South Grotto
In contrast to the North Grotto paintings, nearly all of the South Grotto paintings are simply geometric images executed in red. In general they contain no symbols that enable dating them to a particular time period. However, painting A1 has several stylistic traits that suggest it is Middle Preclassic. In addition, the Tlaloc face in the Group A paintings is enigmatic, for if it is Middle Preclassic period it may be the earliest known representation of a Tlaloc face.
One of the few paintings in black occurs in area B. Painting B2 is a small realistic depiction of a leaping deer painted in black. Red motifs were later painted over the area of the deer's head.

Panorama of South Grotto, showing the general location of the major paintings. Two people shown on the far right side of the photo provide a general scale.

Group A paintings.

Group A drawing.

Group A Tlaloc face (black-and-white).

Painting A1.

Painting A1 drawing.

Painting B2.

Painting B2 drawing.
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