Christiane Clados
Nasca Drawings Collection

About the author

Christiane Clados received a Ph.D. 2001 from the Free University Berlin. She has worked on Mitla (Oaxaca, Mexico), La Cantina and El Pobre (Casma, Peru) archaeological projects and has focused on iconography and notation systems from Mexico to Peru. Currently, she is affiliated with the Anthropology Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and instructor of a course on Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture in the Art History Department.

This database is based on her Ph.D dissertation, which was based on the analysis of 4,000 images that are part of the author's archive. Colors follow the Munsell Color Chart.


I wish to express my gratitude to the following people for granting permissions to use archival photographs and for professional advice: Christopher B. Donnan, University of California-Los Angeles; Frank Salomon, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Patricia Knobloch, Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley; Helmut Schindler, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, München (Munich State Museum of Anthropology); Manuela Fischer, Ethnologisches Museum Berlin (Ethnological Museum Berlin); and Doris Kurella, Linden-Museum, Stuttgart. I am grateful to the following museums for its courtesy in enabling me to illustrate their vessels for use in my dissertation: Ethnografiska Museet Goeteborg (currently Stockholm), Sweden; Museo Nacional de Antropología, Arqueología e Historía, Lima, Peru; Museo de la Nacion, Lima, Peru; Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Germany; Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, München, Germany; Linden-Museum, Stuttgart, Germany. My special thanks go to Sandy Mielke, FAMSI, who coordinated the database, and Gwendolyn Kelly, UW-Madison, who edited the introduction.

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