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Ceramic Analysis of Temple B, Río Bec, Quintana Roo, México
Stan Freer

Sources Cited

Ball, Joseph
1974a Ceramic Sequence at Becán, Campeche, México, University of Wisconsin, Ph.D. Dissertation. Ann Arbor, Mich., Xerox University Microfilms, Inc.
1974b "A Teotihuacán-Style Cache from the Maya Lowlands" in Archaeology, Vol. 27, No. 1, Jan. 1974, pp. 2-9.
Freer, Stan
1986 The Middle Classic of Western Yucatán, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
1976 The Middle Classic Horizon Hypothesis as applied to the Río Bec Area, M.A. thesis, Universidad de las Americas, Hacienda Santa Catarina Martir, Puebla, México.
Parsons, Lee A.
1969 Bilbao, Guatemala: an Archaeological Study of the Pacific Coast Cotzumalhuapa Region, vol. 2 Milwaukee, Wis., Milwaukee Public Museum. (Publications in Anthropology, no. 12).
Sabloff, Jeremy A.
1970 Type Descriptions of the Fine Paste Ceramics of the Bayal Boca Complex, Seibal, Petén, Guatemala. In Monographs and Papers in Maya Archaeology, edited by William R. Bullard, Jr., pp. 357-404. Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Papers, vol. 61 Cambridge.
Smith, Robert E.
1971 The Pottery of Mayapán Including Studies of Ceramic Material from Uxmal, Kabáh, and Chichén Itzá. (2 volumes), Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Papers, vol. 66. Cambridge.
1955 Ceramic Sequence at Uaxactún, Guatemala. Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University. Publication no. 20 volumes 1 and 2. New Orleans.

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