Sacred Landscapes and Social Memory: The Ñuiñe Inscriptions in the Ndaxagua Natural Tunnel, Tepelmeme, Oaxaca
Vea este informe en Español.

Research Year: 2004
Culture: Chocho, Popoloca, and Mixtec
Chronology: Classic to Post Classic
Location: Tepelmeme de Morelos, Coixtlahuaca Basin, Oaxaca, México
Site: Ndaxagua Natural Tunnel, El Puente Colosal
Table of Contents
The setting
Mapping of the tunnel
Exploration of the tunnel
Surveys outside the tunnel
Photographic documentation of the tunnel's paintings
Assessment of the present condition of the paintings
Ethnographic inquires concerning the tunnel
Preliminary conclusions
Dissemination of results
Appendix 1- Ndaxagua Project personnel
List of Figures
During the summer of 2004, members of the Ndaxagua project carried out an anthropological investigation in a colossal natural tunnel near Tepelmeme de Morelos, in the Coixtlahuaca basin of northwestern Oaxaca. The research goals aimed at: 1) documenting a rich body of Pre-Hispanic inscriptions painted on the walls using both multi-spectral and conventional photography, 2) producing a topographic map of the through-cave to accurately determine its dimensions and to properly locate the paintings, 3) conducting a survey of the tunnel and of ancient settlements on top of several hilltops in its immediate vicinity to better contextualize the use of the cave through time, and 4) to engage indigenous people in conversations to elucidate the role played by the tunnel in the local social memory and cultural imagination.
Durante el verano del 2004, miembros del proyecto Ndaxagua llevamos a cabo una investigación antropológica en el túnel del "Puente Colosal" cercano a Tepelmeme de Morelos, en la cuenca de Coixtlahuaca al noroeste del estado de Oaxaca. Las metas de la investigación fueron: 1) documentar un rico legado de inscripciones prehispánicas pintadas en los muros usando técnicas fotográficas tanto multi-espectrales como convencionales, 2) producir un plano topográfico del túnel natural para precisar sus dimensiones y ubicar las pinturas, 3) llevar a cabo un recorrido de superficie dentro del túnel y en varios asentamientos antiguos en cerros aledaños para contextualizar el uso de la cueva a través del tiempo, y 4) participar en conversaciones etnográficas con gente del lugar para dilucidar el papel que juega el túnel en la memoria social y en la imaginación cultural local.
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Sacred Landscapes and Social Memory: The Ñuiñe Inscriptions in the Ndaxagua Natural Tunnel, Tepelmeme, Oaxaca (3.84 MB)
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Note: English and Spanish summaries of the Ndaxagua project, by Javier Urcid entitled: "Epiclassic Inscriptions in the Coixtlahuaca Basin, Oaxaca" ("Inscripciones del Epiclásico en la Cuenca de Coixtlahuaca, Oaxaca") have been published in Mexicon (2004) vol. XXVI (6): 119-120, and Arqueología Mexicana (2005) vol. XII (73): 20-21.
Submitted 11/27/2004 by: