Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2004:
Arturo René Muñoz

The Ceramic Sequence of Piedras Negras, Guatemala: Type and Varieties

Sapote. Abal Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.   Polvero-Lechugal. Abal Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.   Dolines Red-on-Cream. Abal Ceramic Phase. Click to enlarge.
(Click on images to enlarge.)

The Abal Ceramic Phase (300 B.C.–A.D. 175)

Late Preclassic ceramics have approximately the same distribution as Middle Preclassic ceramics–it is almost entirely limited to the southern sector of the site, though a small amount of Late Preclassic ceramic was found in one of the C-group structures located at the far north end of the site. In most cases, Late Preclassic materials are found mixed with earlier, Hol phase, ceramics. However, a large deposit of unmixed Late Preclassic ceramics was found stratified above Middle Preclassic ceramics in front of Str. R-5.  This deposit proved key in defining this phase at Piedras Negras.

The Abal ceramic complex is dominated by monochrome reds, blacks, and creams. Slips are thick and waxy, and are frequently crazed. The most common forms are shallow dishes with thickened and slightly everted rims, or thickened direct rims, and jars with short, out-curving necks. Incising and fluting are the most common decorative modes. Common types include Altamira Fluted, Lechugal Incised, and Laguna Verde Incised.

In most respects, the Late Preclassic ceramics from Piedras Negras are nearly indistinguishable from Late Preclassic materials found elsewhere in the Petén. A particularly close resemblance is noted with Cantutse phase materials ceramics from Seibal (Sabloff 1975) and Plancha phase ceramics from Altar de Sacrificios (Adams 1971). It is important to note, however, that the medial or labial flanges typical of Late Preclassic ceramics found elsewhere is quite rare at Piedras Negras. The cause of this is curious and, for the moment, inexplicable.

Abal Ceramic Phase (300 B.C.–A.D. 175)
Ware Group Type Variety Figure
Achiotes Achiotes Alisado Achiotes  
Macabilero Alisado Macabilero  
Undesig. Unslipped VU  
Sapote Sapote Striated Sapote Sapote
VU A  
VU B  
Sierra Sierra Red Sierra Sierra
El Pato Bícromo El Pato  
Altamira Fluted Altamira Altamira
Laguna Verde Incised Laguna Verde  
Mito Sierra-Laguna Verde
Flor Flor Cream Flor  
Cantutse Incised Cantutse  
Flor Cream VU A  
Flor Cream VU B  
Polvero Polvero Black Polvero Polvero-Lechugal
Lechugal Incised VU  
La Vaca Bichrome La Vaca  
Boxcay Boxcay Brown Boxcay  
Esclavos Incised Esclavos  
Usumacinta Unslipped Quemadal Quemadal Alisado Quemadal  
La Línea Incised La Línea  
El Macho Micaceous Pejelagarto Red Pejelagarto Red Pejelagarto Pejelagarto
Pasadota Incised Pasadota  
Cojolita Bícromo Cojolita  
Karst Cream Karst Cream Karst Karst
Dolines Red-on-Cream Dolines Dolines Red-on-Cream
Okol Incised Okol  
Selva Alta Black Copal Bícromo Copal  
Boca del Cerro Brown Boca del Cerro Brown Boca del Cerro  
Comillas Incised Comillas  

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