Archaeological Investigations in the Holmul Region, Petén, Guatemala
Results of the Fourth Season, 2003
With contributions by: Jeremy Bauer, Molly Morgan, Angel Castillo, Nick Bentley, Jonathan Rodgers, Rush Clark (Cival), Jennifer Foley, Nina Neivens (La Sufricaya), Chris Hewitson, Judith Valle, Edy Barrios, Justin Ebersole, Juan Carlos Pere Calderón, Antonlin Velasquez (Holmul).
Conservation reports by: Angelyn Rivera and Leslie Rainer, Artelab s.r.l., Italy.

Research Year: 2003
Culture: Maya
Chronology: Late Pre-Classic to Classic
Location: Holmul Region, Petén, Guatemala
Sites: La Sufricaya, Holmul Site Center, Cival
The present is a preliminary report of the archaeological work carried out at Holmul in 2003. The field season started on May 13 and ended on June 30, 2003. The analysis of artifacts was conducted in the USAC-CUDEP laboratory in Flores, Petén between June 30 and July 18, 2003. Further analysis of all data is in progress at the time of this writing. A brief summary is given here of the highlights of the season with the major excavations and finds from each of the sites investigated. In the following chapters, excavation supervisors provide a detailed description of the stratigraphy and features encountered, accompanied by illustrations.
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Archaeological Investigations in the Holmul Region, Peten, Guatemala: Results of the Fourth Season, 2003 (7.30 MB)
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Submitted 10/09/2004 by:
Vanderbilt University
Department of Anthropology