Combined DictionaryConcordance of the Yucatecan Mayan Language
Update posted 7-14-03
-Vn- Na, zic
-Vn- db) a particle around which an adjective or adverb is reduplicated to intensify the quality of the modifier. The V can be any one of the five vowels, although the prefered vowels are e and u. A similar particle is -Vl-.
The following are examples of the use of this particle:
-an- (vowel length regular)
k088 lebetic chen zacanzac in pixan in tal in uilech
ta cuchil
k236 chen zacanzac a nok ix zuhuy
-en- (vowel length regular)
cam) hokenhok: cadena. cam) thumenthun: gota a gota, salpicadamente.
crm) yothenyoth: 8: manoseado en muchas partes. crm) yibaan: 8; yibahaan: 8; yibil: 8; yiblac: 8; yiblic: 8: derretido, fundido. yibenyib: 8: exprimido, derretido. yibicbal: 8: derretido. crm) yedzaan, yedzahaan, yedzel, yedzlac, yedzlic, yeyedzci: 8: exprimido. yedzenyedz: 8: exprimido en varias partes. yeyedzahan: 8: crm) yalayal: 8: cosa de muchos dobleces. yalenyal: 8: capas, aforros, lechos. yalmanyal: 8: por capas o lechos sobrepuestos.
ebm) putenput. heteromys gaumeri. gaumer's spiny rat. lit. the carrier.
ems) detenido a trechos: nic-en-nic. ems) gota a gota: cħeh-um cħeh, thun-en thun-en tun.
nel) priva lappulacea (l.) pers. - verbe.: zayuntzay, tzayentzay, tzayuntzay -- med.
e142 ti ix hun molhi cahi ti tzucentzucil ti u hol u popobi
k201 hela tan'c ilic thuchenthuch yokol caanal uitzoob
k230 dza u bakel hopenhop tu nak a kab
mr388.002 hucħbil yabacna lay cħuyencħuy ti koben
ca teppec ti pidz
-un- (vowel length regular)
cam) hacħun-hacħ: las sienes. cam tippuntipp: pulso, la arteria.
crm) yalunyal: 3: entreverada cosa.
ebm) x-kantunbub. sanvitalia procumbens. lit. yellow canopy. This plant has the same virtues as the yerba de la golondrina, ahpakunpak.
ems) abierto de pies: xachunxach. ems) investigar: xach-un xach. ems) superpuestas cosas: taz-un taz. ems) trechos, a: xach-un xach.
nel) mentzelia aspera l. - loasa.: tzayuntzay, tzotzkab, tzootzkab (pegarropa) -- med., mel. nel) priva lappulacea (l.) pers. - verbe.: zayuntzay, tzayentzay, tzayuntzay -- med. nel) euphobia dioica (h. b. et k.) millsp. - eupho.: mehenxanabmucuy, xpakumpak (?) -- med.
-n- db) one of various consonants which are inserted between a verb root and intransitive verbal suffixes, being prefixed onto the intransitive verb marker -Cah-. Thus, meyah = to work: meyah, meyahnahi, meyahnahaan, meyahnahac / meyahnac. See grammar, Section 82.
e604 yutzil ix chacoob bin meyahnacobi
f318 ma ix kuchi cħabnaci ku metnali, bolon dzacab
Na 1) (vowel length clipped) db) mother. Frequently spelled naa in colonial texts.
cam) ci: en composicion: despues que. ahci cab, cimci in naa. despues que amanecio &. my mother died. cam) hachna: madre legitima. cam) et-naa: comadre de mujer a mujer. cam) ixkakat-na-tzucil: ramera. cam) xkakatnatzucil: ramera. cam) u can em yalen in na. soy el cuarto hijo de mi madre. cam) mahan-na: madrasta. cam) nabil: vease naabil. naabil: madre sin nombre de quien. cam) naa: madre, nombrando de quien. cam) naail: madre sin denotar de quien. cam) naala: maternizar, parecerse a su madre. cam) nailah: madrina o la que esta en lugar de madre. cam) naintah: tomar por madre. cam) nailan: patrona, madrina. cam) zac-na: madrasta. cam) dzena: tia hermana de madre. cam) yena: madrina.
crm) ye na: 7,8: madrina.
ems) madre: naa.
