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A Grammar of the Yucatecan Mayan Language
by David & Alejandra Bolles

Anthropomorphic Animal Stories

Aside from the trickster rabbit cycle there is a large store of animal stories amongst the Maya. There are those stories in which animals interact amongst themselves, and there are those stories in which humans interact with animals. Both these types of stories we have just already seen in the trickster rabbit cycle.

The following stories have no common theme other than they are all about animals. Amongst these stories there are definitely some recognizable imports, albeit that the settings in which these stories take place have been "mayanized" to a certain extent. For example, the first two stories, "Cicada and Ant" and "The Old Woman Possum who wants very much to eat Papaya" are undoubtedly converted Aesop fables, namely from "The Ant and the Grasshopper" and "The Fox and the Grapes" respectively. In the second story in particular "mayanization" is necessary in order for the story to be of any instructive value because neither foxes nor grapes occur in Yucatan in any great abundance, foxes being quite rare and grapes being close to impossible to grow. The substitution of a possum and the papaya tree for these two items is a meaningful and logical one.

told by Martina Yu Chan, Ticul
tzicbaltabi tumen Martina Yu Chan, Ticul

There was they say a cicada and an ant. The cicada, because it only sings during the dry days, doesn't go to find its food. It is raining and sprinkling, the wind is becoming strong, for that reason it is not able to go to find its food. When therefore came the cold, then it began to become hungry, then it went beside a small ant, then it said to it, "Listen, small ant. Loan me a small corn so that I can eat, because for me it is not possible for me to go out to gather it so that I can eat, because it's very cold."

Yan bin huntul cħocħlin yetel huntul zinic. Le cħocħlin, tumen chen kay cu betice ti le yax kino, ma tu bin u caxte u yoch. Tan u kaxal ha yetel toz ha, tan u kamtal le iko, le betice ma tu patal u hokol u caxte u yoch. Ca tun tal le ceelo, ca hoppol u uiihtal, ca bin tu yicnal huntul chan zinic, ca tu yalah ti, "Uye, Chan Zinic. Pay ten humppel chan ixim utial in hante, tumen tene ma tu patal in hokol in caxte utial in hante, tumen zeten ceel."

"And thus in the dry days, what did you do? Didn't you find things to eat?"

"Cux tun tu yax kin, ban ta betah? Ma ta caxtah baal a hante?"

"Me I only sang."

"Tene chen kay tin betah."

"If you only sang, today go dance."

"Ua chen kay ta betah, behlae xen okot."

told by Martina Yu Chan, Ticul
tzicbaltabi tumen Martina Yu Chan, Ticul

There was they say an old possum, who likes very much to eat ripe papaya. When she went into the garden, then she passed by where there was a papaya plant, leaning over with ripeness. Then she began to climb up, but it was high, she wasn't able to arrive (to where the papayas were). She did like that, then passed the whole night, she didn't arrive where those papayas were so that she could pick them, so that she could eat them. Her spirit got tired with not being able to pick them. When she saw it was becoming light, then she said like this, "Humpf. In the first place, I don't want to eat that papaya. It's not even ripe."

Yan bin huntul x-nuc oche, zeten utz tu than u hantic u takni put. Ca bini ich col, ca mani tuux yan humppel chum put, chinchincbal u takni. Ca hopp u nacale, pero caanal tun, ma tu patal u kuchli. Bey cu betic, ca man tulacal le akabe, ma kuchli tuux yan le puto utial u emze, utial u hante. Nacal u yol yetel ma tu patal u emzice. Ca tu yilah tu zaztale ca tu yalah beya, "Humf. Yax chune, ma tac in hantic le puto. Mix takni."

written by Alejandra Kim Bolles
dzibtabi tumen Alejandra Kim Bolles

There was a big Deer and a little Turtle. The Deer said to the Turtle, "If you would want to, let's make a bet to see who can run faster."

Yan bin huntul nohoch Ceh yetel huntul chan Ac. Ca tu yalah Ceh ti Ac, "Ua a kate, coox chan betic humppel apuesta cac' ile maax mas chich u yalcab."

"O.K." said the Turtle. Then the Deer began to laugh. Then said the Turtle, "What are you laughing about? I can run very fast. I will leave you."

"Malob!" cu than Ac. Ceh tune ca hopp u cheeh. Ca tu yalah Ac beya, "Baax ca cheehtic? Tene zen chich cin alcab. He in ppatceche."

