Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2004:
Sarah B. Barber

Proyecto Río Verde, 2003: Report on Excavations at Yugüe


The Proyecto Río Verde 2003 was generously supported by the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc., (FAMSI), the National Science Foundation, the University of Colorado Graduate School’s Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant, the University of Colorado Museum’s Walker Van Riper Fund, and the University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Anthropology.

The Consejo Nacional de Arqueología of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia in México provided the permits for this project. I am greatly indebted also to the staff at the Centro INAH-Oaxaca, including: Antropólogo Eduardo Lopez Calzada, Dr. Marcus Winter, and Arqueóloga Victoria Arriola. In the Municipio of Tututepec, I received a warm welcome and considerable assistance from Pres. Heladio Reyes Cruz, Lic. Mario Cordero, Lic. Jesus Franco, and all the members of the Community Museum board.

Staff included: Ryan Arp (Brandeis), Paul Cackler (CU-Boulder), Dr. Sandy Duncan (Stockton College emerita), Dr. Arthur Joyce (CU-Boulder), Dr. Arion Mayes (University of Oklahoma), Dr. Raymond Mueller (Stockton College), Elizabeth Paris (CU-Boulder), and Peter Swisher. The author thanks all of these individuals for their invaluable assistance.

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