North Grotto Painting 1a

This photograph shows the positions of paintings 1a, 1b and 1e. Painting 1c occurs about 1.5 m. to the right and is not visible in this photograph.

Painting 1a is a flower-like motif with four "petals". The black circular center of the motif contains a simple profile face. Between each petal of the motif is a small circular element that is similar to chalchihuitl (jade bead) symbols.

Painting 1a drawing

Painting 1b, a small stylized supernatural face in profile. Above the creature's eye is a cartouche with an X ("St. Andrew's cross") motif.

Painting 1b drawing.

Painting 1c, a representation of possibly a feathered serpent or a cipactli. The image is difficult to see clearly because of calcium deposits covering it.

Painting 1c drawing.
Painting 1d depicts a man and a jaguar. It is the largest painting in the North Grotto. The man stands behind the feline, which is standing partially upright. The jaguar's tail curves back to the man's groin area. Two lines, possibly representing the man's phallus, extend toward the rear of the jaguar. The feline's face is executed in 3/4 view with both nostrils shown, and the interior of it's mouth is colored in red.

Painting 1d, at a distance.

Painting 1d, close up.

Painting 1d drawing.

Painting 1e, a small horned owl.

Painting 1e drawing.
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