The Deer answered, "How are you going to be able to run fast? I, because I am bigger, can run faster."

Ca tu nucah Ceh, "Bix tun cun chichtal a ualcab? Tene, tumen nohochen, mas chich cin alcab."

Then said the Turtle, "Well O.K. I'll see you tomorrow noon here."

Ca tu yalah Ace, "Pos malob. Las doce zamal cin uilcech uaye."

Then the Turtle spoke with his friends. When he arrives, he says to the rest, "I have just made a bet with Deer about a little catch-up run."

Ca bin Ac u thane u lakoob. Cu kuchule, cu yalic ti u chucaanobo, "Dzoc in betic hunppel apuesta yetel Ceh utial hunppel chan chuclan alcab."

"Are you going to do it?"

"He ua tun a betce?"

"I told him, 'Yes!'"

"Tin ualah tie, 'Hele!'"

"What day?"

"Baax tun kin?"

"Mid-day tomorrow I told the Big Male Deer."

"Tancuch kin zamal tin ualah ti Noh Xib Ceh."

Then the others said, "But Big Turtle! How are you going to beat the Big Male Deer. He can run very fast."

Ca tu yalah u lakoob, "Pero Nohoch Ac! Bix can a ganarte le Noh Xib Ceho. Leti zen chich u alcab."

"Well if you help me I can beat him."

"Pos ua ca anticenexe he in ganartice."

"How then?"

"Bix tun?"

"Well you are going to line up on the road every 20 meters so that you can answer the call of the Deer as he goes along the road."

"Pos teexe can a tzolcabaex te beo ti huhunkan utial a nuciceex u than la Ceho hebix u bin te beo."

"O.K. We'll help you."

"Malob. He'c anticeche."

The other day the Turtle arrived where he was being waited for by the Deer. Then he said like this, "I have come. Let's go on the bet."

Ulak kine kuchi le Aco tuux tan u pataal tumen le Ceho. Ca tu yalah beya, "Dzoc in tal. Coox te yokole le apuestae."

"Well let's go."

"Pos coox."

Then the Turtle said, "Well let me go first. When you see that I have gone a little way then I will call you." Then the Turtle went. When the Deer heard, "Listen Old Woman! Let's go!" then he started to run.

Ca tu yalah Ace, "Pos patic in bin tanil. Le ca uilic dzoc in chan nachtale cin thancech." Ca bin Ac. Le cu yubic Ceh "Uye X-Nuc! Coox!" le cu hokol yalcab.

After a bit Deer stopped to see where Turtle was. Then he heard the call of another turtle up ahead, "Listen Old Woman! Let's go!"

Cacate cu uatal Ceh utial u uilic tuux yan Ac. Ca tu yubah u than ulak le aco te tanilo, "Uye X-Nuc! Coox!"

Deer answered like this, "Let's go Old Woman. I am coming quickly."

Cu nucic Ceh beya, "Coox X-Nuc! Tene chich in tal."

Poor Deer. Even though he goes faster he is not able to catch up with Turtle. When he gets tired he stops. When he stops then he is called by another turtle up ahead. "Listen Old Woman!" he hears up ahead again. Then Deer starts running so that he can catch up with Turtle. When he just stops again then he is called again by another turtle up ahead.

Otzil Ceh. Cex u chichcuntic u bine ma tu patal u chucpachtic le Aco. Le cu canale cu uatal. Le cu uatale le cu thanaal tumen ulak le ac yan te mas tanilo. "Uye X-Nuc! Coox!" cu yubic mas tanil tucaten. Ca ca hokol Ceh yalcab utial u chucpachtic Ac. Cu chan helel tucaten le cu ca thanaal tumen ulak le ac te tanilo.

Thus did the turtles. Then Deer said like this, "That's it Turtle. I am not able to beat you because I am very tired. I think it is better that we leave the catch-up run."

Le cu beticoob le acobo. Ca tu yalah Ceh beya, "Dzoc beya Ac. Ma tu patal in ganarticech tumen tene dzoc in hach canal. Mi mas malob c' ppatac le chuclan alcabo."

"Well if you are tired of running what do you say?" says the Turtle.

"Pos ua dzoc a canal alcabe baax uchac a ualic?" cu than le Aco.

"What are we to say?" says the Deer to the Turtle.

"Baax yan'c ale?" cu than le Ceho ti le Aco.

Then the Turtle said, "Well not what. Since you have gone back on your word today I am going to pluck (swipe/rob) your hat."