mtm) Naa: madre de hijos. ¶ Vnde: naa in cah ti Juana: tengo a Juan por mi madre; in naa valic Juana: llamola madre. ¶ çac na .l. mahan naa: madrastra. mtm) Naa: madre. ¶ de donde salen muchos nombres, assi como v na cab: la maestra de las colmenas. ¶ v naa cħuplal: la madre o matriz donde se engendra la criatura. ¶ v naa kab: el dedo pulgar. v naa oc: el dedo pulgar del pie, ettz. mtm) Naa: madre. ¶ Vnde: naa v cah çob: madre tienen las bubas llamadas çob, que es vna llaga que sale quando ellas quieren salir como madre que las engendra. ¶ naa v cah kak: el fuego o viruelas tienen madre, y es vna bexiga muy grande, mala de sanar. ¶ naa v cah mukay: madre tiene la grana o cochinilla, y es quando son grandes, de las quales salen los hijos dichos yal mukay. mtm) ah baxal na, ah baxal yum: hijo desobediente y grand bellaco que burla de sus padres. mtm) ah mab yum, ah mab naa: atrevido y que menosprecia, niega, o desconoce a sus padres, o que no los obedece. mtm) ah ma yum, ah mac naa: lo mismo que ah mab yum, ah mab naa: atrevido etc. mtm) ah ma na: huerfano de madre.
sfm) Naa: madre. ¶ zac naa; mahan naa: madrasta. ¶ naalah; nailan: madrina, la que está en lugar de madre. ¶ naa katun: alférez. ¶ naa kab: dedo pulgar. ¶ etel naa: comadre.
vns) Adán, nuestro primer p[adr]e: yax yuum, yax uinic, yax anom, yax na. vns) Calostros de muger, leche nueba: kan i[m] na. vns) Chismear, deçir de la muger al marido, o del marido a la muger, y chisme[s] así: [a]al than, hahal than. Açotóme [mi] marido por los chismes de su m[adr]e: u hadzaen u uicham tumen yal than u naa. Chismoso: ah al than. vns) Cuajarse la sal en las salinas: tzayal taab. No se cuaja la sal en las salinas, si no tiene madre: matan u tzayal tab ich chijbe, u manan u nae.
c135 mamac bin a dzab cech ah mab nae, cech ah mab yume
c185 likaan u che, likaan u tunich yokol u na, yokol u yum
c313 ti ual yalic u than ix ma yum, ix ma na, tu kinil,
tu katunil uale
c336 lay u than cech ah mab nae, cech ah mab yume
d162 ma nach yan u kin u ualak yokol yetel u mehen
ah nab na, ah nab yum
d358 tumen ah nab na, ah nab yum
td358 tumen ah mab na ah mab yum
i069 likul u kikel ix ma na, ix ma yum u talel lae
i192 lay u na yoce
me001.027 6; he u bel nohol yan tu yam u na u kab uinic
me001.061 14; he hunppel u bel nohol yan tu yam u na u kab
mr032.019 ca a dza tu hol u na u nak
mr037.001 u na u nak x- cħup
mr064.019 u cħalatil xan hunppel vena yan
tu na u kab yetel yoc cħuplal
mr064.049 venas yan tu na u kab uinic
lay yan chumuc u tuchube
rb131.001 zam tun bacin in chelcunech cen a nae, cen a yume
rb160.013 ti a cħaah a kaba ti zinanil cech
pel u na ta uach
rb202.008 yalech ix uinic, yalech ix nae
Na 2) (vowel length regular) db) house.
cam) ahauna: palacio real. cam) balnail: familia. cam) chana, tah: v.a. reñir, afrentarse en su propia casa. cam) ciznebna: ventana. cam) chichina: de casa en casa. cam) ichna: dentro de casa. cam) kakalna: casa publica, meson. cam) kuna: iglesia. cam) na, nail: casa. cam) unoyna: sala. cam) yebecna: hollin. cam) yabacna: hollin.
crm) yam, ich na, uay: 11: recinto. crm) u yalal na: 2: pieza de casa. crm) ahaulil na: 1,3; tepal na: 3; tepalil na: 3: casa o camara real. ahaulil na: 11: alcazar. crm) akab na: 3: obscura casa. crm) akbal na; tahahem co: 5: infierno.
ebm) x-cotz-cab-na, or x-catz-cab-na. (unidentified by Roys.) ebm) kuch. a species of vulture. One of the maya terms for pestilence was oc-nail-kuch, lit. When the vultures enter the houses.
