siDzile =
The child replied: "Because of little truth, and because of great pride."

85. Ca u katah emperador. paale = bax u ka              [pages missing from ms.]
Then the emperor asked: "Child, what is . . ."

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