Ca tu yalah Ace, "Pos ma baax. Bey dzoc a rajartcaba ti le thano pos behlae nin cin toc a ppoc."

told by Ladislao Cen Chan, Ticul
tzicbaltabi tumen Ladislao Cen Chan, Ticul

There was, it is said, a turtle, who for sixty years lived at a small lake. The little turtle daily comes out to the edge of that water, to sun herself. One day then came some white birds, big, with very high legs. Then therefore said the little turtle, "You are very contented. You even have your wings, for which reason you are able to go other places to visit. God pays you for coming to visit me." Therewith the big birds didn't answer to that old turtle. Then they rose up, then they went. Then that poor turtle's spirit was hurt.

Yan bin huntul ace, sesenta años cahacbal ti chichan kanab. Le chan aco zanzamal cu hokol tu hal chi le hao, tu haykinticuba. Humppel kin ca tal dzedzeci zac cħicħoob, nuctacoob, caanaltac u yocoob. Ca tun tu yalah le chan aco, "Ci a uoleex. Yan tac a xikeex, le olal cu patal a bineex tanxel tuux ximbal. Dios botic a talal a ximbalteneex." Le tun le nucuch cħicħobo ma tu nucicoob ti le x-nuc aco. Ca likobe, ca binoob. Ca ya u yol le otzil aco.

The other day therefore when that little turtle came out to sun herself. Just then she saw those birds coming again, then she said like this, "My spirit is content that you have come to visit me. If only I have my wings so that I can go with you."

Ulak kin tune ca hoki le chan aco, tu haykintuba. Chen ca tu uile tu ca tal le cħicħobe, ca tu yalah beya, "Cimac in uol dzoc a tal a ximbalteneex. Cexi yan in xik utial in bin ta ueteleex."

Then answered a big bird like this, "Grandmother. Do you want to go for a walk?"

Ca tu nucah huntul nohoch cħicħ beya, "X-chich, tac ua bin ximbal?"

"I want to go for a walk with you, but I don't have my wings."

"Tac in bin ximbal ta ueteleex, pero minaan in xik."

"Nothing to it. Say whether you will go."

"Mixbaal ti. Uale ua he a tal."

"Certainly. Will you take me?"

"Hele! He ua a bizcenexe?"



"How are you going to take me?"

"Bix tun can a bizceneex?"

"Just tell us whether you will come, we know how to take you."

"Chen a ual toon he ua tale. Toone ohel bix cen bizcech."



"O.K. then. But grandmother, just one thing I have to tell therefore. No talking, because if you talk you have to die."

"Malob tun. Pero X-Chich, chen humppel baal kabet in ualic tech tun. Ma tan than, tumen ua ca thane yan a cimi."

"O.K. I won't talk."

"Malob, ma tin than."

"O.K., grandmother. We will take you."

"Malob, Chich. He tun'c bizceche."

"Is that really true?"

"Hach ua tu hahil?"

"It's the real truth."

"Hach tu hahil."

"O.K. My spirit is contented that I will come."

"Malob. Cimac in uol he in tale."

Then the big birds found a branch. "Here you are grandmother, sink your teeth onto this stick, but be careful that you open your mouth, because if you open your mouth so that you can talk, then you fall down, then you kill yourself."

Le tun le nucuch cħicħobe tu caxtoob humppel che. "Hele Chich. Nache chea. Pero bic a hap a chi, tumen ua ca hapic a chi utial a thane, ca lubul cabal, ca cimzcaba."

"O.K. I will do it like that."

"Malob. He in betic beyo."

"O.K. Let's go then. Sink your teeth into the middle of the stick, grandmother." At that that turtle sank her teeth into the middle of the stick. Then came one of the birds, then it sank its teeth into one end of the stick. Another then sank its teeth into the other end, then they went. The spirit of the old turtle was very contented because she was going for a walk. Just then it was seen that they were passing over a small lake, where there were little children catching little fish. When they lifted their eyes up, then they saw that old turtle. They began to say like this, "Eh look at that old turtle they are taking. Isn't she ashamed? Look how she is being carried."

