Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2005:
Laura Solar Valverde

Epi-Classic Cultural Dynamics in the Mezquital Valley
Translation of the Spanish by Alex Lomónaco
Vea este informe en Español.

Figure 13. Xajay vessel. Courtesy of the Mezquital Valley Project.

Research Year:  2001
Culture:  Xajay
Chronology:  Epi-Classic
Location:  Mezquital Valley, México
Site:  El Zethé

Table of Contents

Evidence of Interregional Interaction through the Epi-Classic
The Figures
An Epi-Classic Marker
Some Contexts
Maya Area
Cerro de las Mesas
Hidalgo and Querétaro
Similarities and Differences Between the Contexts
Absence of Bone Remains
Associated Human Remains
Garments and Ritual Paraphernalia
Common Characteristics of the Offerings
Social Interaction Throughout the Epi-Classic
Interaction Spheres and Distribution Networks in Mesoamerica
The Northern Sector of the Central Mesa>
The Mezquital Valley
The Septentrional Network of the Plateau
Some Spheres and Possible Overlappings
The Bajío Sphere
White Raised (Blanco Levantado)
Red-on-Bay (Rojo sobre Bayo) and Black-Brown Incised/Incised Postfire (Negro-Café Inciso/Estrafiado)
Septentrional Sphere
The Concurrence of Close Links in the Construction of Macroregional Networks
List of Figures
Sources Cited


The Epi-Classic period (ca. A.D. 600/700–900/1000) was in most parts of Mesoamerica, except for the Valley of México, a period of regional apogee characterized by intense interregional interaction. During that time, an extensive communication network made possible the access to similar luxury goods to societies from extreme regions within Mesoamerican territory, from the northern-most part of the Central Plateau to the Maya Area. The luxuries involved in this Pan-Mesoamerican network include figurative jade plaques of a particular style, turquoise, Ucareo/Zinapécuaro obsidian and shell from both coasts.

Drifting from a macroregional perspective to a regional level, in this project we approach some of the distributive networks which may have involved the transit of these products.


El período Epi-Clásico (c.a. 600/700–900/1000 d.C.) la mayor parte fue de Mesoamérica, excepto por el Valle de México, un período de apogeo regional caracterizado por la interacción inter-regional intensa. Durante ese tiempo, una comunicación de redes intensas hicieron posible el acceso a mercancías lujosas similares a sociedades de regiones extremas dentro el territorio Mesoamericano, de la mayor parte del norte del Altiplano Central del Área Maya. Los lujos involucrados en esta red Pan-Mesoamericana incluye placas de jade figurativas de un estilo particular, turquesa, obsidiana Ucareo/Zinapécuaro y concha de ambas costas.

Navegando desde una perspectiva macro-regional a nivel regional, en este proyecto planteamos algunas de las redes de distribución que pudieron estar involucradas en el tránsito de estos productos.

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Submitted 03/07/2002 by:

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