Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2008:
Laura Rodríguez Cano

Toponymic Analysis of Three Lienzos from the Mixtec Lowlands, Oaxaca
Translation of the Spanish by Kim Goldsmith
Ver este informe en Español.

Plate 1: Photograph of the Postcortesan Mixtec Codex No. 36. Seminary of Mexican Codices.

Research Year:  2001
Culture:  Mixtec
Chronology:  Pre-Classic
Location:  Oaxaca, México
Site:  Mixtec Lowlands, Huajuapan de León, San Juan Bautista Suchitepec, San Vicente el Palmar

Table of Contents

The Region of the Lienzos
The Lienzos Studied
Postcortesan Mixtec Codex No. 36 (CMP36)
Glosses from Lienzo 57
Map of Xochitepec
Toponymic Analysis
What Does the Toponym Imply?
Initial Premises
Stages of Analysis
Results and Contributions
Appendix: Illustrations That Accompany the Text
Sources Cited


This final report deals with the results and contributions achieved by the analysis of glyphs regarding names of places and glosses in Latin characters related to Mixtec and Nahuatl languages, associated with the graphic toponymics which are represented in three lienzos from the Mixtec Lowlands, Oaxaca. Using a holistic methodology which involves epigraphic, linguistic and ethnohistoric points of view, this study provides new information about the composition of place names in this region’s traditional native system of writing during the Colonial Period, as well as some data about the formation of the political areas of the different domains in the Mixtec Lowlands.


Este informe final trata de los resultados y aportes que se lograron con el análisis de los registros glíficos de los nombres de lugar y las glosas en caracteres latinos en lengua mixteca y náhuatl que se encuentran asociados a los topónimos gráficos que están representados en tres lienzos de la Mixteca Baja, Oaxaca. El estudio a través de una metodología holística que involucra enfoques epigráficos, lingüísticos y etnohistóricos, proporciona nueva información sobre la composición de los nombres de lugar en el sistema de escritura tradicional indígena de esta región durante el periodo colonial así como algunos datos sobre la conformación del espacio político de los señoríos de la Mixteca Baja.

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Toponymic Analysis of Three Lienzos from the Mixtec Lowlands, Oaxaca  (5.98 MB)

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Submitted 03/04/2002 by:
Laura Rodríguez Cano

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