"Malob. Coox tun. Chumuc le cheo can a nache, Chich." Le tun le aco ca tu nachah u chumuc le cheo. Ca tali huntul le cħicħobo, ca tu nachah humppel u xul le cheo. Ulak tune ca tu nachah ulak u xule, ca tun binoob. Hach cimac u yol le x-nuc aco tumen tu ximbaltaalo. Chen ca tu uile tu manoob yokol humppel chichan kanab, ti yan yaab mehen palalobe tu chucicoob mehen cay. Ca lik u yichoob caanale, ca tu ilobe le x-nuc ace. Ca tu yaloob beya, "Eh ila le x-nuc aco tu bizaab. Ma ua zublaci? Ile bix u bizaab."

The old turtle therefore then said, "What's it to you?" Then she let loose that stick. Uilele uilele, ppachah, then she fell. There wasn't any turtle.

Le x-nuc aco tun ca tu yalah, "Baax a kateex?" Ca tu chae le cheo. Uilele uilele, ppachah, ca lubi. Minaan ac.

written by Alejandra Kim Bolles
dzibtabi tumen Alejandra Kim Bolles

There was it is said a little squirrel and her little daughter. One day said her little daughter like this, "Mother Squirrel, let's go borrow a few pumpkin seeds."

Yan bin huntul chan cuuc yetel u chan pal. Humppel kin tu yalah u chan pal beya, "Mam Cuuc, coox matic hunppit zicil."

"O.K. Let's go." Then they went into the garden. They are eating the pumpkin seed when the owner of the garden comes. Then said the daughter of Mother Squirrel, "Oh, Mother Squirrel. Here comes the owner of the garden."

"Malob. Coox." Ca binoob ich col. Tu hanticoob le ziclo ca tal u yumil col. Ca tu yalah u pal Mam Cuuc, "Ay, Mam Cuuc. He cu tal u yumil col."

"Oh wait while I eat a little bit more pumpkin seed."

"Ay ppatic in hantic hunppit mas zicil."

"But Mother Squirrel. The owner of the garden is getting closer."

"Pero Mam Cuuc. Tu nadztal u yumil col."

"Oh wait while I eat another bit of pumpkin seed."

"Ay ppatic in hantic mas zicil."

"But Mother Squirrel. The owner of the garden has gotten very near." Then the little child ran, but Mother Squirrel could not run because she was very full.

"Pero Mam Cuuc, dzoc u hach nadztal le yumil col." Ca alcabnah le chan pal, pero Mam Cuuc ma tu patal u yalcab tumen zen naah.

She was then seen by the owner of the garden, then he said like this, "Little thing. What are you doing here? Today you are going to die." Then he took out his gun, then he kill her.

Ca ilabi tumen u yumil col, ca tu yalah beya, "Chan baal! Baax ca betic tela? Behlae can cimil." Ca tu hozah u dzon, ca tu cimzah.

Poor Mother Squirrel. When the owner of the garden had gone away, then came running her little child. Then she began to cry, then she began to say like this, "Oh Mother Squirrel! You have just been killed!" Then she grabbed the hand of her mother. Helili helili, then she took her to under the grass.

Otzil Mam Cuuc. Dzoc u naachtal le yumil col, ca tal alcabil u chan pal. Ca hoppol u yokol, ca hopp u yalic beya, "Ay Mam Cuuc! Dzoc a cimzaal." Ca tu machah u kab u mamae. Helili helili, ca tu bizah yanal zuuc.

There she was under the grass with her mother, who had just die, when a little snail passed by. Then he said like this, "What are you doing there, Little Squirrel?"

Ti yan yanal zuuc yetel u mama, dzoc u cimilo, ca man huntul chan urich. Ca tu yalah beya, "Baax ca betic telo, Chan Cuuc?"

"Oh! Don't you know Little Snail? Mother Squirrel has just been killed. I am holding vigil over her."

"Ay! Ma a uohel Chan Urich? Dzoc u cimzaal Mam Cuuc. Tan in belartic."

"O.K. Let's hold vigil."

"Malob. Coox belartic."

"O.K., Little Snail."

"Malob, Chan Urich."

That is what they are doing, then a gopher passed by, who says like this, "What are you doing there?"

Le cu betcobe, ca mani huntul bah, cu yalic beya, "Baax ca betceex telo?"

"Don't you know Little Gopher? Mother Squirrel has just been killed. We are holding vigil over her."

"Ma a uohel Chan Bah? Dzoc u cimzaal Mam Cuuc. Tan'c belartic."

"O.K. I will stay too."

"Malob. He in ppatal xan."

There they were when a vulture passes by, who says like this, "What are you doing there?"

Ti yanobe ca man huntul cħom, cu yalic beya, "Baax ca betceex telo?"

