Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2004:
Arturo René Muñoz

The Ceramic Sequence of Piedras Negras, Guatemala: Type and Varieties

Type List

The narrative in each of the preceding sections was intended as a brief overview of the Piedras Negras sequence and as an introduction to the more substantial portion of this report: the presentation of the revised type list–shown in each respective section, and a visual catalog of the ceramics. The visual catalog of ceramics is presented in the previous sections of this report with photographs linked, and as a table of thumbnail images in an upcoming section, Table of Images. An effort has been made to select photos as representative of the types as possible. This is particularly the case with the Late Classic materials. Few illustrations of Preclassic and Early Classic ceramics from Piedras Negras are presented here–the majority of these ceramics are similar if not identical to the equivalent types from elsewhere in the Petén. When there are significant differences between the Piedras Negras types or varieties and those identified at other sites, an effort has been made to include the appropriate photographs.

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