"This edition of the Codex Egerton 2895 is the first to be made of the complete manuscript by color photography. The earlier edition of Antonio Peñafiel (Monumentos del arte mexicano antiguo, Berlin, 1890) was made by colored lithography from drawings of Domingo Carral. That edition, unfortunately, did not transcribe the important glosses on the manuscript. These glosses, in European writing but the Mixtec language, are now available and will constitute an invaluable source for the growing interest in things Mixtec. ..."
D. Robertson, in: "American Anthropologist", Vol. 68, No. 3, p. 797-98
Graz 1965. Vol. 7 of the series CODICES SELECTI.
True-color facsimile edition of the hand painted manuscript in possession of the British Museum, London. 32 folded pages. Format: 270 x 210 mm, total length: 4,42 m, folded continuosly in PreColumbian screenfold format.
English commentary by C. A. Burland, 30 pages.
The facsimile and commentary volumes are together presented in a boxed edition with leather spine.
ISBN: 3-201-00758-7
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