"We are holding vigil over Mother Squirrel."

"Tan'c belartic Mam Cuuc."

"O.K. I will stay too."

"Malob. In ppatal xan."

They are still doing this when a white horse passes by. "What are you doing there?"

Leyli le cu beticoob ca man huntul alazan. "Baax ca betceex telo?"

"We are holding vigil over Mother Squirrel."

"Tan'c belartic Mam Cuuc."

"O.K. I will stay too."

"Malob. Cin ppatal xan."

Then they all began to sing:

Ca hoppol u kayoob tulacaloob:

"Me I am a white horse. Me I am a white horse."
"Me I am a little snail. Me I am a little snail."
"Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum."
"Hurururudz. Hurururudz."
"Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum."
"Hurururudz. Hurururudz."

"Ten tene Alazanen, ten tene Alazanen."
"Ten tene Chan Urichen. Ten tene Chan Urichen."
"Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum."
"Hurururudz. Hurururudz."
"Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum. Bahcutum."
"Hurururudz. Hurururudz."

told by Martina Yu Chan, Ticul
tzicbaltabi tumen Martina Yu Chan, Ticul

There was it is said a bird, whose name is dove, and a little squirrel. The dove passes by with her children, then said the squirrel like that, "Why don't you kill all of the small children? Don't you see, me not one child do I have."

Yan bin huntul cħicħe, u kaba ucum, yetel huntul chan cuuc. Tu man le ucum yetel u palalobo, ca tu yalah le cuuc beyo, "Baaxten ma ta lah cimzic le mehen palaloob? Ma ta uilic, tene mix huntul pal yan ten."

"Eh how then am I going to kill them. Don't you see, they are my children?"

"Eh bix tun cin in cimze. Ma ta uilic, in palal?"

"Like that so that you are able to go for a walk. You don't need not even one small child to be behind you."

"Beyo utial ca patac a bin ximbal. Ma kabet mix huntul mehen palal ta pach."

"Certainly not. Poor ones."

"Mataan. Otziloob."

"What poor ones? It is better like that."

"Baax otziloob? Mas malob beyo."

"Is that what you really say?"

"Hach bix a ualic?"

"In truth."

"Tu hahil."

Then went the dove, then she grabbed her small children, then she smashed them on the ground. Then she said like this, "O.K. I have just killed all of my children. There is not even one."

Ca bini le ucum, ca tu machah u mehen palaloob, ca tu ueyueyppuchtah luum. Ca tu yalah beya, "Malob. Dzoc in cimzic tulacal in palaloob. Mix huntul yani."

"O.K." says that squirrel.

"Malob." cu yalic le cuuco.

The other day there went that little squirrel with very many children behind her. Then said the dove like this, "Why did you lie to me like this? Didn't you tell me that you had killed all of your children? For that reason I just killed all of my children. Now not even one is left to me."

Ulak kine ca bini le chan cuuco yetel zeten yaab palaloob tu pach. Ca tu yalah le ucum beya, "Baaxten ta tuzen beya? Ma ta ualah tene dzoc a lah cimzic a palaloob? Letene dzoc in cimzic tulacal in palaloob. Beyora mix huntul ppat tene."

Then she began to cry, she said like this:

Ca hoppol u yokol, tu yalah beya:

"Heyin! Squirrel lied to me, Squirrel lied to me!"

"Heyin! Cuuc tu tuzcen, Cuuc tu tuzcen!"

written by Alejandra Kim Bolles
dzibtabi tumen Alejandra Kim Bolles

There was they say a Cockroach, she is sweeping her house, when she found a five cent piece. Then she began to think, what she's going to buy. Then she said like this, "If I buy meat it is used up on me. If I buy beans it is used up on me. If I buy corn it is used up on me. Better I buy talcum powder." Then she went to buy her talcum powder. When she returned to her house, then she powdered all her face. Then she sat at her doorway.

Yan bin huntul X-Kuruch, tan u miztic u yotoche, ca tu caxtah humppel cinco. Ca tun hoppol u tuclic, baax cun u mane. Ca tu yalah beya, "Ua cin manic bak cu xupul ten. Ua cin manic buule cu xupul ten. Ua cin manic ixime cu xupul ten. Mas malob cin man polvio." Ca bin u man u polvio. Ca zunahi tu yotoche, ca tu lah pakah tu yich. Ca culah tu hol na.