ems) casa comunal: po-pol na. ems) casa material: na. ems) choza pequeña: ppuc na. mtm) babaltan: unos maderos gruesos que van puestos en las yglesias o en las casas de los indios que son de paja, van a lo largo a manera de solares. u babaltanil na: soleras assi.
mtm) Na: casa, no denotando cuya. mtm) ahaulil na: casa o camara real. mtm) ah baal na: padre de familias. mtm) ah bohol na: escudriñador al descubierto de la casa de otro. mtm) ah canan u uol, l. chi na: portero. mtm) ah chan naob: los convidados. mtm) ah chinatok: cobrador riguroso. mtm) ah hol na cab: la abeja portera de la colmena. mtm) ah hol pop: principe del combite. item, el casero dueño de la casa llamada popol na donde se juntan a tratar cosa de republica etc. mtm) ah kakaz na, ah kakatancil: vagundo. mtm) ah kunail uinic: eclesiastico, hombre de la iglesia. mtm) ah mab na: escudriñador cauteloso de casa agena. mtm) ah mac na chac: aguazero grandes y duran mucho que hazen que la gente este encerrada en casa. mtm) ah mahan na, ah mahan otoch: morador en casa agena. mtm) ah mahan na, ah mahan nail pepem: mariposas grandes. mtm) ah na katun: capitanes de guerra. mtm) ah tooc naob: incondarios, que queman casas. mtm) ah xoy na: escudriñador de casa agena. mtm) babacnac: cosa assi ancha y muy abierta. babacnac yoc haa: rio ancho. babacnac u uolaa: abierta y ancha es la puerta.
sfm) Na; otoch: casa. ¶ nocac; actun: casa de piedra o boveda. ¶ pak na; cħic na: hacer casa de piedra. ¶ ahau na: grande casa real. ¶ tocoy na: casa que no se mora. ¶ poopol na: casa del cabildo. ¶ poopol na; u poopol na tuzblal: casa donde se juntan a bailar. sfm) Na; pacel; pazel: choza, casilla, ramada. sfm) hunac na: una casa.
vns) Açaguan: u tancabal na. vns) Açotea: yokol na, yokol nocac. vns) Andar de casa en casa: çut chichi na. çuçutac chi na. vns) Andar de en casa en casa comiendo de mog[oll]ón: kop na. Ansí anda Ju[an]: kop na u cah Juan. vns) Andar de en casa en casa contando cuentos: xoc chi na. vns) Antepuerta: u pix hol na. vns) Arco del edifiçio: ppum. Arco de la casa: u ppumil na, u ppumil nocac. Arco echo de madera, para edificar: ppum che. vns) Audiençia o consistorio o casa de comunidad: yotoch cah, tzucul na. vns) Barra o cabaña: paçel, ppuuc na, ppuucul na. vns) Bóueda de edifiçio: ppum .l. tem pak. Bóueda haçer: ppuntah tzal pak. Aced la bóueda de la casa: ppumtex na. vns) Canto o esquina: u xuk nail, u xuk nocac. vns) Casa, absolutamente, sin denotar cuya: [na, u chij na. Allá está en la casa]: tij yan ich na. ¿Quántas casas ay en [vuestro] pueblo?: bahun u chi na ta cahalex? vns) Casa, denotando cuia: otoch, u chij otoch. vns) Casa nueba echa: hopp na, otoch. Viuo en casa nueba: hopp na in cahtal. vns) Casa haçer de paja, o atarla: kax na, çic na. Por bentura, ¿has echo casa así en domingo?: kax nanech ua ti domingo?, a kaxah a uotoch ti domingo?. vns) Casa bieja: lab na, lab otoch. vns) Casa sin cerca: ixma colol cheil na. vns) Casa baçía, sin cosa: hoch na, hoch otoch, ixma bal na. vns) Casa llena de trastos: baalan na, balan otoch. vns) Casa desierta y desecha: tocoy na, tocoy otoch. vns) Casa de dos orcones: ca thil na, ca thi[l] yocomal na. vns) Casa grande y cumplida: cheleb na, cheleb otoch. vns) Casa abierta por todas partes, como las rramadas desta tierra: çuta[an] na, çutan otoch. vns) Casa de piedra: nocac cal, otochbil cal, noc[a]c pak. vns) Casa, por la familia o gente de casa: baalnailob. vns) Caua[ñ]a: ppuuc na, ppuucul na, ppuxuc paçel. vns) Costalejo hecho de ojas de palmas: naa ça. vns) Cubrir las casas de paja o de guano: çic na. Cubri[d] así la casa: çic tex na ti xa[a]n.
