Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2003:
Christina Luke

Ulúa-Style Marble Vase Project: Dissemination of Results


This project could not have been completed without the support of so many wonderful people and institutions. First, I am grateful to the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia for the opportunity to conduct research in Honduras. I wish to thank John S. Henderson (Cornell University) and Rosemary Joyce (UC Berkeley) for their friendship and comments during my dissertation writing. Robert Tykot (University of South Florida) has been an integral part of this research, responsible for all stable isotope results as well as expert guidance on marble sourcing. And, Anne-Louise Schaffer’s research for her exhibition On the Edge of the Maya World provided a base point for this study. Thanks to the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc., (FAMSI) for grant funds provided for the dissemination of my dissertation. Funding for the fieldwork and museum research came from the following institutions: National Science Foundation (dissertation improvement grant), Geological Society of America, Sigma Xi, Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies at Cornell University, Hirsh Fellowship at Cornell University, Sage Fellowship at Cornell University and the Anthropology Department at Cornell University. Finally, I must thank the following institutions and their respective curators, photographers, registrars, and administrative staff who provided photographs, archival information, and in many cases samples from the vases. In alphabetical order: the American Museum of Natural History (curator: Charles E. Spencer, previous curatorial assistant: Tom Cuddy, conservators Judith Levinson and Samantha Alderson); Baltimore Museum of Art (curator: Katharine W. Fernstrom, rights and reproduction coordinator: Beth Ryan); British Museum, London, England (curator: Jim Hamill); Chrysler Museum of Art (director: Jeff Harrison, associate registrar Irene Roughton, registrar assistant: Linda M. Cagney, conservator: Dee Ardrey); Cleveland Museum of Art (current curator: Sue Bergh, chief conservator: Bruce Christman, previous curator: Margaret Young-Sánchez); Cornell University; Dallas Museum of Art (curator: Carol Robbins, registrar: Ron Moody); Denver Art Museum (curator: Margaret Young-Sánchez); Denver Museum of Nature and Science (current curator: Steve Holen, previous curator: E. James Dixon; photo archivist Elizabeth H. Clancy); Dumbarton Oaks (director of Pre-Columbian studies: Jeffery Quilter, assistant curator: Loa Traxler); Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, Tegucigalpa, Honduras (director: Carmen Julia Fajardo); La Lima excavation house (Honduras) (director: Juán Alberto Dúron); Lowe Art Museum (registrar: Kara Schneiderman); Michael Carlos Museum, Emory University (curator: Rebecca Stone-Miller); Museum of Ethnology, Genoa, Italy (curator: Maria Camilla de Palma); Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University (director: E.W. Andrews, assistant director: Kathe Lawton); Museum of Mankind, Paris, France (curator: Daniel Lévine, assistant curator: François Gendron); Museum of Metropolitan Art (research associate: Heidi King); Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas (previous curator: Anne-Louise Schaffer); Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, Germany (curator: Maria Gaida); Mint Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina (curator: Michael Whittington); Municipal government collection in Orica, Honduras; Museo de Antropología e Historia, Honduras (director: Theressa Campos de Pastor); Museo de Comayagua, Honduras; Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica (curator: Ricardo Vázquez Leiva); Museo Popol Vuh, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala City (curator: Oswaldo Chinchilla); National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution (curator: Mary Jane Lenz; head of Photo Archives: Lou Stancari); New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana (associate registrar: Jennifer Ickes); Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University (previous curator: Gloria Polizzotti Greis, conservator: Scott Fulton, registrar: Genevieve Fisher); Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton University (curator: Gillett G. Griffin, previous curatorial assistant: Matthew H. Robb, conservator: Norman Muller); Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada (previous director: David Pendergast); Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England (former curator: Helen Sibley; former gallery assistant: Kay Poludniowski); Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. (museum specialist: David Rosenthal); South West Texas State University (archaeologist: James Garber); The Saint Louis Art Museum (Photography Department); University Museum of Manchester, England (keeper of ethnology: George Bankes); University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia (director: Jeremy Sabloff, assistant keeper: Melissa S.E. Wagner, photo archivist: Charles Kline, acting archivist: Alex Pezzati, senior conservator: Virginia Greene).

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