Not long afterwards Rooster passes by, then he said like this, "Oh beautiful Cockroach. Will you finish your road (get married) with me?"

Ma zami cu man huntul Thel, ca tu yalah beya, "Ay X-Cichpam X-Kuruch. He ua a dzocol a bel yetel tene?"

The little Cockroach answers like this, "If you don't scream very loud."

Cu nucic Chan X-Kuruch beya, "Ua ma hach kam a auate."

The little Rooster answers like this, "No. Not very loud."

Cu nucic Chan Thel beya, "Ma. Ma hach kami."

"Let's see. Sing so that I can hear."

"Coox uilic. Kaynen utial in uyic."

"Kikiriki!" says that little Rooster.

"Kikiriki!" cu than le Chan Thelo.

That frightens the spirit of that little Cockroach, then she said like this, "Oh no! Your voice is very loud! It will frighten my spirit." Anyway, then the little Rooster went.

Ca hak u yol le Chan X-Kurucho, ca tu yalah beya, "Ay ma! Hach kam a than! He a hazic in uole." Haylibe, ca bin Chan Thel.

Then little Horse passed by, then he said like this, "Oh beautiful Cockroach! What if you have to finish your road with me?"

Ca tun man huntul Chan Tzimne, ca tu yalah beya, "Ay X-Cichpam X-Kuruch! Yan ua a dzocol a bel yetel tene?"

"If you don't scream very loud. Sing so that I can hear."

"Ua ma hach kam a auate. Kaynen utial in uye."



"Oh! You scream very loud! My spirit will be frightened at night." Anyway, then he went.

"Ay! Hach kam a auat! He a hazic in uol ti akab." Haylibe, ca bini.

Then a Bull passes by, then he said like this, "Oh very beautiful Cockroach! Will you finish your road with me?"

Ca man huntul Xibil Uacax, ca tu yalah beya, "Ay hach X-Cichpam X-Kuruch! He ua a dzocol a bel yetel tene?"

"If your scream is not very loud. Scream so that I can hear."

"Ua ma hach kam a auate. Auatnen utial in uye."



"Oh certainly not! Your scream is very loud. You'll frighten my spirit at night." Anyway, then he went.

"Ay matech! Hach kam a auat. He a hazic in uol ti akab." Haylibe, ca bini.

Then little Mouse passes by. "Oh beautiful Cockroach! Will you finish your road with me?"

Ca man huntul Chan Cħo. "Ay Cichpam X-Kuruch. He ua a dzocol a bel yetel tene?"

"If your scream is not very loud."

"Ua ma hach kam a auate."

Then little Mouse said like this, "Iiiiiic."

Ca tu yalah Chan Cħo beya, "Iiiiiic."

"Your scream is very good. I will finish my road with you." O.K. They finished their road.

"Hach malob a auat. He in dzocol in bel yetel teche." Malob. Cu dzocol u beloob.

Another day the little Cockroach wants to go to grind corn, then she said to her husband like this, "Little Mouse. I'm going to grind corn. In a bit of an hour you have to go to see those beans I put on the fire, but you have to stir it with the big spoon, no good with that little one."

Ulak kine u kat bin le Chan X-Kuruch tu hucħe, ca tu yalah ti u yicham beya, "Chan Cħo. Nin caah hucħ. Hunppit ora yan a bin a uile le buulo in dzamah kaako, pero yan a peczic yetel nohoch cuchara, ma malob yetel le chichano."



Then went the little Cockroach to grind corn. In a bit of an hour then that little Mouse went to stir the beans, but he had already forgotten to get the big spoon, then he stirred with the small spoon. That's what he was doing, when he went into those beans. When little Cockroach returned, there wasn't any husband. When her spirit was tired of trying to find him, then she said like this, "Since my husband is not seated (at home), I want to eat. I am already hungry." Then she went to dish out her food, then she saw there was meat in it. Then she said like this, "Oh, poor little Mouse. He put pork in these beans. I'm going to take a bit to my neighbor." When she returned, then she sat down to eat. That she did.

Ca bin le Chan X-Kuruch ti hucħe. Humppit orae ca bini le Chan Cħo u pecz le buulo, pero dzoc u tubul ti u cħic le nohoch cucharao, ca tu peczah yetel le chichan cuchara. Bey cu betice, ca bin ichil le buulo. Le ca zutnahi Chan X-Kuruch minaan u yicham. Dzoc u nacal u yol u caxtice, ca tu yalah beya, "Bey ma culaan in uichamo, tene in kat hanal. Dzoc in uiihtal." Ca bin hale u hanalo, ca tu ilah yan bak ichil. Ca tu yalah beya, "Ay otzil Chan Cħo. Tu dza keken ichil le buula. Nin caah in biz humppit ti in vecina." Ca tu bizah. Ca zutnahi, ca culah te hanalo.

