In the history of the world, there have been few people like the ancient Maya. The Maya were great architects, mathematicians, astronomers, and artists. In their time, they built cities as grand and beautiful as any in Europe or the Far East. They were one of only a few people who invented the zero, a concept extremely important in mathematics. According to some calculations, their measurement of the length of the year was more accurate than that of the Europeans when they arrived in the New World. Their artists created a style that is considered one of the great art forms of history, and is today studied by artists throughout the world.
What's more, they were one of only three civilizations that invented a complete system of writing. In this booklet, you will learn about ancient Maya writing and about the ancient Maya civilization.
Download the Writing in Maya Glyphs Booklet
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For those with a fast connection, download the complete PDF file:
The complete Writing in Maya Glyphs Book 1 Names, Places, and Simple Sentences in PDF format (4.01 MB).
The complete Writing in Maya Glyphs Book 2 Maya Numbers and the Maya Calendar in PDF format (2.07 MB).
For those with slower connections, download the PDF file in sections:
The Writing in Maya Glyphs Booklet by section:
Book 1 Names, Places, and Simple Sentences
Section I (2.95 MB)
Section II (1.20 MB)
Book 2 Maya Numbers and the Maya Calendar
Section I (739 KB)
Section II (1.49 MB)
Additional PDF Booklets:
Maya Days Tzolk'in Names & Glyphs A Book for coloring and learning with flash cards in various languages.
English-Yucatec version (632 KB)
K'iche'-Kaqchikel version (633 KB)
Tz'utujiil version (632 KB)
Yucateca version (617 KB)
Maya Months Haab Names & Glyphs A Book for coloring and learning with flash cards.
English-Yucatec version (468 KB)
A Brief History of Piedras Negras as Told by the Ancient Maya
History Revealed in Maya Glyphs
by Mark Pitts
In this brief book you will learn about the history of the ancient Maya city of Piedras Negras, as well as reading the very words of the ancient Maya. In each section we will cover a small span of Piedras Negras history. An overview of the texts in question will be given, and a table for the transcription, transliteration, and translation of the glyph blocks.
A Brief History of Piedras Negras as Told by the Ancient Maya (PDF 13.5 MB)
For slower connections, two parts are available for download:
A Brief History of Piedras Negras as Told by the Ancient Maya Part 1 (6.46 MB)
A Brief History of Piedras Negras as Told by the Ancient Maya Part 2 (7.33 MB)