Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2003:
Gretchen Whalen

An Annotated Translation of a Colonial Yucatec Manuscript:
On Religious and Cosmological Topics by a Native Author

Exemplos. del Sanctissimo. Sacramento del altare              [p.316-324]
Examples Concerning the Most Sacred Sacrament of the Altar

Endnotes #68-73

  1. For a similar example, see CMM: tanlah: ca u chochah u çipil ti ma tan u tanle u kuxil. While the choice of words is slightly different, the theme is the same.
  1. Stories of visions of the host transformed into vivid images of Christ recur in medieval writings. See MacCulloch, Medieval Faith and Fable, 156-159. For illustrations of the theme, see Field, Fifteenth Century Woodcuts and Metalcuts, plates 229, 230. Some baptized Indians were supposed to have been granted this vision. According to Motolinía, some natives saw "a very shining child" when the host was elevated (Weckmann: 229).
  1. The author has written okolalil, contrition, for ocolalil, belief.
  1. ah kulem miatz: CMM, doctor sagrado.
  1. This appears as an example in the BMTV: çeremonias, como de misa y coro: kuil than. Mesclóse un judío entre los christianos desimuladamente, para ber las ceremonias que tenían: u lapah uba judio huntul ichil christianob ti mucul muculil, uchebal yilic u nuucul u kuil thanob cuchi.
  1. kuchan yaabil ti: BMTV, edad de discreción y tenerla.

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