Then came running the neighbor. "Where is your husband?"

Le cu betice ca tali alcabil le vecina. "Tuux yan a uicham?"

The little Cockroach answers, "I don't know. He's not here."

Cu nucic Chan X-Kuruch, "Ma in uohel. Minaan uaye."

Then the neighbor said like this, "Well don't you know something, neighbor? You're eating your husband!"

Ca tu yalah le vecina beya, "Pues ma a uohel humppel baale vecina? A uicham le ca hantico!"

"Oh don't tell me!" says that little Cockroach.

"Ay ma a ualic ten!" cu than le Chan X-Kurucho.

"It's like that, neighbor. Didn't you see the little hand you gave me in the beans?"

"Beyo, vecina! Ma ta uilah le chan kab ta dza ten ichil le buulo?"

The began to cry that little Cockroach because there wasn't her husband.

Ca tun hoppol u yokol le Chan X-Kurucho tumen minaan u yicham.

written by Alejandra Kim Bolles
dzibtabi tumen Alejandra Kim Bolles

There was they say a little Cockroach. She was sweeping her house, when she found a five cent piece. Her spirit contented, she's thinking what's she going to buy with it. Then Mouse came, then he took that five cent piece to his home. Then that little Cockroach began to cry, she says, "Little Mouse. Give me back my five cent piece. If you don't give it back to me, I'll tell a Cat to eat you."

Yan bin huntul Chan X-Kuruch, tu miztic u yotoche, ca tu caxtah hunppel cinco. Cimac yol, tu tulic baax cun u man yetel. Ca tal huntul Cħo, ca tu bizah le cinco tu yotoch. Ca hoppol u yokol le Chan X-Kurucho, cu yalic beya, "Chan Cħo. Zut ten in cinco. Ua ma ta zutic tene, cin thanic huntul Miz ca u hantcech."

Mouse says like this, "I'm not giving it back to you, because it is good to my eye (I like it)."

Cu yalic Cħo beya, "Ma tin zutic tech, tumen utz tin uich."

"Well Cat. Come and eat Mouse, because this Mouse took my five cent piece."

"Pues Miz. Coten a hante Cħoa, tumen le Cħoa tu bizah in cinco."

Cat says like this, "I'm not able to eat Mouse, because he didn't do me nothing."

Cu yalic Miz beya, "Ma tu patal in hantic Cħo, tumen ma tu betah ten mixbaal."

"Well Dog. Come bite that Cat, because that Cat doesn't want to eat this Mouse, because this Mouse took my five cent piece."

"Pues Pek. Coten a chie Miza, tumen le Miza ma u kat u hante Cħoa, tumen le Cħoa tu bizah in cinco."

Dog says like this, "Its not possible for me to bite that Cat, because she didn't do me nothing."

Cu yalic Pek beya, "Ma tu patal in chiic le Miza, tumen ma tu betah ten mixbaal."

"Well Stick. Come beat that Dog, because that Dog doesn't want to bite that Cat, because that Cat doesn't want to eat this Mouse, because this Mouse took my five cent piece."

"Pues Che. Coten a hadze Peka, tumen le Peka ma u kat u chie Mizo, tumen le Mizo ma u kat u hante Cħoo tu bizah in cinco."

Stick says like this, "Its not possible for me to beat that Dog, because he didn't do me nothing."

Cu yalic Che beya, "Ma tu patal in hadzic le Peko, tumen ma tu betah ten mixbaal."

"Well Fire. Come burn that Stick, because that Stick doesn't want to beat that Dog, because that Dog doesn't want to bite that Cat, because that Cat doesn't want to eat this Mouse, because this Mouse took my five cent piece."

"Pues Kaak. Coten a thabe Chea, tumen le Chea ma u kat u hadze Peko, tumen le Peko ma u kat u chie Mizo, tumen le Mizo ma u kat u hante Cħoa, tumen le Cħoa tu bizah in cinco."

Fire says like this, "Its not possible for me to burn that Stick, because it didn't do me nothing."