a358 hunpay ix tu yoxppel kinile u cuchil chumuc na
a705 ti ah kinoob chilam balam yetel na puc tun yetel
ah kin pech
h056 balam na u holpop ti xaman
h161 u chun u uinicil ah nae, lay chel nae u mamoob
h162 ca tun kuchoob te be nae; ti kahi u na tiobi
i056 ca u kaxoob nohoch na; uac thil u uaan,
hun dzitil yocmal
j106 bin uchuc oc nail kuchil
j300 2; u than ah na puc tun, ah kin
j342 5; u than ah na hau pech, ah kin
j416 bin yaloob hach talaniloob u mehen uuc tocoy naob,
j417 yaloob uuc tocoy naob yume
rq041 hozaan xan ti zac muyalil na
rq062 ti ox kin ti cacobil in yum ti noh na
ti noh cacabil yum
rt005 ti na caan
mr032.014 ua mae zac mizib ca tun --- yoxou tu hol u na
mr080.012 u pach nale xan cu papahal tu pach nae
mr091.004 ua mae u macap na yetel u macap x- koch
yetel x- kum tulub
mr096.009 u xak yetel u ppuppuyul u bel ha tu pach na
mr119.005 ca a cħuycint tu chi na ocnakin
mr159.003 tu kab cħilib tu tzic na bay ich acitz
tu pache yetel yiklel
mr259.005 yedzbil u kab chacbil chay ca a dza ti yeb
tu chi na
mr373.005 yotoch kanal zibil na u habale xux yetel yal xux
mr422.007 heuac paybentzil a yebtic yalan u moy na
rb055.013 u cħicħil ix kan dzul mo u na
rb067.006 heklay bin u pach naobe
t 041.125 ca hoppi ik lah lahi cheob naob hebal caanaltacob
lubi tumen ik
Na 2a) db) Parts of a house:
vns) varas o varillas que se ponen en las casas pajizas: u pac cheil na ti xaan.
Red/ChanK/34-35: The Maya house of poles, mud and thatch is found all over Yucatan; its construction differs from place to place only in details. In Chan Kom the mode of construction is as follows (Plate 4 and text-fig. 7a).
Two pairs of stout forked posts (ocom) are driven into the ground (in large buildings three pairs are used). The forks stand in the same plane as is occupied by the long dimension of the house; in them rest two horizontal beams (balo). At right angles with these, and resting upon them, are two long straight beams (pachna). Two more slender forked poles (tisera) rest upon the balo and, bound together at their upper ends, support the central roof beam (honache). Across the tisera, at their midpoints, are fastened two slender horizontal pieces (capac); the ends of these in turn support two long poles (tanche) which lie above and parallel to the pachna. Across the midpoint of the tanche lies a pole (belcħo) parallel to the capac. Rigidity is given to this framework by an oblique pole (x-nezinaan), fastened to tisera and to pachna (in some houses there are two of these, crossing each other). In some buildings, instead of the x-nezinaan, the xolmuch is used; this is a forked beam, placed with its forked end against the balo and with its upper end lashed to the honache.
Upon this framework are fastened smaller poles (uinciche) to form the walls and to make the supports for the palm-leaf thatch. Into the ground, between the ocom and in a curved line at the ends of the structure (moy), are driven posts (culub). To these are bound two bunches of withes (copomoi); to these latter are fastened long thin radiating poles (uinciche). To the uinciche are bound, at right angles, many slender parallel withes (hil), upon which are later hung the palm leaves that form the thatch. In many houses added rigidity is given to this framework of the roof by inserting, evenly spaced, three thicker poles (xolchemoi or latmoi), that are fastened to the two bunches of copomoi.
The wall is made in one of two ways. The sketch shows the technique known as cololche (fig. 7b). Slender verticle poles (cololche) are interwoven with three horizontal poles (hilche) that are in turn bound to the culub. Sometimes added strength is given by inserting a few heavier vertical posts (mulche), and by binding them to the interlacing poles. In the other technique (chuyche) heavier posts are placed close together and driven a short distance into the ground. Heavy withes (bahche or copoche) are bound ("sewed," they say) to the outside of this fence; and there is no interweaving. If the walls are to receive a mud plaster, then (in both kinds of wall) a number of slender horizontal withes (chacanche) are fastened to the interior to support this plaster.
