We present a series of articles based on the image and text on Maya Vessels.
The opinions and conclusions expressed by the authors of these articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI). Comments should be directed to the author of the article and to
Some Notes on Kerr 1955, an Early Classic Stone Sculpture Representing Goddess 0 by Elisabeth Wagner
The identification of a Maya object.
The Transformation of Xbalanqué or The Many Faces of God A by Justin Kerr
Xbalanqué as patron of the beekeepers with reference to God A1
The Acrylic Workshop: The story of a fake. by Justin Kerr
How a fake vase was discovered, and proved false.
Comments on an Incised Vase, K7749 by Marc Zender
Maya hand-to-hand combat with sharpened bones.
Comments on the Xcalumkin Vase, K8017
A group of scholars read the text on this Northern Yucatán Vase.
A Reinterpretation of the Chamá Vase by Elin Danien
A new view of a famous vessel.
Where Do You Wear Your Paint-Pot? by Justin Kerr
An article discussing the icons that identify scribes and other communicators.
The Hero Twins in Veracruz by Linda Schildkraut
An article describing a pair of carved bowls from Veracruz with links to Maya iconography.
A Fishy Story by Justin Kerr
Describes the iconography of a series of vessels that show catfish and their connection to the Hero Twins.
The "Stone-in-Hand" Glyph by Tim Knowlton
(April 1999) A suggested reading for the "Stone-in-Hand" Glyph.
Applying Experimental Archaeology to Ethnomusicology:
Recreating an Ancient Maya Friction Drum through Various Lines of Evidence by John A. Donahue
(June 2000) An examination of a Maya musical instrument that appears on vase K5233.
A Short History of Rollout Photography by Justin Kerr
Comments on Vase Number K8342
In an e-mail discussion, a number of scholars described their thoughts about an interesting vase.
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