Cu yalic Kaak beya, "Ma tu patal in hadzic le Peko, tumen ma tu betah ten mixbaal."

"Well Water. Come put out that Fire, because that Fire doesn't want to burn that Stick, because that Stick doesn't want to beat that Dog, because that Dog doesn't want to bite that Cat, because that Cat doesn't want to eat this Mouse, because this Mouse took my five cent piece."

"Pues Ha. Coten a tupe Kaaka, tumen ma u kat u thabe Cheo, tumen le Cheo ma u kat u hadze Peko, tumen le Peko ma u kat u chie Mizo, tumen le Mizo ma u kat u hante Cħoa, tumen le Cħoa tu bizah in cinco."

Water says like this, "Its not possible for me to put out that Fire, because it didn't do me nothing."

Cu yalic Ha beya, "Ma tu patal in tupic le Kaako, tumen ma tu betah ten mixbaal."

"Well Cow. Come drink that Water, because that Water doesn't want to put out that Fire, because that Fire doesn't want to burn that Stick, because that Stick doesn't want to beat that Dog, because that Dog doesn't want to bite that Cat, because that Cat doesn't want to eat this Mouse, because this Mouse took my five cent piece."

"Pues Uacax. Coten a uke Haa, tumen le Haa ma u kat u tupe Kaako, tumen le Kaako ma u kat u thabe Chea, tumen le Chea ma u kat u hadze Peko, tumen le Peko ma u kat u chie Mizo, tumen le Mizo ma u kat u hante Cħoa, tumen le Cħoa tu bizah in cinco."

Cow says like this, "Its not possible for me to drink that water, because it didn't do me nothing."

Cu yalic Uacax beya, "Ma tu patal in ukic le Hao, tumen ma tu betah ten mixbaal."

"Well come Man. Come kill this Cow, because this Cow doesn't want to drink that Water, because that Water doesn't want to put out that Fire, because that Fire doesn't want to burn that Stick, because that Stick doesn't want to beat that Dog, because that Dog doesn't want to bite that Cat, because that Cat doesn't want to eat this Mouse, because this Mouse took my five cent piece."

"Pues coten Mac. Coten a cimze Uacaxa, tumen le Uacaxa ma u kat u uke Hao, tumen le Hao ma u kat u tupe Kaako, tumen le Kaako ma u kat u thabe Chea, tumen le Chea ma u kat u hadze Peko, tumen le Peko ma u kat u chie Mizo, tumen le Mizo ma u kat u hante Cħoa, tumen le Cħoa tu bizah in cinco."

The Man says like this, "Its not possible for me to kill that Cow, because she didn't do me nothing."

Cu yalic Mac beya, "Ma tu patal in cimzic le Uacaxo, tumen ma tu betah ten mixbaal."

"Well let me speak to the selectman who will take you all to jail."

"Pues ppat tin thanic le halach uinic cu bizceex ti carcel."

Then that Man went running so that he kill that Cow. When Cow saw that she is going to be killed, then she went running to drink that Water. When Water saw that it is going to be drunk, then it went running to put out that Fire. When Fire saw that it is going to be put out, then it went running to burn that Stick. When Stick saw that it is going to be burned, then it went running to beat that Dog. When Dog saw that he is going to be beaten, then he went running to bite that Cat. When Cat saw that she is going to be bitten, then she went running to eat that Mouse. When Mouse saw that he is going to be eaten, then he went running to return the five cent piece.

Ca bin alcabil le Maco utial u cimze le Uacaxo. Ca tu yilah le Uacax nu caah cimzaalo, ca bin alcabil u uke Hao. Ca tu yilah le Haa nu caah ukbilo, ca bin alcabil u tupe le Kaako. Ca tu yilah le Kaak nu caah tupbilo, ca bin alcabil u thabe Cheo. Ca tu yilah le Che nu caah tocbilo, ca bin alcabil u hadze Peko. Ca tu yilah le Pek nu caah hadzbilo, ca bin alcabil u chie Mizo. Ca tu yilah le Miz nu caah chibilo, ca bin alcabil u hante le Cħoo. Ca tu yilah le Cħo nu caah hantbilo, ca bin alcabil u zute le cinco.

Then Cockroach's spirit was contented again.

Ca cimacchah u yol X-Kuruch tucaten.

Click to view a story In Sihuat Huan Ipitzou which parallels that of 'Mouse who took Cockroach's Five Cent Piece' written in Mexica language (Nahuatl of Pueblo).

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