"You look for a place which is very good for leveling the ground to make a house. After getting the place ready, you look for the most important beams, which are the horcon (ocom). Then you look for the balos, the pachna, then the belcħo, then the tijeras, then the cabellete (honache). These are the principal beams.
"Then you look for the uinciche, then you look for the hil, then you look for the vines (ak). When you find some vines, you cut them and begin to scrape them to get off all the little twigs. There is a vine called anicab which can be used dry, but the others can not be used dry.
"The anicab is used when it is dry by wetting it in water. The others can not be; they are breakable. They are only used green.
"You have to cut them in the middle and begin to tie them.
"You begin to cut the palm leaves even if they are dry. You can dry them if they are not dry. You get up there and begin to put them in place. After tying them and covering the whole slope of the roof with palm leaves, you cover the top ridge with palm leaves. This is called pach-hol [this means thatching the ridge pole]. After finishing all this, you cut the bajereque [coloche] - these are the poles which are put so [vertical], for the walls. After getting together all the poles, you begin to put them in their places, fastening them with vines. After this, if you are very poor you make the door to the house with vines, which door we call in Maya x-macak, vine cover. That is the door of sticks and vine. And if you wish, you look for the very red earth and you mix it with zacate. Mostly you find red earth (chac kancab), where ants live. You can use the ant hills. You collect the earth and wet it and you make the mixture for the plaster. After doing all this you can go to your house with a feeling of security.
"Sascab is a soft white stone which is found on the top of the ground. It is used to make the walls of masonary houses.
"The principal beams are of a wood which is called chacte. Yaxek is another kind. It is a very hard wood. If the house burns, the beams do not burn. Oxcitinche is used for the fork posts (ocom); dzudzuc is also used. These four woods are the only ones which can be used for posts, because other woods can not be put in the ground, as they don't last many years, and when you put up a house, it is for your life. The pachna are mostly of zac-cuyziche which is used for upper beams which are not put in the ground.
"Or else you look for another kind, iciche. In this house the belcħo and the tijeras are of iciche. Mostly those which are used above are of two or three sorts - zac-cuyziche, iciche, chactecoc, or chimtok. The uinciche are of elemuy, the hil is also of elemuy, or if not, we use dzudzuc."
Na 2b) db) in deity names:
Roys/Bac/143: Ix Ahau-na ("palace-lady"). She is said to come into the heart of the sky and is associated with a "cenote lady." (x tan dzonot) Cited in an incantation for certain ulcers (x- chac anal kak) (MS p. 109).
rb109.007 tali tan yol caan ix ahau na
Na 2b) db) in a proper name: most probably "the house of", but perhaps "mother". As can be seen in the example from the autobiography written by Jose Sabino Uc in 1871, the proper name of a child was built up of four parts: the male or female prefix, ah / ix or later h- / x-, the word na (house of), the mother's last name, and the father's last name. Thus Jose Sabino's proper name is H-Na Couoh Uc: ten Jose Sabino Uc in kaba, H-Na Couoh Uc, . . . H-Na Menche Uc in yum, X-Na Kin Couoh in na, (I, Jose Sabino Uc being my name, he of the house of Couoh Uc, . . . He of the house Menche Uc was my father, she of the house Kin Couoh was my mother,) This of course would make every male child and every female child in a marriage have the same names. However, there were and even now are alternative names by which a person is more commonly known.
Landa/Rel/41: Los nombres de los padres duran siempre en los hijos; en las hijas no. A sus hijos e hijas los llamaban siempre por el nombre del padre y de la madre; el del padre como propio, y el de la madre como apelativo; de esta manera, el hijo de Chel y Chan llamaban Nachanchel (Na Chan Chel), que quiere decir hijos de fulanos y esta es la causa (por lo cual) dicen los indios que de un nombre son deudos y tratan por tales
a705 ti ah kinoob chilam balam yetel na puc tun yetel
ah kin pech
c433 ca u xocah u codz katune yetel ah kin Na Puc Tun
c547 ti ulion cen Ah Kauil Cħel yetel Ah Na Puc Tun
yetel Ah Xupan Nauat
c567 coon Ah Kauil Cħel yetel Ah Na Puc Tun
ti cahil Uxmal
d180 Ah Na Pot Xiu u kaba
j300 2; u than ah na puc tun, ah kin
j342 5; u than ah na hau pech, ah kin
g147 u kinil lay cimci ah pul ha, Na Pot Xiu
g289 lay ix u katunil cimci ah pul ha, Na Pot Xiu u kaba
Na 3) (vowel length uncertain) db) even. See also ena.
