Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2004:
Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos

Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts from Cotzumalhuapa, Guatemala

List of Figures

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Figure   1.  Map of Southern Guatemala, showing the location of Cotzumalhuapa and other sites on the Pacific coast (DWF file).
Figure   2.  The Cotzumalhuapa Nuclear Zone (DWF file).
Figure   3.  Chronological chart for Escuintla, based on unpublished research by Frederick Bove, Sonia Medrano, and José Vicente Genovez.
Figure   4.  Operation VA11D plan and profile, showing a segment of the Gavarrete causeway (DWF file).
Figure   5.  San Juan Plumbate vessel deposited as a cache deposit inside the fill of the western parapet of the Gavarrete causeway, operation VA11D.
Figure   6.  3D view of the El Baúl acropolis, showing the location of the obsidian workshop.
Figure   7.  El Baúl obsidian workshop, showing the location of shovel tests and densities of obsidian debris.
Figure   8.  Earthen platforms delimited by rough stone alignments, excavated in the area of highest obsidian density, operation EB9.
Figure   9.  Plan of earthen platforms with rough stone alignments, in the area of highest obsidian density, operation EB9 (DWF file).
Figure 10.  Profile of P31 stratigraphic pit, showing packed obsidian deposits.
Figure 11.  Excavation profiles of P31 stratigraphic pit, operation EB9 (DWF file).
Figure 12.  Plan of probable sweat house excavated in the vicinity of the obsidian workshop dump, operation EB9 (DWF file).
Figure 13.  Excavations at the probable sweat house, looking northwest, showing the retention walls of the basal platform, operation EB9. The large rocks on the background stand on a promontory that was part of the obsidian workshop dump.
Figure 14.  General view of probable sweat house, showing inner stone pavement with circular depression on the southeastern corner of the room, operation EB9.
Figure 15.  Cueros vase deposited as a cache offering below the earthen floor at the entrance of probable sweat house, operation EB9.
Figure 16.  Black bowl used as a cover for the vase on Figure 15.
Figure 17.  Obsidian blade found inside the vase on Figure 15.
Figure 18.  Tiquisate vase with molded scene found in a shovel test near probable sweat house.
Figure 19.  Vase from Tomb III, Structure 24 at Guaytán (San Agustín Acasaguastlán) on the Motagua river valley. After Smith and Kidder 1943, figure 27b.
Figure 20.  Unprovenanced vase from the Museo Popol Vuh collection. Digital Rollout photograph by Nicholas Hellmuth, courtesy Museo Popol Vuh.

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