Because of its elaborate and precocious bas-relief rock art dating to ca. 700-500 B.C., Chalcatzingo, Morelos, has long been recognized as one of Mexico's most important Formative period archaeological sites. For decades scholars noted the close similarities between
Chalcatzingo's rock carvings and the monumental art at distant Olmec centers on Mexico's southern Gulf Coast. However, the nature of
Chalcatzingo and the "Olmec presence" there remained unclear. Had it been an Olmec colony? A trade control center? In the 1970s the
Chalcatzingo Archaeological Project, co-directed by Jorge Angulo, Raul Arana and David Grove, sought to gather data on the Formative
period village - its dwellings, public architecture, and material culture - in order to better understand the site's evolution and also
its relationship with the Gulf coast Olmec. This book, presenting the results of that research, is the most comprehensive and detailed
report of any Middle Formative period site in central Mexico.

Download Ancient Chalcatzingo by Chapters
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction (pp. 1-5) D. Grove (358 KB)
Chapter 2. The Physical and Cultural Setting (pp. 6-13) D. Grove, K. Hirth, D. Bugé (623 KB)
Chapter 3. Plant Ecology and Paleoecology (pp. 14-20) D. Bugé (523 KB)
Chapter 4. The Excavations (pp. 21-55) D. Grove, K. Hirth, A. Cyphers (2.31 MB)
Chapter 5. Chronology and Cultural Phases at Chalcatzingo (pp. 56-61) A. Cyphers, D. Grove (492 KB)
Chapter 6. The Settlement and Its Architecture (pp. 63-81) M. Prindiville, D. Grove (1.41 MB)
Chapter 7. The Altar and Associated Features (pp. 82-94) W. Fash (884 KB)
Chapter 8. Chalcatzingo Burials as Indicators of Social Ranking (pp. 95-113) M. Merry (1.35 MB)
Chapter 9. A Catalog & Description of Chalcatzingo's Monuments (pp. 114-131) D. Grove, J. Angulo (1.36 MB)
Chapter 10. The Chalcatzingo Reliefs: An Iconographic Analysis (pp. 132-158) J. Angulo (2.11 MB)
Chapter 11. Miscellaneous Bedrock and Boulder Carvings (pp. 159-170) D. Grove (794 KB)
Chapter 12. Chalcatzingo Painted Art (pp. 171-199) A. Apostolides (1.63 MB)
Chapter 13. Ceramics (pp. 200-251) A. Cyphers (3.14 MB)
Chapter 14. Chalcatzingo's Formative Figurines (pp. 252-263) M. Harlan (902 KB)
Chapter 15. Distributional Analysis of Chalcatzingo Figurines (pp. 264-270) S. Gillespie (360 KB)
Chapter 16. Other Ceramic and Miscellaneous Artifacts (pp. 271-294) D. Grove (1.49 MB)
Chapter 17. Chalcatzingo Jade and Fine Stone Objects (pp. 295-304) C. Thomson (666 KB)
Chapter 18. Middle Formative Lithic Industries at Chalcatzingo (pp. 305-320) S. Burton (1.11 MB)
Chapter 19. Obsidian Blade Manufacturing Debris on Terrace 37 (pp. 321-328) S. Burton (611 KB)
Chapter 20. Ground Stone Artifacts (pp. 329-342) D. Grove (1.07 MB)
Chapter 21. Formative Period Settlement Patterns in the Río Amatzinac Valley (pp. 343-367) K. Hirth (1.85 MB)
Chapter 22. Excavations at Telixtac and Huazulco (pp. 368-375) T. Majewski (493 KB)
Chapter 23. Raw Materials and Sources (pp. 376-386) D. Grove (691 KB)
Chapter 24. Classic and Postclassic Chalcatzingo (pp. 387-399) R. Arana (945 KB)
Chapter 25. The Excavation of a Postclassic House at Tetla (pp. 400-408) L. Norr (587 KB)
Chapter 26. Contemporary Agriculture at Chalcatzingo (pp. 409-419) D. Bugé (823 KB)
Chapter 27. Comments on the Site and Its Organization (pp. 420-433) D. Grove (1.09 MB)
Chapter 28. Chalcatzingo in a Broader Perspective (pp. 434-442) D. Grove (804 KB)
A. Plant Macrofossils from Cave Excavations (p. 443) D. Bugé (53 KB)
B. Selected Stratigraphic Units (pp. 444-456) A. Cyphers (521 KB)
C. The Chalcatzingo Burials (pp. 457-480) M. Merry (1.34 MB)
D. Ceramic Charts and Illustrations (pp. 481-490) A. Cyphers (402 KB)
E. Descriptions of Chalcatzingo Figurine Attributes (pp. 491-497) M. Harlan (505 KB)
F. Notes on Jadeite Color (p. 498) C. Thomson (80 KB)
G. Lithics (pp. 499-508) S. Burton (617 KB)
H. Río Amatzinac Survey: Site Descriptions (pp. 509-524) K. Hirth (1.30 MB)
I. Postclassic Artifacts from Tetla (pp. 525-546) L. Norr (1.25 MB)
J. Faunal Analysis (pp. 547-549) D. Grove (170 KB)
References Cited (pp. 550-562) (170 KB)
Name Index (pp. 563-564) (75 KB)
Topic Index (pp. 565-571) (460 KB)
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