Monumental Earthen Architecture at La Joya, Veracruz, México
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Research Year: 2007
Culture: Classic Veracruz
Chronology: Late Preclassic to Classic
Location: Municipio de Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz, México
Site: La Joya de San Martín Garabato
Table of Contents
Framework and hypothesis
Evaluation procedures
Field data
East Platform: Sequence of the third building stage
East Platform: Consecration offering of the first building stage
Chronology and function of the East Platform
Stratigraphic trenching
Preliminary interpretations
List of Figures
Sources Cited
La Joya, a major site in Central Veracruz, similar and contemporary to Cerro de las Mesas, is currently object of an approved excavation project targeting its monumental earthen architecture, severely damaged by brickmakers. Two monumental platforms, apparently palatial residences, revealed a sequence of spanning the first millennium CE, suggesting the existence of early state-level organization with possibly dual or alternate government, shedding new light on Protoclassic (epi-Olmec) and Classic society. Extensive excavations and stratigraphic trenching during 2007, funded by FAMSI, focused mainly on the East Platform, and resulted in a finer chronology of part of the platforms' sequences and a preliminary interpretation of political and symbolical functions of the excavated buildings.
La Joya, sitio mayor del Centro de Veracruz, similar y contemporáneo con Cerro de las Mesas, es objeto de excavaciones autorizadas en sus edificios monumentales, severamente dañados por ladrilleros. Dos plataformas, aparentemente residencias palaciegas, presentaron una secuencia abarcando el primer milenio, sugiriendo la existencia de una organización estatal temprana con posible gobierno dual o alterno, lo que arroja nueva luz sobre la sociedad Protoclásica (epi-Olmeca) y Clásica. Excavaciones extensivas y calas estratigráficas durante 2007, financiadas por FAMSI, se enfocaron principalmente en la Plataforma Este, y resultaron en el fechamiento más preciso de varias etapas constructivas y una interpretación preliminar de las funciones políticas y simbólicas de las plataformas.
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Submitted 03/11/2008 by:
Annick J.E. Daneels
Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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