cam) na: aun. hadzi na juan ena yohel u xoc. azotaron aun a juan, sabiendo su leccion. cam) lic: si suelo, para afirmar lo que suele hacerse. lic na u hanal kohane: suele comer el enfermo.
mtm) Na: postpuesta significa aun. ¶ Ti hadzi na Juan ena mabal v koch, noh xicili tun a nahil hadzal cech yaab a çipile: aun açotaron a Juan con no tener culpa, quanto mas mereces tu ser açotado teniendo muchos pecados. ¶ ma na tan yutzcin v than padre, xicili tun v than batab: aun no haze lo que dize el padre, quanto mas lo que dize el cacique. ¶ keban ina yoclabal v balvba vinicobe, metili tun noh kebanil yoclabal v balvba kue: aun es pecado hurtar la hazienda de los hombres, quanto mas la de dios. ¶ Tambien se dize: lici tac na ca hanal: agora era propia que estuieramos comiendo.
Na 3a) mtm) Na: postpuesta en oraciones de subiuntiuo denote "si". ¶ ma ina nan in cħuplil ca xicen vilab Castilla: si no tuuiera muger fuera a ver a Castilla. ¶ cuxan ina a yum ca tacech tin pach: si estuuiera biuo tu padre vinieras conmigo.
Na 4) (vowel length uncertain) db) an alternative spelling of nab = lance in the name of the variety of deer called either pudznab or pudz na: a deer with sharp, unbranched, antlers, perhaps classified as Cariacus virginianus, from pudz = needle and nab = lance. See also pudz bak, ceh, yuc.
ems) venado de cuernos puntiagudos: pudz na.
Na 5) sfm) Na; nac; amba; anba; yukba; temba: ruido, sonido (como de trueno).
Na caah (vowel length regular) db) contraction of bin a caah, the immediate future tense indicator, in which the bi- of bin has been dropped and the remaining n joined to a.
rd001.199 na caah bacan taze yum miztun balam
desde beyora bacan
Na, can titz vns) Cuadrada c[a]sa: u can tzep na, u can [ti]tz na. Cuadrar poniendo en [c]ua[d]ra: cantitzcunah.
Na, can tzep vns) Cuadrada c[a]sa: u can tzep na, u can [ti]tz na. Cuadrar poniendo en [c]ua[d]ra: cantitzcunah.
Na che nel) colubrina reclinata brongn. - rhamn.: zaknache -- med., tint.
Na, chi vns) Concomarcanos o conte[rr]áneos: et cah[e]lelob, et chij naob.
Na, cuc vns) Culata de la casa: cuc na. Cubrid de guano la culata de la casa: çic tex u cuc nail.
Na dzul cam) xnadzul: especie de cucaracha.
Na Hau Pech db) one of the priests who gathered at Chilam Balam's house in Ecab to hear a prophecy. Ah Na Hau Pech = he of the house of Hau (mother's patronym) and Pech (father's patronym).
Roys/Chu/186: Nahau Pech is believed to have lived about four katuns, or eighty years, before the coming of the whites, which would be about the time of the fall of Mayapan. He was probably a member of the powerful Pech family which governed the Province of Ceh Pech at the time of the Conquest.
j189 licil u payal chi ah kin Na Hau Pech
yetel ah kin Kauil Cħel
j342 5; u than Ah Na Hau Pech, ah kin
Na haxab kak vns) Artifiçio para sacar fuego: haxab kak. El palo de abajo: u naa kaxab kak.
Na ichim cam) naichim: vease naachim. naachim: madre querida.
Na, hol vns) Çerr[a]r comoquiera: mac. ah ab. Çerrad la puerta [o la boca de la tinaja]: macex u hol na, u hol tinaja. Çerrarse lo que estaua abierto: macchahal, macdzahal, maclahal.
Na, hol vns) Cubrir el caualle[tel de la casa pajiça con guano: muc hol na ti xa[a]n.
