Dating Cholula, México
List of Figures
Figure 1. Pyramid of Cholula, Puebla, México.
Figure 2. Popocatépetl volcano; the dark band at the base of the volcano is the lava flow known as the Pedregal de Nealtican.
Figure 3. View of house compound (Op. 31) at Tetimpa with the Popocatépetl volcano rising in the background.
Figure 4. Map of Cholula indicating areas from which 14C dates were obtained.
Figure 5. Pit 2 excavated into sterile tepetate underneath the Great Pyramid.
Figure 6. East-West tunnel, following the central staircase of phase A construction.
Figure 7. Collapse within Túnel 46, exposing adobe wall 49.
Figure 8. Chronological graph of radiocarbon dates associated with the early construction phases of the Cholula Pyramid.
Figure 9. Sample of Classic period ceramics recovered from the water well (Feature 1, Pit 6) at the Rancho de la Virgen.
Figure 10. Sample of ceramics recovered from bell-shaped pits on the Universidad de las Américas, Puebla campus.
Figure 11. Figurine from bell-shaped pit on Universidad de las Américas, Puebla campus.
Figure 12. Sample of ceramics from Level K in excavations at the Colegio Taylor.
List of Tables
Table 1. Radiocarbon dates (AMS) obtained from samples associated with early construction phases of the Cholula Pyramid (2003).
Table 2. Previous radiocarbon dates obtained from the Cholula Pyramid (2002).
Table 3. Radiocarbon dates obtained from samples associated with adobe platforms to the northeast of the Cholula Pyramid (Sondeo Arqueológico Rancho de la Virgen 2002).
Table 4. Radiocarbon date on charcoal from a bell-shaped pit on the Universidad de las Américas campus on the eastern edge of Cholula (Rescate Arqueológico UA-03A, 2003) and calibration of Mountjoy and Petersons date (1973:62).
Table 5. Radiocarbon dates from charcoal associated with Epiclassic/Early Postclassic ceramics found in test excavations on the north side of the main plaza of San Pedro Cholula (Sondeo Arqueológico Colegio Coley B. Taylor, 2002).
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