Na kab db) thumb, from na = mother and kab = hand. The rest of the fingers are called yal kab, from al = child and kab = hand. u yam u kab: between the fingers. u yam u na u kab: between the thumb and the fingers. u yam u thupil u kab: between the little finger.
cam) naakab: dedo pulgar.
sfm) U na kab: dedo pulgar.
i194 lay u na u kabe
me001.027 6; he u bel nohol yan tu yam u na u kab uinic
me001.061 14; he hunppel u bel nohol yan tu yam u na u kab
mr064.019 u cħalatil xan hunppel vena yan
tu na u kab yetel yoc cħuplal
mr064.049 venas yan tu na u kab uinic
lay yan chumuc u tuchube
Na katun mtm) ah na katun: capitanes de guerra.
Na kaz nel) thrinax radiata (j. a. et j. h. schult) lodd. - palma.: cħit, canalxaan, cultok, nakaz -- art., com., med.
Na nak Roys/Eth/19; womb.
mr038.001 u na u nak x- cħup
mr038.004 ca a dza tu na u nak
mr043.006 ca tun a dza tu hol u na u nak
mr043.010 a dza tu hol u na u nak la cħuplal
mr424.009 omanzabil ca dzabac tu hol mah u na u nak
Na, nix vns) Corriente de la cassa: u nix na, u cabal nix na. Corriente a una y otra p[ar]te: cahmat u nix na. Corriente estar así alguna cosa: nixaan, nix cabal. Algún tanto más corriente: nixaan nixaan. [Correr cuesta abajo o de lado]: nixcunah.
Na oc db) big toe, from na = mother and oc = foot. The rest of the toes are called yal oc, from al = child and oc = foot.
i192 lay u na yoce
i581 heklay u na oc yetel yalobe
mr064.019 u cħalatil xan hunppel vena yan
tu na u kab yetel yoc cħuplal
Na Pot Xiu db) Ah Na Pot Xiu = he of the house of Pot (mother's patronym) and Xiu (father's patronym). There appears to be two historical personages with this name, both of whom had the official title of Ah Pul Ha (he who throws water, a priest apparently responsible for rain ceremonies). The first Na Pot Xiu died in the year 4 Kan, being the sixth year of 13 Ahau Katun, on the day 18 Zip, 9 Imix, which by colonial reckoning falls on September 7th, 1493. There is no note as to why he died. The second Na Pot Xiu was killed in the year 8 Cauac, being the first year of 9 Ahau Katun, on the day 13 Akbal, 5 Zip, which by colonial reckoning falls on August 27, 1536. This second Ah Na Pot Xiu was killed along with other nobles from Uxmal at Otzmal by the Cocomes of Zutubta (Sotuta) while on their way to a pilgramage to Chi Cħeen Itza.
d180 Ah Na Pot Xiu u kaba
g141 oxlahun ahau cimci ah pul ha
g147 u kinil lay cimci ah pul ha, Na Pot Xiu
g289 lay ix u katunil cimci ah pul ha, Na Pot Xiu u kaba
c 085.025 yoklal u cimzabal halach uinicil cah
Ah Dzun Xiu Otzmal
Na, ppuc vns) Capilla de yglessia: ppuuc na pak, u ppuuc na pakil yotoch ku. vns) Choça: ppuc na, paçel. Si es peq[ue]ña: ix dzedz pa[ç]el.
Na Puc Tun db) Ah Na Puc Tun = he of the house of Puc (mother's patronym) and Tun (father's patronym): one of the priests who gathered at Chilam Balam's house in Ecab to hear a prophecy. From the texts it appears that he was a traveling companion of Ah Kauil Cħel and Ah Xupan Nauat, apparently as envoys of Hun Uitzil Chac, the ruler of Uxmal, and that in 1544 he helped Ah Kauil Cħel write the Cuceb.
Na Puc Tun is behind Nacom Balam (or officially Chilam Balam) one of the most mentioned personage in the colonial material. At some point he journeyed with Ah Kauil Cħel and Ah Xupan Nauat, all three being in the employ of Ah Hun Uitzil Chac Tutul Xiu of Uxmal to Bakhalal (Bacalar), Chactemal (Chetumal) and Nitun Dzala (Point Dzala, where ever that may be) in a year 8 Muluc (1562?, 1510?: the text is very confusing about the date). Ah Kauil Cħel says that he "has put the preceeding material (The Cuceb) in writing (hieroglyphs?) on 18 Zac 11 Chuen on the 15th day of February, 1544." This makes it that the text was written in a year 2 Hiix (1543?, 1595?), which means that the Cuceb was written 33 years after their return to Uxmal in 8 Muluc. It is interesting to note that there is an introductory note to the Cuceb in the Codex Perez paralleled by the Kaua in non-Spanish Spanish (Rene Acuña's opinion; that is that the Spanish in the note seems to be the work of a non-Spanish speaker) which is a calendar explanation and was written in 1595 in the year of 2 Hiix (como fue este año de 1595, que fue ah cuch haab ca hiix). Now maybe it is just coincidental that the calendar note was written in the year 2 Hiix, 1595 and the Cuceb begins with the year 13 Kan, 1593, and finally that Ah Kauil Cħel wrote the note that the Cuceb was written in 2 Hiix, but this time in 1544, (2 Hiix begun in 1543, but February of 2 Hiix falls in 1544) but I think that there is some connection, although I can't say exactly what the connection is. A thought might be that someone in 2 Hiix, 1595, was reworking a hieroglyphic text which was set down in the latter part of 2 Hiix, 1544. Or maybe latter copyists bungled the copying job or introduced bogus dates. That is certainly true of the Kaua copyist who substituted 1796 for 1595. It seems that there are two real possibilities on the dates:
Date returned |
Date Written |
1510 |
1544 (thus most probably in glyphs) |
1562 |
1595-1596 |
If the first set of dates is correct then we have the following possibility:
Date returned |
Date Written, Glyphs |
Date Written, Script |
1510 |
1544 |
1595-1596 |
Incidently, the writer of the Latin script text is very clear about one point: he is transcribing the Cuceb from hieroglyphs. (tin hokzah ti uooh)
It is clear that Na Puc Tun is very important and there is a conjecture that he or Ah Kauil Cħel might be responsible for much of the earlier material which forms the core material for the various Books of Chilam Balam. That is, there is a certain similarity of style between the Cuceb, the Katun prophecies Series I, the Tizimin Katun prophecies Series II, the loose set of Katun prophecies, and U Tzol Than Ah Kinoob in which the prophecies of Ah Xupan Nauat, Ah Na Puc Tun, Ah Kauil Cħel, Ah Natzin Yuban Chan, Ah Na Hau Pech, and last but not least Chilam Balam are given. This similarity of style of course could be due to a school of tradition, but I have a feeling that it is deeper than that; that we are looking at the work of either a very close group which the above named seemed to have been, or for me more probably of one man who was connected with that group. That is, it seems to me that much of the Colonial material which shows little christian/european influence is the work of one person and that this writer was active in the late 1500's, and in particular in 1595. Now whether Ah Kauil Cħel was this writer and Na Puc Tun and Nacom Balam were two people who he particularly idolized and thus wrote down their words is something which I can not make a judgement on.
a060 bay tzolci yax ah miatz Merchise,
yax ah bobat Na Puc Tun
a705 ti ah kinoob Chilam Balam yetel Na Puc Tun yetel
Ah Kin Pech
c433 ca u xocah u codz katune yetel ah kin Na Puc Tun
c547 ti ulion cen Ah Kauil Cħel yetel Ah Na Puc Tun
yetel Ah Xupan Nauat
c567 coon Ah Kauil Cħel yetel Ah Na Puc Tun
ti cahil Uxmal
j044 yetel ah kin Ah Na Puc Tun
j300 2; u than Ah Na Puc Tun, ah kin
Na, tan db) house, home. Properly spelled tan na but also tana. From tan "in front of" and na = "house".
sfm) Dzedz; u dzedzil na; u tan na: delantera o umbral de la casa.
rp115 ichil u col ti yan beo ua xan ich u tan na
Na, uitzil vns) Castillo o fortaleça: paa, uitzil na.
Na ya u beeltabal; ma talan: fácil (cosa), no difícil. (sfm)
Na za vns) Costalejo hecho de ojas de palmas: naa ça. vns) Cubrir con uano: badz .t. Cubre los beniquenes de sal con uano: badzte naça tab.
Na, zic vns) Cubrir las casas de paja o de guano: çic na. Cubri[d] así la casa: çic tex na ti xa[a]n.
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